957 resultados para Virgin, Saint John the Evangelist


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John Loonie, a graduate of the Sheet Metal Department of the New York Trade School, is pictured welding at work in the Triangle Sheet Metal Works Inc. Original caption reads, "John Loonie - Sheet Metal 1955, one of the Sheet Metal workers employed at the Triangle Sheet Metal Works, qualified to weld." Black and white photograph with caption adhered to reverse.


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This doctoral dissertation analyzes two novels by the American novelist Robert Coover as examples of hypertextual writing on the book bound page, as tokens of hyperfiction. The complexity displayed in the novels, John's Wife and The Adventures of Lucky Pierre, integrates the cultural elements that characterize the contemporary condition of capitalism and technologized practices that have fostered a different subjectivity evidenced in hypertextual writing and reading, the posthuman subjectivity. The models that account for the complexity of each novel are drawn from the concept of strange attractors in Chaos Theory and from the concept of rhizome in Nomadology. The transformations the characters undergo in the degree of their corporeality sets the plane on which to discuss turbulence and posthumanity. The notions of dynamic patterns and strange attractors, along with the concept of the Body without Organs and Rhizome are interpreted, leading to the revision of narratology and to analytical categories appropriate to the study of the novels. The reading exercised throughout this dissertation enacts Daniel Punday's corporeal reading. The changes in the characters' degree of materiality are associated with the stages of order, turbulence and chaos in the story, bearing on the constitution of subjectivity within and along the reading process. Coover's inscription of planes of consistency to counter linearity and accommodate hypertextual features to the paper supported narratives describes the characters' trajectory as rhizomatic. The study led to the conclusion that narrative today stands more as a regime in a rhizomatic relation with other regimes in cultural practice than as an exclusively literary form and genre. Besides this, posthuman subjectivity emerges as class identity, holding hypertextual novels as their literary form of choice.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Nas operárias das abelhas eussociais, regiões do epitélio tegumentar do abdome podem hipertrofiar-se e tornarem-se glandulares, sendo responsáveis pela produção de cera usada na contrução dos alvéolos de cria. Nos meliponíneos, epitélio com essas características também foi observado nas rainhas, porém sua função ainda continua desconhecida. Teria esse epitélio função homóloga nas operárias? As rainhas, além da função reprodutiva, desempenhariam funções na colônia até então consideradas exclusivas das operárias? Para tentar colaborar no esclarecimento dessas questões realizou-se um estudo histológico e ultra-estrutural das glândulas epiteliais tegumentares do terceiro tergito em rainhas virgens e fisogástricas de Scaptotrigona postica Latreille. Os resultados morfológicos mostraram que o epitélio glandular existe e é facilmente discernível no terceiro tergito das rainhas, sendo muito mais desenvolvido nas fisogástricas do que nas virgens. A ultra-estrutura mostrou que há diferenças no tipo de organização do retículo endoplasmático liso entre as rainhas, o que, juntamente com os resultados da histologia e morfometria, indicam poder haver diferenças funcionais desse epitélio entre elas. Como já observado na literatura, nas rainhas virgens tal epitélio pode estar envolvido na produção de cera e confecção de alvéolos de cria, porém sua função nas rainhas fisogástricas é totalmente desconhecida. A hipótese lançada no presente estudo é de que esse epitélio pode estar envolvido na produção de feromônios que irão atuar nas interações sociais da rainha poedeira.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The fat body cells of virgin females and queens of Pachycondyla striata ants belonging to the subfamily Ponerinae are illustrated from morphologic, ultramorphologic and morphometric viewpoints. Camera lucida drawing techniques were used, as well as scanning electronic microscopy (SEM). Measurements of trophocytes and oenocytes areas in the tissue were recorded. The results showed that in P. striata queens and virgin females the trophocytes are arranged in cord-like formations in association with oenocytes. Trophocytes of both castes had round shapes, with rather vacuolized cytoplasm, whereas oenocytes, being smaller than trophocytes, had more homogeneous cytoplasm. It was also observed that both trophocytes and oenocytes of virgin females were larger than those found in the same queen cellular types.


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A study of the characteristics and distribution of the soil humus fractions in representative ecosystems of central Brazil was carried out with special emphasis on the comparison between the soils under virgin vegetation-Cerrado-and those subjected to cultivation. In spite of the contrasted vegetation and cultural practices in the sites studied, the soil humus showed analogous characteristics: there was a negligible amount of plant residues, the humic and fulvic acids amounted to approximately 70% of the total organic carbon, and about 40% of these humic substances were in extremely stable association with the soil mineral fraction, the HCl-HF treatment being required for their extraction. The stability of such organo-mineral complexes increased slightly in the cultured sites. The study of the humic acid fraction showed increased oxidation and aromaticity in most of the cultivated sites: the lowest values for the IR alkyl vibrations and H/C atomic ratios and the highest ones for the optical density at 465 nm were observed in sites transformed into orchards, whereas the above changes were small in those used as pasture. The 14C NMR spectra confirmed that the proportion of polyalkyl structures decreased in the humic acids of soils subjected to cultivation, as opposed to that of carboxyl groups. In spite of the high stability inferred for the organic matter throughout the wide area examined, the samples from the original Cerrado as well as from those transformed into pastures showed, in laboratory conditions, higher mineralization rates than those from the sites subjected to cultivation. This is partly attributed to the decreased proportions of extractable humic substances in the latter. © 1992.


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Includes bibliography


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Includes bibliography