980 resultados para U-Pb and 40Ar-39Ar geochronology


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The last three decades have witnessed dramatic changes in the structure of supply and demand for fish, especially in Asia. This WorldFish research study sponsored by the Asian Development Bank focussed on nine developing countries – Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam, all active players in the transformation of global fish supply and demand. The study, broken into five components and reported here, considered: 1) the profile of key aquaculture technologies and fishing practices; 2) analysis of policies, institutions and support services; 3) socioeconomic profile of major stakeholders in the fisheries sector; 4) projections of fish demand and supply in the nine Asian countries; and 5) formulation of national action plans based on the findings and recommendations of the study.


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The National Marine Sanctuaries Act (16 U.S.C. 1431, as amended) gives the Secretary of Commerce the authority to designate discrete areas of the marine environment as National Marine Sanctuaries and provides the authority to promulgate regulations to provide for the conservation and management of these marine areas. The waters of the Outer Washington Coast were recognized for their high natural resource and human use values and placed on the National Marine Sanctuary Program Site Evaluation List in 1983. In 1988, Congress directed NOAA to designate the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary (Pub. L. 100-627). The Sanctuary, designated in May 1994, worked with the U.S. Coast Guard to request the International Maritime Organization designate an Area to be Avoided (ATBA) on the Olympic Coast. The IMO defines an ATBA as "a routeing measure comprising an area within defined limits in which either navigation is particularly hazardous or it is exceptionally important to avoid casualties and which should be avoided by all ships, or certain classes of ships" (IMO, 1991). This ATBA was adopted in December 1994 by the Maritime Safety Committee of the IMO, “in order to reduce the risk of marine casualty and resulting pollution and damage to the environment of the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary”, (IMO, 1994). The ATBA went into effect in June 1995 and advises operators of vessels carrying petroleum and/or hazardous materials to maintain a 25-mile buffer from the coast. Since that time, Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary (OCNMS) has created an education and monitoring program with the goal of ensuring the successful implementation of the ATBA. The Sanctuary enlisted the aid of the U.S. and Canadian coast guards, and the marine industry to educate mariners about the ATBA and to use existing radar data to monitor compliance. Sanctuary monitoring efforts have targeted education on tank vessels observed transiting the ATBA. OCNMS's monitoring efforts allow quantitative evaluation of this voluntary measure. Finally, the tools developed to monitor the ATBA are also used for the more general purpose of monitoring vessel traffic within the Sanctuary. While the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary does not currently regulate vessel traffic, such regulations are within the scope of the Sanctuary’s Final Environmental Impact Statement/Management Plan. Sanctuary staff participate in ongoing maritime and environmental safety initiatives and continually seek opportunities to mitigate risks from marine shipping.(PDF contains 44 pages.)


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The mobility of heavy metals (Zn, Cd, Pb and Ni) was studied in the laboratory acidic leaching two different soils around Ibadan with simulated acid rain. The sampling was carried out from two different sites viz: Orogun and Ilupeju respectively. For Orogun site a depth of 128cm was reached (consisting of four horizons). Different length of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipes were cut for different soil horizon depth as observed on the field. The PVC pipes were packed with requires masses of soil. This is then leached using simulated acid rain of different pH of 2.0, 4.0, 6.0 and 8.0 after spiking with known volume of standard solution of metals of interest. It was found that simulated acid rain enhanced the mobility of metals in solution. The pH, Cation Exchange capacity, % clay and organic matter were found to contributed majority to the mobility of metals. Generally as observed, the mobility of metal was to follow the order Zn>Ni>Pb>Cd as the soil is becoming more acidic


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The geology and structure of two crustal scale shear zones were studied to understand the partitioning of strain within intracontinental orogenic belts. Movement histories and regional tectonic implications are deduced from observational data. The two widely separated study areas bear the imprint of intense Late Mesozoic through Middle Cenozoic tectonic activity. A regional transition from Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary plutonism, metamorphism, and shortening strain to Middle Tertiary extension and magmatism is preserved in each area, with contrasting environments and mechanisms. Compressional phases of this tectonic history are better displayed in the Rand Mountains, whereas younger extensional structures dominate rock fabrics in the Magdalena area.

In the northwestern Mojave desert, the Rand Thrust Complex reveals a stack of four distinctive tectonic plates offset along the Garlock Fault. The lowermost plate, Rand Schist, is composed of greenschist facies metagraywacke, metachert, and metabasalt. Rand Schist is structurally overlain by Johannesburg Gneiss (= garnet-amphibolite grade orthogneisses, marbles and quartzites), which in turn is overlain by a Late Cretaceous hornblende-biotite granodiorite. Biotite granite forms the fourth and highest plate. Initial assembly of the tectonic stack involved a Late Cretaceous? south or southwest vergent overthrusting event in which Johannesburg Gneiss was imbricated and attenuated between Rand Schist and hornblende-biotite granodiorite. Thrusting postdated metamorphism and deformation of the lower two plates in separate environments. A post-kinematic stock, the Late Cretaceous Randsburg Granodiorite, intrudes deep levels of the complex and contains xenoliths of both Rand Schist and mylonitized Johannesburg? gneiss. Minimum shortening implied by the map patterns is 20 kilometers.

Some low angle faults of the Rand Thrust Complex formed or were reactivated between Late Cretaceous and Early Miocene time. South-southwest directed mylonites derived from Johannesburg Gneiss are commonly overprinted by less penetrative north-northeast vergent structures. Available kinematic information at shallower structural levels indicates that late disturbance(s) culminated in northward transport of the uppermost plate. Persistence of brittle fabrics along certain structural horizons suggests a possible association of late movement(s) with regionally known detachment faults. The four plates were juxtaposed and significant intraplate movements had ceased prior to Early Miocene emplacement of rhyolite porphyry dikes.

In the Magdalena region of north central Sonora, components of a pre-Middle Cretaceous stratigraphy are used as strain markers in tracking the evolution of a long lived orogenic belt. Important elements of the tectonic history include: (1) Compression during the Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary, accompanied by plutonism, metamorphism, and ductile strain at depth, and thrust driven? syntectonic sedimentation at the surface. (2) Middle Tertiary transition to crustal extension, initially recorded by intrusion of leucogranites, inflation of the previously shortened middle and upper crustal section, and surface volcanism. (3) Gravity induced development of a normal sense ductile shear zone at mid crustal levels, with eventual detachment and southwestward displacement of the upper crustal stratigraphy by Early Miocene time.

Elucidation of the metamorphic core complex evolution just described was facilitated by fortuitous preservation of a unique assemblage of rocks and structures. The "type" stratigraphy utilized for regional correlation and strain analysis includes a Jurassic volcanic arc assemblage overlain by an Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous quartz pebble conglomerate, in turn overlain by marine strata with fossiliferous Aptian-Albian limestones. The Jurassic strata, comprised of (a) rhyolite porphyries interstratified with quartz arenites, (b) rhyolite cobble conglomerate, and (c) intrusive granite porphyries, are known to rest on Precambrian basement north and east of the study area. The quartz pebble conglomerate is correlated with the Glance Conglomerate of southeastern Arizona and northeastern Sonora. The marine sequence represents part of an isolated arm? of the Bisbee Basin.

Crosscutting structural relationships between the pre-Middle Cretaceous supracrustal section, younger plutons, and deformational fabrics allow the tectonic sequence to be determined. Earliest phases of a Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary orogeny are marked by emplacement of the 78 ± 3 Ma Guacomea Granodiorite (U/Pb zircon, Anderson et al., 1980) as a sill into deep levels of the layered Jurassic series. Subsequent regional metamorphism and ductile strain is recorded by a penetrative schistosity and lineation, and east-west trending folds. These fabrics are intruded by post-kinematic Early Tertiary? two mica granites. At shallower crustal levels, the orogeny is represented by north directed thrust faulting, formation of a large intermontane basin, and development of a pronounced unconformity. A second important phase of ductile strain followed Middle Tertiary? emplacement of leucogranites as sills and northwest trending dikes into intermediate levels of the deformed section (surficial volcanism was also active during this transitional period to regional extension). Gravitational instabilities resulting from crustal swelling via intrusion and thermal expansion led to development of a ductile shear zone within the stratigraphic horizon occupied by a laterally extensive leucogranite sill. With continued extension, upper crustal brittle normal faults (detachment faults) enhanced the uplift and tectonic denudation of this mylonite zone, ultimately resulting in southwestward displacement of the upper crustal stratigraphy.

Strains associated with the two ductile deformation events have been successfully partitioned through a multifaceted analysis. R_f/Ø measurements on various markers from the "type" stratigraphy allow a gradient representing cumulative strain since Middle Cretaceous time to be determined. From this gradient, noncoaxial strains accrued since emplacement of the leucogranites may be removed. Irrotational components of the postleucogranite strain are measured from quartz grain shapes in deformed granites; rotational components (shear strains) are determined from S-C fabrics and from restoration of rotated dike and vein networks. Structural observations and strain data are compatable with a deformation path of: (1) coaxial strain (pure shear?), followed by (2) injection of leucogranites as dikes (perpendicular to the minimum principle stress) and sills (parallel to the minimum principle stress), then (3) southwest directed simple shear. Modeling the late strain gradient as a simple shear zone permits a minimum displacement of 10 kilometers on the Magdalena mylonite zone/detachment fault system. Removal of the Middle Tertiary noncoaxial strains yields a residual (or pre-existing) strain gradient representative of the Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary deformation. Several partially destrained cross sections, restored to the time of leucogranite emplacement, illustrate the idea that the upper plate of the core complex bas been detached from a region of significant topographic relief. 50% to 100% bulk extension across a 50 kilometer wide corridor is demonstrated.

Late Cenozoic tectonics of the Magdalena region are dominated by Basin and Range style faulting. Northeast and north-northwest trending high angle normal faults have interacted to extend the crust in an east-west direction. Net extension for this period is minor (10% to 15%) in comparison to the Middle Tertiary detachment related extensional episode.


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Experimental work was performed to delineate the system of digested sludge particles and associated trace metals and also to measure the interactions of sludge with seawater. Particle-size and particle number distributions were measured with a Coulter Counter. Number counts in excess of 1012 particles per liter were found in both the City of Los Angeles Hyperion mesophilic digested sludge and the Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts (LACSD) digested primary sludge. More than 90 percent of the particles had diameters less than 10 microns.

Total and dissolved trace metals (Ag, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn) were measured in LACSD sludge. Manganese was the only metal whose dissolved fraction exceeded one percent of the total metal. Sedimentation experiments for several dilutions of LACSD sludge in seawater showed that the sedimentation velocities of the sludge particles decreased as the dilution factor increased. A tenfold increase in dilution shifted the sedimentation velocity distribution by an order of magnitude. Chromium, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, and Zn were also followed during sedimentation. To a first approximation these metals behaved like the particles.

Solids and selected trace metals (Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, and Zn) were monitored in oxic mixtures of both Hyperion and LACSD sludges for periods of 10 to 28 days. Less than 10 percent of the filterable solids dissolved or were oxidized. Only Ni was mobilized away from the particles. The majority of the mobilization was complete in less than one day.

The experimental data of this work were combined with oceanographic, biological, and geochemical information to propose and model the discharge of digested sludge to the San Pedro and Santa Monica Basins. A hydraulic computer simulation for a round buoyant jet in a density stratified medium showed that discharges of sludge effluent mixture at depths of 730 m would rise no more than 120 m. Initial jet mixing provided dilution estimates of 450 to 2600. Sedimentation analyses indicated that the solids would reach the sediments within 10 km of the point discharge.

Mass balances on the oxidizable chemical constituents in sludge indicated that the nearly anoxic waters of the basins would become wholly anoxic as a result of proposed discharges. From chemical-equilibrium computer modeling of the sludge digester and dilutions of sludge in anoxic seawater, it was predicted that the chemistry of all trace metals except Cr and Mn will be controlled by the precipitation of metal sulfide solids. This metal speciation held for dilutions up to 3000.

The net environmental impacts of this scheme should be salutary. The trace metals in the sludge should be immobilized in the anaerobic bottom sediments of the basins. Apparently no lifeforms higher than bacteria are there to be disrupted. The proposed deep-water discharges would remove the need for potentially expensive and energy-intensive land disposal alternatives and would end the discharge to the highly productive water near the ocean surface.


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A área estudada está inserida na Faixa Ribeira, Segmento Central da Província Mantiqueira (Almeida et al., 1973, 1977, 1981), que representa um cinturão de dobramentos e empurrões gerado no Neo-proterozóico/Cambriano, durante a Orogênese Brasiliana, na borda sul/sudeste do Cráton do São Francisco (Almeida, 1971, 1977; Cordani et al., 1967, 1973; Cordani & Brito Neves, 1982; Teixeira & Figueiredo, 1991). Neste contexto, o Complexo Quirino é o embasamento retrabalhado do Terreno Paraíba do Sul (Heilbron et al., 2004). O Complexo Quirino é formado por extensos corpos de ortognaisses foliados a homogêneos, leuco a mesocráticos, de granulometria média à grossa, composicionalmente variando entre granitóides tonalíticos/granodioríticos a graníticos, e apresentando enclaves de rochas ultramáficas, máficas e cálcio-silicáticas (ricas em tremolita). Os ortognaisses tonalíticos/granodioríticos apresentam porfiroblastos de plagioclásio e a hornblenda como máfico principal, contrastando com os de composição granítica que apresentam porfiroblastos de K-feldspato e biotita predominante. Como acessórios aparecem zircão, titanita, apatita e epidoto. Também estão associados a estes ortognaisses, granitóides neoproterozóicos que formam corpos individualizados ou lentes anatéticas no conjunto paleoproterozóico. Estes são compostos predominantemente por biotita gnaisse e hornblenda-biotita gnaisse. A análise litogeoquímicas dos ortognaisses do Complexo Quirino demonstrou a existência de duas séries magmáticas distintas. A primeira pertencente à série cálcio-alcalina de alto-K apresenta uma composição mais expandida granítica-adamelítica/granodioritica/tonalítica e é correlacionável aos bt-ortognaisses e alguns hb-bt-ortognaisses. Os ortognaisses da série médio-K apresentam composição predominantemente tonalítica, sendo correlacionáveis à maioria dos hornblenda-biotita gnaisses. Enclaves lenticulares de metapiroxeníticos e anfibolíticos ocorrem em muitos afloramentos. Também ocorrem granitóides neoproterozóicos de composição graníticas a quartzo-monzoníticas O estudo isotópico de Sm-Nd e Sr demonstrou que os ortognaisses da série cálcio-alcalina de alto-K e aqueles da série cálcio-alcalina de médio-K possuem idades modelo TDM variando entre paleoproterozóicas a arqueanas, consistentes com dados U-Pb em zircão publicados na literatura. A série cálcio-alcalina de alto-K é mais antiga (2308 9,2 Ma a 2185 8 Ma) do que a série calcio-alcalina de médio-K (2169 3 a 2136 14 Ma) e a existência de zircões herdados com idades mínimas de 2846 Ma e 2981 Ma para série de médio-K e 3388 16 para série de alto-K. Os granitóides brasilianos possuem idades de cristalização neoproterozóica correlacionada a Orogênese Brasiliana (602 a 627 Ma) (Viana, 2008; Valladares et al., 2002)./Com base nos dados de Sr e Sm-Nd foi possível caracterizar 4 grupos distintos. Os grupos 1 e 2 são formados por rochas de idade paleoproterozóica (2,1 a 2,3 Ga) com idades modelo TDM variando de 2,9 e 3,4 Ga, εNd entre -8,1 e -5,8 e 87Sr/86Sr(t) = 0,694707 (Grupo 1) e TDM variando de 2,5 a 2,7 Ga, εNd entre -5,8 e -3,1 e 87Sr/86Sr(t) = 0,680824 (Grupo 2), formados no paleoproterozóico com contribuição de uma crosta arqueana. O grupo 3 é formado por rochas juvenis de idade paleoproterozóica, com idades de cristalização variando entre 2,0 e 2,2 Ga e com idades modelo TDM variando de 2,1 a 2,2 Ga e εNd entre + 1,5 e + 1,2. O grupo 4 é formado durante o neoproterozóico (645 Ma) por rochas possivelmente de idade paleoproterozóico com idades modelo TDM igual a 1,7 Ga e εNd igual a -8,3.


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A área estudada está inserida no Domínio Transversal da Província Borborema. As unidades litoestratigráficas que compõem o embasamento paleoproterozócio (riaciano) são representadas por rochas ortoderivadas dos Complexos Salgadinho e Cabaceiras. Esses complexos foram individualizados de acordo com as suas diferenças composicionais, texturais e/ou geocronológicas. As rochas metassedimentares de idade paleoproterozóica (Orosiriano) foram interpretadas como constituintes do Complexo Sertânia. O magmatismo no estateriano é caracterizado por ortognaisses sienogranítcos da Suíte Carnoió-Caturité e por metanortositos do Complexo Metanortosítico Boqueirão. As unidades litoestratigráficas do Neoproterozóico são representadas por sucessões metassedimentares Criogenianas do Complexo Surubim e ortognaisses granodioríticos e sienograníticos do início do Ediacarano, denominados de Complexo Sumé e Ortognaisse Riacho de Santo Antônio, respectivamente. O magmatismo granítico do Ediacarano foi caracterizado pelo alojamento dos Plutons Inácio Pereira e Marinho. Os dados geocronológicos (U-Pb em zircão) obtidos indicam, no mínimo, o desenvolvimento de três eventos tectono-magmáticos. As idades de 2042 + 11Ma e 1996 + 13Ma obtidas nos ortoanfibolitos do Complexo Cabaceiras foram interpretadas como a idade de cristalização do protólito e metamorfismo, respectivamente. A idade de 1638 + 13Ma proveniente de hornblenda ortognaisse sienogranítico da Suíte Carnoió-Caturité foi interpretada como a idade de cristalização do protólito, marcando um evento magmático Estateriano de afinidade anorogênica. A idade de 550 + 3.1Ma encontrada em monzogranito porfirítico do Pluton Marinho é um registro do último evento magmático no final do Ediacarano, associado ao estágio tardio de desenvolvimento da Zona de Cisalhamento Coxixola. Os dados estruturais permitiram a individualização de três fases de deformação dúcteis, individualizadas como D1, D2 e D3. A fase D1 foi responsável pela geração de uma foliação S1, observada somente na charneira de dobras F2. O evento D2 é assinalado por uma tectônica contracional com transporte para NNW, observado a partir de bandas de cisalhamento assimétricas e dobras de arrasto em cortes paralelos a lineação de estiramento (L2x). Zonas de cisalhamento dúcteis de geometria e cinemática distintas desenvolveram-se durante a fase D3. As zonas de Cisalhamento Boa Vista, Carnoió e Congo estão orientadas na direção NE-SW e exibem cinemática sinistral em cortes paralelos à lineação de estiramento (L3x). As terminações meridionais dessas zonas de cisalhamento estão conectadas com a Zona de Cisalhamento Coxixola. Essa zona de cisalhamento, de direção WSW-ENE e cinemática destral, atravessa toda a área de estudo, com uma espessura média de rochas miloníticas de 300m. A Zona de Cisalhamento Inácio Pereira ocorre na porção leste da área de estudo, orientada na direção WNW-ESE. A análise geométrica e cinemática dessa zona de cisalhamento sugere uma evolução deformacional através de regime transpressivo oblíquo sinistral. O padrão anastomosado final resultante do desenvolvimento de todas as zonas de cisalhamento da área é relacionado à evolução estrutural de um sistema de zonas de cisalhamento dúcteis conjugadas.


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Estudos ambientais têm demonstrado que substâncias geradas por processos antropogênicos podem causar efeitos prejudiciais interferindo no equilíbrio natural do ecossistema. Manguezais exercem funções essenciais nos ciclos biológicos e constituem Área de Proteção Permanente no Brasil. Infelizmente, eles estão sendo degradados acima do seu limite de suporte, levando a uma redução das áreas remanescentes no mundo. Este trabalho apresenta os resultados de mutagenicidade e genotoxicidade observados em quatro amostragens (PI, V, O e PII) entre 2009 e 2010, relacionados com metais e hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (HPA) em sedimento de mangue para a caracterização dos valores de referência. Os testes de genotoxicidade foram feitos a partir de hemócitos do caranguejo Goniopsis cruentata, coletados em um ecossistema potencialmente não poluído do Brasil, localizado no sul do Rio de Janeiro (Parati/RJ), chamado de "Saco do Mamanguá". Coleta, armazenamento e manipulação dos sedimentos e material biológico de cinco pontos de amostragem (M1- M5) foram processados de acordo com normas norte-americanas reconhecidas. A identificação das substâncias químicas foi realizada com extratos de sedimentos e utilizada no bioensaio Salmonella/microssoma (Kado). A avaliação de potenciais danos genotóxicos estabelecidos foi realizada através do Teste de Micronúcleo, que apresentou valores significativos na amostra V. Resultados negativos foram observados para as cepas de Salmonella typhimurium TA97, TA98, TA100 e TA102, tanto na ausência quanto na presença de fração de metabolização exógena de mamíferos (S9 mix 4%) em todas as análises. A quantificação por cromatografia gasosa com detecção por espectrometria de massas dos 16 HPA prioritários em termos de conservação ambiental apresentou valores baixos nas duas primeiras amostragens (PI e V) e nulos nas coletas seguintes (O e PII), nos mesmos pontos. De acordo com os valores utilizados nos Estados Unidos e Canadá como referência, os detectados por nós não são considerados como toxicantes ambientais positivos, com exceção do Benzo(a)pireno, que em M1V apresentou valores um pouco acima do limite a partir do qual já podem ser observados pequenos efeitos na biota. A análise dos metais (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb e Zn) por Espectrometria de Absorção Atômica inicialmente realizada com a água intersticial foi melhor interpretada a partir da matriz sedimento. Este estudo contribuirá com a implementação de indicadores para valores de referência em mangue.


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Part I. The cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum is a simple eukaryote which undergoes a multi-cellular developmental process. Single cell myxamoebae divide vegetatively in the presence of a food source. When the food is depleted or removed, the cells aggregate, forming a migrating pseudoplasmodium which differentiates into a fruiting body containing stalk and spore cells. I have shown that during the developmental cycle glycogen phosphorylase, aminopeptidase, and alanine transaminase are developmentally regulated, that is their specific activities increased at a specific time in the developmental cycle. Phosphorylase activity is undetectable in developing cells until mid-aggregation whereupon it increases and reaches a maximum at mid-culmination. Thereafter the enzyme disappears. Actinomycin D and cycloheximide studies as well as studies with morphologically aberrant and temporally deranged mutants indicate that prior RNA and concomitant protein synthesis are necessary for the rise and decrease in activity and support the view that the appearance of the enzyme is regulated at the transcriptional level. Aminopeptidase and alanine transaminase increase 3 fold starting at starvation and reach maximum activity at 18 and 5 hours respectively.

The cellular DNA s of D. discoideum were characterized by CsC1 buoyant density gradient centrifugation and by renaturation kinetics. Whole cell DNA exhibits three bands in CsCl: ρ = 1.676 g/cc (nuclear main band), 1.687 (nuclear satellite), and 1.682 (mitochondrial). Reassociation kinetics at a criterion of Tm -23°C indicates that the nuclear reiterated sequences make up 30% of the genome (Cot1/2 (pure) 0.28) and the single-copy DNA 70% (Cot1/2(pure) 70). The complexity of the nuclear genome is 30 x 109 daltons and that of the mitochondrial DNA is 35-40 x 106 daltons (Cot1/2 0.15). rRNA cistrons constitute 2.2% of nuclear DNA and have a ρ = 1.682.

RNA extracted from 4 stages during developmental cycle of Dictyostelium was hybridized with purified single-copy nuclear DNA. The hybrids had properties indicative of single-copy DNA-RNA hybrids. These studies indicate that there are, during development, qualitative and quantitative changes in the portion of the single-copy of the genome transcribed. Overall, 56% of the genome is represented by transcripts between the amoeba and mid-culmination stages. Some 19% are sequences which are represented at all stages while 37% of the genome consists of stage specific sequences.

Part II. RNA and protein synthesis and polysome formation were studied during early development of the surf clam Spisula solidissima embryos. The oocyte has a small number of polysomes and a low but measurable rate of protein synthesis (leucine-3H incorporation). After fertilization, there is a continual increase in the percentage of ribosomes sedimenting in the polysome region. Newly synthesized RNA (uridine-5-3H incorporation) was found in polysomes as early as the 2-cell stage. During cleavage, the newly formed RNA is associated mainly with the light polysomes.

RNA extracted from polysomes labeled at the 4-cell stage is polydisperse, nonribosomal, and non-4 S. Actinomycin D causes a reduction of about 30% of the polysomes formed between fertilization and the 16-cell stage.

In the early cleavage stages the light polysomes are mostly affected by actinomycin.


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Part I. Complexes of Biological Bases and Oligonucleotides with RNA

The physical nature of complexes of several biological bases and oligonucleotides with single-stranded ribonucleic acids have been studied by high resolution proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The importance of various forces in the stabilization of these complexes is also discussed.

Previous work has shown that purine forms an intercalated complex with single-stranded nucleic acids. This complex formation led to severe and stereospecific broadening of the purine resonances. From the field dependence of the linewidths, T1 measurements of the purine protons and nuclear Overhauser enhancement experiments, the mechanism for the line broadening was ascertained to be dipole-dipole interactions between the purine protons and the ribose protons of the nucleic acid.

The interactions of ethidium bromide (EB) with several RNA residues have been studied. EB forms vertically stacked aggregates with itself as well as with uridine, 3'-uridine monophosphate and 5'-uridine monophosphate and forms an intercalated complex with uridylyl (3' → 5') uridine and polyuridylic acid (poly U). The geometry of EB in the intercalated complex has also been determined.

The effect of chain length of oligo-A-nucleotides on their mode of interaction with poly U in D20 at neutral pD have also been studied. Below room temperatures, ApA and ApApA form a rigid triple-stranded complex involving a stoichiometry of one adenine to two uracil bases, presumably via specific adenine-uracil base pairing and cooperative base stacking of the adenine bases. While no evidence was obtained for the interaction of ApA with poly U above room temperature, ApApA exhibited complex formation of a 1:1 nature with poly U by forming Watson-Crick base pairs. The thermodynamics of these systems are discussed.

Part II. Template Recognition and the Degeneracy of the Genetic Code

The interaction of ApApG and poly U was studied as a model system for the codon-anticodon interaction of tRNA and mRNA in vivo. ApApG was shown to interact with poly U below ~20°C. The interaction was of a 1:1 nature which exhibited the Hoogsteen bonding scheme. The three bases of ApApG are in an anti conformation and the guanosine base appears to be in the lactim tautomeric form in the complex.

Due to the inadequacies of previous models for the degeneracy of the genetic code in explaining the observed interactions of ApApG with poly U, the "tautomeric doublet" model is proposed as a possible explanation of the degenerate interactions of tRNA with mRNA during protein synthesis in vivo.


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A Baia de Sepetiba é uma laguna costeira separada do oceano por uma ilha barreira. Localiza-se a 60 km da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, em uma importante região geoeconômica do Brasil. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a distribuição espacial da contaminação dos metais Cu, Pb, V, Cr, Cd, Co, Ni e Zn nos sedimentos da Baia. O mapa das concentrações elaborado pelo método de lixiviação permitiu caracterizar anomalias ao entorno da foz do Rio Guandu, na área da Coroa Grande, do Porto de Itaguaí, da Ilha do Martins, e anomalias ao longo de faixa com direção NW-SE. Os resultados das concentrações totais indicam contaminação por Zn, Cd, próximo a Ilha da Madeira com Pb e Cr associados e Cu e Zn na Restinga de Marambaia, com Ni, Pb e Cr associados. Os resultados dos isótopos de Pb para as razões de 206Pb/207Pb entre 1,23 e 1,27 representam os resíduos industriais e ocorrem em duas áreas: na parte leste da Restinga e entre as Ilhas de Jaguanum e Itacuruçá. A leste/sudeste destas ilhas foi reportada uma razão ainda mais alta (1.30), ainda não identificável na literatura. As correntes marinhas desempenham a redistribuição dos sedimentos e metais associados na Baia, com transporte de oeste para leste da pluma sedimentar descarregada pelos rios. Os principais causadores da poluição da Baia de Sepetiba são uma pilha de rejeito de Zn abandonada, resíduos industriais e domésticos não tratados de forma eficaz, poluentes atmosféricos de siderúrgicas e veículos, e por ventura resíduos de atividades navais e militares.


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Studies were carried out to assess some macro and trace elements of mineral composition of the male and female Heterobranchus bidorsalis adults exposed to graded concentrations (1.00-8.00m/L-1) of Bonny-light crude oil (BLCO). The experiment was monitored for 4 days (toxicity) and 42days (recovery) periods. Significant decreases (P < 0.05)in the sodium (Na), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), vanadium (Va), lead (Pb) and manganese (Mn) contents of the male H. bidorsalis corresponded with the increasing concentrations of BLCO. In contrast, the female fishes recorded significant increases (P < 0.05) in the values of the above elements in their tissues as the concentrations of BLCO increased. Furthermore, the values of Na, K, Mg, Ca, P, Zn, Fe, Va, Pb and Mn recorded in the male fishes where generally lower than those of their female counterparts and the control fish. Increased values of these elements were also recorded during the recovery periods (days 14, 28 and 42) of this study in the magnitudes of 15% at day 14, 20% at day 28 and 20% at day 42. This implied that the removal of crude oil stress during this period improved the quantity of these minerals deposited in the fish tissues. The highest percent proportion of Zn and the lowest proportion of Pb recorded in both male and female H. bidorsalis adults agreed with the report of other workers for other fish species. KEYWORDS: Heterobranchus bidorsalis, Mineral composition, Bonny-light crude oil, Toxicity, Recovery.


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According to experimental observations, the vortices generated by vortex generators have previously been observed to be self-similar for both the axial (u(z)) and azimuthal (u(circle minus)) velocity profiles. Further, the measured vortices have been observed to obey the criteria for helical symmetry. This is a powerful result, since it reduces the highly complex flow to merely four parameters. In the present work, corresponding computer simulations using Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equations have been carried out and compared to the experimental observations. The main objective of this study is to investigate how well the simulations can reproduce the physics of the flow and if the same analytical model can be applied. Using this model, parametric studies can be significantly reduced and, further, reliable simulations can substantially reduce the costs of the parametric studies themselves.


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The broad distribution of Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax) along the Pacif ic coast of North America makes it difficult for fisheries managers to identify regional stocks of this dominant small pelagic species. An investigation of morphometric characteristics of otoliths of Pacific sardine across most of their range revealed regional differences in populations. In a survey of over 2000 otoliths, all ages (with an emphasis on age-1 recruits) were compared. Principal components analysis, multivariate analysis of variance, and a novel method derived from regression and residuals calculations, termed perimeter-weight profiles (PWPs), revealed otolith similarities and differences. The results of the different approaches to statistical comparisons did not always agree. Sardine otoliths from Mexican waters were generally lighter and more lobate than those from U.S. and Canadian populations. Age-1 otoliths from northern California in 2006–07 tended to be heavier and smoother than those from other areas, including year-class cohorts from southern California. Comparisons of age-groups and year-classes of northern California otoliths with the use of the PWP models indicated signif icant trends in year-to-year patterns. In conjunction with other established indices of population structure, otolith PWPs are a useful tool for identifying local and regional stocks of Pacific sardine and may help distinguish populations of other fish species as well.