993 resultados para Webster


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We have been able to convert a small α/β protein, acylphosphatase, from its soluble and native form into insoluble amyloid fibrils of the type observed in a range of pathological conditions. This was achieved by allowing slow growth in a solution containing moderate concentrations of trifluoroethanol. When analyzed with electron microscopy, the protein aggregate present in the sample after long incubation times consisted of extended, unbranched filaments of 30–50 Å in width that assemble subsequently into higher order structures. This fibrillar material possesses extensive β-sheet structure as revealed by far-UV CD and IR spectroscopy. Furthermore, the fibrils exhibit Congo red birefringence, increased fluorescence with thioflavine T and cause a red-shift of the Congo red absorption spectrum. All of these characteristics are typical of amyloid fibrils. The results indicate that formation of amyloid occurs when the native fold of a protein is destabilized under conditions in which noncovalent interactions, and in particular hydrogen bonding, within the polypeptide chain remain favorable. We suggest that amyloid formation is not restricted to a small number of protein sequences but is a property common to many, if not all, natural polypeptide chains under appropriate conditions.


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Multiple human skeletal and craniosynostosis disorders, including Crouzon, Pfeiffer, Jackson–Weiss, and Apert syndromes, result from numerous point mutations in the extracellular region of fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2). Many of these mutations create a free cysteine residue that potentially leads to abnormal disulfide bond formation and receptor activation; however, for noncysteine mutations, the mechanism of receptor activation remains unclear. We examined the effect of two of these mutations, W290G and T341P, on receptor dimerization and activation. These mutations resulted in cellular transformation when expressed as FGFR2/Neu chimeric receptors. Additionally, in full-length FGFR2, the mutations induced receptor dimerization and elevated levels of tyrosine kinase activity. Interestingly, transformation by the chimeric receptors, dimerization, and enhanced kinase activity were all abolished if either the W290G or the T341P mutation was expressed in conjunction with mutations that eliminate the disulfide bond in the third immunoglobulin-like domain (Ig-3). These results demonstrate a requirement for the Ig-3 cysteine residues in the activation of FGFR2 by noncysteine mutations. Molecular modeling also reveals that noncysteine mutations may activate FGFR2 by altering the conformation of the Ig-3 domain near the disulfide bond, preventing the formation of an intramolecular bond. This allows the unbonded cysteine residues to participate in intermolecular disulfide bonding, resulting in constitutive activation of the receptor.


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Funded by OPTIMA Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) Institute Strategic Programme Energy Grasses & Biorefining. Grant Number: BBS/E/W/10963A01 Defra GIANT LINK


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The vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) has been shown to be a significant mediator of angiogenesis during a variety of normal and pathological processes, including tumor development. Human U87MG glioblastoma cells express the three VEGF isoforms: VEGF121, VEGF165, and VEGF189. Here, we have investigated whether these three isoforms have distinct roles in glioblastoma angiogenesis. Clones that overexpressed each isoform were derived and inoculated into mouse brains. Mice that received VEGF121- and VEGF165-overexpressing cells developed intracerebral hemorrhages after 60–90 hr. In contrast, mice implanted with VEGF189-overexpressing cells had only slightly larger tumors than those caused by parental cells and little evidence of hemorrhage at these early times after implantation, whereas, after longer periods of growth, enhanced angiogenicity and tumorigenicity were apparent. There was rapid blood vessel growth and breakdown around the tumors caused by cells overexpressing VEGF121 and VEGF165, whereas there was similar vascularization but no eruption in the vicinity of those tumors caused by cells overexpressing VEGF189, and none on the border of the tumors caused by the parental cells. Thus, by introducing VEGF-overexpressing glioblastoma cells into the brain, we have established a reproducible and predictable in vivo model of tumor-associated intracerebral hemorrhage caused by the enhanced expression of single molecular species. Such a model should be useful for uncovering the role of VEGF isoforms in the mechanisms of angiogenesis and for investigating intracerebral hemorrhage due to ischemic stroke or congenital malformations.


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Molting or ecdysis is the most fundamentally important process in arthropod life history, because shedding of the exoskeleton is an absolute prerequisite for growth and metamorphosis. Although the hormonal mechanisms driving ecdysis in insects have been studied extensively, nothing is known about these processes in crustaceans. During late premolt and during ecdysis in the crab Carcinus maenas, we observed a precise and reproducible surge in hemolymph hyperglycemic hormone (CHH) levels, which was over 100-fold greater than levels seen in intermolt animals. The source of this hormone surge was not from the eyestalk neurosecretory tissues but from previously undescribed endocrine cells (paraneurons), in defined areas of the foregut and hindgut. During premolt (the only time when CHH is expressed by these tissues), the gut is the largest endocrine tissue in the crab. The CHH surge, which is a result of an unusual, almost complete discharge of the contents of the gut endocrine cell, regulates water and ion uptake during molting, thus allowing the swelling necessary for successful ecdysis and the subsequent increase in size during postmolt. This study defines an endocrine brain/gut axis in the arthropods. We propose that the ionoregulatory process controlled by CHH may be common to arthropods, in that, for insects, a similar mechanism seems to be involved in antidiuresis. It also seems likely that a cascade of very precisely coordinated release of (neuro) hormones controls ecdysis.


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In the last decade, several monomeric and heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide binding proteins have been identified to associate with secretory vesicles and to be implicated in exocytosis. Vesicle volume also has been proposed to play a regulatory role in secretory vesicle fusion at the plasma membrane. However, the molecular mechanism of function of the guanine nucleotide binding proteins and of the regulation of secretory vesicle volume in the exocytotic process remains unclear. In this study, we report association of the secretory vesicle membrane with the α subunit of a heterotrimeric GTP binding protein Gαi3 and implicate its involvement in vesicle swelling. Using an atomic force microscope in combination with confocal microscopy, we were able to study the dynamics of isolated zymogen granules, the secretory vesicles in exocrine pancreas. Exposure of zymogen granules to GTP resulted in a 15–25% increase in vesicle height as measured by the atomic force microscope and a similar increase in vesicle diameter as determined by confocal microscopy. Mas7, an active mastoparan analog known to stimulate Gi proteins, was found to stimulate the GTPase activity of isolated zymogen granules and cause swelling. Increase in vesicle size in the presence of GTP, NaF, and Mas7 were irreversible and KCl-sensitive. Ca2+ had no effect on zymogen granule size. Taken together, the results indicate that Gαi3 protein localized in the secretory vesicle membrane mediates vesicle swelling, a potentially important prerequisite for vesicle fusion at the cell plasma membrane.


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Deletions of all or part of chromosome 10 are the most common genetic alterations in high-grade gliomas. The PTEN gene (also called MMAC1 and TEP1) maps to chromosome region 10q23 and has been implicated as a target of alteration in gliomas and also in other cancers such as those of the breast, prostate, and kidney. Here we sought to provide a functional test of its candidacy as a growth suppressor in glioma cells. We used a combination of Northern blot analysis, protein truncation assays, and sequence analysis to determine the types and frequency of PTEN mutations in glioma cell lines so that we could define appropriate recipients to assess the growth suppressive function of PTEN by gene transfer. Introduction of wild-type PTEN into glioma cells containing endogenous mutant alleles caused growth suppression, but was without effect in cells containing endogenous wild-type PTEN. The ectopic expression of PTEN alleles, which carried mutations found in primary tumors and have been shown or are expected to inactivate its phosphatase activity, caused little growth suppression. These data strongly suggest that PTEN is a protein phosphatase that exhibits functional and specific growth-suppressing activity.


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The urokinase plasminogen activator system is involved in angiogenesis and tumor growth of malignant gliomas, which are highly neovascularized and so may be amenable to antiangiogenic therapy. In this paper, we describe the activity of Å6, an octamer capped peptide derived from the non-receptor-binding region of urokinase plasminogen activator. Å6 inhibited human microvascular endothelial cell migration but had no effect on the proliferation of human microvascular endothelial cells or U87MG glioma cells in vitro. In contrast, Å6 or cisplatin (CDDP) alone suppressed subcutaneous tumor growth in vivo by 48% and 53%, respectively, and, more strikingly, the combination of Å6 plus CDDP inhibited tumor growth by 92%. Such combination treatment also greatly reduced the volume of intracranial tumor xenografts and increased survival of tumor-bearing animals when compared with CDDP or Å6 alone. Tumors from the combination treatment group had significantly reduced neovascularization, suggesting a mechanism involving Å6-mediated inhibition of endothelial cell motility, thereby eliciting vascular sensitivity to CDDP-mediated toxicity. These data suggest that the combination of an angiogenesis inhibitor that targets endothelial cells with a cytotoxic agent may be a useful therapeutic approach.