856 resultados para Women college students--Michigan--Ann Arbor. Folk dancing--Michigan--Ann Arbor


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Comunicao apresentada na 44th SEFI Conference, 12-15 September 2016, Tampere, Finland


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OBJETIVO: Determinar la relacin de la imagen corporal percibida con el ndice de masa corporal real en estudiantes de la Escuela de Tecnologa Mdica de la Universidad de Cuenca. MATERIALES Y METODOS: Estudio transversal efectuado en estudiantes de la Escuela de Tecnologa Mdica, con una muestra probabilstica aleatoria de 250 alumnos. Previo consentimiento informado, se encuest a los estudiantes a travs del Cuestionario de la forma corporal elaborado por: Cooper, Taylor y Fairburn; posteriormente se les present a los estudiantes el test de fotografas corporales de los autores Harris y Col., en el cual eligieron una de las figuras con las que se sentan mejor identificados; consecutivamente se procedi a la toma de las medidas antropomtricas para la obtencin del estado nutricional; finalmente se compar la imagen corporal percibida con el estado nutricional de cada estudiante. La informacin fue analizada en el programa SPSS V22 y Excel 2013. RESULTADOS: Del total de la muestra de 251 estudiantes, el 69.7% presentaron un estado nutricional normal; el 4.4% bajo peso; el 20.7% sobrepeso y el 5.2% present obesidad. El 67.3% de los estudiantes present una adeudada percepcin de su imagen corporal, el 6.8% sobrestima su peso y el 25.9% de la muestra lo subestim. CONCLUSIONES: La mayor parte de los estudiantes universitarios presentaron una correcta percepcin de su imagen corporal, al compararla con el IMC real; se evidenci un mnimo porcentaje de distorsin, donde se present una tendencia a la subestimacin, condicin que aumenta el riesgo de padecer enfermedades relacionadas con la alimentacin.


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The book focuses on stress in the context of education and health. The first part is concerned with stress in educational settings including stress, anxiety, and coping of preschoolers, primary school children, college students adolescents and teachers. The second part deals with stress and its effects on health, e.g. while coping with a distaster, with chronic pain or myocardial infarction.


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BACKGROUND: This study explores the possibility that religious fundamentalism (RF) may be linked to deficits in personality structure, which is in contrast to the general assumption that religiosity and spirituality are positively related to mature personality development. SAMPLING AND METHODS: To test this hypothesis, 327 (232 female) college students completed the Multidimensional Inventory for Religious/Spiritual Well-Being together with the Innsbrucker Religious Fundamentalism Scale. In addition, the 'vulnerable dark triad' of personality ('vulnerable narcissism', subscale of the Pathological Narcissism Inventory; 'secondary psychopathy', subscale of Levenson's Self-Report Psychopathy Scale; 'borderline personality', of the Borderline Personality Inventory) was assessed. RESULTS: In general, the relation between spirituality and healthy personality functioning was confirmed. In addition to greatly overlapping with 'general religiosity' (p < 0.001), RF was also relevantly predicted by narcissistic ('hiding the self') and borderline ('primitive defenses') personality facets (p < 0.05 for both). CONCLUSIONS: Based on these preliminary data, we conclude that specific structural deficits in personality might lead to more rigorous variants of religious/spiritual beliefs such as RF. Further research in clinical surroundings as well as in religious extremist groups is recommended.


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The 'taste of food' plays an important role in food choice. Furthermore, foods high in fat, sugar and salt are highly palatable and associated with increased food consumption. Research exploring taste importance on dietary choice, behaviour and intake is limited, particularly in young adults. Therefore, in this study a total of 1306 Australian university students completed questionnaires assessing dietary behaviors (such as how important taste was on food choice) and frequency of food consumption over the prior month. Diet quality was also assessed using a dietary guideline index. Participants had a mean age of 20 ± 5 years, Body Mass Index (BMI) of 22 ± 3 kg/m(2), 79% were female and 84% Australian. Taste was rated as being a very or extremely important factor for food choice by 82% of participants. Participants who rated taste as highly important, had a poorer diet quality (p = 0.001) and were more likely to consume less fruit (p = 0.03) and vegetables (p = 0.05). Furthermore, they were significantly more likely to consume foods high in fat, sugar and salt, including chocolate and confectionary, cakes and puddings, sweet pastries, biscuits, meat pies, pizza, hot chips, potato chips, takeaway meals, soft drink, cordial and fruit juice (p = 0.001-0.02). They were also more likely to consider avoiding adding salt to cooking (p = 0.02) and adding sugar to tea or coffee (p = 0.01) as less important for health. These findings suggest that the importance individuals place on taste plays an important role in influencing food choice, dietary behaviors and intake.


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Attachment and interpersonal theory suggest a sequential pattern of relationships beginning in the earliest stage of development and progressing to social and eventually romantic relationships. Theoretically, cross-sex experiences have an important role in the progression of interpersonal relationships. Despite the prevalence of these theories about the nature of romantic relationship development, the linkage of cross-sex experience (CSE) to romantic relationships has not been established. Indeed, it is an intuitive assumption, especially within Western society and these theories do not consider socio-cultural factors that may influence CSE and relationship satisfaction. This study addresses the varying contextual factors that may contribute to relationship satisfaction and adjustment, aside from CSE, and is divided into two parts. Study 1, addresses CSE, relationship satisfaction, and adjustment in a unique population, ultra-Orthodox Jews. Among this population, social or romantic CSE is limited and sexes are effectively segregated. Study 2, expanded the study to a larger sample of U.S. college students, to assess the linkage of CSE to romantic relationship satisfaction in a more typical Western population. It included social norm and support variables to address the contextual nature of relationship development and satisfaction. Results demonstrated clear differences in the relation between CSE and relationship satisfaction in the two samples. In the first sample CSE was unrelated to relationship satisfaction; nevertheless, relationship satisfaction was associated with adjustment as it is for more typical populations with greater CSE. These results suggested the importance of specifying how social norms and social support relate to CSE, relationship satisfaction and adjustment. The results from the second sample were consistent with the theoretical framework upon which the social/romantic literature is based. CSE was directly connected to relationship satisfaction. As anticipated, CSE, relationship satisfaction, and adjustment also varied as a function of social norms and support. These findings further validate the influence of socio-cultural factors on relationship satisfaction and adjustment. This study contributes to the romantic relationship literature and broadens our understanding of the complex nature of interpersonal and romantic relationships.^


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Nas ltimas dcadas foram feitos grandes esforos para definir, conhecer e avaliar quais so as competncias informativas que os estudantes universitrios necessitam para poder progredir na sua aprendizagem e na sua insero no mercado laboral. Apesar do argumento de que os avanos tecnolgicos facilitaram o acesso informao, existe uma preocupao constante, porque os estudantes universitrios no possuem competncias suficientes para gerir e usar a informao: gerem quantidades enormes de informao atravs da Internet, mas no sabem o que fazer com ela, como avali-la, de que modo devem us-la ou aproveit-la de forma estratgica e tica. O questionrio IL-HUMASS sobre literacia da informao foi concebido e desenhado com o objetivo de avaliar competncias de informao e para ser aplicado populao de estudantes, professores e profissionais da informao dos diversos nveis na rea das Cincias Sociais e Humanas nas universidades espanholas e portuguesas. Contm 26 itens agrupados em quatro categorias (pesquisa, avaliao, processamento e comunicao e difuso da informao) e em trs dimenses de autoavaliao (importncia, autoavaliao e fonte favorita de aprendizagem). A avaliao das qualidades psicomtricas do IL-HUMASS para Portugus foi feita numa amostra de 1.077 estudantes universitrios portugueses. A anlise fatorial exploratria do questionrio indicou um ajustamento aceitvel, apoiando a estrutura original composta por quatro categorias para cada dimenso. O IL-HUMASS apresentou caractersticas psicomtricas aceitveis de consistncia interna e validade de constructo. As caractersticas psicomtricas do IL-HUMASS validam a sua utilizao no nosso pas em estudos que requeiram a avaliao de mltiplos indicadores, apresentando-se como particularmente til para avaliar e diagnosticar competncias em literacia da informao. Conclui-se com um diagnstico do nvel de competncias de informao dos estudantes universitrios, destacando algumas foras e debilidades, assim como uma proposta de interveno subjacente nas oportunidades de melhoria e de necessidades de aprendizagem.


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Nas ltimas dcadas foram feitos grandes esforos para definir, conhecer e avaliar quais so as competncias informativas que os estudantes universitrios necessitam para poder progredir na sua aprendizagem e na sua insero no mercado laboral. Apesar do argumento de que os avanos tecnolgicos facilitaram o acesso informao, existe uma preocupao constante, porque os estudantes universitrios no possuem competncias suficientes para gerir e usar a informao: gerem quantidades enormes de informao atravs da Internet, mas no sabem o que fazer com ela, como avali-la, de que modo devem us-la ou aproveit-la de forma estratgica e tica. O questionrio IL-HUMASS sobre literacia da informao foi concebido e desenhado com o objetivo de avaliar competncias de informao e para ser aplicado populao de estudantes, professores e profissionais da informao dos diversos nveis na rea das Cincias Sociais e Humanas nas universidades espanholas e portuguesas. Contm 26 itens agrupados em quatro categorias (pesquisa, avaliao, processamento e comunicao e difuso da informao) e em trs dimenses de autoavaliao (importncia, autoavaliao e fonte favorita aprendizagem). A avaliao das qualidades psicomtricas do IL-HUMASS para Portugus foi feita numa amostra de 1.077 estudantes universitrios portugueses. A anlise fatorial exploratria do questionrio indicou um ajustamento aceitvel, apoiando a estrutura original composta por quatro categorias para cada dimenso. O IL-HUMASS apresentou caractersticas psicomtricas aceitveis de consistncia interna e validade de constructo. As caractersticas psicomtricas do IL-HUMASS validam a sua utilizao no nosso pas em estudos que requeiram a avaliao de mltiplos indicadores, apresentando-se como particularmente til para avaliar e diagnosticar competncias em literacia da informao. Conclui-se com um diagnstico do nvel de competncias de informao dos estudantes universitrios, destacando algumas foras e debilidades, assim como uma proposta de interveno subjacente nas oportunidades de melhoria e de necessidades de aprendizagem.


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A criatividade tem sido mencionada desde h muito tempo pela literatura. A forma de a conceptualizar tem dependido em muito dos investigadores e da sua viso sobre o que criatividade, porm as suas potencialidades tm tomado cada vez mais interesse pela comunidade cientfica. Os seus benefcios estendem-se a diversas reas da vida humana, como sentimentos de satisfao, bem-estar e sade mental. A investigao aqui apresentada procura encontrar modelos preditivos de comportamentos criativos, pressupondo que estes podero ser de grande auxlio para o desenvolvimento de um melhor bem-estar psicolgico. Assim a investigao comportou o uso de quatro variveis: a pessoa, o processo, o produto e o ambiente criativo. A amostra contou com 215 estudantes universitrios e os resultados revelaram o encontro de quatro modelos preditivos de comportamentos criativos, com uma maior nfase nas artes visuais e manuais. Conclui-se com a ideia de que a predio de produtos criativos possvel e que tal poder ser preponderante para um bom desenvolvimento da sade mental.


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Projeto de Graduao apresentado Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obteno do grau de licenciada em Criminologia


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The Student Handbook provides information about many of the resources available at TTC. It contains information about the Colleges academic support programs, internet and computer resources, student activities, financial aid, and other programs and services. The Student Code of Conduct and Academic Issues sections in this handbook outline the Colleges expectations for student rights and behavior. You can also keep track of important dates and campus events.


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Piedmont Technical College publishes an annual student calendar and handbook with academic calendar, important dates, information about student programs and services, campus maps, and other campus information.


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Mthodologie: Modle de rgression quantile de variable instrumentale pour donnes de Panel utilisant la fonction de production partielle


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The purpose of this study was to examine whether leadership can be learned through the Community Recreation and Leadership Training (CRLT) program and how effective the program is in terms of changing the perceptions and abilities of the students. The intentions of the researcher were to discover crucial learning moments as perceived by students and to gain insights that could lead to future improvements to enhance and enrich learning in a leadership program. To continue to be a viable program and to keep step with the demands of the recreation/leisure industry and society's wide-ranging needs, this study may help to inform the program's 'action plan' for continued success. This study employed a mixed method approach to determine how college students develop effective leadership ability in a three-year Community Recreation and Leadership Training (CRLT) college career program. First, a number of statistical tests were carried out to examine the four research questions used to guide the study. The SPSS software was used to analyze the data collected. The first research question asked how perceptions of leadership change as a result of being in a three-year leadership program. This study, using the Student Leadership Practice Inventory (SLPI), compared the five SLPI leadership dimensions by year. The SLPI was administered to all the first, second, and third year CRLT students ( N = 84). A one-way analysis of variance in participants' scores was conducted. No significant differences were revealed in any of the five dimensions of the SLPI among the first, second, and third year students at p < .05. However, two dimensions (model and encourage) approached significance and may hint at a possible influence the program is having on its students as they progress into the third year. The second research question asked whether perceptions of leadership vary by gender. Comparing the mean scores between the males and females on the five dimensions of the SLPI, no significant differences were found. The third research question asked whether prior leadership experience results in better academic performance for CRLT students in their 1st term. A one-way analysis of variance was conducted to evaluate the relationship between prior leadership experience and mean scores on academic performance. No significant correlations were found between grades and low, medium, or high levels of prior leadership experience F(2,79) = 2.67, p = .08. A correlation coefficient was also computed to determine whether there was a relationship between the Recreation Leadership I course grade and prior leadership experience. The correlation coefficient (.02) was statistically significant, r(80) = .24, p < .05. However, further studies with a larger sample size would be necessary to help determine this. The fourth question asked whether there was a correlation between students' first semester grades and their scores on the Student Leadership Practice Inventory (SLPI). Bivariate correlations (Pearson) were computed for the five SLPI dimensions with academic performance. None of the correlations using the five SLPI indicators was significant. Qualitative data was examined to discover what factors and experiences help students to assert a more effective leadership role. The study relied on content analysis of personal statements, and focus groups. Student perceptions of an effective leader, students' perceptions of their own abilities, and the strengths of the program were explored. A content analysis of the 'Personal Statements' was carried out to determine how students defined leadership prior to their having had any formal teaching in a college program. The result of the analysis of personal statements provided eight leadership categories used as an initial baseline for the study. Six focus groups (totaling N = 30) were conducted. Students responded to four key questions: how they define leadership. What is the single most effective quality of a leader? What leadership skills did they feel they had gained? How had the program helped them obtain their skills? Students credited the CRLT program with helping them develop a variety of leadership skills. Students revealed that they had gained skills such as confidence, knowledge and understanding of people's needs, and becoming more self-directed. They attributed their skill development to such things as good course design, intensive outdoor education and fieldwork courses, "hands on" learning approaches, group work, skill practice, the support they received from teachers, and encouragement they were given by their peers. A common finding among genders was defining an effective leader as someone who is "confident". However, the definition of the most important quality of a leader varied by gender. While males showed a tendency to prefer a leader being "confident," females preferred a leader being a "teacher".


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This study looked at the reasons why Vanier College students in computer programming are encountering difficulties in their learning process, Factors such as prior academic background, prior computer experience, mother tongue, and learning styles were examined to see how they play a role in students' success in programming courses. The initial research hypotheses were the following : Computer science students using understanding and integrating succeed better than students using following coding, or problem solving. Students using problem solving succeed better than those who use participating and enculturation. Students who use coding perform better than those who prefer participating ans enculturation. In addition, this study hoped to examine whether there is a gender difference in how students learn programming.||Rsum :||La prsente tude a examin les raisons pour lesquelles les tudiants en informatique du Collge Vanier rencontrent des difficults dans leurs tudes en programmation. Les facteurs tel que le niveau des tudes prcdentes, l'exprience en informatique, la langue maternelle e les mthodes d'apprentissage ont t considrs pour voir quel rle ces facteurs jouent pour promouvoir la russite dans les cours de programmation.Les hypothses initiales de recherche ont t formules comme suit : 1. Les tudiants en informatique utilisant la comprhension et l'intgration russissent mieux que ceux utilisant suivre, le codage ou la rsolution des problmes. 2, Les tudiants utilisant la rsolution des problmes russissent mieux que ceux qui utilisent la participation dans la culture informatique. 3, Les tudiants utilisant le codage russissent mieux que ceux qui utilisent la participation dans la culture informatique.