900 resultados para Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor-1


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Elevated plasma concentrations of lipoprotein(a) (Lp(a)) are a risk factor for a variety of atherosclerotic disorders including coronary heart disease. In the current study, the investigators report that incubation of cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) with high concentrations of apolipoprotein(a)(apo(a)/Lp(a)) induces apoptosis and endothelial dysfunction in a dose dependent manner. Apo(a), the component of Lp(a) mediates these effects by inducing externalization of Annexin V, DNA condensation and fragmentation which are the hallmarks of death by apoptosis. The pathway of apo(a)-induced apoptosis is associated with overexpression of Bax, caspase-9, p53 phosphorylation, decreased in Bcl-2 expression and activation of caspase-3. Taken together, the data suggest that elevated concentration of apo(a) induces apoptosis in endothelial cells probably by activating the intrinsic pathway. The data also showed that apo(a) induces increased expression of the growth arrest protein (Gas1), which has been known to induce apoptosis and growth arrest in vitro. In addition the data showed that elevated apo(a)/Lp(a) attenuates endothelial nitric oxide (eNOS) activity and endothelin-1 (ET-1) in a dose and time-dependent manner, particularly with small apo(a) isoforms. In summary, the authors proposed a new signaling pathway by which apo(a)/Lp(a) induce apoptosis and this finding could help explain how apo(a)/Lp(a) mediate atherosclerosis related diseases.


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Hypoxia results in adaptive changes in the transcription of a range of genes including erythropoietin. An important mediator is hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1), a DNA binding complex shown to contain at least two basic helix-loop-helix PAS-domain (bHLH-PAS) proteins, HIF-1 alpha and aryl hydrocarbon nuclear receptor translocator (ARNT), In response to hypoxia, HIF-1 alpha is activated and accumulates rapidly in the cell. Endothelial PAS domain protein 1 (EPAS-1) is a recently identified bHLH-PAS protein with 48% identity to HIF-1 alpha, raising the question of its role in responses to hypoxia. We developed specific antibodies and studied expression and regulation of EPAS-1 mRNA and protein across a range of human cell lines. EPAS-1 was widely expressed, and strongly induced by hypoxia at the level of protein but not mRNA. Comparison of the effect of a range of activating and inhibitory stimuli showed striking similarities in the EPAS-1 and HIF-1 alpha responses. Although major differences were observed in the abundance of EPAS-1 and HIF-1 alpha in different cell types, differences in the inducible response were subtle with EPAS-1 protein being slightly more evident in normoxic and mildly hypoxic cells. Functional studies in a mutant cell line (Ka13) expressing neither HIF-1 alpha nor EPAS-1 confirmed that both proteins interact with hypoxically responsive targets, but suggest target specificity with greater EPAS-1 transactivation (relative to HIF-1 alpha transactivation) of the VEGF promoter than the LDH-A promoter. (C) 1998 by The American Society of Hematology.


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Insulin-like growth factor binding protein (IGFBP)-3 modulates vascular development by regulating endothelial progenitor cell (EPC) behavior, specifically stimulating EPC cell migration. This study was undertaken to investigate the mechanism of IGFBP-3 effects on EPC function and how IGFBP-3 mediates cytoprotection following vascular injury.


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PURPOSE: The authors investigated the receptor-mediated endocytosis (RME) and intracellular trafficking of insulin and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in cultured retinal vascular endothelial cells (RVECs). METHODS: Low-density lipoprotein and insulin were conjugated to 10 nm colloidal gold, and these ligands were added to cultured bovine RVECs for 20 minutes at 4 degrees C. The cultures were then warmed to 37 degrees C and fixed after incubation times between 30 seconds and 1 hour. Control cells were incubated with unconjugated gold colloid at times and concentrations similar to those of the ligands. Additional control cells were exposed to several concentrations of anti-insulin receptor antibody or a saturating solution of unconjugated insulin before incubation with gold insulin. RESULTS: Using transmission electron microscopy, insulin gold and LDL gold were both observed at various stages of RME. Insulin-gold particles were first seen to bind to the apical plasma membrane (PM) before clustering in clathrin-coated pits and internalization in coated vesicles. Gold was later visualized in uncoated cytoplasmic vesicles, corresponding to early endosomes and multivesicular bodies (MVBs) or late endosomes. In several instances, localized regions of the limiting membrane of the MVBs appeared coated, a feature of endosomal membranes not previously described. After RME at the apical PM and passage through the endosomal system, the greater part of both insulin- and LDL-gold conjugates was seen to accumulate in large lysosome-like compartments. However, a small but significant proportion of the internalized ligands was transcytosed and released as discrete membrane-associated quanta at the basal cell surface. The uptake of LDL gold was greatly increased in highly vacuolated, late-passage RVECs. In controls, anti-insulin receptor antibody and excess unconjugated insulin caused up to 89% inhibition in gold-insulin binding and internalization. CONCLUSION: These results illustrate the internalization and intracellular trafficking by RVECs of insulin and LDL through highly efficient RME, and they provide evidence for at least two possible fates for the endocytosed ligands. This study outlines a route by which vital macromolecules may cross the inner blood-retinal barrier.


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Hepatocyte growth factor-regulated tyrosine kinase substrate (Hrs) is a prominent substrate for activated tyrosine kinase receptors that has been proposed to play a role in endosomal membrane trafficking. The protein contains a FYVE domain, which specifically binds to the lipid phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-phosphate (PI 3-P). We show that this interaction is required both for correct localization of the protein to endosomes that only partially coincides with early endosomal autoantigen 1 and for efficient tyrosine phosphorylation of the protein in response to epidermal growth factor stimulation. Treatment with wortmannin reveals that Hrs phosphorylation also requires PI 3-kinase activity, which is necessary to generate the PI 3-P required for localization. We have used both hypertonic media and expression of a dominant-negative form of dynamin (K44A) to inhibit endocytosis; under which conditions, receptor stimulation fails to elicit phosphorylation of Hrs. Our results provide a clear example of the coupling of a signal transduction pathway to endocytosis, from which we propose that activated receptor (or associated factor) must be delivered to the appropriate endocytic compartment in order for Hrs phosphorylation to occur.


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L’angiogenèse est la formation de nouveaux vaisseaux sanguins à partir d’un réseau vasculaire existant. C’est un phénomène essentiel pour des processus physiologiques et pathologiques. L’activation des cellules endothéliales est contrôlée par plusieurs facteurs de croissance. Le VEGF et son récepteur le VEGFR-2 ont été prouvés comme étant spécifiques et critiques pour la formation des vaisseaux sanguins alors que Tie2, le récepteur auquel se lie l’Ang-1, est requis aussi bien dans le développement vasculaire que dans l’angiogenèse tumorale. Il est connu que l’activation de Tie2 est nécessaire à la stabilisation finale de la vascularisation en inhibant la perméabilité vasculaire induite par le VEGFR-2. Nous avons premièrement découvert que le facteur de croissance pro-angiogénique, l’Ang-1 contrecarre les effets de perméabilité cellulaire induits par le VEGF en inhibant la production de NO dans les cellules endothéliales. Cet effet inhibiteur de Tie2 intervient directement au niveau de l’activité de l’enzyme eNOS. Suite à l’activation de Tie2 par l’Ang-1, eNOS devient fortement phosphorylé sur la Thr497 après la phosphorylation et l’activation de la PKCζ. Nos résultats suggèrent que l’inhibition, par Tie2, de la perméabilité vasculaire durant l’angiogenèse serait due, en partie, à l’inhibition de la production de NO. Deuxièmement nous avons pu distinguer entre deux modes de migration cellulaire endothéliale induits par l’Ang-1 et le VEGF. À l’opposé du VEGF qui promeut une migration individuelle aléatoire, l’Ang-1 induit une migration collective directionnelle. Dans cette étude, nous avons identifié la β-caténine comme un nouveau partenaire moléculaire de la PKCζ. Cette association de la PKCζ à la β-caténine amène le complexe de polarité Par6-aPKC et le complexe des jonctions d’adhérences cellulaires à interagir ensemble à deux localisations différentes au niveau de la cellule endothéliale. Au niveau des contacts intercellulaires, le complexe PKCζ/β-caténine maintien la cohésion et l’adhésion cellulaire nécessaire pour le processus migratoire collectif. Ce complexe se retrouve aussi au niveau du front migratoire des cellules endothéliales afin d’assurer la directionalité et la persistance de la migration endothéliale en réponse à l’Ang-1. D’une manière intéressante, lors de l’inhibition de la PKCζ ou de la β-caténine on assiste à un changement du mode de migration en réponse à l’Ang-1 qui passe d’une migration directionnelle collective à une migration individuelle aléatoire. Ce dernier mode de migration est similaire à celui observé chez des cellules endothéliales exposées au VEGF. Ces résultats ont été corroborés in vivo par une polarité et une adhésion défectueuses au cours de la vasculogenèse chez le poisson zèbre déficient en PKCζ. En résumé, Ang-1/Tie2 module la signalisation et les réponses biologiques endothéliales déclenchées par le VEGF/VEGFR-2. L’identification des mécanismes moléculaires en aval de ces deux récepteurs, Tie2 et VEGFR-2, et la compréhension des différentes voies de signalisation activées par ces complexes moléculaires nous permettra de mettre la lumière sur des nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques pour le traitement des maladies angiogéniques.


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Un remodelage vasculaire anormal est à la base de la pathogenèse des maladies cardio-vasculaires (MCV) telles que l’athérosclérose et l’hypertension. Des dysfonctionnements au niveau de la migration, l’hypertrophie et la prolifération des cellules musculaires lisses vasculaires (CMLV) sont des évènements cellulaires qui jouent un rôle primordial dans le remodelage vasculaire. L’insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), puissant facteur mitogène, contribue au développement des MCV, notamment via l’activation des protéines MAPK et PI3-K/PKB, composantes clés impliquées dans les voies de croissance cellulaire. Ces molécules sont également impliquées dans la modulation de l’expression de nombreux facteurs de transcription, incluant le facteur Egr-1. Egr-1 est régulé à la hausse dans différents types de maladies vasculaires impliquant les voies de signalisation de croissance et de stress oxydant qui par ailleurs peuvent être déclenchées par l’IGF-1. Cependant, la question d’une possible modulation de l’expression d’Egr-1 dans les CMLV demeure inabordée; plus spécifiquement, la caractérisation de la voie de signalisation reliant l’action d’IGF-1 à l’expression d’Egr-1 reste à établir. Dans cette optique, l’objectif de cette étude a été d’examiner l’implication de MAPK, PKB et des dérivés réactifs de l’oxygène (DRO) dans l’expression d’Egr-1 induite par l’IGF-1 dans les CMLV. L’IGF-1 a induit une augmentation marquée du niveau protéique de l’Egr-1 en fonction du temps et de la concentration utilisés. Cette augmentation a été inhibée en fonction des doses d’agents pharmacologiques qui ciblent les voies de signalisation de MAPK, PKB et DRO. De plus, l’expression du facteur de transcription, Egr-1, en réponse de l’IGF-1, a été atténuée suite à un blocage pharmacologique des processus cellulaires responsables de la synthèse d’ARN et de synthèse protéique. Pour conclure, on a démontré que l’IGF-1 stimule l’expression d’Egr-1 via les voies de signalisation, impliquant ERK1/2/JNK, PI3K/PKB. On a également proposé que les DRO jouent un rôle important dans ce processus. Dans l’ensemble, nous avons suggéré un nouveau mécanisme par lequel l’IGF-1 promeut la prolifération et l’hypertrophie cellulaire, processus à la base des anomalies vasculaires.


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The GATA family of transcription factors establishes genetic networks that control developmental processes including hematopoiesis, vasculogenesis, and cardiogenesis. We found that GATA-1 strongly activates transcription of the Tac-2 gene, which encodes proneurokinin-B, a precursor of neurokinin-B (NK-B). Neurokinins function through G protein-coupled transmembrane receptors to mediate diverse physiological responses including pain perception and the control of vascular tone. Whereas an elevated level of NK-B was implicated in pregnancy-associated pre-eclampsia ( Page, N. M., Woods, R. J., Gardiner, S. M., Lomthaisong, K., Gladwell, R. T., Butlin, D. J., Manyonda, I. T., and Lowry, P. J. ( 2000) Nature 405, 797 - 800), the regulation of NK-B synthesis and function are poorly understood. Tac-2 was expressed in normal murine erythroid cells and was induced upon ex vivo erythropoiesis. An estrogen receptor fusion to GATA-1 (ER-GATA-1) and endogenous GATA-1 both occupied a region of Tac-2 intron-7, which contains two conserved GATA motifs. Genetic complementation analysis in GATA-1-null G1E cells revealed that endogenous GATA-2 occupied the same region of intron-7, and expression of ER-GATA-1 displaced GATA-2 and activated Tac-2 transcription. Erythroid cells did not express neurokinin receptors, whereas aortic and yolk sac endothelial cells differentially expressed neurokinin receptor subtypes. Since NK-B induced cAMP accumulation in yolk sac endothelial cells, these results suggest a new mode of vascular regulation in which GATA-1 controls NK-B synthesis in erythroid cells.


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To investigate tenocyte regulatory events during the development of overuse supraspinatus tendinosis in rats.

Supraspinatus tendinosis was induced by running rats downhill at 1 km/hour for 1 hour a day. Tendons were harvested at 4, 8, 12, and 16 weeks and processed for brightfield, polarized light, or transmission electron microscopy. The development of tendinosis was assessed semiquantitatively using a modified Bonar histopathologic scale. Apoptosis and proliferation were examined using antibodies against fragmented DNA or proliferating cell nuclear antigen, respectively. Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) expression was determined by computer-assisted quantification of immunohistochemical reaction. Local IGF-1 signaling was probed using antibodies to phosphorylated insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1) and ERK-1/2.

Tendinosis was present after 12 weeks of downhill running and was characterized by tenocyte rounding and proliferation as well as by glycosaminoglycan accumulation and collagen fragmentation. The proliferation index was elevated in CD90+ tenocytes in association with tendinosis and correlated with increased local IGF-1 expression by tenocytes and phosphorylation of IRS-1 and ERK-1/2. Both apoptosis and cellular inflammation were absent at all time points.

In this animal model, early tendinosis was associated with local stimulation of tenocytes rather than with extrinsic inflammation or apoptosis. Our data suggest a role for IGF-1 in the load-induced tenocyte responses during the pathogenesis of overuse tendon disorders.


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Peritoneal dissemination of ovarian carcinoma is mediated by epithelial–mesenchymal interconversions leading to the disruption of cell–cell contact and modulation of cell–extracellular matrix (ECM) interactions. The present study was designed to evaluate the effects of epidermal growth factor (EGF) as a modulator of Janus kinase 2 (JAK2) and signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) signalling and changes in integrin expression during the process similar to EMT. A fibroblastic morphology with reduced intercellular cell contacts and increased cell motility was observed in ovarian cancer cell lines in response to EGF and was concomitant with the up regulation of EMT-associated N-cadherin and vimentin expression. These changes were accompanied by an increase in α2, α6 and β1 integrin subunits and activation of JAK2 and STAT3 signalling which was suppressed by a specific JAK2 inhibitor. Consistent with the suppression of STAT3 activity, N-cadherin and vimentin expression were abrogated and was coherent with the loss of cell motility and the expression of α6 and β1 integrin subunits. Neutralizing antibodies against α6 and β1 subunits inhibited cancer cell migration. A strong correlation between the expression of N-cadherin, vimentin and JAK2/STAT3 levels were detected in high-grade ovarian tumors and was consistent with the previously reported enhanced expression of α6 integrin subunit in advanced tumors [Ahmed N, Riley C, Oliva K, Rice G, Quinn M. Ascites induces modulation of α6β1 integrin and urokinase plasminogen activator receptor expression and associated functions in ovarian carcinoma. British Journal of Cancer 2005;92:1475–85]. Our data incorporating the clinical samples and the cancer cell lines is the first to demonstrate that JAK2/STAT3 pathway may be one of the downstream events in EMT-like process and α6β1 integrin-mediated signalling in ovarian carcinomas.


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Mucosal vascular addressin cell adhesion molecule-1 (MAdCAM-1) is predominantly expressed on high endothelial venules in inflamed tissues where it assists with leucocyte extravasation. Here we report that MAdCAM-1 has the potential to be more widely expressed outside the endothelial cell lineage than previously appreciated. Thus, MAdCAM-1 RNA transcripts and cell-surface protein were expressed by NIH 3T3 fibroblasts following activation with tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), and by freshly isolated and cultured primary mouse splenic and tail fibroblasts in the absence of TNF-alpha stimulation. They were constitutively expressed by B16F10 melanoma cells, and expression was enhanced by cell activation with TNF-alpha. Mucosal vascular addressin cell adhesion molecule-1 was expressed on the apical surface of isolated cells, but became predominantly localized to cell junctions in confluent cell monolayers, suggesting it may play a role in the homotypic aggregation of cells. Tumour necrosis factor-alpha enhanced the expression of a firefly luciferase reporter directed by the MAdCAM-1 promoter in NIH 3T3 and B16F10 cells. A DNA fragment extending from nt -1727 to -673 was sufficient to confer cell-type selective expression. Mucosal vascular addressin cell adhesion molecule-1 expressed by NIH 3T3 cells was biologically active, as it supported the adhesion of TK-1 T cells in an alpha4beta7-dependent fashion. The expression of MAdCAM-1 by fibroblasts, and melanomas suggests MAdCAM-1 may play a role in regulating host responses in the periphery, leucocyte transmigration across nonendothelial boundaries, or the homotypic interactions of some malignant melanomas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Context: Through overexpression and aberrant activation in many human tumors, the IGF system plays a key role in tumor development and tumor cell proliferation. Different strategies targeting IGF-I receptor (IGFI-R) have been developed, and recent studies demonstrated that combined treatments with cytostatic drugs enhance the potency of anti-IGFI-R therapies. Objective: The objective of the study was to examine the IGFI-R expression status in neuroendocrine tumors of the gastroenteropancreatic system (GEP-NETs) in comparison with healthy tissues and use potential overexpression as a target for novel anti-IGFI-R immunoliposomes. Experimental Design: A human tumor tissue array and samples from different normal tissues were investigated by immunohistochemistry. An IGFI-R antagonistic antibody (1H7) was coupled to the surface of sterically stabilized liposomes loaded with doxorubicin. Cell lines from different tumor entities were investigated for liposomal association studies in vitro. For in vivo experiments, neuroendocrine tumor xenografts were used for evaluation of pharmacokinetic and therapeutic properties of the novel compound. Results: Immunohistochemistry revealed significant IGFI-R overexpression in all investigated GEP-NETs (n = 59; staining index, 229.1 +/- 3.1%) in comparison with normal tissues (115.7 +/- 3.7%). Furthermore, anti-IGFI-R immunoliposomes displayed specific tumor cell association (44.2 +/- 1.6% vs. IgG liposomes, 0.8 +/- 0.3%; P < 0.0001) and internalization in human neuroendocrine tumor cells in vitro and superior antitumor efficacy in vivo (life span 31.5 +/- 2.2 d vs. untreated control, 19 +/- 0.6, P = 0.008). Conclusion: IGFI-R overexpression seems to be a common characteristic of otherwise heterogenous NETs. Novel anti-IGFI-R immunoliposomes have been developed and successfully tested in a preclinical model for human GEP-NETs. Moreover in vitro experiments indicate that usage of this agent could also present a promising approach for other tumor entities.


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Infection with bacteria such as Chlamydia pneumonia, Helicobacter pylori or Porphyromonas gingivalis may be triggering the secretion of inflammatory cytokines that leads to atherogenesis. The mechanisms by which the innate immune recognition of these pathogens could lead to atherosclerosis remain unclear. In this study, using human vascular endothelial cells or HEK-293 cells engineered to express pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs), we set out to determine Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and functionally associated PRRs involved in the innate recognition of and response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from H. pylori or P. gingivalis. Using siRNA interference or recombinant expression of cooperating PRRs, we show that H. pylori and P. gingivalis LPS-induced cell activation is mediated through TLR2. Human vascular endothelial cell activation was found to be lipid raft-dependent and to require the formation of heterotypic receptor complexes comprising of TLR2, TLR1, CD36 and CD11b/CD18. In addition, we report that LPS from these bacterial strains are able to antagonize TLR4. This antagonistic activity of H. pylori or P. gingivalis LPS, as well as their TLR2 activation capability may be associated with their ability to contribute to atherosclerosis.


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With the rapid increase in approaches to pro- or anti-angiogenic therapy, new and effective methodologies for administration of cell-bound growth factors will be required. We sought to develop the natural hydrogel matrix fibrin as platform for extensive interactions and continuous signaling by the vascular morphogen ephrin-B2 that normally resides in the plasma membrane and requires multivalent presentation for ligation and activation of Eph receptors on apposing endothelial cell surfaces. Using fibrin and protein engineering technology to induce multivalent ligand presentation, a recombinant mutant ephrin-B2 receptor binding domain was covalently coupled to fibrin networks at variably high densities. The ability of fibrin-bound ephrin-B2 to act as ligand for endothelial cells was preserved, as demonstrated by a concomitant, dose-dependent increase of endothelial cell binding to engineered ephrin-B2-fibrin substrates in vitro. The therapeutic relevance of ephrin-B2-fibrin implant matrices was demonstrated by a local angiogenic response in the chick embryo chorioallontoic membrane evoked by the local and prolonged presentation of matrix-bound ephrin-B2 to tissue adjacing the implant. This new knowledge on biomimetic fibrin vehicles for precise local delivery of membrane-bound growth factor signals may help to elucidate specific biological growth factor function, and serve as starting point for development of new treatment strategies.