972 resultados para Wilson
A espectroscopia de fotoelectres de raios-X (XPS - X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy) uma das tcnicas de anlise de superfcies mais importantes e mais usadas em diversasreas cientfico-tecnolgicas e industriais. Com ela possvel determinar quantitativa equalitativamente a composio elementar e a composio qumica aproximada, respectivamente,e estrutura electrnica dos elementos presentes para diferentes tipos de materiais. O laboratrio de cincia de superfcies do Departamento de Fsica da FCT-UNL encontra-se equipado com um sistema de ultra-alto vcuo Kratos XSAM 800 contendo a instrumentao necessria para se realizar XPS. No entanto, o equipamento precisava de uma requalificao. O controlo e aquisio de dados do espectrmetro era feito por um computador PDP11 de 16-bits que actualmente no comercializado e no tem qualquer suporte tcnico por parte do fabricante. Foi substitudo por um computador moderno e por uma placa genrica de aquisio de dados. Para que a anlise quantitativa pela tcnica de XPS seja precisa, necesssrio fazer a caracterizao do sistema. Isso implica o conhecimento de parmetros como a funo de transmisso do espectrmetro e a linearidade da resposta do sistema de deteco. Foi feito um estudo da linearidade da resposta do sistema de deteco e determinou-se experimentalmente a funo de transmisso do espectrmetro. Os resultados obtidos para a funo de transmisso mostraram estar qualitativamente de acordo com os resultados obtidos por outros na literatura. A transmisso da coluna ptica do analisador de energia de electres foi posteriormente submetida a um processo de optimizao, atravs da implementao de um algoritmo evolutivo diferencial para optimizao de funes, recorrendo a linguagem de programao grfica LabVIEWTM.
ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Aedes aegypti eggs can be collected from the water surface. METHODS: Aedes aegypti oviposition from 97 field ovitraps was studied. RESULTS: Of the 16,016 eggs collected, 11,439 were obtained from paddles in ovitraps and 4,577 from water. Further, 89 (91.8%) traps contained eggs on water and 22 (22.7%) traps contained eggs only on water. CONCLUSIONS: In field traps, Aedes aegypti females usually oviposit some eggs on water surface suggesting that they might also oviposit on water of some natural breeding, and this possibility needs to be investigated. Eggs oviposited on water need to be considered for collecting trap data.
ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: The prevalence of infection by Toxoplasma gondii and associated risk factors in pregnant women in Tocantins, Northern Brazil were assessed. METHODS: Serological analysis was performed in 338 serum samples and an oral questionnaire was utilized to identify potential risk factors. RESULTS: Anti-IgG antibodies against T. gondii were detected in 71% (240/338) of the pregnant women. Prior contact with cats and meat handling were found to be associated with T. gondii infection. CONCLUSIONS: A considerable percentage (29%) of women living in the Tocantins area remain susceptible to infection by the T. gondii protozoon, representing a serious public health risk.
In Brazil, more than 99% of malaria cases are reported in the Amazon, and the State of Amazonas accounts for 40% of this total. However, the accumulated experience and challenges in controlling malaria in this region in recent decades have not been reported. Throughout the first economic cycle during the rubber boom (1879 to 1912), malaria was recorded in the entire state, with the highest incidence in the villages near the Madeira River in the Southern part of the State of Amazonas. In the 1970s, during the second economic development cycle, the economy turned to the industrial sector and demanded a large labor force, resulting in a large migratory influx to the capital Manaus. Over time, a gradual increase in malaria transmission was observed in peri-urban areas. In the 1990s, the stimulation of agroforestry, particularly fish farming, led to the formation of permanent Anopheline breeding sites and increased malaria in settlements. The estimation of environmental impacts and the planning of measures to mitigate them, as seen in the construction of the Coari-Manaus gas pipeline, proved effective. Considering the changes occurred since the Amsterdam Conference in 1992, disease control has been based on early diagnosis and treatment, but the development of parasites that are resistant to major antimalarial drugs in Brazilian Amazon has posed a new challenge. Despite the decreased lethality and the gradual decrease in the number of malaria cases, disease elimination, which should be associated with government programs for economic development in the region, continues to be a challenge.
PURPOSE: To study the gastric and colorectal cancer mortalities and their relation to the urban-industrialization in Baixada Santista, located in the southeastern region of Brazil. METHODS: Selected from the registries of the State System of Data Analysis Foundation (SEADE) were 1105 deaths due to gastric cancer (ICD 153--154) and 690 due to colorectal cancer (ICD 151) that occurred from 1980 to 1993 in males, above 10 years of age, residing in Baixada Santista. For each of these types of cancer, the standardized mortality rates, age-adjusted by world population in the 1960s, for 4 industrialized and 4 non-industrialized urban communities in that region were calculated. The ratios among those rates were calculated in order to compare the mortality in the periods 1980--93, 1980--1986, and 1987--1993. RESULTS: Standardized mortality rates for colorectal cancer were significantly higher in industrialized area, with ratios of 1.6 [95% CI 1.22 -- 2.29], 1.6 [95% CI 1.2 -- 2.0], and 1.6 [95% CI 1.3 -- 2.0] in the periods 1980--86, 1987--1993 and 1980--93, respectively. Gastric cancer did not show any statistical difference between the industrialized and non-industrialized areas, but there was a significant decrease in BS from the period 1980--1986 to 1987--1993. CONCLUSIONS: The significant elevation of colorectal cancer mortality in the industrialized area could be related to exposure to numerous carcinogens such as aromatic hydrocarbon, organic-chloride, metals, and industrial-port dust present in the region. Alternatively, the non-significant difference in gastric cancer between industrialized and non-industrialized areas and significant decrease in the last few years could be predominately reflecting the advances in the quality of life in urban areas. These results require further case-control studies that could help with the analysis of the associations among cancer and environmental factors (occupational, urban-industrial, habit, and life condition) and genetic susceptibility.
Patients with unilateral cleft lip display characteristic nasal changes that are independent of the degree of deformity. Defenders of the intrinsic theory consider these deformities to be due to embryogenic alterations of the alar nasal cartilages. Those that propose the extrinsic theory defend the thesis that the deformity is due to disorganization of the perioral muscles deformed by the cleft. The purpose of this study is to contribute histological evidence to help clarify the issue. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Specimens of the lateral portion of both the healthy and the cleft side of the alar cartilages were obtained from 18 patients. These uniformly cut specimens were stained by hematoxylin and eosin. Samples from 2 patients were excluded due to imperfections. The same pathologist examined all the slides. He was unaware of the origins of the specimens; he counted the number of chondrocytes and quantified the cartilage matrixes. RESULTS: All data was analyzed statistically, and no significant statistical differences were apparent, either in the number of chondrocytes or the cartilage matrix between the healthy side and the cleft side. DISCUSSION: These results apparently support the group that defend the extrinsic theory; nevertheless, the doubt about the composition of the cartilage matrix remains, not only concerning the glycosaminoglycans that compose them, but also regarding elastin and collagen and its linkages that can cause different degrees of collagen consistency.
A cross-sectional study of 120 subjects was performed with the purpose of evaluating stress hormones and emotional stress (anxiety) in outpatient and hospitalized subjects. The aims were to determine the degree of objective stress, as well as to correlate this finding with subjective findings, estimated using Beck's Anxiety Inventory.. METHOD: Three populations were investigated, namely outpatient clinical cases (Group I, n = 30), hospitalized clinical individuals (Group II, n = 30), and hospitalized surgical candidates (Group III, n = 30). Controls (Group IV, n = 30) were healthy volunteers who were health-care professionals and students. To avoid hormone interactions, only men were enrolled in all groups. All hospitalized subjects were tested on admission and before therapeutic interventions. Fasting epinephrine, norepinephrine, and cortisol were measured in the morning, and Beck's Anxiety Inventory was adminstered by a trained psychologist. RESULTS: The 3 patient groups displayed higher anxiety levels than the controls. Hormone concentrations did not present remarkable changes and did not correlate with subjective stress (anxiety). CONCLUSIONS: 1) Subjective disorders (as determined with Beck's Anxiety Inventory ) were a common finding in both outpatient and hospitalized populations, without differences between the various groups; 2) Objective stress (as determined by elevated hormone levels) was more difficult to confirm-findings rarely exceeded the reference range; 3) Correlation between the two variables could not be demonstrated; 4) Further studies are necessary to define stress quantification and interpretation in patient populations, especially in relationship with nutritional diagnosis and dietetic prescription.
The impact of clinical, pathologic, and surgical variables on the postoperative morbidity, mortality, and survival of patients undergoing extended resections of colon carcinoma were evaluated. METHODS: The medical records of 95 patients who underwent extended resections for colon carcinoma between 1953 and 1996 were reviewed. In all cases, in addition to colectomy, 1 or more organs and/or structures were resected en bloc due to a macroscopically based suspicion of tumor invasion. The clinical, pathologic, and surgical parameters were analyzed. Overall survival rates were analyzed according to the method of Kaplan and Meier. Multivariate analysis was performed using the Cox proportional hazards model. RESULTS: Eighty-six patients were treated by curative surgeries and the remaining by palliative resections. Invasion of the organs and/or adjacent structures and regional lymph nodes was found microscopically in 48 and 31 patients, respectively. The median follow-up without postoperative mortality was 47.7 months. The 5-year overall survival rates was 52.6%. The 5-year overall survival rates for patients undergoing curative and palliative surgeries was 58.3% and 0%, respectively. The mean survival time in the palliative surgery group was 3.1 months. Multivariate analysis showed that Karnofsky performance status was strongly related to the risk of postoperative complications (P = .01), and postoperative deaths were associated with the type of surgery and Karnofsky performance status at the time of admission (P = .001). CONCLUSIONS: Some patients with locally advanced colon adenocarcinomas undergoing extended resections have a 5-year overall survival rates of 58.3%. Patients could benefit from palliative-intent procedures, but these measures should cautiously be indicated and avoided in patients with low Karnofsky performance status due to high rates of postoperative mortality and poor survival.
A vista da discordncia dos dados registrados na literatura (Cava, 1964, 1968 ; Jerry, 1963 e Matos, 1976) quanto aos alcalides de Peschierra affinis, retomou-se seu estudo com o objetivo desta espcie. Foram analisados amostras das cascas e do lenho das razes de material coletado em locais diferentes em altitude, longitude e latitude. Foram identificados alm de substncias de natureza aliftica (sitosterol,β-amirina e lupenol). os seguintes alcalides indlicos: coronaridina, voacangina, 20-epiheyneanina, voacristina, affinisina, vobasina, olivacina e uma mistura de 19-hidroxi-ibogamina e iboxigana). Dentre estes, quatro so inditos na espcie (voacangina, voacristina, 19-hidroxi-ibogaina e eboxigana). Apenas pequenas diferenas foram observadas nos trs materiais estudados, observando-se porm, acentuada diferena quando comparadas com os resultados obtidos no primeiro trabalho qumico sobre os alcalides desta espcie (Jerry, 1963).
Ovrios de Anopheles triannulatus foram dissecados 24 e 48 horas aps as fmeas terem sido alimentadas com fonte protica (sangue), afim de se estudar o seu efeito sobre a ovognese. Foram analisadas secees hisiolgicas, ao nvel da ultraestrutura, e observadas as mudanas morfolgicas que ocorrem nas interfaces clulas foliculares-ovcito e clula folicular-clula. Foram observados aspectos estruturais que corroboram a hiptese da produo exgena das protenas do vitelo. Os grnulos de vitelo originaram-se principalmente por condensao das vesculas pinocticas formadas na superfcie do ovcito.
As antraquinonas crisofanol, fisciona, emodina e os triterpenos conhecidos como cido oleantico e a lactona do cido diidromacaerinico foram isolados do extrato metanlico das cascas do caule de Vatairea guianensis Aubl., (Fabaceae). A ocorrncia das fis-ciona e da forma lactnica do cido diidromacaernico no gnero Vataireano havia ainda sido descrita na literatura.
The major constituents of the leaf essential oil of P. unifoliolatumare trans-caryophyllene (37.45%), limonene (24.23%) and α-humulene (9.94%).
Do cerne de Guarea carinata foi isolado como principal constituinte um triterpeno di-acetilado (I). do grupo dos protolimonides, derivado do apo-tirucalol e que mostrou atividade no controle biolgico das larvas de Urbanus acawoioa(WILLIAMS, R. C, 1926) (Lepidoptera Hesperiidac).
Da casca da madeira de Guarea trichilioides foram isoladas e identificadas atravs de mtodos espectromtricos as antraquinonas crisofanol e fisciona e das sementes o limonide 7-desacetoxi-7-hidroxiazadirona. Da frao lipoflica das sementes foram ainda identificados por co-injeao de padres, atravs de cromatografia gasosa os cidos esterico, palmtico e linolnico.