986 resultados para Uni-Hochhaus


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PURPOSE: to evaluate the perinatal outcome of fetuses with congenital anomalies of the urinary tract. METHODS: we reviewed the perinatal outcome of 35 fetuses with congenital anomalies of the urinary tract. The following characteristics related to the uropathy were analyzed: type (hydronephrosis, dysplasia and renal agenesis), side of lesion (bilateral or unilateral), and level of the obstruction (high or low, in hydronephrosis). The perinatal outcome was evaluated according to these characteristics. The data were analyzed by the c² test and by the exact Fisher test. The level of significance was 0.05. RESULTS: the incidence of hydronephrosis was 68.6%. Half of the fetuses had unilateral hydronephrosis. Renal dysplasia occurred in 17.1% of the cases; 83.3% of these were bilateral and 16.7%, unilateral. The incidence of renal agenesis was 14.3%, all bilateral. The fetuses with dysplasia/agenesis had a 91% incidence of oligohydramnios, preterm birth, low birth weight, and death. In the group with bilateral disease the presence of oligohydramnios, preterm birth, low birth weight, death, urinary tract infections, and the need of hospitalization for a period greater than 7 days was significant when compared to the group with unilateral disease. The need of hospitalization for a period greater than 7 days in patients with low obstruction was significantly higher when compared to the patients with high obstruction. CONCLUSIONS: hydronephrosis, bilateral disease, and lower obstruction were the most frequent uropathies. The dysplasia/agenesis group had a worse prognosis when compared with the hydronephrosis group. Bilateral disease had a worse prognosis when compared with the unilateral disease group. In the low obstruction group, the need for a period of hospitalization greater than seven days was higher than in the high obstruction group.


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Avaliou-se a progressão dos sinais radiográficos de cães com displasia coxofemoral ou potencialmente displásicos tratados pela técnica da sinfisiodese púbica. Foram utilizados 14 cães, seis machos e oito fêmeas, com idades entre quatro e seis meses. Após exame físico, procedeu-se ao exame radiográfico para avaliação da articulação coxofemoral, segundo padrão estabelecido pelo Colégio Brasileiro de Radiologia Veterinária. Três deles foram também avaliados pelo método PennHIP. Pelo histórico clínico, nove (64%) animais foram trazidos por manifestarem sinais de dificuldade locomotora com os membros pélvicos, manifestada especialmente por claudicação unilateral ou bilateral e dificuldade de se levantar. Cinco (36%) cães não tinham qualquer sinal clínico, e em quatro (29%) realizou-se o exame radiográfico como prevenção. O sinal físico mais evidente foi dor à palpação da articulação coxofemoral, e dois (14%) cães apresentaram sinal de Ortolani positivo. Com exceção de um cão que apresentou infecção nos pontos cutâneos, todos os demais evoluíram sem complicações no período pós-operatório. Radiograficamente houve progressão das lesões articulares em seis (43%) animais e oito (57%) mantiveram a classificação inicial. Concluiu-se que cães tratados pela sinfisiodese púbica não apresentam melhora dos sinais radiográficos iniciais.


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Freezing epididymal sperm is a method to preserve germplasm from animals with not only high genetic potential but also endangered species. In the equine some owners have chosen this possibility in cases of either severe illness or death of stallions. However, the lack of knowledge and poor published results of such technique hampers its propagation. New procedures have allowed some improvement on fertility rates of frozen sperm from the epididymis of stallions. The aim of this study is to report the advances on processing and cryopreservation of samples from the stallion's epididymal semen.


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OBJETIVO: na presente pesquisa utilizou-se o aparelho Hyrax tendo como objetivo avaliar as alterações transversais e verticais da maxila. Foram selecionados 20 pacientes de ambos os gêneros, entre 7 e 11 anos de idade, que apresentavam mordida cruzada posterior uni ou bilateral. METODOLOGIA: foram realizadas telerradiografias em norma frontal (PA) antes e após a expansão. A fim de evitar que a falta de padronização dessas radiografias pudesse influenciar nos resultados, idealizou-se um método de padronização para tais radiografias. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: os resultados mostraram que a correção da mordida cruzada posterior com o aparelho Hyrax, que ocorreu em todos os casos, foi em função tanto da abertura da sutura palatina mediana como também da inclinação dos molares. A medida JgE-JgD relacionada com a expansão maxilar aumentou significantemente em todos os casos tratados. Nas avaliações dentárias, as medidas verticais não apresentaram diferenças significantes, ao contrário das medidas transversais (FTE-FTD; FBE-FBD; LO.BTE; LO.BTD; BTE.BTD). A largura da cavidade nasal também aumentou significantemente (CNE-CND). O método de padronização proposto permite, portanto, utilizar as medidas que avaliam a expansão rápida da maxila, através das radiografias póstero-anteriores, com segurança, também no sentido vertical.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Ten species of Hyla with 2n = 30 from Brazilian fauna were analysed cytogenetically. Hyla minuta is the unique presenting all bi-armed metacentric or submetacentric chromosomes in the karyotype, therefore, with the highest FN = 60. The remaining species have a variable number of uni-armed telocentric or subtelo-centric chromosomes: H. cruzi, H. elianeae, and H. rubicundula with three pairs (FN = 54), H. berthalutzae, H. elegans, H. microps, and H. nana with four pairs (FN = 52), and H. nahdereri and H. sanborni with five pairs (FN = 50). The uni-armed elements are among pairs 5, 6, 7, 11, 14, and 15, which also appeared with metacentric or submetacentric morphology. The remaining chromosome pairs 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9,10, 12, and 13 were never found to be telocentric or subtelocentric. AgNOR patterns are species-specific, the majority of the species exhibiting a single pair with AgNORs, with the exception of H. elegans and H. nana with more than one chromosome pair bearing this cytological marker. C banding was obtained in H. berthalutzae, H. cruzi, H. elegans, H. elianeae, H. microps, H. minuta, H. nahdereri, and H. nana, which showed positively stained centromeric heterochromatin. Our analysis confirms the great karyotypic diversity in the species of Hyla with 2n = 30, with no species sharing identical karyotypes.


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The synthesis and characterization of a new organic ligand monooctyldiphenylphosphinate (L) is described, as well as a new Eu(3+) diketonate complex [Eu(tta)(3)(L)(2)] (tta = thenoyltrifluoracetone). The ligand (L) was formed by substitution reaction (80% yield) and characterized by uni- and bidimensional (1)H, (13)C and (31)P NMR experiments, to confirm its molecular structure. The coordination of (L) to Eu(3+) in the complex [Eu(tta)(3)(L)(2)] was confirmed by FT-IR spectra. The emission spectra present the same profile when excited in Eu(3+) or in the ligands, suggesting an energy transfer from ligands to Eu(3+) ions. The emission spectra of the precursor [Eu(tta)(3)(H(2)O)(2)], and [Eu(tta)(3)(L(2))] present bands arising from f-f intra-configurational transitions. The only (5)D(0)-(7)F(0) transition shows the presence of at least one site without symmetry center. The FWHM of such transition is 7 cm(-1) and 57 cm(-1) for [Eu(tta)(3)(H(2)O)(2)] and [Eu(tta)(3)(L)(2)] complexes, respectively. This widening is provided by the presence of large groups around Eu(3+) ion. The calculated intensity parameters Omega(2) and Omega(4) show that the interaction features between center-ion and ligand are different; the small value of Omega(4) is related to long range effects of alkyl chain. The Langmuir isotherms of this ligand and complex have been investigated although their hydrolysis in water subphase does not allow stable monolayers. (C) 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim


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O fracionamento cromatográfico do extrato etanólico das folhas de Nectandra grandiflora resultou no isolamento de dois flavonóides glicosilados que apresentaram atividade antioxidante inibindo a oxidação do beta -caroteno em CCDC. As substâncias isoladas tiveram suas estruturas elucidadas através de técnicas espectrométricas de RMN uni- e bidimensional e foram identificadas como 3-O-beta -ramnosy kaempferol and 3-O-beta -ramnosylquercetina.


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A síndrome de Goldenhar é uma anomalia congênita rara, de etiologia ainda desconhecida e caracterizada por uma tríade clássica de alterações oculares, auriculares e vertebrais. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Estudo de série. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Este trabalho foi realizado com 30 indivíduos portadores da síndrome de Goldenhar regularmente matriculados no HRAC, de ambos os gêneros, com faixa etária variando de 8 a 34 anos de idade. OBJETIVO: foi caracterizar o perfil audiológico dos indivíduos portadores dessa síndrome, garantindo assim um melhor tratamento e orientação para os mesmos, assim como também estabelecer a freqüência do comprometimento auditivo contralateral nos indivíduos com o clássico envolvimento unilateral. A avaliação audiológica do estudo constou de ATL, timpanometria, EOA-T e BERA. RESULTADO: de acordo com os resultados concluímos que 34% (=10) dos indivíduos apresentaram como característica de seu perfil audiológico perda auditiva do tipo sensório-neural mista com grau variando de moderado a profundo (7 uni e 3 bilaterais); 13% (n=4) apresentaram perda do tipo condutiva (bilateralmente) com grau de leve a severo e 3% (n=1) apresentaram ou perda do tipo sensório-neural profundo unilateral. Encontramos 40% (n=12) com audição normal bilateralmente e em 10% (n=3) não foi possível estabelecer a característica do perfil audiológico por utilizarmos como avaliação apenas o BERA como pesquisa de limiar eletrofisiológico. Dos doze (12) indivíduos com malformação de OE unilateral encontramos apenas dois (02) com comprometimento auditivo na orelha contralateral, sendo um do tipo misto de grau severo e um condutivo de grau moderado. Com relação a variável sexo encontramos predominância maior da síndrome de Goldenhar no gênero feminino (57%) do que no masculino (43%), mas considerado estatisticamente sem significância, assim como também o lado anatomicamente afetado, que foi predominantemente o direito.


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Desde a década de 1970 não se notificavam casos autóctones de doença de Chagas aguda em São Paulo. em março de 2006 a Vigilância Epidemiológica registrou óbito por doença de Chagas aguda, em Itaporanga, de paciente de seis anos de idade. Exame histopatológico post mortem realizado no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu confirmou o diagnóstico. Consultamos prontuários de hospitais e entrevistamos profissionais de saúde envolvidos além de familiares do paciente. Descrevemos medidas adotadas in loco para identificar a via de transmissão, reservatórios e vetores. Discutimos as possíveis fontes de infecção. Na região não foram identificados outros casos humanos, vetores ou reservatórios vertebrados infectados por Trypanosoma cruzi. Salientamos a importância de manter a vigilância, mesmo em áreas onde a transmissão de doença de Chagas está interrompida e naquelas ainda infestadas por triatomíneos. Deve-se admitir a hipótese diagnóstica de doença de Chagas quando observados: edema palpebral (uni ou bilateral), insuficiência cardíaca, miocardite, pericardite, anasarca, quadros similares aos de síndrome nefrótica ou glomerulonefrite sem causas outras aparentes, em pacientes com dados epidemiológicos positivos. Encontro, mesmo em raras ocasiões, de triatomíneos na região ou ainda contato com alimento contaminável com formas infectantes de T. cruzi.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The frequency of adenine mononucleotides (A), dinucleotides (AA) and clusters, and the positions of clusters, were studied in 502 molecules of the 5S rRNA.All frequencies were reduced in the evolutive lines of vertebrates, plants and fungi, in parallel with increasing organismic complexity. No change was observed in invertebrates. All frequencies were increased in mitochondria, plastids and mycoplasmas. The presumed relatives to the ancestors of the organelles, Rhodobacteria alfa and Cyanobacteria, showed intermediate values, relative to the eubacterial averages. Firmibacterid showed very high number of cluster sites.Clusters were more frequent in single-stranded regions in all organisms. The routes of organelles and mycoplasmas accummulated clusters at faster rates in double-stranded regions. Rates of change were higher for AA and clusters than for A in plants, vertebrates and organeltes, higher for cluster sites and A in mycoplasmas, and higher for AA and A in fungi. These data indicated that selection pressures acted more strongly on adenine clustering than on adenine frequency.It is proposed that AA and clusters, as sites of lower informational content. have the property of tolerating positional variation in the sites of other molecules (or other regions of the same molecule) that interact with the adenines. This reasoning was consistent with the degrees of genic polymorphism. low in plants and vertebrates and high in invertebrates. In the eubacteria endosymbiontic or parasitic to eukaryotes, the more tolerant RNA would be better adapted to interactions with the homologous nucleus-derived ribosomal proteins: the intermediate values observed in their precursors were interpreted as preadaptive.Among other groups, only the Deinococcus-Thermus eubacteria showed excessive AA and cluster contents, possibly related to their peculiar tolerance to mutagens, and the Ciliates showed excessive AA contents, indicative of retention of primitive characters.


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Dynamic light scattering (DLS), time-resolved fluorescence quenching (TRFQ), and isothermal titration microcalorimetry have been used to show that, in dilute solution, low molecular weight poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG, M-w = 12 kDa) interacts with the nonionic surfactant octaethylene glycol n-dodecyl monoether, C12E8, to form a complex. Whereas the relaxation time distributions for the binary C12E8/water and PEG/water systems are unimodal, in the ternary mixtures they may be either uni- or bimodal depending on the relative concentrations of the components. At low concentrations of PEG or surfactant, the components of the relaxation time distribution are unresolvable, but the distribution becomes bimodal at higher concentrations of either polymer or surfactant. For the ternary system in excess surfactant, we ascribe, on the basis of the changes in apparent hydrodynamic radii and the scattered intensities, the fast mode to a single micelle, the surface of which is associated with the polymer and the slow mode to a similar complex but containing two or three micelles per PEG chain. Titration microcalorimetry results show that the interaction between C12E8, and PEG is exothermic and about 1 kJ mol(-1) at concentrations higher than the CMC of C12E8. The aggregation number, obtained by TRFQ, is roughly constant when either the PEG or the C12E8 concentration is increased at a given concentration of the second component, owing to the increasing amount of surfactant micelles inside the complex.


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V. S. PATIL (Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara-390002 India), K. S. RAO (BRD School of Bioscieces, S. P. University, Vallabh Vidyanagar, India), and K. S. RAJPUT (Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara-390002 India). Development of intraxylary phloem and internal cambium in Ipomoea hederifolia (Convolvulaceae). J. Torrey Bot. Soc. 136: 423-432. 2009-In Ipomoea hederifolia L. (Convolvulaceae), internal/intraxylary phloem originated as isolated strands from the procambially derived cells after the formation of protoxylem and protophloem. Bands of internal phloem were apparent in the sixth internode after the development of metacambium. In the relatively thick stems several small arcs/segments of internal cambium ensues from the parenchyma cells between the protoxylem and internal protophloem. Though all the segments were active, some of them (two of them located opposite to each other) were relatively more active. Bidirectional differentiation of these segments gave rise to secondary xylem centrifugally and secondary phloem centripetally, resulting inverted vascular bundles. Rest of the internal cambium segments were unidirectional and formed only secondary phloem centripetally. Like external vascular cambium, the internal cambium was non-storied. Structurally, secondary xylem and phloem was composed of axial and radial system in which rays were mostly uni- to biseriate. Secondary xylem produced by the internal cambium was more or less similar to the xylem formed by the external successive cambia. Secondary phloem produced by the internal cambium was composed of sieve tubes, companion cells, axial and ray parenchyma cells. Simple sieve plates of internal phloem were mostly arranged on transverse end walls in contrast to compound and obliquely placed sieve plates of external phloem formed by the successive cambia.