1000 resultados para Universitat de Lleida. Escola Politècnica Superior -- Revistes
L’ús dels sistemes CAD/CAM s’ha fet un lloc important a les indústries en què intervenen els processos de mecanització, ja que aquests softwares redueixen el temps per crear un programa de control numèric i permeten mecanitzar superfícies complicades de dues i tres dimensions. La introducció en el mercat d’aquests sistemes de fabricació assistida per ordinador ha fet que apareguessin un elevat nombre de paràmetres de control associats a cada un dels cicles de mecanització. L’elecció del cicle i dels paràmetres repercuteix també en el temps de tall, l’acabat superficial, la vida i el desgast de l’eina, i en el preu final de la peça entre d’altres. L’equip d’investigació del GREPP (Grup de Recerca en Enginyeria de Procés, Producte i Producció) va fer un estudi previ de diferents paràmetres, controlant quatre estratègies de mecanització i tres paràmetres de procés, del sistema CAM per tal d’obtenir el millor acabat superficial. L’objecte del projecte final de carrera és fer noves experimentacions de la investigació iniciada pel grup de recerca del GREPP, ampliant les geometries i algun factor de control per tal de tenir un major nombre de dades i així, poder saber el comportament que tenen aquests factors en el temps de tall i la rugositat superficial
Several studies over the last few years have shown that newly arising (de novo) mutations contribute to the genetics of schizophrenia (SZ), autism (ASD) and other developmental disorders. The strongest evidence comes from studies of de novo Copy Number Variation (CNV), where the rate of new mutations is shown to be increased in cases when compared to controls [23, 24]. Research on de novo point mutations and small insertion-deletions (indels) has been more limited, but with the development of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology, such studies are beginning to provide preliminary evidence that de novo single-nucleotide mutations (SNVs) might also increase risk of SZ and ASD [25, 26] Advanced paternal age is a major source of new mutations in human beings [27] and could thus be associated with increased risk for developing SZ, ASD or other developmental disorders. Indeed, advanced paternal age is found to be a risk factor for developing SZ and ASD in the offspring [28, 29] and new mutations related to advanced paternal age have been implicated as a cause of sporadic cases in several autosomal dominant diseases, some neurodevelopmental diseases, including SZ and ASD, and social functioning. New single-base substitutions occur at higher rates at males compared to females and this difference increases with paternal age. This is due to the fact that sperm cells go through a much higher number of cell divisions (~840 by the age of 50), which increases the risk for DNA copy errors in the male germ line [30] . By contrast, the female eggs (oocytes) undergo only 24 cell divisions and all but the last occur during foetal life. The aim of my project is to determine the parent-of-origin of de novo SNVs, using large samples of parent-offspring trios affected with schizophrenia (SZ). From whole exome sequencing of 618 Bulgarian proband-offspring trios affected, nearly 1000 de novo (SNVs or small indels) have been identified and from these, the parent-of-origin of at least 60% of the mutations (N=600) can be established. This project is contained in a main one that consists on the determination of the parental origin of different types of de novo mutations (SNVs, small indels and large CNVs).
Durante los últimos años se ha fomentado la investigación mediante el pez cebra como modelo biológico gracias a las considerables ventajas que ofrece respecto a modelos utilizados habitualmente. Una de las aplicaciones más destacadas de este modelo es en el estudio de las células sensoriales en el oído interno, ya que tienen un gran parecido con las células sensoriales de los humanos. Gracias a la facilidad de visualización y estudio de estas células en el pez cebra, se han podido llevar a cabo numerosas investigaciones sobre enfermedades que afectan a este órgano sensorial, así como la sordera. No obstante, para poder analizar todas las estructuras y células que forman parte del oído interno, es importante entender la morfogénesis de este órgano. Este proyecto se basa en el estudio de la morfogénesis del oído interno, concretamente, en la formación de lumen, una estructura que se forma en el oído interno en estadios tempranos del embrión, y que a partir de la cual se forman las demás estructuras que constituirán el oído interno. Para poder entender la formación del lumen en estadios tempranos del embrión, es necesario la caracterización de proteínas que participen en este proceso. Por lo que el objetivo principal de este proyecto es el estudio de la de la expresión de los genes Stxbp3, Stxbp6 y Claudin F en la apertura del lumen en el oído interno del pez cebra.
En aquest Treball de Final de Grau s’exposen els resultats de l’anàlisi de les dades genètiques del projecte EurGast2 "Genetic susceptibility, environmental exposure and gastric cancer risk in an European population”, estudi cas‐control niat a la cohort europea EPIC “European Prospective lnvestigation into Cancer and Nutrition”, que té per objectiu l’estudi dels factors genètics i ambientals associats amb el risc de desenvolupar càncer gàstric (CG). A partir de les dades resultants de l’estudi EurGast2, en el què es van analitzar 1.294 SNPs en 365 casos de càncer gàstric i 1.284 controls en l’anàlisi Single SNP previ, la hipòtesi de partida del present Treball de Final de Grau és que algunes variants amb un efecte marginal molt feble, però que conjuntament amb altres variants estarien associades al risc de CG, podrien no haver‐se detectat. Així doncs, l’objectiu principal del projecte és la identificació d’interaccions de segon ordre entre variants genètiques de gens candidats implicades en la carcinogènesi de càncer gàstric. L’anàlisi de les interaccions s’ha dut a terme aplicant el mètode estadístic Model‐based Multifactor Dimensionality Reduction Method (MB‐MDR), desenvolupat per Calle et al. l’any 2008 i s’han aplicat dues metodologies de filtratge per seleccionar les interaccions que s’exploraran: 1) filtratge d’interaccions amb un SNP significatiu en el Single SNP analysis i 2) filtratge d’interaccions segons la mesura Sinèrgia. Els resultats del projecte han identificat 5 interaccions de segon ordre entre SNPs associades significativament amb un major risc de desenvolupar càncer gàstric, amb p‐valor inferior a 10‐4. Les interaccions identificades corresponen a interaccions entre els gens MPO i CDH1, XRCC1 i GAS6, ADH1B i NR5A2 i IL4R i IL1RN (que s’ha validat en les dues metodologies de filtratge). Excepte CDH1, cap altre d’aquests gens s’havia associat significativament amb el CG o prioritzat en les anàlisis prèvies, el que confirma l’interès d’analitzar les interaccions genètiques de segon ordre. Aquestes poden ser un punt de partida per altres anàlisis destinades a confirmar gens putatius i a estudiar a nivell biològic i molecular els mecanismes de carcinogènesi, i orientades a la recerca de noves dianes terapèutiques i mètodes de diagnosi i pronòstic més eficients.
Death of sensory hair cells in the inner ear results in two global health problems that millions of people around the world suffer: hearing loss and balance disorders. Hair cells convert sound vibrations and head movements into electrical signals that are conveyed to the brain, and as a result of aging, exposure to noise, modern drugs or genetic predisposition, hair cells die. In mammals, the great majority of hair cells are produced during embryogenesis, and hair cells that are lost after birth are not replaceable. However, in the last decades, researches have shown some model organisms that retain the ability to regenerate hair cells damaged after embryogenesis, such as Zebrafish and chicken, providing clues as to the cellular and molecular mechanisms that may block hair cell regeneration in mammals. This discovery initiated a search for methods to stimulate regeneration or replacement of hair cells in mammals, a search that, if fruitful, will revolutionize the treatment of hearing loss and balance disorders. One aim of my project is to study the role of retinoic acid in adult Zebrafish and in mice, which is a metabolite of vitamin A known as an essential molecule to activate hair cell regeneration after cells damaged in Zebrafish embryo. We want to study important genes involved in retinoic acid pathway, such as Aldh1a3 and RARs genes, to check what their role is in the inner ear of adult Zebrafish and compare result obtained in the inner ear of mice. On the other hand, Zebrafish lateral line contains neuromast, which are formed by the same structure than the inner ear: hair cells surrounded by supporting cells and neurons. The lateral line is a structure below the skin's surface that makes easier to damage hair cells to study their regeneration. For that reason, another aim of my project is to study how Sox2 and Atoh1, essential genes during the inner ear development, change their expression during hair cell regeneration in the lateral line. In my project, the most important concepts related to Zebrafish world are explained in order to understand why we have studied this animal and these essential genes. Then, techniques that we used are explained, with their protocol attached in the annexes. Finally, results of my project are shown, but many of them were not expected and they would be needed to follow studying.
Les anomenades malalties neurodegeneratives tenen una simptomatologia i unes manifestacions clíniques molt diferents entre elles. No obstant, totes elles convergeixen en el mateix procés final, la neurodegeneració, que es manifestarà en diferents localitzacions o tipus cel·lulars del sistema nerviós. Nosaltres, plantegem la hipòtesi de que els processos moleculars i cel·lulars subjacents a la neurodegeneració són comuns per totes elles. Després de dur a terme un procés de selecció, es decideix treballar amb la malaltia de Parkinson, la d’Alzheimer, l’Esclerosi lateral amiotròfica i l’esclerosi múltiple. Hem pogut determinar que hi ha set processos moleculars o cel·lulars que estan associats al procés de neurodegeneració i que són comuns a totes elles. Havent-les estudiat per separat s’observa que el procés de neurodegeneració consisteix en una fallada en cadena de diferents sistemes moleculars i cel·lulars que tenen com a punt d’origen l’estrès oxidatiu. A aquest estrès s’hi pot arribar de diferents maneres. Una d’elles és l’exposició excessiva a certs metalls, que provoca la pèrdua dels sistemes antioxidants cel·lulars. Degut a això, els mitocondris reben un impacte oxidatiu massa gran i comencen a fallar. El fet que aquest orgànul actuï com a tampó del calci intracel·lular en provoca la seva desregulació, alterant d’aquesta manera el senyal nerviós. En resposta a l’estrès oxidatiu i tèrmic que genera la disfunció mitocondrial, s’activen les Proteïnes de Xoc Tèrmic (HSP) que actuant de citocines i presentadores d’antígens, inicien la resposta immunològica contra les cèl·lules danyades. Paral·lelament, s’observa un increment de la permeabilitat de la barrera hematoencefàlica degut a la pèrdua de les adhesions cel·lulars estretes per l’alta presència d’espècies reactives. Com a conseqüència de l’afebliment o el trencament de la barrera hematoencefàlica, es pot produir una entrada al SNC de diferents substàncies neurotòxiques i de cèl·lules del sistema immunitàri que, en condicions normals tenen l’accés restringit. Juntament amb aquestes cèl·lules immunològiques, també s’activen les cèl·lules del sistema immunitari innat residents al cervell, la micròglia, i totes elles secreten citocines proinflamatòries que contribueixen al procés de neurodegeneració. Nosaltres presentem els mecanismes pels quals aquesta inflamació, lluny d’atenuar-se, es cronifica per l’acció de certs bucles de retroalimentació positiva. Les diferents peculiaritats de cada malaltia contribueixen en aquest procés de diferents maneres, com és el cas dels pèptids β-amilides en la malaltia d’Alzheimer, l’α-sinucleina en el Parkinson, la superòxid dismutasa (SOD) en l’esclerosi lateral amiotròfica, o l’infiltració de leucòcits al cervell degut a la resposta autoimmune de l’esclerosi múltiple.Deixant de banda aquestes diferències, si el procés és comú entre totes elles, l’estudi a fons d’aquest procés hauria de poder permetre identificar dianes tarapèutiques que siguin comunes per les quatre malalties.
Polynomial constraint solving plays a prominent role in several areas of hardware and software analysis and verification, e.g., termination proving, program invariant generation and hybrid system verification, to name a few. In this paper we propose a new method for solving non-linear constraints based on encoding the problem into an SMT problem considering only linear arithmetic. Unlike other existing methods, our method focuses on proving satisfiability of the constraints rather than on proving unsatisfiability, which is more relevant in several applications as we illustrate with several examples. Nevertheless, we also present new techniques based on the analysis of unsatisfiable cores that allow one to efficiently prove unsatisfiability too for a broad class of problems. The power of our approach is demonstrated by means of extensive experiments comparing our prototype with state-of-the-art tools on benchmarks taken both from the academic and the industrial world.
An analytical model based on Bowen and Holman [1989] is used to prove the existence of instabilities due to the presence of a second extremum of the background vorticity at the front side of the longshore current. The growth rate of the so-called frontshear waves depends primarily upon the frontshear but also upon the backshear and the maximum and the width of the current. Depending on the values of these parameters, either the frontshear or the backshear instabilities may dominate. Both types of waves have a cross-shore extension of the order of the width of the current, but the frontshear modes are localized closer to the coast than are the backshear modes. Moreover, under certain conditions both unstable waves have similar growth rates with close wave numbers and angular frequencies, leading to the possibility of having modulated shear waves in the alongshore direction. Numerical analysis performed on realistic current profiles confirm the behavior anticipated by the analytical model. The theory has been applied to a current profile fitted to data measured during the 1980 Nearshore Sediment Transport Studies experiment at Leadbetter Beach that has an extremum of background vorticity at the front side of the current. In this case and in agreement with field observations, the model predicts instability, whereas the theory based only on backshear instability fai led to do so.
The coupling between topography, waves and currents in the surf zone may selforganize to produce the formation of shore-transverse or shore-oblique sand bars on an otherwise alongshore uniform beach. In the absence of shore-parallel bars, this has been shown by previous studies of linear stability analysis, but is now extended to the finite-amplitude regime. To this end, a nonlinear model coupling wave transformation and breaking, a shallow-water equations solver, sediment transport and bed updating is developed. The sediment flux consists of a stirring factor multiplied by the depthaveraged current plus a downslope correction. It is found that the cross-shore profile of the ratio of stirring factor to water depth together with the wave incidence angle primarily determine the shape and the type of bars, either transverse or oblique to the shore. In the latter case, they can open an acute angle against the current (upcurrent oriented) or with the current (down-current oriented). At the initial stages of development, both the intensity of the instability which is responsible for the formation of the bars and the damping due to downslope transport grow at a similar rate with bar amplitude, the former being somewhat stronger. As bars keep on growing, their finite-amplitude shape either enhances downslope transport or weakens the instability mechanism so that an equilibrium between both opposing tendencies occurs, leading to a final saturated amplitude. The overall shape of the saturated bars in plan view is similar to that of the small-amplitude ones. However, the final spacings may be up to a factor of 2 larger and final celerities can also be about a factor of 2 smaller or larger. In the case of alongshore migrating bars, the asymmetry of the longshore sections, the lee being steeper than the stoss, is well reproduced. Complex dynamics with merging and splitting of individual bars sometimes occur. Finally, in the case of shore-normal incidence the rip currents in the troughs between the bars are jet-like while the onshore return flow is wider and weaker as is observed in nature.
The development of shear instabilities of a wave-driven alongshore current is investigated. In particular, we use weakly nonlinear theory to investigate the possibility that such instabilities, which have been observed at various sites on the U.S. coast and in the laboratory, can grow in linearly stable flows as a subcritical bifurcation by resonant triad interaction, as first suggested by Shrira eta/. [1997]. We examine a realistic longshore current profile and include the effects of eddy viscosity and bottom friction. We show that according to the weakly nonlinear theory, resonance is possible and that these linearly stable flows may exhibit explosive instabilities. We show that this phenomenon may occur also when there is only approximate resonance, which is more likely in nature. Furthermore, the size of the perturbation that is required to trigger the instability is shown in some circumstances to be consistent with the size of naturally occurring perturbations. Finally, we consider the differences between the present case examined and the more idealized case of Shrira et a/. [ 1997]. It is shown that there is a possibility of coupling between triads, due to the richer modal structure in more realistic flows, which may act to stabilize the flow and act against the development of subcritical bifurcations. Extensive numerical tests are called for.
The formation and development of transverse and crescentic sand bars in the coastal marine environment has been investigated by means of a nonlinear numerical model based on the shallow-water equations and on a simpli ed sediment transport parameterization. By assuming normally approaching waves and a saturated surf zone, rhythmic patterns develop from a planar slope where random perturbations of small amplitude have been superimposed. Two types of bedforms appear: one is a crescentic bar pattern centred around the breakpoint and the other, herein modelled for the rst time, is a transverse bar pattern. The feedback mechanism related to the formation and development of the patterns can be explained by coupling the water and sediment conservation equations. Basically, the waves stir up the sediment and keep it in suspension with a certain cross-shore distribution of depth-averaged concentration. Then, a current flowing with (against) the gradient of sediment concentration produces erosion (deposition). It is shown that inside the surf zone, these currents may occur due to the wave refraction and to the redistribution of wave breaking produced by the growing bedforms. Numerical simulations have been performed in order to understand the sensitivity of the pattern formation to the parameterization and to relate the hydro-morphodynamic input conditions to which of the patterns develops. It is suggested that crescentic bar growth would be favoured by high-energy conditions and ne sediment while transverse bars would grow for milder waves and coarser sediment. In intermediate conditions mixed patterns may occur.
We propose a novel multifactor dimensionality reduction method for epistasis detection in small or extended pedigrees, FAM-MDR. It combines features of the Genome-wide Rapid Association using Mixed Model And Regression approach (GRAMMAR) with Model-Based MDR (MB-MDR). We focus on continuous traits, although the method is general and can be used for outcomes of any type, including binary and censored traits. When comparing FAM-MDR with Pedigree-based Generalized MDR (PGMDR), which is a generalization of Multifactor Dimensionality Reduction (MDR) to continuous traits and related individuals, FAM-MDR was found to outperform PGMDR in terms of power, in most of the considered simulated scenarios. Additional simulations revealed that PGMDR does not appropriately deal with multiple testing and consequently gives rise to overly optimistic results. FAM-MDR adequately deals with multiple testing in epistasis screens and is in contrast rather conservative, by construction. Furthermore, simulations show that correcting for lower order (main) effects is of utmost importance when claiming epistasis. As Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) is a complex phenotype likely influenced by gene-gene interactions, we applied FAM-MDR to examine data on glucose area-under-the-curve (GAUC), an endophenotype of T2DM for which multiple independent genetic associations have been observed, in the Amish Family Diabetes Study (AFDS). This application reveals that FAM-MDR makes more efficient use of the available data than PGMDR and can deal with multi-generational pedigrees more easily. In conclusion, we have validated FAM-MDR and compared it to PGMDR, the current state-of-the-art MDR method for family data, using both simulations and a practical dataset. FAM-MDR is found to outperform PGMDR in that it handles the multiple testing issue more correctly, has increased power, and efficiently uses all available information.
In the n{body problem a central con guration is formed when the position vector of each particle with respect to the center of mass is a common scalar multiple of its acceleration vector. Lindstrom showed for n = 3 and for n > 4 that if n ? 1 masses are located at xed points in the plane, then there are only a nite number of ways to position the remaining nth mass in such a way that they de ne a central con guration. Lindstrom leaves open the case n = 4. In this paper we prove the case n = 4 using as variables the mutual distances between the particles.
We study the families of periodic orbits of the spatial isosceles 3-body problem (for small enough values of the mass lying on the symmetry axis) coming via the analytic continuation method from periodic orbits of the circular Sitnikov problem. Using the first integral of the angular momentum, we reduce the dimension of the phase space of the problem by two units. Since periodic orbits of the reduced isosceles problem generate invariant two-dimensional tori of the nonreduced problem, the analytic continuation of periodic orbits of the (reduced) circular Sitnikov problem at this level becomes the continuation of invariant two-dimensional tori from the circular Sitnikov problem to the nonreduced isosceles problem, each one filled with periodic or quasi-periodic orbits. These tori are not KAM tori but just isotropic, since we are dealing with a three-degrees-of-freedom system. The continuation of periodic orbits is done in two different ways, the first going directly from the reduced circular Sitnikov problem to the reduced isosceles problem, and the second one using two steps: first we continue the periodic orbits from the reduced circular Sitnikov problem to the reduced elliptic Sitnikov problem, and then we continue those periodic orbits of the reduced elliptic Sitnikov problem to the reduced isosceles problem. The continuation in one or two steps produces different results. This work is merely analytic and uses the variational equations in order to apply Poincar´e’s continuation method.