978 resultados para Unilateral distalization


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OBJETIVO: Descrever uma série de pacientes portadores de obstrução do sistema lacrimal associado à radioiodoterapia para tratamento de carcinoma de tireoide, revisar os dados clínicos e a resposta ao tratamento cirúrgico desta rara complicação. MÉTODOS: Foi realizada uma análise retrospectiva dos achados oftalmológicos de pacientes com histórico de carcinoma de tireoide previamente submetidos à tireoidectomia e à RIT que foram encaminhados para cirurgia de vias lacrimais. RESULTADOS: Dezessete pacientes com carcinoma de tireoide tratados com tireoidectomia e RIT apresentaram obstrução do ducto nasolacrimal sintomática após período médio de 13,2 meses do tratamento do câncer. Onze pacientes tiveram epífora bilateral, 8 com mucocele de saco lacrimal. A idade dos pacientes variou entre 30 e 80 anos, sendo 10 com idade menor ou igual a 49 anos. A dose cumulativa média de radioiodo administrada foi de 571 mCi (variação entre 200-1200 mCi). Sintomas de obstrução nasal e aumento de glândulas salivares ocorreram em 53% dos pacientes. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos à dacriocistorrinostomia. Observou-se ainda que nos 3 pacientes mais jovens houve maior sangramento intraoperatótio e dilatação de saco lacrimal. A resolução completa da epífora e da dacriocistite ocorreu em 82,4%, e foi parcial em 17,6% (3 pacientes mantiveram queixa unilateral após a correção da obstrução bilateralmente). O seguimento médio foi de 6 meses (intervalo: 2-24 meses). CONCLUSÕES: Alta dose cumulativa de radioiodo, disfunção nasal e de glândulas salivares estão associadas à obstrução das vias lacrimais. Observa-se uma maior porcentagem de pacientes mais jovens apresentando quadro de dacriocistite quando comparado à dacrioestenose idiopática. A absorção de iodo radioativo pela mucosa do ducto nasolacrimal com subsequente inflamação, edema e fibrose parece ter relação direta com a obstrução do ducto nasolacrimal. O conhecimento desta complicação é importante para o estudo e abordagem correta desses pacientes.


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Purpose: To determine the proportion of blindness and investigate the relationships between risk factors based on clinical characteristics and development of blindness in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) treated for at least 15 years. Methods: A retrospective observational chart review was performed with 403 patients referred to a tertiary level hospital, each with a diagnosis of primary open-angle glaucoma, treated for at least 15 years. Blindness attributable to glaucoma was defined based on visual acuity and/or visual field tests. Variables considered to be possible risk factors for blindness were evaluated using odds ratio (OR), confidence interval (95% CI), and univariate and multivariate analyses. Results: Thirty-one patients became blind [13/53 (24.5%) - unilaterally and 18/53 (34%) - bilaterally] during the follow-up period of treatment (19.5 +/- 4.6 years, range 15-31 years). Multivariate statistics with regression analysis revealed that persistency on initial therapy <= 6 months was significantly associated with blindness, both unilateral (OR: 8.4; 95% CI: 1.3-56.4) and bilateral (OR: 7.2; 95% CI: 1.3-39.6). Other potential factors such as race, age, gender or number of medications were not associated with blindness. Conclusion: Blindness from primary open-angle glaucoma was not uncommon in this population of treated patients after the long follow-up period proposed. Persistence rates with the first therapy, as measured by a medical decision to change, were low. Persistence <= 6 months was statistically associated with the development of unilateral and bilateral blindness from glaucoma.


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Inflammation contributes to the pathogenesis of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Molecules released by the inflamed injured tissue can activate toll-like receptors (TLRs), thereby modulating macrophage and CD4+ T-cell activity. We propose that in renal fibrogenesis, M2 macrophages are recruited and activated in a T helper subset 2 cell (TH2)-prone inflammatory milieu in a MyD88- dependent manner. Mice submitted to unilateral ureteral ligation (UUO) demonstrated an increase in macrophage infiltration with collagen deposition after 7 d. Conversely, TLR2, TLR4 and MyD88 knockout (KO) mice had an improved renal function together with diminished TH2 cytokine production and decreased fibrosis formation. Moreover, TLR2, TLR4 and MyD88 KO animals exhibited less M2 macrophage infiltration, namely interleukin (IL)-10+ and CD206+ CD11bhigh cells, at 7 d after surgery. We evaluated the role of a TH2 cytokine in this context, and observed that the absence of IL-4 was associated with better renal function, decreased IL-13 and TGF- β levels, reduced arginase activity and a decrease in fibrosis formation when compared with IL-12 KO and wild-type (WT) animals. Indeed, the better renal outcomes and the decreased fibrosis formation were restricted to the deficiency of IL-4 in the hematopoietic compartment. Finally, macrophage depletion, rather than the absence of T cells, led to reduced lesions of the glomerular filtration barrier and decreased collagen deposition. These results provide evidence that future therapeutic strategies against renal fibrosis should be accompanied by the modulation of the M1:M2 and TH1:TH2 balance, as TH2 and M2 cells are predictive of fibrosis toward mechanisms that are sensed by innate immune response and triggered in a MyD88-dependent pathway.


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Purpose: Dynamic near infrared fluorescence imaging of the urinary tract provides a promising way to diagnose ureteropelvic junction obstruction. Initial studies demonstrated the ability to visualize urine flow and peristalsis in great detail. We analyzed the efficacy of near infrared imaging in evaluating ureteropelvic junction obstruction, renal involvement and the anatomical detail provided compared to conventional imaging modalities. Materials and Methods: Ten swine underwent partial or complete unilateral ureteral obstruction. Groups were survived for the short or the long term. Imaging was performed with mercaptoacetyltriglycine diuretic renogram, magnetic resonance urogram, excretory urogram, ultrasound and near infrared imaging. Scoring systems for ureteropelvic junction obstruction were developed for magnetic resonance urogram and near infrared imaging. Physicians and medical students graded ureteropelvic junction obstruction based on magnetic resonance urogram and near infrared imaging results. Results: Markers of vascular and urinary dynamics were quantitatively consistent among control renal units. The same markers were abnormal in obstructed renal units with significantly different times of renal phase peak, start of pelvic phase and start of renal uptake. Such parameters were consistent with those obtained with mercaptoacetyltriglycine diuretic renography. Near infrared imaging provided live imaging of urinary flow, which was helpful in identifying the area of obstruction for surgical planning. Physicians and medical students categorized the degree of obstruction appropriately for fluorescence imaging and magnetic resonance urogram. Conclusions: Near infrared imaging offers a feasible way to obtain live, dynamic images of urine flow and ureteral peristalsis. Qualitative and quantitative parameters were comparable to those of conventional imaging. Findings support fluorescence imaging as an accurate, easy to use method of diagnosing ureteropelvic junction obstruction.


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Adipose tissue-derived stem cells (ASCs) are an attractive source of stem cells with regenerative properties that are similar to those of bone marrow stem cells. Here, we analyze the role of ASCs in reducing the progression of kidney fibrosis. Progressive renal fibrosis was achieved by unilateral clamping of the renal pedicle in mice for 1 h; after that, the kidney was reperfused immediately. Four hours after the surgery, 2 x 10(5) ASCs were intraperitoneally administered, and mice were followed for 24 h posttreatment and then at some other time interval for the next 6 weeks. Also, animals were treated with 2 x 10(5) ASCs at 6 weeks after reperfusion and sacrificed 4 weeks later to study their effect when interstitial fibrosis is already present. At 24 h after reperfusion, ASC-treated animals showed reduced renal dysfunction and enhanced regenerative tubular processes. Renal mRNA expression of IL-6 and TNF was decreased in ASC-treated animals, whereas IL-4. IL-10, and HO-1 expression increased despite a lack of ASCs in the kidneys as determined by SRY analysis. As expected, untreated kidneys shrank at 6 weeks, whereas the kidneys of ASC-treated animals remained normal in size, showed less collagen deposition, and decreased staining for FSP-1, type I collagen, and Hypoxyprobe. The renal protection seen in ASC-treated animals was followed by reduced serum levels of TNF-alpha, KC, RANTES, and IL-1 alpha. Surprisingly, treatment with ASCs at 6 weeks, when animals already showed installed fibrosis, demonstrated amelioration of functional parameters, with less tissue fibrosis observed and reduced mRNA expression of type I collagen and vimentin. ASC therapy can improve functional parameters and reduce progression of renal fibrosis at early and later times after injury, mostly due to early modulation of the inflammatory response and to less hypoxia, thereby reducing the epithelial-mesenchymal transition.


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The objective of this study was to compare the bone repair along a mandibular body osteotomy stabilized with 2.0 mm absorbable and metallic systems. 12 male, adult mongrel dogs were divided into two groups (metallic and absorbable) and subjected to unilateral osteotomy between the mandibular third and fourth premolars, which was stabilized by applying two 4-hole plates. At 2 and 18 weeks, three dogs from each group were killed and the osteotomy sites were removed and divided equally into three parts: the upper part was labelled the tension third (TT), the lower part the compression third (CT), and the part between the TT and CT the intermediary third (IT). Regardless of the treatment system, union between the fragments was observed at 18 weeks and the CT showed more advanced stages of bone repair than the TT. Histometric analysis did not reveal any significant differences among the 3 parts or systems in the distance between bone fragments at 2 weeks. Although at 18 weeks the proportions of newly formed bone did not differ among TT, IT and CT, significantly enhanced bone formation was observed in all sections for the metallic group. The patterns of repair were distinct between treatments.


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In a previous study, we reported that the short-term treatment with celecoxib, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) attenuates the activation of brain structures related to nociception and does not interfere with orthodontic incisor separation in rats. The conclusion was that celecoxib could possibly be prescribed for pain in orthodontic patients. However, we did not analyze the effects of this drug in periodontium. The aim of this follow-up study was to analyze effects of celecoxib treatment on recruitment and activation of osteoclasts and alveolar bone resorption after inserting an activated orthodontic appliance between the incisors in our rat model. Twenty rats (400420 g) were pretreated through oral gavage with celecoxib (50 mg/kg) or vehicle (carboxymethylcellulose 0.4%). After 30 min, they received an activated (30 g) orthodontic appliance, set not to cause any palate disjunction. In sham animals, the appliance was immediately removed after introduction. All animals received ground food and, every 12 h, celecoxib or vehicle. After 48 h, they were anesthetized and transcardiacally perfused through the aorta with 4% formaldehyde. Subsequently, maxillae were removed, post-fixed and processed for histomorphometry or immunohistochemical analyses. As expected, incisor distalization induced an inflammatory response with certain histological changes, including an increase in the number of active osteoclasts at the compression side in group treated with vehicle (appliance: 32.2 +/- 2.49 vs sham: 4.8 +/- 1.79, P<0.05) and celecoxib (appliance: 31.0 +/- 1.45 vs sham: 4.6 +/- 1.82, P<0.05). The treatment with celecoxib did not modify substantially the histological alterations and the number of active osteoclasts after activation of orthodontic appliance. Moreover, we did not see any difference between the groups with respect to percentage of bone resorption area. Taken together with our previous results we conclude that short-term treatment with celecoxib can indeed be a therapeutic alternative for pain relieve during orthodontic procedures.


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Borges JB, Suarez-Sipmann F, Bohm SH, Tusman G, Melo A, Maripuu E, Sandstrom M, Park M, Costa EL, Hedenstierna G, Amato M. Regional lung perfusion estimated by electrical impedance tomography in a piglet model of lung collapse. J Appl Physiol 112: 225-236, 2012. First published September 29, 2011; doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.01090.2010.-The assessment of the regional match between alveolar ventilation and perfusion in critically ill patients requires simultaneous measurements of both parameters. Ideally, assessment of lung perfusion should be performed in real-time with an imaging technology that provides, through fast acquisition of sequential images, information about the regional dynamics or regional kinetics of an appropriate tracer. We present a novel electrical impedance tomography (EIT)-based method that quantitatively estimates regional lung perfusion based on first-pass kinetics of a bolus of hypertonic saline contrast. Pulmonary blood flow was measured in six piglets during control and unilateral or bilateral lung collapse conditions. The first-pass kinetics method showed good agreement with the estimates obtained by single-photon-emission computerized tomography (SPECT). The mean difference (SPECT minus EIT) between fractional blood flow to lung areas suffering atelectasis was -0.6%, with a SD of 2.9%. This method outperformed the estimates of lung perfusion based on impedance pulsatility. In conclusion, we describe a novel method based on EIT for estimating regional lung perfusion at the bedside. In both healthy and injured lung conditions, the distribution of pulmonary blood flow as assessed by EIT agreed well with the one obtained by SPECT. The method proposed in this study has the potential to contribute to a better understanding of the behavior of regional perfusion under different lung and therapeutic conditions.


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Objectives: To compare stabilometric parameters of elderly female fallers and non-fallers associated or not with knee osteoarthritis (OA). Methods: Fifty-six elderly female fallers and non-fallers diagnosed or not with unilateral or bilateral knee OA were divided into the following groups: FOA (n = 10), elderly female falters with knee OA; FNOA (n = 11), elderly female fallers without knee OA; NFOA (n = 14), elderly female non-fallers with knee OA; and NFNOA (n = 21), elderly female non-fallers without knee OA. For analyzing semi-static balance on a force platform with the elderly females standing, the following parameters were assessed in four conditions: center of pressure (COP), anterior-posterior and mediolateral displacements (APD and MLD, respectively); and COP anterior-posterior and mediolateral displacement velocities (APV and MLV, respectively). The following conditions were assessed: 1) standing on a firm wooden surface with eyes open (WSEO); 2) standing on a firm wooden surface with eyes closed (WSEC); 3) standing on a foam surface with eyes open (FSEO); 4) standing on a foam surface with eyes closed (FSEC). Results: The elderly females with knee OA showed greater APD in all four conditions assessed (P < 0.05), while the elderly female fallers showed greater MLD (P < 0.05). No difference between the groups was observed for APV and MLV (P > 0.05). Conclusions: Knee OA per se increases APD of the COP, while the history of falls, regardless of the presence of knee OA, hinders postural control in the ML direction.


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Objective: To test the null hypothesis: Subjects with isolated complete unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) show no differences in overall frequency of tooth agenesis (hypodontia), comparing a subsample with cleft-side maxillary lateral incisor (MxI2) agenesis to a subsample without cleftside MxI2 agenesis. Findings could clarify the origins of cleft-side MxI2 agenesis. Materials and Methods: Tooth agenesis was identified from dental radiographs of 141 subjects with UCLP. The UCLP cohort was segregated into four categories according to the status and location of MxI2 in the region of the unilateral cleft: group M: subjects with one tooth, located on the mesial side of the alveolar cleft; group D: subjects with one tooth, located on the distal side of the alveolar cleft; group MD: subjects with two teeth present, one mesial and one distal to the cleft; and group ABS: subjects with lateral incisor absent (agenesis) in the cleft area. Results: The null hypothesis was rejected. Among UCLP subjects, there was a twofold increase (P < .0008) in overall frequency of tooth agenesis outside the cleft region in a subsample with cleftside MxI2 agenesis (ABS), compared to a subsample presenting with no agenesis of the cleft-side MxI2 (M+D+MD). Conclusions: Cleft-side MxI2 agenesis in CLP subjects appears to be largely a genetically controlled anomaly associated with cleft development, rather than a collateral environmental consequence of the adjacent cleft defect, since increased hypodontia involving multiple missing teeth observed remote from a cleft clearly has a significant genetic basis. (Angle Orthod. 2012;82:959-963.)


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Purpose: To evaluate the effect of a single intravitreal bevacizumab injection on visual acuity, contrast sensitivity and optical coherence tomography-measured central macular thickness in eyes with macular edema from branch retinal vein occlusion. Methods: Seventeen eyes of 17 patients with macular edema from unilateral branch retinal vein occlusion were treated with a single bevacizumab injection. Patients were submitted to a complete evaluation including best corrected visual acuity, contrast sensitivity and optical coherence tomography measurements before treatment and one and three months after injection. Visual acuity, contrast sensitivity and optical coherence tomography measurements were compared to baseline values. Results: Mean visual acuity measurement improved from 0.77 logMAR at baseline to 0.613 logMAR one month after injection (P=0.0001) but worsened to 0.75 logMAR after three months. Contrast sensitivity test demonstrated significant improvement at spatial frequencies of 3, 6, 12 and 18 cycles/degree one month after injection and at the spatial frequency of 12 cycles/degree three months after treatment. Mean +/- standard deviation baseline central macular thickness (552 +/- 150 mu m) reduced significantly one month (322 +/- 127 mu m, P=0.0001) and three months (439 perpendicular to 179 mu m, P=0.01) after treatment. Conclusions: Bevacizumab injection improves visual acuity and contrast sensitivity and reduces central macular thickness one month after treatment. Visual acuity returns to baseline levels at the 3-month follow-up, but some beneficial effect of the treatment is still present at that time, as evidenced by optical coherence tomography-measured central macular thickness and contrast sensitivity measurements.


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Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) reduces hyperalgesia and pain. Both low-frequency (LF) and high-frequency (HF) TENS, delivered at the same intensity (90% motor threshold [MT]) daily, result in analgesic tolerance with repeated use by the fifth day of treatment. The current study tested 1) whether increasing intensity by 10% per day prevents the development of tolerance to repeated TENS; and 2) whether lower intensity TENS (50% MT) produces an equivalent reduction in hyperalgesia when compared to 90% MT TENS. Sprague-Dawley rats with unilateral knee joint inflammation (3% carrageenan) were separated according to the intensity of TENS used: sham, 50% LF, 50% HF, 90% LF, 90% HF, and increased intensity by 10% per day (IF and HF). The reduced mechanical withdrawal threshold following the induction of inflammation was reversed by application of TENS applied at 90% MT intensity and increasing intensity for the first 4 days. On the fifth day, the groups that received 90% MT intensity showed tolerance. Nevertheless, the group that received an increased intensity on each day still showed a reversal of the mechanical withdrawal threshold with TENS. These results show that the development of tolerance can be delayed by increasing intensity of TENS. Perspective: Our results showed that increasing intensity in both frequencies of TENS was able to prevent analgesic tolerance. Results from this study suggest that increasing intensities could be a clinical method to prevent analgesic tolerance and contribute to the effective use of TENS in reducing inflammatory pain and future clinical trials. (c) 2012 by the American Pain Society


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This study aimed to evaluate the sleep quality and impact of thoracentesis on sleep in patients with a large pleural effusion. Patients with large unilateral pleural effusion were evaluated by the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) questionnaire and dyspnea Borg scale. Full polysomnography (PSG) was performed on the night before and 36 h after thoracentesis. We studied 19 patients, 11 males and 8 females, age 55 +/- 18 years and body mass index of 26 +/- 5 kg/m(2). The baseline sleep quality was poor (PSQI = 9.1 +/- 3.5). Thoracentesis removed 1.624 +/- 796 mL of pleural fluid and resulted in a significant decrease in dyspnea Borg scale (2.3 +/- 2.1 vs. 0.8 +/- 0.9, p < 0.001). The PSG before and after thoracentesis showed no significant change in apnea-hypopnea index and sleep time with oxygen saturation < 90%. There was a significant improvement in sleep efficiency (76% vs. 81%, p = 0.006), decrease percent sleep stage 1 (16% vs. 14%, p = 0.002), and a trend improvement in total sleep time (344 +/- 92 vs. 380 +/- 69 min, p = 0.056) and percentage of rapid eye movement sleep (15% vs. 20%, p = 0.053). No significant changes occurred in six patients that performed two consecutive PSG before thoracentesis. The improvement in sleep quality was not associated with the volume of pleural fluid withdrawn or changes in dyspnea. Patients with large pleural effusion have poor subjective and objective sleep quality that improves after thoracentesis.


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Background: Thalamotomies and pallidotomies were commonly performed before the deep brain stimulation (DBS) era. Although ablative procedures can lead to significant dystonia improvement, longer periods of analysis reveal disease progression and functional deterioration. Today, the same patients seek additional treatment possibilities. Methods: Four patients with generalized dystonia who previously had undergone bilateral pallidotomy came to our service seeking additional treatment because of dystonic symptom progression. Bilateral subthalamic nucleus DBS (B-STN-DBS) was the treatment of choice. The patients were evaluated with the BurkeFahnMarsden Dystonia Rating Scale (BFMDRS) and the Unified Dystonia Rating Scale (UDRS) before and 2 years after surgery. Results: All patients showed significant functional improvement, averaging 65.3% in BFMDRS (P = .014) and 69.2% in UDRS (P = .025). Conclusions: These results suggest that B-STN-DBS may be an interesting treatment option for generalized dystonia, even for patients who have already undergone bilateral pallidotomy. (c) 2012 Movement Disorder Society


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Introduction: The literature suggests that individuals with history of cleft lip and palate who present with midfacial growth deficiency are at higher risk of presenting lisping. The relationship between distortions during production of linguoalveolar fricative sounds and the severity of malocclusion, however, has not been established for the population with cleft. Objective: To study the association between lisping and dental arch relationship. Methodology: Speech samples and dental arch casts were obtained from 106 children with operated unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) during the stage of mixed dentition and before orthodontic treatment. Videotaped productions of the phrase/u saci saiw sedu/were rated by speech-language pathologists for the identification of lisping during [s]. Dental arch casts were rated by orthodontists using the Goslon Yardstick and the Five-Year Index to establish dental arch relationship. Results: Multiple logistic regression showed no significant association between lisping and dento-occlusal index (p = .802) and age (p = .662). Substantial interjudge agreement during auditory-perceptual ratings was found (kappa = .63). Almost perfect agreement was found between orthodontists while establishing the dental arch relationship (kappa = .81). Discussion: This study failed to reveal an association between lisping and dental arch relationship in children with operated UCLP. Multiple variables may play a role in determining occurrence of lisping, warranting further investigation.