861 resultados para Vale do São Francisco


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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A pesquisa resgata o trecho paulista do “Caminho Novo”, antiga estrada geral de São Paulo, ligação terrestre com o Rio de Janeiro, a partir do século XVIII. No chamado Vale Histórico da Serra da Bocaina, cujo relevo se apresenta muito movimentado, a cultura do café penetrou em território paulista. Esta sub-região do Vale do Paraíba tornou-se uma das mais prósperas do país. A fase posterior, de queda na produção cafeeira, transformou-a numa região “deprimida” e estagnada. Atualmente, existem esforços para, através dos diversos ramos do turismo, reativar e dinamizar esta região vale-paraibana paulista, de modo a reintegrá-la ao pujante sistema econômico de São Paulo.


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The present study characterizes the physical environment for its fragility and its capacity to support, through geological and geomorphological properties in the study area, concerning primarily with a sustainable environmental planning for the construction and maintenance of buried linear works. The study area is located on a portion of the Paraiba Valley, which is between the latitudes 22 °30' S and 23°00' S and longitudes 44°30' W and 45° 15' W, between cities of Aparecida (SP) and Queluz (SP). The methodology was based in the visual interpretation of TM/Landsat-7 images, using as a criterion the element textural image and its way of organizing space. To do so, it was set five levels of textural density, enabling thus to the partitioning of the area in areas counterparts (Z.H.s). As a result, it was identified 133 Z.H.s. By using the same criterion textural image the following physical properties were classified: Erosion Resistance, Permeability, Plasticity X Brittle, Tropia and Relief Asymmetry for each zone counterpart, and then grouped themselves as they hold all properties equal in Units Geoenvironmental (U.G.s). As a result it was identified 18 U.G.s. The work presents, as a final result, a thematic map with favorable or restrictable sectores to the design of buried linear works. Based on this map, it can be propose traces to buried linear works, analyzing their suitability to the physical environment and reducing the impacts caused to the environment.


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Not only the progress of the radiotherapy, but also the improve of the dose in the patient with adjusted radiotherapy plannings, calculation of shield, radiometric survey, among others, are responsibilities of the medical physic inside of a sector of radiotherapy. This monograph has as objective to above show some of these cited functions of the medical physicis, starting with a theoretical basement and at as a moment to present the calculations and the results found during a visit in the Institute of Radiotherapy of the Valley of the Paraíba, located in the city of São José dos Campos, and in the Regional Hospital of Taubaté in the period of 2006, 2007 and 2008


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O homem modifica o ambiente ao seu redor gerando alterações “nos elementos que se encontram em contato direto com suas atividades, como a cobertura vegetal, as formas do relevo e a rede hidrográfica” (CASSETI, 1994). Assim, destacam-se as áreas submetidas ao represamento, cujos reflexos incidem diretamente sobre as formas do relevo. Desta forma, a geomorfologia atua como uma ciência de análise das alterações ocorridas na rede de drenagem e nas feições geomorfológicas, e a cartografia geomorfológica antecipa-se como instrumento da geomorfologia. O objetivo principal da pesquisa foi identificar e analisar as alterações morfohidrográficas e morfométricas provocadas pela construção do reservatório de Barra Bonita no curso final do Rio Piracicaba. A orientação metodológica vincula-se à Teoria Geral dos Sistemas Aplicada à Geografia e à análise da dinâmica de sistemas morfohidrográficos. Para as técnicas, foram confeccionados mapas geomorfológicos e de uso e ocupação das terras dos anos de 1962 (ano anterior à construção da barragem) e 2007 (selecionado como ponto de partida para a análise das alterações morfohidrográficas). Em 1962 existiam barras de meandro, canais e meandros abandonados, terraços fluviais, diques marginais, lagos e lagos de meandros. Em 2007 estes são comprometidos devido à mudança de nível de base local, fato demonstrado pelo desaparecimento de meandros e canais abandonados nas planícies aluviais, fragmentação de terraços fluviais, mudança de foz pelos canais tributários do rio principal e surgimento de novas lagoas. Para o uso, no ano de 1962 existiam grandes áreas de vegetação de “campo úmido”, atrelado à feição geomorfológica “planície aluvial”, que se encontrou alagada no ano de 2007. Foram também calculados os índices de sinuosidade, densidade de meandramento, número de meandros, área... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In order to to research, the region of Perau, base metal mineralization, Grupo Votorantim Metals conducted a soil sampling on targets predetermined holding its chemical analysis. These reviews have been provided by the company for this work was to evaluate the potential use of these data pedogeochemical multi-element for refinement of the work of geological mapping. We selected six targets: Varginha, Salvador, Guararema Taquara Lisa and Coffin of Mendes, in the municipalities of Adrianople, Cerro Azul and Tunas do Paraná, located in Vale do Ribeira (PR). Both have about 10 km2 and situated in the geological context of the Fold Belt Terrane and the Massif de Joinville. The main rock types are present metasedimentary rocks of low to medium grade metamorphic, interspersed the amphibolites ortoderivados, both belonging to the Complex Perau, gneisses and migmatitic Complex. Applied to the geochemical data descriptive statistical techniques (variogram, kriging and histogram). From the correlation between the distributions of elements with the geological data, we could assess the potential of the proposed methodology.


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The region encompassed by the cities of Bocaina’s Historic Valley has your formation closely linked to the coffee´s culture, that were installed during the nineteenth century bringing, at first, a great economic and population growth. However, with the time, the incorrect wear land of the area combined with the antislavery movement and the discovery of more fertile soils in western of São Paulo, among other factors, brought serious setbacks for coffee production in the region which ultimately migrate to other areas, causing an economic crisis in the region that endures to this day. Thus, this paper aims to conduct a study that part of an update of the concept of physiology landscape to identify the physical, ecological and social facts that make up the area of this region, to understand the real causes and consequences of the crisis and what potential persist to circumvent it


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The changes occurring in Brazilian agriculture, with the inclusion of agro-industrial activities in your mode of production, must be analyzed to verify the changes in the behavior of territorial dynamics. Through changing the Rural Complex, traditional for the Agroindustrial Complex tightly integrated with trade and industry brought many consequences for the rural population, with regard to employment. Understanding this transformation capitalist the field is needed to analyze the actors involved in this process and the policies adopted for the expansion of sugar and ethanol activity in the State of São Paulo and the consequences for the spatial organization. The expansion of cane production areas were governed by the Institute of Sugar and Alcohol (IAA), the National Alcohol Program (PROÁLCOOL) Development Plan for the West of São Paulo - PRO-WEST and Expansion Program for the production of Canavicultura for production of fuel for the State of São Paulo (PROCANA). The occupation of these agroindustrial facilities in rural spaces contextualized by territorialization of the rural complex, in that sense, understanding these concepts is a key part development in the research. therefore, are concepts of fundamental importance to geographical science, and interpreting their function and construction in rural spaces


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The late industrialization, together with other factors, ended up directing much of the rural population to cities, without adequate planning, resulting in high density and irregular settlements in risk areas to low-income population. The man settled in the urban site to break environmental laws that eventually causing an imbalance in the natural environment, causing or exacerbating the shortage in availability of water resources. This situation also happened in Presidente Prudente, especially in the east, the focus of this research. Therefore, this study aims to understand the causes of degradation of waterways in urban areas, focusing on society's relationship with nature and its consequences on environmental quality and quality of life of urban population located in the watershed of stream of Gramado, Presidente Prudente - São Paulo. In this catchment there is the irregular deposition of solid waste in the valley, remnants of old pollution release of domestic sewage and industrial (currently collected and intended for treatment), accelerated processes of erosion in some areas of intensive use of the relief and consequently, the bed siltation of streams that are part of the basin. The quality of urban life was seen through socioeconomic and environmental indicators, which were identified through questionnaires to residents, according to local residence in the landscape, divided into three segments: the tops 60 residents, 90 residents and 112 residents in the areas in valley bottoms. With these data we can relate them to the degradation of the basin and aggregate them to the quality of life of residents. Field studies were needed to visualize the changes that occurred in the watershed over the past three years, with the implementation of works aimed at improvements to the community as the conduit stream of Gramado and construction and operation of Sewage Pumping Stations... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The problem of flooding in urban areas exist in many cities and their causes are as varied as the areas of occupancy or Valley weatherproofing Fund areas of infiltration in the drainage basin. The anthropic activity come triggering changes and impacts on the environment for a long time, and there is a growing need to come up with solutions and strategies that minimize and reverse the effects caused these risk areas. Thus, the present work will address the case study in São José do Rio Preto-SP that is an exception, since the area that is considered of risk lies in the Centre, unlike most lying on the outskirts. This will also analyze the processes of urban expansion and the situations of social and environmental vulnerability, including their interrelations in urban scale. The physical study of the area will serve as an important basis for the work, but it will focus mainly on the population and the problems which this is being in hazardous areas. We will not join a single methodology, wharever, we will follow our knowledge to adapt what we feel that fits better, every time. The importance of this study is that in addition to identifying the problems which the local population suffers with floods, lists measures that minimize the environmental impacts arising through the fostering of public policies


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The present work has as its theme the group of St. Louis School of Paraitinga: historical context (the 1930 to 1970). This work has the distinction the subject rarely addressed in academic, school groups in the region of Vale do Paraiba, these schools are not constant theme of research, making this differentiation materials present little used, but extremely important for understanding of education present in the region of Vale do Paraíba. For the realization was made to read the legislation in the period 1930 to 1970, the documentation provided by the Department of Education, reading and analysis of documentation presented, one can understand the historical context of the school group to be targeted by the study: School Group Colonel Domingues de Castro. Objective of this study was to understand how the group of the school of St. Louis was shaping up Paraitinga laws and guidelines in the historical context of the decades from 1930 to 1970, contextualizing historical events general and the specific events of São Luiz do Paraitinga. The methodology used is studies of educational phenomena along with the narrative-biographical study of respondents to this survey


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O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar questões sociais e econômicas do cotidiano de quatro comunidades quilombola (Cedro, Pedra Preta, Ribeirão Grande e Terra Seca) residentes da Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Quilombos de Barra do Turvo (Vale do Ribeira/SP), e levantar o debate acerca da questão da luta pelo reconhecimento da posse da terra frente à saída dos mais jovens da comunidade para as grandes cidades. Através dos dados coletados por meio de levantamento bibliográfico a respeito do tema e entrevistas semiestruturadas com representantes das famílias das quatro comunidades, foi possível discorrer a respeito da problemática da saída dos jovens, que afeta diretamente o futuro dessas comunidades tradicionais, bem como a sugestão de alternativas que visando geração de renda para essas famílias e a inserção e o futuro estabelecimento desses jovens no cotidiano das comunidades. Os resultados deste trabalho mostram que esses quilombolas, bem como seus antepassados, formam comunidades essencialmente rurais e agrícolas, com dinâmica fortemente ligada ao meio natural circundante. Quanto às suas práticas agrícolas, as famílias se dividem em dois grupos: os praticantes da agricultura tradicional, também chamada de “coivara”, e a agroecologia, com Sistemas Agroflorestais bem estabelecidos, onde os agricultores são organizados através de uma cooperativa agroflorestal. Essa divisão agrícola, como mostrado na pesquisa, tem reflexo direto na organização social e econômica das comunidades, bem como no processo de preservação do patrimônio cultural desses grupos. A pesquisa apontou ainda para um grande êxodo dos indivíduos mais jovens das quatro comunidades rumo aos grandes centros urbanos, pela falta de interesse destes na cultural local, ou pela busca por empregos regulares, levantando o questionamento sobre a preservação da cultura e do território quilombola de Barra do Turvo


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The projects of the company Vale SA territorialization triggers a series of territorial determinations on local populations. This process denotes a situation of sociospatial conflicts between the affected people and the company, which occur in the material and symbolical scope. In the expansion of these conflicts is established the International Articulation of those Affected by Vale and the “Movimento de Soberania Popular Frente a Mineração” (MAM) which aims to promote communication and unification of the struggles between different social movements and populations on confrontation with the company. This project aims to examine how these conflicts are established in projects relating to mining operations in Brazil. The development starts from a mapping of the investments in the sector, identifying the major determinations territorial, the forms of organization of resistance, identifying who are the groups in conflict