874 resultados para Ultimate frisbee


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Diskotische Hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene (HBC) als molekulare, definierte graphitische Substrukturen sind bereits seit langem Gegenstand von Untersuchungen zu der Delokalisierung von π-Elektronen. In dieser Arbeit wurden zusätzlich Platin-Komplexe in das periphere Substitutionsmuster von HBC eingeführt. Dies führte zu einer Verbesserung der Emission von dem angeregten Triplett-Zustand in den Singulett-Grundzustand mit einer zusätzlichen Verlängerung der Lebensdauer des angeregten Zustandes. Zusätzlich erlaubte diese Konfiguration ein schnelles Intersystem-Crossing mittels einer verstärkten Spin-Orbit Kopplung, die sowohl bei tiefen Temperaturen, als auch bei Raumtemperatur exklusiv zu Phosphoreszenz (T1→S0) führte. Das Verständniss über solche Prozesse ist auch essentiell für die Entwicklung verbesserter opto-elektronischer Bauteile. Die Erstellung von exakt definierten molekularen Strukturen, die speziell für spezifische Interaktionen hergestellt wurden, machten eine Inkorporation von hydrophoben-hydrophilen, wasserstoffverbrückten oder elektrostatischen funktionalisierten Einheiten notwendig, um damit den supramolekularen Aufbau zu kontrollieren. Mit Imidazolium-Salzen funktionalisierte HBC Derivate wurden zu diesem Zwecke hergestellt. Eine interessante Eigenschaft dieser Moleküle ist ihre Amphiphilie. Dies gestattete die Untersuchung ihrer Eigenschaften in einem polaren Solvens und sowohl der Prozessierbarkeit als auch der Faserbildung auf Siliziumoxid-Trägern. Abhängig vom Lösungsmittel und der gewählten Konditionen konnten hochkristalline Fasern erhalten werden. Durch eine Substitution der HBCs mit langen, sterisch anspruchsvollen Seitenketten, konnte durch eine geeignete Prozessierung eine homöotrope Ausrichtung auf Substraten erreicht werden, was dieses Material interessant für photovoltaische Applikationen macht. Neuartige Polyphenylen-Metall-Komplexe mit diskotischen, linearen und dendritischen Geometrien wurden mittels einer einfachen Reaktion zwischen Co2(CO)8 und Ethinyl-Funktionalitäten in Dichlormethan hergestellt. Nach der Pyrolyse dieser Komplexe ergaben sich unterschiedliche Kohlenstoff-Nanopartikel, inklusive Nanoröhren, graphitischen Nanostäben und Kohlenstoff/Metall Hybrid Komplexe, die durch Elektronenmikroskopie untersucht wurden. Die resultierenden Strukturen waren dabei abhängig von der Zusammensetzung und Struktur der Ausgangssubstanzen. Anhand dieser Resultate ergeben sich diverse Möglichkeiten, um den Mechanismus, der zur Herstellung graphitischer Nanopartikel führt, besser zu verstehen.


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Antigen-kodierende RNA wird als eine sichere und effiziente Alternative zu traditionellen Impfstoff-Formulierungen, wie Peptid-, Protein-, rekombinanten viralen oder DNA basierten Impfstoffen betrachtet. Der endgültige klinische Nutzen RNA-basierter Impfstoffe wird von der Optimierung verschiedener Parameter abhängig sein, die zur Induktion und effizienten Expansion der humoralen und zellvermittelten Immunantwort beitragen. Vor diesem Hintergrund war die Zielsetzung der vorliegenden Arbeit, die Etablierung pharmakologischer und immunologischer Parameter für die Generierung effektiver Immunantworten durch RNA-Impfstoffe sowie deren Wirksamkeit in vitro und im Mausmodell unter Nutzung von Modellantigenen zu testen. Zur Untersuchung und Optimierung der RNA-Pharmakokinetik, als einem Schlüsselaspekt der klinischen Medikamentenentwicklung, wurde der Einfluss von strukturellen Modifikationen auf die Transkriptstabilität und Translationseffizienz von Reporter-Proteinen in einer zeitabhängigen Kinetik evaluiert. Es wurde gezeigt, dass ein poly(A) Schwanz von 120 Adenosinen, verglichen mit einem kürzeren, ein freies 3´ poly(A) Ende, verglichen mit einem verdeckten und eine doppelte β-globin 3´ UTR, unabhängig voneinander zu einer Erhöhung der IVT-RNA Stabilität und zu einer Verbesserung der Translationseffizienz beitrugen und dadurch insgesamt zu einer erhöhten Proteinexpression führten. Antigen-kodierende IVT-RNA mit diesen molekularen Merkmalen in Kombination führte, im Vergleich zur Standard IVT-RNA, zu einer erhöhten Dichte und Stabilität von Peptid/MHC-Komplexen auf der Zelloberfläche transfizierter DCs und dadurch zu einer verbesserten Stimulation von CD4+ und CD8+ T-Zellen im murinen und humanen System. Mit dem Ziel, die RNA kodierte Antigenform für die Induktion einer verstärkten Antikörperantwort zu modifizieren, wurde im zweiten Teil der Arbeit ein Antigen-IgM Fusionskonstrukt hergestellt und hinsichtlich seiner Eignung als neues Impfstoff-Format untersucht. Die Ausgangshypothese, dass die RNA kodierten Antigen-IgM Fusionsproteine polymerisieren, von transfizierten Zellen sezerniert werden und aufgrund der repetitiven Antigenstruktur im Vergleich mit dem monomeren Antigen zu einer Verstärkung der Antikörperantwort führen, wurde in vitro und in vivo im Mausmodell bestätigt. Die Entwicklung und Evaluierung von Zytokinfusionsproteinen zur selektiven Verstärkung der antigenspezifischen Immunantworten bildeten den dritten Schwerpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit. Zur weiteren Verstärkung der Antikörperantwort wurde basierend auf den Resultaten aus dem zweiten Teil ein IL2-IgM Fusionskonstrukt hergestellt. Die Ko-Transfektion von Antigen-IgM und IL2-IgM kodierender IVT-RNA führte zu einer signifikant stärkeren Antikörperantwort als die Ko-Transfektion von Antigen-IgM und IL2. Für die Initiierung einer erfolgreichen anti-Tumor-Immunantwort ist das Priming antigenspezifischer T-Zellen essentiell. Um die Effizienz dieses Prozesses zu steigern, wurde ein bifunktionelles IL2-mCD40L Fusionskonstrukt hergestellt und sein Einfluss auf die Effektorfunktion von DCs in vitro und in vivo untersucht. Es wurde gezeigt, dass ein RNA kodiertes IL2-mCD40L Fusionsprotein als genetisches Adjuvanz zu einer Effizienzsteigerung des Priming zytotoxischer T-Zellen führt. Somit wurden in dieser Arbeit durch die Optimierung der Pharmakokinetik, die Modifikation der Antigenform und die Herstellung und Evaluierung von Zytokinfusionskonstrukten als genetische Adjuvantien, RNA-basierte Impfstoffe für eine optimierte Induktion von antigenspezifischen Immunantworten weiter verbessert.


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Con la prima parte, si intende fornire un quadro pressoché esaustivo delle principali disposizioni in materia di società a partecipazione pubblica regionale e locale operanti nel campo dei servizi pubblici locali e della loro interpretazione giurisprudenziale e dottrinale, prendendo le mosse dagli ultimi interventi legislativo. Nella seconda parte, si affronta, invece, il tema dei limiti legislativi alla capacità di azione delle società a partecipazione pubblica e dei connessi dubbi interpretativi, anche alla luce degli orientamenti giurisprudenziali e dottrinali. In particolare, l’analisi riguarda l’art. 13 del decreto”Bersani” e il comma 9 dell’art. 23 bis (ora pedissequamente trasfuso nel comma 33 dell’art. 4 del d.l. n. 138/2011), ossia le principali disposizioni che definiscono, rispettivamente, la capacità di azione delle società (a partecipazione pubblica) strumentali e di quelle operanti nel campo dei servizi pubblici locali titolari di affidamenti diretti (assentiti con modalità diverse dall’evidenza pubblica). Vengono forniti cenni di inquadramento in relazione al cd. procedimento di riordino delle partecipazioni societarie pubbliche previsto dalla legge finanziaria del 2008 (art. 3, commi 27 – 32). Dal combinato disposto delle suddette norme, così come interpretate dalla giurisprudenza costituzionale ed amministrativa, si ricavano, poi, utili indicazioni in ordine alla possibilità, per gli enti pubblici territoriali, di costituire società con scopo meramente lucrativo (ossia, soggetti societari privi del rapporto di strumentalità con gli enti costituenti o partecipanti, chiamati ad operare, in regime di concorrenza, in settori completamente liberalizzati) e società cd. multiutilities (aventi oggetto sociale complesso, la cui attività si estrinseca tanto nel campo dei servizi strumentali, quanto in quello dei servizi pubblici locali), nonché in relazione alla disciplina applicabile all’attività di detti soggetti societari. La finalità ultima del contributo consiste nell'individuazione delle linee guida finalizzate alla classificazione delle società pubbliche in funzione della loro attività.


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The goal of this thesis is the application of an opto-electronic numerical simulation to heterojunction silicon solar cells featuring an all back contact architecture (Interdigitated Back Contact Hetero-Junction IBC-HJ). The studied structure exhibits both metal contacts, emitter and base, at the back surface of the cell with the objective to reduce the optical losses due to the shadowing by front contact of conventional photovoltaic devices. Overall, IBC-HJ are promising low-cost alternatives to monocrystalline wafer-based solar cells featuring front and back contact schemes, in fact, for IBC-HJ the high concentration doping diffusions are replaced by low-temperature deposition processes of thin amorphous silicon layers. Furthermore, another advantage of IBC solar cells with reference to conventional architectures is the possibility to enable a low-cost assembling of photovoltaic modules, being all contacts on the same side. A preliminary extensive literature survey has been helpful to highlight the specific critical aspects of IBC-HJ solar cells as well as the state-of-the-art of their modeling, processing and performance of practical devices. In order to perform the analysis of IBC-HJ devices, a two-dimensional (2-D) numerical simulation flow has been set up. A commercial device simulator based on finite-difference method to solve numerically the whole set of equations governing the electrical transport in semiconductor materials (Sentuarus Device by Synopsys) has been adopted. The first activity carried out during this work has been the definition of a 2-D geometry corresponding to the simulation domain and the specification of the electrical and optical properties of materials. In order to calculate the main figures of merit of the investigated solar cells, the spatially resolved photon absorption rate map has been calculated by means of an optical simulator. Optical simulations have been performed by using two different methods depending upon the geometrical features of the front interface of the solar cell: the transfer matrix method (TMM) and the raytracing (RT). The first method allows to model light prop-agation by plane waves within one-dimensional spatial domains under the assumption of devices exhibiting stacks of parallel layers with planar interfaces. In addition, TMM is suitable for the simulation of thin multi-layer anti reflection coating layers for the reduction of the amount of reflected light at the front interface. Raytracing is required for three-dimensional optical simulations of upright pyramidal textured surfaces which are widely adopted to significantly reduce the reflection at the front surface. The optical generation profiles are interpolated onto the electrical grid adopted by the device simulator which solves the carriers transport equations coupled with Poisson and continuity equations in a self-consistent way. The main figures of merit are calculated by means of a postprocessing of the output data from device simulation. After the validation of the simulation methodology by means of comparison of the simulation result with literature data, the ultimate efficiency of the IBC-HJ architecture has been calculated. By accounting for all optical losses, IBC-HJ solar cells result in a theoretical maximum efficiency above 23.5% (without texturing at front interface) higher than that of both standard homojunction crystalline silicon (Homogeneous Emitter HE) and front contact heterojuction (Heterojunction with Intrinsic Thin layer HIT) solar cells. However it is clear that the criticalities of this structure are mainly due to the defects density and to the poor carriers transport mobility in the amorphous silicon layers. Lastly, the influence of the most critical geometrical and physical parameters on the main figures of merit have been investigated by applying the numerical simulation tool set-up during the first part of the present thesis. Simulations have highlighted that carrier mobility and defects level in amorphous silicon may lead to a potentially significant reduction of the conversion efficiency.


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The motivating problem concerns the estimation of the growth curve of solitary corals that follow the nonlinear Von Bertalanffy Growth Function (VBGF). The most common parameterization of the VBGF for corals is based on two parameters: the ultimate length L∞ and the growth rate k. One aim was to find a more reliable method for estimating these parameters, which can capture the influence of environmental covariates. The main issue with current methods is that they force the linearization of VBGF and neglect intra-individual variability. The idea was to use the hierarchical nonlinear model which has the appealing features of taking into account the influence of collection sites, possible intra-site measurement correlation and variance heterogeneity, and that can handle the influence of environmental factors and all the reliable information that might influence coral growth. This method was used on two databases of different solitary corals i.e. Balanophyllia europaea and Leptopsammia pruvoti, collected in six different sites in different environmental conditions, which introduced a decisive improvement in the results. Nevertheless, the theory of the energy balance in growth ascertains the linear correlation of the two parameters and the independence of the ultimate length L∞ from the influence of environmental covariates, so a further aim of the thesis was to propose a new parameterization based on the ultimate length and parameter c which explicitly describes the part of growth ascribable to site-specific conditions such as environmental factors. We explored the possibility of estimating these parameters characterizing the VBGF new parameterization via the nonlinear hierarchical model. Again there was a general improvement with respect to traditional methods. The results of the two parameterizations were similar, although a very slight improvement was observed in the new one. This is, nevertheless, more suitable from a theoretical point of view when considering environmental covariates.


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Come dimostrano i sempre più numerosi casi di cronaca riportati dai notiziari, la preoccupazione per la gestione delle immagini di morte si configura come un nodo centrale che coinvolge spettatori, produttori di contenuti e broadcaster, dato che la sua emersione nel panorama mediale in cui siamo immersi è sempre più evidente. Se la letteratura socio-antropologica è generalmente concorde nel ritenere che, rispetto al passato, oggi la morte si manifesti con meno evidenza nella vita comune delle persone, che tendono a rimuovere i segni della contiguità vivendo il lutto in forma privata, essa è però percepita in modo pervasivo perché disseminata nei (e dai) media. L'elaborato, concentrandosi in maniera specifica sulle produzioni audiovisive, e quindi sulla possibilità intrinseca al cinema – e alle sue forme derivate – di registrare un evento in diretta, tenta di mappare alcune dinamiche di produzione e fruizione considerando una particolare manifestazione della morte: quella che viene comunemente indicata come “morte in diretta”. Dopo una prima ricognizione dedicata alla tensione continua tra la spinta a considerare la morte come l'ultimo tabù e le manifestazioni che essa assume all'interno della “necrocultura”, appare chiaro che il paradigma pornografico risulta ormai inefficace a delineare compiutamente le emersioni della morte nei media, soggetta a opacità e interdizioni variabili, e necessita dunque di prospettive analitiche più articolate. Il fulcro dell'analisi è dunque la produzione e il consumo di precisi filoni quali snuff, cannibal e mondo movie e quelle declinazioni del gore che hanno ibridato reale e fittizio: il tentativo è tracciare un percorso che, a partire dal cinema muto, giunga al panorama contemporaneo e alle pratiche di remix rese possibili dai media digitali, toccando episodi controversi come i Video Nasties, le dinamiche di moral panic scatenate dagli snuff film e quelle di contagio derivanti dalla manipolazione e diffusione delle immagini di morte.


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Il presente lavoro mette in luce i diversi aspetti che ruotano intorno all’istituzione del rogo, cioè la condanna di un eretico alle fiamme e la conseguente morte per vivicombustione, che arrivò a imporsi nella procedura inquisitoriale come punizione ultima e unica nei casi di eresia. La prima parte del lavoro è dedicata ai fondamenti giuridici che caratterizzano questa pena. L’attenzione è rivolta poi alla letteratura controversistica di parte cattolica, usata dalla Chiesa a difesa della legittima occisio degli eretici. La parte centrale dello studio riguarda l’aspetto storico con una recensio dei principali roghi avvenuti prima e dopo la nascita dell’Inquisizione. Infine la riflessione si sposta sulla scelta e il significato di tale pena da un punto di vista antropologico.


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L’elaborato ha lo scopo di presentare le nuove opportunità di business offerte dal Web. Il rivoluzionario cambiamento che la pervasività della Rete e tutte le attività correlate stanno portando, ha posto le aziende davanti ad un diverso modo di relazionarsi con i propri consumatori, che sono sempre più informati, consapevoli ed esigenti, e con la concorrenza. La sfida da accettare per rimanere competitivi sul mercato è significativa e il mutamento in rapido sviluppo: gli aspetti che contraddistinguono questo nuovo paradigma digitale sono, infatti, velocità, mutevolezza, ma al tempo stesso misurabilità, ponderabilità, previsione. Grazie agli strumenti tecnologici a disposizione e alle dinamiche proprie dei diversi spazi web (siti, social network, blog, forum) è possibile tracciare più facilmente, rispetto al passato, l’impatto di iniziative, lanci di prodotto, promozioni e pubblicità, misurandone il ritorno sull’investimento, oltre che la percezione dell’utente finale. Un approccio datacentrico al marketing, attraverso analisi di monitoraggio della rete, permette quindi al brand investimenti più mirati e ponderati sulla base di stime e previsioni. Tra le più significative strategie di marketing digitale sono citate: social advertising, keyword advertising, digital PR, social media, email marketing e molte altre. Sono riportate anche due case history: una come ottimo esempio di co-creation in cui il brand ha coinvolto direttamente il pubblico nel processo di produzione del prodotto, affidando ai fan della Pagina Facebook ufficiale la scelta dei gusti degli yogurt da mettere in vendita. La seconda, caso internazionale di lead generation, ha permesso al brand di misurare la conversione dei visitatori del sito (previa compilazione di popin) in reali acquirenti, collegando i dati di traffico del sito a quelli delle vendite. Esempio di come online e offline comunichino strettamente.


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The international growing concern for the human exposure to magnetic fields generated by electric power lines has unavoidably led to imposing legal limits. Respecting these limits, implies being able to calculate easily and accurately the generated magnetic field also in complex configurations. Twisting of phase conductors is such a case. The consolidated exact and approximated theory regarding a single-circuit twisted three-phase power cable line has been reported along with the proposal of an innovative simplified formula obtained by means of an heuristic procedure. This formula, although being dramatically simpler, is proven to be a good approximation of the analytical formula and at the same time much more accurate than the approximated formula found in literature. The double-circuit twisted three-phase power cable line case has been studied following different approaches of increasing complexity and accuracy. In this framework, the effectiveness of the above-mentioned innovative formula is also examined. The experimental verification of the correctness of the twisted double-circuit theoretical analysis has permitted its extension to multiple-circuit twisted three-phase power cable lines. In addition, appropriate 2D and, in particularly, 3D numerical codes for simulating real existing overhead power lines for the calculation of the magnetic field in their vicinity have been created. Finally, an innovative ‘smart’ measurement and evaluation system of the magnetic field is being proposed, described and validated, which deals with the experimentally-based evaluation of the total magnetic field B generated by multiple sources in complex three-dimensional arrangements, carried out on the basis of the measurement of the three Cartesian field components and their correlation with the field currents via multilinear regression techniques. The ultimate goal is verifying that magnetic induction intensity is within the prescribed limits.


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A thorough investigation was made of the structure-property relation of well-defined statistical, gradient and block copolymers of various compositions. Among the copolymers studied were those which were synthesized using isobornyl acrylate (IBA) and n-butyl acrylate (nBA) monomer units. The copolymers exhibited several unique properties that make them suitable materials for a range of applications. The thermomechanical properties of these new materials were compared to acrylate homopolymers. By the proper choice of the IBA/nBA monomer ratio, it was possible to tune the glass transition temperature of the statistical P(IBA-co-nBA) copolymers. The measured Tg’s of the copolymers with different IBA/nBA monomer ratios followed a trend that fitted well with the Fox equation prediction. While statistical copolymers showed a single glass transition (Tg between -50 and 90 ºC depending on composition), DSC block copolymers showed two Tg’s and the gradient copolymer showed a single, but very broad, glass transition. PMBL-PBA-PMBL triblock copolymers of different composition ratios were also studied and revealed a microphase separated morphology of mostly cylindrical PMBL domains hexagonally arranged in the PBA matrix. DMA studies confirmed the phase separated morphology of the copolymers. Tensile studies showed the linear PMBL-PBA-PMBL triblock copolymers having a relatively low elongation at break that was increased by replacing the PMBL hard blocks with the less brittle random PMBL-r-PMMA blocks. The 10- and 20-arm PBA-PMBL copolymers which were studied revealed even more unique properties. SAXS results showed a mixture of cylindrical PMBL domains hexagonally arranged in the PBA matrix, as well as lamellar. Despite PMBL’s brittleness, the triblock and multi-arm PBA-PMBL copolymers could become suitable materials for high temperature applications due to PMBL’s high glass transition temperature and high thermal stability. The structure-property relation of multi-arm star PBA-PMMA block copolymers was also investigated. Small-angle X-ray scattering revealed a phase separated morphology of cylindrical PMMA domains hexagonally arranged in the PBA matrix. DMA studies found that these materials possess typical elastomeric behavior in a broad range of service temperatures up to at least 250°C. The ultimate tensile strength and the elastic modulus of the 10- and 20-arm star PBA-PMMA block copolymers are significantly higher than those of their 3-arm or linear ABA type counterparts with similar composition, indicating a strong effect of the number of arms on the tensile properties. Siloxane-based copolymers were also studied and one of the main objectives here was to examine the possibility to synthesize trifluoropropyl-containing siloxane copolymers of gradient distribution of trifluoropropyl groups along the chain. DMA results of the PDMS-PMTFPS siloxane copolymers synthesized via simultaneous copolymerization showed that due to the large difference in reactivity rates of 2,4,6-tris(3,3,3-trifluoropropyl)-2,4,6-trimethylcyclotrisiloxane (F) and hexamethylcyclotrisiloxane (D), a copolymer of almost block structure containing only a narrow intermediate fragment with gradient distribution of the component units was obtained. A more dispersed distribution of the trifluoropropyl groups was obtained by the semi-batch copolymerization process, as the DMA results revealed more ‘‘pure gradient type’’ features for the siloxane copolymers which were synthesized by adding F at a controlled rate to the polymerization of the less reactive D. As with trifluoropropyl-containing siloxane copolymers, vinyl-containing polysiloxanes may be converted to a variety of useful polysiloxane materials by chemical modification. But much like the trifluoropropyl-containing siloxane copolymers, as a result of so much difference in the reactivities between the component units 2,4,6-trivinyl-2,4,6-trimethylcyclotrisiloxane (V) and hexamethylcyclotrisiloxane (D), thermal and mechanical properties of the PDMS-PMVS copolymers obtained by simultaneous copolymerization was similar to those of block copolymers. Only the copolymers obtained by semi-batch method showed properties typical for gradient copolymers.


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Laterally loaded piles are a typical situation for a large number of cases in which deep foundations are used. Dissertation herein reported, is a focus upon the numerical simulation of laterally loaded piles. In the first chapter the best model settings are largely discussed, so a clear idea about the effects of interface adoption, model dimension, refinement cluster and mesh coarseness is reached. At a second stage, there are three distinct parametric analyses, in which the model response sensibility is studied for variation of interface reduction factor, Eps50 and tensile cut-off. In addition, the adoption of an advanced soil model is analysed (NGI-ADP). This was done in order to use the complex behaviour (different undrained shear strengths are involved) that governs the resisting process of clay under short time static loads. Once set a definitive model, a series of analyses has been carried out with the objective of defining the resistance-deflection (P-y) curves for Plaxis3D (2013) data. Major results of a large number of comparisons made with curves from API (America Petroleum Institute) recommendation are that the empirical curves have almost the same ultimate resistance but a bigger initial stiffness. In the second part of the thesis a simplified structural preliminary design of a jacket structure has been carried out to evaluate the environmental forces that act on it and on its piles foundation. Finally, pile lateral response is studied using the empirical curves.


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Die Verwendung von Metallen zur Entwicklung der heutigen fortschrittlichen technologischenrnGesellschaft lässt auf eine lange Geschichte zurück blicken. Im Zuge des letzten Jahrhundertsrnwurde realisiert, dass die chemischen und radioaktiven Eigenschaften von Metallen einernernsthafte Bedrohung für die Menschheit darstellen können. In der modernen Geochemie ist esrnallgemein akzeptiert, dass die spezifischen physikochemische Formen entscheidender sind, alsrndas Verhalten der gesamten Konzentration der Spurenmetalle in der Umwelt. Die Definition derrnArtbildung kann grob als die Identifizierung und Quantifizierung der verschiedenen Formen oderrnPhasen für ein Element zugeordnet werden. Die chemische Extraktion ist eine gemeinsamernSpeziierungstechnik bei der die Fraktionierung des Gesamtmetallgehaltes zur Analyse der Quellernanthropogener Metallkontamination und zur Vorhersage der Bioverfügbarkeit von verschiedenenrnMetallformen dient. Die Philosophie der partiellen und sequenziellen Extraktionsmethodernbesteht darin, dass insbesondere das Extraktionsmittel phasenspezifisch unter chemischemrnAngriff unterschiedlicher Mischungsformen steht. Die Speziation von Metall ist wichtig bei derrnBestimmung der Toxizität, Mobilität, Bioverfügbarkeit des Metalls und damit ihr Schicksal inrnder Umwelt und biologischem System. Die Artenbildungsanalyse kann für das Verständnis derrnAuswirkung auf die menschliche Gesundheit und bei ökologischen Risiken durch diernQuantifizierung von Metallspezies bei einem Untersuchungs-standort angewendet werden undrnanschließend können Sanierungsstrategien für den Standort umgesetzt werden. Mit Hilfe derrnSpezifizierung wurden Arsen und Kupfer in landwirtschaftlichem Kalkdünger und Thallium inrnkontaminierten Böden untersucht und in den folgenden Abschnitten im Einzelnen dargestellt.


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Agriculture is still important for socio-economic development in rural areas of Bosnia, Montenegro and Serbia (BMS). However, for sustainable rural development rural economies should be diversified so attention should be paid also to off-farm and non-farm income-generating activities. Agricultural and rural development (ARD) processes and farm activity diversification initiatives should be well governed. The ultimate objective of this work is to explore linkages between ARD governance and rural livelihoods diversification in BMS. The thesis is based on an extended secondary data analysis and surveys. Questionnaires for ARD governance and coordination were sent via email to public, civil society and international organizations. Concerning rural livelihood diversification, the field questionnaire surveys were carried out in three rural regions of BMS. Results show that local rural livelihoods are increasingly diversified but a significant share of households are still engaged in agriculture. Diversification strategies have a chance to succeed taking into consideration the three rural regions’ assets. However, rural households have to tackle many problems for developing new income-generating activities such as the lack of financial resources. Weak business skills are also a limiting factor. Fully exploiting rural economy diversification potential in BMS requires many interventions including improving rural governance, enhancing service delivery in rural areas, upgrading rural people’s human capital, strengthening rural social capital and improving physical capital, access of the rural population to finance as well as creating a favourable and enabling legal and legislative environment fostering diversification. Governance and coordination of ARD policy design, implementation and evaluation is still challenging in the three Balkan countries and this has repercussions also on the pace of rural livelihoods diversification. Therefore, there is a strong and urgent need for mobilization of all rural stakeholders and actors through appropriate governance arrangements in order to foster rural livelihoods diversification and quality of life improvement.


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Il progetto di dottorato IMITES (Interpretación de la Metáfora entre ITaliano y ESpañol) si pone come obiettivo quello di analizzare l’interpretazione simultanea del linguaggio figurato nelle combinazioni italiano-spagnolo e spagnolo-italiano. Prevede l’analisi di una serie di dati estratti da discorsi pronunciati in italiano e spagnolo in occasione di conferenze tenutesi presso la Commissione europea, e le loro versioni interpretate in spagnolo e italiano rispettivamente. Le espressioni figurate contenute nei discorsi originali sono state allineate e messe a confronto con le versioni fornite dagli interpreti, con il duplice obiettivo di a) capire quali causano maggiori problemi agli interpreti e b) analizzare le strategie di interpretazione applicate da professionisti quali quelli della Direzione Generale Interpretazione (DG SCIC) della Commissione europea nell’interpretare metafore. Il progetto prevede anche la somministrazione di un questionario agli interpreti delle cabine spagnola e italiana del DG SCIC, con l’obiettivo di sondare la loro percezione delle difficoltà che sottendono all’interpretazione del linguaggio figurato, le indicazioni metodologiche ricevute (se del caso) dai loro docenti a tale riguardo e le strategie applicate nella pratica professionale. Infine, l’ultima fase del progetto di ricerca prevede la sperimentazione di una proposta didattica attraverso uno studio caso-controllo svolto su studenti del secondo anno della Laurea Magistrale in Interpretazione delle Scuole Interpreti di Forlì e Trieste. Il gruppo-caso ha ricevuto una formazione specifica sull'interpretazione delle metafore, mentre gruppo-controllo è stato monitorato nella sua evoluzione. L’obiettivo di questa ultima fase di ricerca è quello di valutare, da una parte, l’ “insegnabilità” di strategia per affrontare il linguaggio figurato in interpretazione simultanea, e, dall’altra, l’efficacia dell’unità didattica proposta, sviluppata in base all’analisi svolta su IMITES.


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Corruption is, in the last two decades, considered as one of the biggest problems within the international community, which harms not only a particular state or society but the whole world. The discussion on corruption in law and economics approach is mainly run under the veil of Public choice theory and principal-agent model. Based on this approach the strong international initiatives taken by the UN, the OECD and the Council of Europe, provided various measures and tools in order to support and guide countries in their combat against corruption. These anti-corruption policies created a repression -prevention-transparency model for corruption combat. Applying this model, countries around the world adopted anti-corruption strategies as part of their legal rules. Nevertheless, the recent researches on the effects of this move show non impressive results. Critics argue that “one size does not fit all” because the institutional setting of countries around the world varies. Among the countries which experience problems of corruption, even though they follow the dominant anti-corruption trends, are transitional, post-socialist countries. To this group belong the countries which are emerging from centrally planned to an open market economy. The socialist past left traces on institutional setting, mentality of the individuals and their interrelation, particularly in the domain of public administration. If the idiosyncrasy of these countries is taken into account the suggestion in this thesis is that in public administration in post-socialist countries, instead of dominant anti-corruption scheme repression-prevention-transparency, corruption combat should be improved through the implementation of a new one, structure-conduct-performance. The implementation of this model is based on three regulatory pyramids: anti-corruption, disciplinary anti-corruption and criminal anti-corruption pyramid. This approach asks public administration itself to engage in corruption combat, leaving criminal justice system as the ultimate weapon, used only for the very harmful misdeeds.