958 resultados para Ultrashort pulsed laser beams


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The interaction of a 60 fs 790 nm laser pulse with beams of Ar+, C+, H2+, HD+ and D2+ are discussed. Intensities up to 10^16 Wcm-2 are employed. An experimental z-scanning technique is used to resolve the intensity dependent processes in the confocal volume.


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The viability of using beams of molecular ions as a target for strong field fragmentation studies using intense ultra-short laser pulses is demonstrated. In this way the production mechanism for multiply charged ions in strong fields may be elucidated.


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The use of laser-accelerated protons as a particle probe for the detection of electric fields in plasmas has led in recent years to a wealth of novel information regarding the ultrafast plasma dynamics following high intensity laser-matter interactions. The high spatial quality and short duration of these beams have been essential to this purpose. We will discuss some of the most recent results obtained with this diagnostic at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (UK) and at LULI - Ecole Polytechnique (France), also applied to conditions of interest to conventional Inertial Confinement Fusion. In particular, the technique has been used to measure electric fields responsible for proton acceleration from solid targets irradiated with ps pulses, magnetic fields formed by ns pulse irradiation of solid targets, and electric fields associated with the ponderomotive channelling of ps laser pulses in under-dense plasmas.


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An attosecond pump-probe scheme that combines the use of a free-electron laser pulse with an ultrashort pulse is applied in order to explore the ultrafast excitation dynamics in Ne. We describe the multielectron dynamics using a new nonperturbative time-dependent R-matrix theory. This theory enables the interaction of ultrashort light fields with multielectron atoms and atomic ions to be determined from first principles. By probing the emission of an inner 2s electron from Ne we are also able to study the bound state population dynamics during the free-electron laser pulse.


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A stable relativistic ion acceleration regime for thin foils irradiated by circularly polarized laser pulses is suggested. In this regime, the "light-sail" stage of radiation pressure acceleration for ions is smoothly connected with the initial relativistic "hole-boring" stage, and a defined relationship between laser intensity I(0), foil density n(0), and thickness l(0) should be satisfied. For foils with a wide range of n(0), the required I(0) and l(0) for the regime are theoretically estimated and verified with the particle-in-cell code ILLUMINATION. It is shown for the first time by 2D simulations that high-density monoenergetic ion beams with energy above GeV/u and divergence of 10 degrees are produced by circularly polarized lasers at intensities of 10(22) W/cm(2), which are within reach of current laser systems.


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Recent experiments undertaken at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory to produce X-ray lasing over the 5-30 nm wavelength range are reviewed. The efficiency of lasing is optimized when the main pumping pulse interacts with a preformed plasma. Experiments using double 75-ps pulses and picosecond pulses superimposed on 300-ps background pulses are described. The use of travelling wave pumping with the approximately picosecond pulse experiments is necessary as the gain duration becomes comparable to the time for the X-ray laser pulse to propagate along the target length. Results from a model taking account of laser saturation and deviations from the speed of light c of the travelling wave and X-ray laser group velocity are presented. We show that X-ray laser pulses as short as 2-3 ps can be produced with optical pumping pulses of approximate to1-ps.


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The interaction of short (1-2 ps) laser pulses with solid targets at irradiances of over 1016 Wcm~2 , in the presence of a substantial prepulse has been investigated. High absorption of laser energy is found even at high angles of incidence, with evidence for a resonance absorption peak being found for S, P, and circular polarizations. It is considered that this may be a result of refraction and beam filamentation, which causes loss of distinct polarization. Measurements of hard X-ray emission (~ 100 keV) confirm a resonance absorption type peak at 45-50°, again for all three cases. Typically, 5-15% of the incident light is back-reflected by stimulated Brillouin scatter, with spatially resolved spectra showing evidence of beam hot-spots at high intensity. The possibility that filamentation and refraction of the beam can explain the lack of polarization dependence in the absorption and hard X-ray emission data is discussed.


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A simple theoretical model is proposed for the interaction between two counter-propagating laser pulses (a pump and a seed pulse) in unmagnetized plasma. Pulse compression and amplification are observed via numerical simulation. A one dimensional fluid model for stimulated Raman backscattering is proposed to investigate the pulse compression and pulse amplification mechanisms. To accomplish this, energy is transferred from the long pump pulse to a seed pulse, with a Langmuir plasma wave mediating the transfer. The study focuses on the intensity profile of the pump laser pulse. A Gaussian and a ring intensity profile are, separately, considered for the pump laser pulse.


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A new ion radiation-pressure acceleration regime, the "leaky light sail," is proposed which uses sub-skin-depth nanometer foils irradiated by circularly polarized laser pulses. In the regime, the foil is partially transparent, continuously leaking electrons out along with the transmitted laser field. This feature can be exploited by a multispecies nanofoil configuration to stabilize the acceleration of the light ion component, supplementing the latter with an excess of electrons leaked from those associated with the heavy ions to avoid Coulomb explosion. It is shown by 2D particle-in-cell simulations that a monoenergetic proton beam with energy 18 MeV is produced by circularly polarized lasers at intensities of just 10(19) W/cm(2). 100 MeV proton beams are obtained by increasing the intensities to 2 x 10(20) W/cm(2).


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A narrow band proton bursts at energies of 1.6 +/- 0.08 MeV were observed when a water spray consisting of empty set(150 nm)-diameter droplets was irradiated by an ultrashort laser pulse of about 45 fs duration and at an intensity of 5 X 10(19) W/cm(2). The results are explained by a Coulomb explosion of sub-laser-wavelength droplets composed of two ion species. The laser prepulse plays an important role. By pre-evaporation of the droplets, its diameter is reduced so that the main pulse can interact with a smaller droplet, and this remaining bulk can be ionized to high states. In the case of water, the mixture of quite differently charged ions establishes an


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In this study, ion acceleration from thin planar target foils irradiated by ultrahigh-contrast (10(10)), ultrashort (50 fs) laser pulses focused to intensities of 7 x 10(20) W cm(-2) is investigated experimentally. Target normal sheath acceleration (TNSA) is found to be the dominant ion acceleration mechanism when the target thickness is >= 50 nm and laser pulses are linearly polarized. Under these conditions, irradiation at normal incidence is found to produce higher energy ions than oblique incidence at 35 degrees with respect to the target normal. Simulations using one-dimensional (1D) boosted and 2D particle-in-cell codes support the result, showing increased energy coupling efficiency to fast electrons for normal incidence. The effects of target composition and thickness on the acceleration of carbon ions are reported and compared to calculations using analytical models of ion acceleration.


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We report on a new algorithm developed for the dosimetric analysis of broad-spectrum, multi-MeV laser-accelerated proton beams. The algorithm allows the reconstruction of the proton beam spectrum from radiochromic film data. This processing technique makes dosimetry measurements a viable alternative to the use of track detectors for spatially and spectrally resolved proton beam analysis. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.