916 resultados para Vickers, Jeanne
OBJECTIVES To investigate the composition and the microstructural and mechanical characterization of three different types of lingual brackets. MATERIALS AND METHODS Incognito™ (3M Unitek), In-Ovation L (DENTSPLY GAC) and STb™ (Light Lingual System, ORMCO) lingual brackets were studied under the scanning electron microscope employing backscattered electron imaging and their elemental composition was analysed by energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis. Additionally, Vickers hardness was assessed using a universal hardness-testing machine, and the indentation modulus was measured according to instrumented indentation test. Two-way analysis of variance was conducted employing bracket type and location (base and wing) as discriminating variable. Significant differences among groups were allocated by post hoc Student-Newman-Keuls multiple comparison analysis at 95% level of significance. RESULTS Three different phases were identified for Incognito and In-Ovation L bracket based on mean atomic number contrast. On the contrary, STb did not show mean atomic contrast areas and thus it is recognized as a single phase. Incognito is a one-piece bracket with the same structure in wing and base regions. Incognito consists mainly of noble metals while In-Ovation L and STb show similar formulations of ferrous alloys in wing and base regions. No significant differences were found between ferrous brackets in hardness and modulus values, but there were significant differences between wing and base regions. Incognito illustrated intermediate values with significant differences from base and wing values of ferrous brackets. CONCLUSIONS/IMPLICATIONS Significant differences exist in microstructure, elemental composition, and mechanical properties among the brackets tested; these might have a series of clinical implications during mechanotherapy.
Schizophrenia patients are severely impaired in nonverbal communication, including social perception and gesture production. However, the impact of nonverbal social perception on gestural behavior remains unknown, as is the contribution of negative symptoms, working memory, and abnormal motor behavior. Thus, the study tested whether poor nonverbal social perception was related to impaired gesture performance, gestural knowledge, or motor abnormalities. Forty-six patients with schizophrenia (80%), schizophreniform (15%), or schizoaffective disorder (5%) and 44 healthy controls matched for age, gender, and education were included. Participants completed 4 tasks on nonverbal communication including nonverbal social perception, gesture performance, gesture recognition, and tool use. In addition, they underwent comprehensive clinical and motor assessments. Patients presented impaired nonverbal communication in all tasks compared with controls. Furthermore, in contrast to controls, performance in patients was highly correlated between tasks, not explained by supramodal cognitive deficits such as working memory. Schizophrenia patients with impaired gesture performance also demonstrated poor nonverbal social perception, gestural knowledge, and tool use. Importantly, motor/frontal abnormalities negatively mediated the strong association between nonverbal social perception and gesture performance. The factors negative symptoms and antipsychotic dosage were unrelated to the nonverbal tasks. The study confirmed a generalized nonverbal communication deficit in schizophrenia. Specifically, the findings suggested that nonverbal social perception in schizophrenia has a relevant impact on gestural impairment beyond the negative influence of motor/frontal abnormalities.
High precision in motor skill performance, in both sport and other domains (e.g. surgery and aviation), requires the efficient coupling of perceptual inputs (e.g. vision) and motor actions. A particular gaze strategy, which has received much attention within the literature, has been shown to predict both inter- (expert vs. novice) and intra-individual (successful vs. unsuccessful) motor performance (see Vine et al., 2014). Vickers (1996) labelled this phenomenon the quiet eye (QE) which is defined as the final fixation before the initiation of the crucial phase of movement. While the positive influence of a long QE on accuracy has been revealed in a range of different motor skills, there is a growing number of studies suggesting that the relationship between QE and motor performance is not entirely monotonic. This raises interesting questions regarding the QE’s purview, and the theoretical approaches explaining its functionality. This talk aims to present an overview of the issues described above, and to discuss contemporary research and experimental approaches to examining the QE phenomenon. In the first part of the talk Dr. Vine will provide a brief and critical review of the literature, highlighting recent empirical advancements and potential directions for future research. In the second part, Dr. Klostermann will communicate three different theoretical approaches to explain the relationship between QE and motor performance. Drawing upon aspects of all three of these theoretical approaches, a functional inhibition role for the QE (related to movement parameterisation) will be proposed.
Bipolar elongation of filaments of the bacterial actin homolog ParM drives movement of newly replicated plasmid DNA to opposite poles of a bacterial cell. We used a combination of vitreous sectioning and electron cryotomography to study this DNA partitioning system directly in native, frozen cells. The diffraction patterns from overexpressed ParM bundles in electron cryotomographic reconstructions were used to unambiguously identify ParM filaments in Escherichia coli cells. Using a low-copy number plasmid encoding components required for partitioning, we observed small bundles of three to five intracellular ParM filaments that were situated close to the edge of the nucleoid. We propose that this may indicate the capture of plasmid DNA within the periphery of this loosely defined, chromosome-containing region.
This study aimed at analysing the erosive potential of 30 substances (drinks, candies, and medicaments) on deciduous enamel, and analyse the associated chemical factors with enamel dissolution. We analysed the initial pH, titratable acidity (TA) to pH 5.5, calcium (Ca), inorganic phosphate (Pi), and fluoride (F) concentration, and degree of saturation ((pK -pI)HAP, (pK -pI)FAP, and (pK-pI)CaF2) of all substances. Then, we randomly distributed 300 specimens of human deciduous enamel into 30 groups (n = 10 for each of the substances tested. We also prepared 20 specimens of permanent enamel for the sake of comparison between the two types of teeth, and we tested them in mineral water and Coca-Cola®. In all specimens, we measured surface hardness (VHN: Vickers hardness numbers) and surface reflection intensity (SRI) at baseline (SHbaseline and SRIbaseline), after a total of 2 min (SH2min) and after 4 min (SH4min and SRI4min) erosive challenges (60 ml of substance for 6 enamel samples; 30°C, under constant agitation at 95 rpm). There was no significant difference in SHbaseline between deciduous and permanent enamel. Comparing both teeth, we observed that after the first erosive challenge with Coca-Cola®, a significantly greater hardness loss was seen in deciduous (-90.2±11.3 VHN) than in permanent enamel (-44.3±12.2 VHN; p = 0.007), but no differences between the two types of teeth were observed after two challenges (SH4min). After both erosive challenges, all substances except for mineral water caused a significant loss in relative surface reflectivity intensity, and most substances caused a significant loss in surface hardness. Multiple regression analyses showed that pH, TA and Ca concentration play a significant role in initial erosion of deciduous enamel. We conclude that drinks, foodstuffs and medications commonly consumed by children can cause erosion of deciduous teeth and erosion is mainly associated with pH, titratable acidity and calcium concentration in the solution.
Zielsetzung: Das Ziel dieser Studie war, den Einfluss von drei Politursystemen auf die Oberflächenrauigkeit von verschiedenen Materialien für computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) Restaurationen mittels Profilometrie sowie die mikromechanischen Eigenschaften der Materialien mittels Mikrohärtemessgerät zu analysieren. Materialien und Methoden: Von dem CAD/CAM-Kompositmaterial Paradigm MZ100 (3M ESPE), der CAD/CAM-Feldspatkeramik VITABLOCS Mark II (VITA Zahnfabrik) und den CAD/CAM-Hybridmaterialien Lava Ultimate (3M ESPE), VITA ENAMIC (VITA Zahnfabrik) und AMBARINO High-Class (Creamed) wurden je 60 Prüfkörper zugeschnitten, gekennzeichnet und standardisiert aufgerauht. Die standardisierte Aufrauhung wurde mit Baseline-Rauigkeitsmessungen überprüft (Ra und Rz; µm). Die Prüfkörper wurden mit einem von drei Politursystemen poliert (n=20 pro CAD/CAM-Material): 1) Sof-Lex Scheiben (Disc-System, 3 Politurschritte: medium, fein und superfein; 3M ESPE), 2) VITA Polishing Set Clinical (Silikonpolitursystem, 2 Politurschritte: medium und fein; VITA Zahnfabrik) oder 3) KENDA Nobilis (Silikonpolierer, 1 Politurschritt (universal); KENDA Dental). Nach Politur der Prüfkörper wurden Ra und Rz sowie die mikromechanischen Eigenschaften Oberflächenhärte (VHN; Vickers Härte) und Elastizitätsmodul (EM; GPa) gemessen. In den darauf folgenden sechs Monaten wurden die Prüfkörper in Leitungswasser gelagert und insgesamt sechs Mal einem maschinellem Zahnbürsten zugeführt. Anschliessend wurden erneut Ra und Rz sowie VHN und EM gemessen. Ra-, Rz-, VHN- und EM-Werte wurden mittels nichtparametrischer ANOVA global analysiert und die p-Werte mittels Bonferroni-Holm Korrektur für multiples Testen korrigiert. Als post-hoc Tests wurden Kruskal-Wallis-Tests sowie exakte Wilcoxon Rangsummen-Tests verwendet und die p-Werte wurden nicht korrigiert. Das Signifikanzniveau wurde auf α=0,05 festgelegt. Resultate: Für alle drei CAD/CAM-Hybridmaterialien ergaben Sof-Lex Scheiben nach der Politur die tiefste Oberflächenrauigkeit (d. h. die tiefsten Ra- und Rz-Werte), gefolgt von KENDA Nobilis und von dem VITA Polishing Set Clinical. Bei dem CAD/CAM-Kompositmaterial sowie bei der CAD/CAM-Feldspatkeramik ergaben Sof-Lex Scheiben und KENDA Nobilis ähnliche Resultate, gefolgt von dem VITA Polishing Set Clinical. Bei einigen CAD/CAM-Materialien zeigten sich – zum Teil in Abhängigkeit des Politursystems – nach maschinellem Zahnbürsten und Lagerung signifikant höhere Ra- und Rz-Werte. Die CAD/CAM-Materialien zeigten unabhängig des Politursystems und der Lagerung signifikant verschiedene VHN- und EM-Werte. Bei einigen CAD/CAM-Materialien zeigten sich – zum Teil ebenfalls in Abhängigkeit des Politursystems – nach maschinellem Zahn-bürsten und Lagerung signifikant tiefere VHN- und EM-Werte. Schlussfolgerungen: Die Wahl des Politursystems beeinflusste die Oberflächenrauigkeit der CAD/CAM-Materialien markant, wobei Sof-Lex Scheiben insgesamt die besten Politurresultate zeigten, gefolgt von dem Silikonpolierer KENDA Nobilis. Von der Verwendung des Silikonpolitursystems VITA Polishing Set Clinical muss eher abgeraten werden. Das CAD/CAM-Kompositmaterial Paradigm MZ100 und die CAD/CAM-Hybridmaterialien Lava Ultimate und AMBARINO High-Class als weichere und elastischere Materialien liessen sich insgesamt besser polieren, waren aber bezüglich mechanischer Eigenschaften anfälliger auf Lagerung als die härtere CAD/CAM-Feldspatkeramik VITABLOCS Mark II und das CAD/CAM-Hybridmaterial VITA ENAMIC.
INTRODUCTION The neural correlates of impaired performance of gestures are currently unclear. Lesion studies showed variable involvement of the ventro-dorsal stream particularly left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) in gesture performance on command. However, findings cannot be easily generalized as lesions may be biased by the architecture of vascular supply and involve brain areas beyond the critical region. The neuropsychiatric syndrome of schizophrenia shares apraxic-like errors and altered brain structure without macroanatomic lesions. Schizophrenia may therefore qualify as a model disorder to test neural correlates of gesture impairments. METHODS We included 45 schizophrenia patients and 44 healthy controls in the study to investigate the structural brain correlates of defective gesturing in schizophrenia using voxel based morphometry. Gestures were tested in two domains: meaningful gestures (transitive and intransitive) on verbal command and imitation of meaningless gestures. Cut-off scores were used to separate patients with deficits, patients without deficits and controls. Group differences in gray matter (GM) volume were explored in an ANCOVA. RESULTS Patients performed poorer than controls in each gesture category (p < .001). Patients with deficits in producing meaningful gestures on command had reduced GM predominantly in left IFG, with additional involvement of right insula and anterior cingulate cortex. Patients with deficits differed from patients without deficits in right insula, inferior parietal lobe (IPL) and superior temporal gyrus. CONCLUSIONS Impaired performance of meaningful gestures on command was linked to volume loss predominantly in the praxis network in schizophrenia. Thus, the behavioral similarities between apraxia and schizophrenia are paralleled by structural alterations. However, few associations between behavioral impairment and structural brain alterations appear specific to schizophrenia.
A new cold-inducible genetic construct was cloned using a chloroplast-specific omega-3-fatty acid desaturase gene (FAD7) under the control of a cold-inducible promoter (cor15a) from Arabidopsis thaliana. RT-PCR confirmed a marked increase in FAD7 expression, in young Nicotiana tabacum (cv. Havana) plants harboring cor15a-FAD7, after a short-term exposure to cold. When young, cold-induced tobacco seedlings were exposed to low-temperature (0.5, 2 or 3.5 degrees C) for up to 44 days, survival within independent cor15a-FAD7 transgenic lines (40.2-96%) was far superior to the wild type (6.7-10.2%). In addition, the major trienoic fatty acid species remained stable in cold-induced cor15a-FAD7 N. tabacum plants under prolonged cold storage while the levels of hexadecatrienoic acid (16:3) and octadecatrienoic acid (18:3) declined in wild type plants under the same conditions (79 and 20.7% respectively). Electron microscopy showed that chloroplast membrane ultrastructure in cor15a-FAD7 transgenic plants was unaffected by prolonged exposure to cold temperatures. In contrast, wild type plants experienced a loss of granal stacking and disorganization of the thylakoid membrane under the same conditions. Changes in membrane integrity coincided with a precipitous decline in leaf chlorophyll concentration and low survival rates in wild type plants. Cold-induced double transgenic N. alata (cv. Domino Mix) plants, harboring both the cor15a-FAD7 cold-tolerance gene and a cor15a-IPT dark-tolerance gene, exhibited dramatically higher survival rates (89-90%) than wild type plants (2%) under prolonged cold storage under dark conditions (2 degrees C for 50 days).