953 resultados para Virginia Press Association
The binding of Ricinus communis (castor-bean) agglutinin 1 to saccharides was studied by equilibrium dialysis and fluorescence polarization by using the fluorescently labelled sugar 4-methylumbelliferyl beta-D-galactopyranoside. No appreciable change in ligand fluorescence of 4-methylumbelliferyl beta-D-galactopyranoside was considerably polarized on its binding to the lectin. The association constants obtained by Scatchard analysis of equilibrium-dialysis and fluorescence-polarization data do not differ much from each other, and at 25 degrees C, Ka = 2.4 (+/- 0.2) X 10(4)M-1. These values agree reasonably well with that reported in the literature for Ricinus agglutinin 1. The number of binding sites obtained by the different experimental procedures is 1.94 +/- 0.1 per molecule of 120 000 daltons and is equal to the reported value of 2. The consistency in the values of Ka and number of binding sites indicate the absence of additional subsites on Ricinus agglutinin 1 for its specific sugars. In addition, the excellent agreement between the binding parameters obtained by equilibrium dialysis and fluorescence polarization indicate the potential of ligand-fluorescence-polarization measurements in the investigation of lectin-sugar interactions.
This study examines the Chinese press discussion about democratic centralism in 1978-1981 in newspapers, political journals and academic journals distributed nationwide. It is thus a study of intellectual trends during the Hua Guofeng period and of methods, strategies, and techniques of public political discussion of the time. In addition, this study presents democratic centralism as a comprehensive theory of democracy and evaluates this theory. It compares the Chinese theory of democratic centralism with Western traditions of democracy, not only with the standard liberal theory but also with traditions of participatory and deliberative democracy, in order to evaluate whether the Chinese theory of democratic centralism forms a legitimate theory of democracy. It shows that the Chinese theory comes close to participatory types of democracy and shares a conception of democracy as communication with the theory of deliberative democracy. Therefore, the Chinese experience provides some empirical evidence of the practicability of these traditions of democracy. Simultaneously, this study uses experiences of participatory democracies outside of China to explain some earlier findings about the Chinese practices. This dissertation also compares Chinese theory with some common Western theories and models of Chinese society as well as with Western understandings of Chinese political processes. It thus aims at opening more dialogue between Chinese and Western political theories and understandings about Chinese polity. This study belongs to scholarly traditions of the history of ideas, political philosophy, comparative politics, and China studies. The main finding of this study is that the Chinese theory of democratic centralism is essentially a theory about democracy, but whether its scrupulous practicing alone would be sufficient for making a country a democracy depends on which established definition of democracy one applies and on what kind of democratic deficits are seen as being acceptable within a truly democratic system. Nevertheless, since the Chinese theory of democratic centralism fits well with some established definitions of democracy and since democratic deficits are a reality in all actual democracies, the Chinese themselves are talking about democracy in terms acceptable to Western political philosophy as well.
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified numerous common prostate cancer (PrCa) susceptibility loci. We have fine-mapped 64 GWAS regions known at the conclusion of the iCOGS study using large-scale genotyping and imputation in 25 723 PrCa cases and 26 274 controls of European ancestry. We detected evidence for multiple independent signals at 16 regions, 12 of which contained additional newly identified significant associations. A single signal comprising a spectrum of correlated variation was observed at 39 regions; 35 of which are now described by a novel more significantly associated lead SNP, while the originally reported variant remained as the lead SNP only in 4 regions. We also confirmed two association signals in Europeans that had been previously reported only in East-Asian GWAS. Based on statistical evidence and linkage disequilibrium (LD) structure, we have curated and narrowed down the list of the most likely candidate causal variants for each region. Functional annotation using data from ENCODE filtered for PrCa cell lines and eQTL analysis demonstrated significant enrichment for overlap with bio-features within this set. By incorporating the novel risk variants identified here alongside the refined data for existing association signals, we estimate that these loci now explain ∼38.9% of the familial relative risk of PrCa, an 8.9% improvement over the previously reported GWAS tag SNPs. This suggests that a significant fraction of the heritability of PrCa may have been hidden during the discovery phase of GWAS, in particular due to the presence of multiple independent signals within the same region.
Background Epidemiological and clinical studies suggest comorbidity between prostate cancer (PCA) and cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors. However, the relationship between these two phenotypes is still not well understood. Here we sought to identify shared genetic loci between PCA and CVD risk factors. Methods We applied a genetic epidemiology method based on conjunction false discovery rate (FDR) that combines summary statistics from different genome-wide association studies (GWAS), and allows identification of genetic overlap between two phenotypes. We evaluated summary statistics from large, multi-centre GWA studies of PCA (n = 50 000) and CVD risk factors (n = 200 000) [triglycerides (TG), low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, systolic blood pressure, body mass index, waist-hip ratio and type 2 diabetes (T2D)]. Enrichment of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with PCA and CVD risk factors was assessed with conditional quantile-quantile plots and the Anderson-Darling test. Moreover, we pinpointed shared loci using conjunction FDR. Results We found the strongest enrichment of P-values in PCA was conditional on LDL and conditional on TG. In contrast, we found only weak enrichment conditional on HDL or conditional on the other traits investigated. Conjunction FDR identified altogether 17 loci; 10 loci were associated with PCA and LDL, 3 loci were associated with PCA and TG and additionally 4 loci were associated with PCA, LDL and TG jointly (conjunction FDR < 0.01). For T2D, we detected one locus adjacent to HNF1B. Conclusions We found polygenic overlap between PCA predisposition and blood lipids, in particular LDL and TG, and identified 17 pleiotropic gene loci between PCA and LDL, and PCA and TG, respectively. These findings provide novel pathobiological insights and may have implications for trials using targeting lipid-lowering agents in a prevention or cancer setting.
The 48 hour game making challenge has been running since 2007. In recent years, we have not only been running a 'game jam' for the local community but we have also been exploring the way in which the event itself and the place of the event has the potential to create its own stories. The 2015 challenge is part of a series of data collection opportunities focussed on the game jam itself and the meaning making that the participants engage in about the event. We are continuing the data collection commenced in 2012: "Game jams are the creative festivals of the game development community and a game jam is very much an event or performance; its stories are those of subjective experience. Participants return year after year and recount personal stories from previous challenges; arrival in the 48hr location typically inspires instances of individual memory and narration more in keeping with those of a music festival or an oft frequented holiday destination. Since its inception, the 48hr has been heavily documented, from the photo-blogging of our first jam and the twitter streams of more recent events to more formal interviews and documentaries (see Anderson, 2012). We have even had our own moments of Gonzo journalism with an on-site press room one year and an ‘embedded’ journalist another year (Keogh, 2011). In the last two years of the 48hr we have started to explore ways and means to collect more abstract data during the event, that is, empirical data about movement and activity. The intent behind this form of data collection was to explore graphic and computer generated visualisations of the event, not for the purpose of formal analysis but in the service of further story telling." [exerpt from truna aka j.turner, Thomas & Owen, 2013) See: truna aka j.turner, Thomas & Owen (2013) Living the indie life: mapping creative teams in a 48 hour game jam and playing with data, Proceedings of the 9th Australasian Conference on Interactive Entertainment, IE'2013, September 30 - October 01 2013, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma käsittelee kielisidonnaisen huumorin kääntämistä. Ennen itse kääntämisen käsittelyä täytyy kuitenkin määritellä mitä tarkoitetaan käsitteellä kielisidonnainen huumori . Aluksi käsitellään huumoria ja sen ominaisuuksia sekä huumorin ja kulttuuristen, fysiologisten ja sosiaalisten tekijöiden suhdetta. Huumori syntyy kun tietyt odotukset rikotaan, eli toimitaan joidenkin normien vastaisesti. Huumorin eräitä perusperiaatteita ovat ristiriitaisuus ja yhteensopimattomuus. Kielisidonnaisessa huumorissa ristiriitaisuus ja yhteensopimattomuus on havaittavissa kielen tasolla: kieltä käytetään tuottamaan moniselitteinen tai -mielinen koominen ilmaus. Sanaleikki, jossa käytetään yhtä sanaa jolla on yksi tai useampi merkitys, on tyypillinen esimerkki kielisidonnaisesta huumorista. Mutta kielisidonnainen huumori ei rajoitu pelkästään tämänkaltaisiin sanaleikkeihin (engl. pun), vaan kattaa käsitteenä laajemman valikoiman erilaisia kielisidonnaisen huumorin muotoja, esimerkiksi monimerkityksiset nimet, idiomaattisilla ilmauksilla tuotettu huumori, akrostikonit, kirjoituksen konventioita rikkomalla tuotettu huumori jne. Kielisidonnainen huumori on tutkielmassa luokiteltu ja määritelty omaksi huumorin alalajikseen. Kielisidonnaisen huumorin kielellinen monimerkityksisyys tekee sen kääntämisestä vaikeampaa kuin sellaisen tekstin, jossa kielen tasolla ei ilmene monimerkityksisyyttä. Tästä syystä kielisidonnainen huumori tarvitsee erilaisen käännösstrategian kuin esimerkiksi tieteellinen teksti. Seuraavaksi käydään aluksi läpi joitakin käännösteorian keskeisiä käsitteitä ja niiden suhdetta ja vaikutuksia kielisidonnaisen huumorin kääntämiseen. Sitten kuvataan kielisidonnaisen huumorin käännösprosessi, joka jakautuu kolmeen osaan: tunnistaminen, analyysi ja kääntäminen. Näiden kolmen pohjalta laaditaan kuuden eri käännösstrategian ryhmä. Kuusi eri päästrategiaa ovat käännössidonnaisen huumorikategorian säilyttäminen, kirjaimellinen käännös, muun tyylikeinon käyttäminen, kompensaatio, poisjättö ja toimitukselliset keinot. Strategiat käydään läpi deskriptiivisesti ja niiden käyttöä valaistaan esimerkkien avulla. Osa päästrategioista jakautuu alastrategioihin, jotka kuvaavat tarkemmin, minkälaisin keinoin lähtökielen kielisidonnainen käännösongelma voidaan siirtää kohdekieleen. Strategiat pyritään kuvaamaan siten, että ne voisivat olla avuksi käännettäessä minkä tahansa kieliparin välillä. Vaikka kuvatut käännösstrategiat käydään läpi deskriptiivisesti, on pyrkii tutkielma myös olemaan avuksi käytännön tilanteissa kielisidonnaista huumoria käännettäessä. Tätä varten on tutkielman lopussa annettu kuvaus yhden kielisidonnaisen huumoriongelman kääntämisprosessista. Yhdistämällä teoria käytäntöön kuvataan käännösprosessiesimerkissä yhden kielisidonnaisen huumoriongelman analyysi-ja kääntämisvaiheet. Tuloksena on viisi erilaista versiota samasta lähtötekstin käännösongelmasta. Tutkielma siis ensinnäkin määrittelee, mitä ja minkälaista on kielisidonnainen huumori sekä luokittelee sen. Toisekseen tutkielma kuvaa sen käännösprosessin ja määrittelee eri käännösstrategiat. Lisäksi esimerkin avulla esitellään eri käännösvaihtoehtoja. Avainsanat: kääntäminen, huumori, sanaleikki, kielisidonnainen
The pervasive use of the World Wide Web by the general population has created a cultural shift throughout the world. It has enabled more people to share more information about more events and issues than was possible before its general use. As a consequence, it has transformed traditional news media’s approach to almost every aspect of journalism, with many organisations restructuring their philosophy and practice to include a variety of participatory spaces/forums where people are free to engage in deliberative dialogue about matters of public importance. This paper draws from an international collective case study that showcases various approaches to participatory online news journalism during the period 1997–2011 (Adams, 2013). The research finds differences in the ways in which public service, commercial, and independent news media give voice to the public, and ultimately in their approach to journalism’s role as the Fourth Estate––one of the key institutions of democracy. The work is framed by the notion that journalism in democratic societies has a crucial role in ensuring citizens are informed and engaged with public affairs. An examination of four media models, OhmyNews International, News Corp Australia (formerly News Limited), the Guardian and the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), showcases the various approaches to participatory online news journalism and how each provides different avenues for citizen engagement. Semistructured in-depth interviews with some of the key senior journalists and editors provide specific information on comparisons between the distinctive practices in each of their employer organisations.
Policy provision for naps is typical in child care settings, but there is variability in the practices employed. One practice that might modify children’s early sleep patterns is the allocation of a mandatory nap time in which all children are required to lie on their beds without alternate activity permitted. There is currently limited evidence of the effects of such practices on children’s napping patterns. This study examined the association between duration of mandatory nap times and group-level napping patterns in child care settings. Observations were undertaken in a community sample of 113 preschool rooms with a scheduled nap time (N = 2,114 children). Results showed that 83.5% of child care settings implemented a mandatory nap time (range = 15–145 min) while 14.2% provided alternate activities for children throughout the nap time period. Overall, 31% of children napped during nap times. Compared to rooms with ≤ 30 min of mandatory nap time, rooms with 31–60 min and > 60 min of mandatory nap time had a two-and-a-half and fourfold increase, respectively, in the proportion of children napping. Nap onset latency did not significantly differ across groups. Among preschool children, exposure to longer mandatory nap times in child care may increase incidence of napping.
Language learning beyond the classroom is part of a growing body of literature focused on teaching and learning in contexts that are informal and unstructured. Areas include so-called shadow education and informal pedagogies. Shadow education refers to the privatised tutoring supplementing school curricular that is a pervasive feature of education in parts of Asia (Bray & Lykins, 2012) and increasingly evident in Australia. Informal pedagogies refers to teaching in informal contexts and was the focus of a Special Interest Group (SIG) at the recent American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual conference in Chicago. Presentations in the SIG included designing tools for supporting learning in science classes after school and in sites such as zoos...
Breast cancer incidence and mortality rates are increasing despite our current knowledge on the disease. Ninety-five percent of breast cancer cases correspond to sporadic forms of the disease and are believed to involve an interaction between environmental and genetic determinants. The microRNA 17–92 cluster host gene (MIR17HG) has been shown to regulate expression of genes involved in breast cancer development and progression. Study of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) located in this cluster gene could help provide a further understanding of its role in breast cancer. Therefore, this study investigated six SNPs in the MIR17HG using two independent Australian Caucasian case–control populations (GRC-BC and GU-CCQ BB populations) to determine association to breast cancer susceptibility. Genotyping was undertaken using chip-based matrix assisted laser desorption ionisation time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry (MS). We found significant association between rs4824505 and breast cancer at the allelic level in both study cohorts (GRC-BC p = 0.01 and GU-CCQ BB p = 0.03). Furthermore, haplotypic analysis of results from our combined population determined a significant association between rs4824505/rs7336610 and breast cancer susceptibility (p = 5 × 10−4). Our study is the first to show that the A allele of rs4824505 and the AC haplotype of rs4824505/rs7336610 are associated with risk of breast cancer development. However, definitive validation of this finding requires larger cohorts or populations in different ethnical backgrounds. Finally, functional studies of these SNPs could provide a deeper understanding of the role that MIR17HG plays in the pathophysiology of breast cancer.
Background MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are important small non-coding RNA molecules that regulate gene expression in cellular processes related to the pathogenesis of cancer. Genetic variation in miRNA genes could impact their synthesis and cellular effects and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are one example of genetic variants studied in relation to breast cancer. Studies aimed at identifying miRNA SNPs (miR-SNPs) associated with breast malignancies could lead towards further understanding of the disease and to develop clinical applications for early diagnosis and treatment. Methods We genotyped a panel of 24 miR-SNPs using multiplex PCR and chip-based matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry (MS) analysis in two Caucasian breast cancer case control populations (Primary population: 173 cases and 187 controls and secondary population: 679 cases and 301 controls). Association to breast cancer susceptibility was determined using chi-square (X 2 ) and odds ratio (OR) analysis. Results Statistical analysis showed six miR-SNPs to be non-polymorphic and twelve of our selected miR-SNPs to have no association with breast cancer risk. However, we were able to show association between rs353291 (located in MIR145) and the risk of developing breast cancer in two independent case control cohorts (p = 0.041 and p = 0.023). Conclusions Our study is the first to report an association between a miR-SNP in MIR145 and breast cancer risk in individuals of Caucasian background. This finding requires further validation through genotyping of larger cohorts or in individuals of different ethnicities to determine the potential significance of this finding as well as studies aimed to determine functional significance. Keywords: Association analysis; Breast cancer; microRNA; miR-SNPs; MIR145
Aim: The purpose of this study was to determine the percentage of patients assessed as malnourished using the Subjective Global Assessment in two hospitals in Ho Chi Minh City and Can Tho across multiple wards; and to investigate the association with factors including gender, age, days since admission, medical diagnosis and number of medications used. Methods: This cross-sectional study involved 205 inpatients from a hospital in Ho Chi Minh City and 78 inpatients and 89 outpatients from a hospital in Can Tho. Malnutrition status was assessed using Subjective Global Assessment. Ward, gender, age, medical diagnosis, time since admission and medication number were extracted from medical records. Results: 35.6% of inpatients and 9.0% of outpatients were malnourished. Multivariate analysis revealed factors predicting malnutrition status within inpatients (OR (95%CI)) were: age (OR = 1.03 (1.01-1.06)); cancer diagnosis (OR = 34.25 (3.16-370.89)); respiratory ward (11.49 (1.05-125.92)); or general medicine ward (20.34 (2.10-196.88)). Conclusions: Results indicate that malnutrition is a common problem in hospitals in Vietnam. Further research is needed to confirm this finding across a wider range of hospitals and to investigate the feasibility and efficacy of implementation of nutrition interventions in hospital settings.
- Objective Ambulance personnel provide emergency medical services to the community, often attending to highly challenging and traumatic scenes in complex and chaotic circumstances. Currently the assessment of predictors of psychological well-being remains limited. The current study investigated whether workplace belongingness was significant in predicting psychological distress as well as the presence of resilience in ambulance personnel whilst controlling for more routinely examined factors. - Method Australian ambulance officers (N = 740) completed a survey battery including the Kessler 10 (Kessler & Mroczek, 1994), Brief Resilience Scale (Smith et al., 2008) and Psychological Sense of Organisational Membership (Cockshaw & Shochet, 2010) scale. - Results Controlling for more commonly examined factors such as severity of trauma exposure and length of service, hierarchical multiple regression analyses demonstrated that workplace belongingness was significantly associated with reduced distress levels and enhanced resilience levels. - Conclusions Results suggest that strategies to enhance a sense of workplace belongingness in emergency service organisations could promote the well-being of emergency workers despite routine exposure to potentially traumatic events.
Nematospora (Eremothecium) coryli was isolated from Citrus and identified for the first time in Australia. This insect-transmitted yeast was associated with dry rot in cultivated and native Citrus fruits. Although N. coryli is known as a serious seed pathogen of many tropical and sub-tropical plants, evidence is presented that it has been present and undetected in Queensland for at least ninety years.