973 resultados para Tubular steel structures


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A variety of data structures such as inverted file, multi-lists, quad tree, k-d tree, range tree, polygon tree, quintary tree, multidimensional tries, segment tree, doubly chained tree, the grid file, d-fold tree. super B-tree, Multiple Attribute Tree (MAT), etc. have been studied for multidimensional searching and related problems. Physical data base organization, which is an important application of multidimensional searching, is traditionally and mostly handled by employing inverted file. This study proposes MAT data structure for bibliographic file systems, by illustrating the superiority of MAT data structure over inverted file. Both the methods are compared in terms of preprocessing, storage and query costs. Worst-case complexity analysis of both the methods, for a partial match query, is carried out in two cases: (a) when directory resides in main memory, (b) when directory resides in secondary memory. In both cases, MAT data structure is shown to be more efficient than the inverted file method. Arguments are given to illustrate the superiority of MAT data structure in an average case also. An efficient adaptation of MAT data structure, that exploits the special features of MAT structure and bibliographic files, is proposed for bibliographic file systems. In this adaptation, suitable techniques for fixing and ranking of the attributes for MAT data structure are proposed. Conclusions and proposals for future research are presented.


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En 52 steel has been electroslag refined and the resultant effects of refining on its mechanical properties have been assessed. It was found that refining caused a decrease in fatigue crack growth rates and increases in fatigue strength, fracture toughness, Charpy fracture energy and tensile ductility. Fatigue crack growth rates in region I and in region III were found to be considerably lower in the electroslag refined steel: they were unaffected in region II. The fracture toughness values for the electroslag refined steel are nearly twice those estimated for the unrefined steel. Measurements on heat-treated samples have shown that the electroslag refined steel has a better response to heat-treatment. The improvement in the mechanical properties is explained in terms of the removal of nonmetallic inclusions and a reduction in the sulphur content of the steel.


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The AISI 4340 steel has been electroslag refined and the improvement in mechanical properties has been assessed. Electroslag refining (ESR) has improved tensile ductility, plane strain fracture toughness, Charpy fracture energy, and has decreased fatigue crack growth rates. The KIC values for the ESR steel are nearly twice those estimated in the unrefined steel and higher than those obtained in the vacuum arc remelted steel. Fatigue crack growth rates in region I and in region III are found to be decreased considerably in the ESR steel, while they are unaffected in region II. Measurements on heat treated samples have shown that the ESR steel has a better response to heat treatment. Both the suggested heat treatments namely austenitizing at 1140–1470 K as well as the conventional heat treatment of austenitizing at 1140 K have been followed. The improvement in the mechanical properties of ESR steel has been explained on the basis of removal of nonmetallic inclusions and reduction in sulfur content in the steel.


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The detailed electronic structure of the n-v addition compound H2O·BF3 has been investigated for the first time by a combined use of electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) and UV photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS) augmented by MO calculations. The calculated molecular orbital energies of H2O·BF3 agree well with the UPS results and have been used to assign the electronic transitions obtained from EELS and to construct an orbital correlation diagram. The Journal of Chemical Physics is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.


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The efficiency of dephosphorisation is governed by the thermodynamic behaviour of phosphorus and oxygen in molten metal, and P2O5 and FeO in slag. The equilibrium distribution of phosphorus and oxygen, for a wide range of chemical compositions simulating the evolution of slag composition during a typical BOF blow, has been experimentally determined. A mathematical model for estimation of the activity coefficients, as a function of the chemical composition, was also attempted.


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The changes in the tensile properties and fracture mode brought about by heat treatment of Fe-12Cr-6Al ferritic stainless steel have been studied. A favourable combination of high strength and good ductility is obtained by heating the material at 1370 K for 2 h followed by a water quench. The high-temperature treatment results in carbide dissolution as well as an increase in the grain size. The mechanism of strengthening has been evaluated from the apparent activation energy (28 kJ mol–1) and is identified to be the unpinning of dislocations from the atmosphere of carbon atoms. As the heat-treatment temperature is increased, the fracture behaviour changes from ductile to brittle mode and this is related to the changes in grain size and friction stress.


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Some new observations on the phenomenon of photocapacitane on n-type silicon MOS structures under low intensities of illumination are reported. The difference between the illuminated and dark C---characteristics is automatically followed as a function of the applied bias thereby obtaining the differential photocapacitance and the resulting characteristics has been termed as the Low Intensity Differential Photocapacitance (LIDP). For an MOS capacitor, the LIDP characteristics is seen to go through a well defined maximum. The phenomenon has been investigated under different ambient conditions like light intensity, temperature, dependance of the frequency of the light etc. and it has been found that the phenomenon is due to a band excband excitation. In this connection, a novel sensitive technique for the measurement of the capacitance based upon following the frequency changes of a tank circuit is also described in some detail. It is also shown that the phenomenon can be understood by a simple theoretical model.


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The paper presents two new algorithms for the direct parallel solution of systems of linear equations. The algorithms employ a novel recursive doubling technique to obtain solutions to an nth-order system in n steps with no more than 2n(n −1) processors. Comparing their performance with the Gaussian elimination algorithm (GE), we show that they are almost 100% faster than the latter. This speedup is achieved by dispensing with all the computation involved in the back-substitution phase of GE. It is also shown that the new algorithms exhibit error characteristics which are superior to GE. An n(n + 1) systolic array structure is proposed for the implementation of the new algorithms. We show that complete solutions can be obtained, through these single-phase solution methods, in 5n−log2n−4 computational steps, without the need for intermediate I/O operations.


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Background Contemporary Finnish, spoken and written, reveals loanwords or foreignisms in the form of hybrids: a mixture of Finnish and foreign syllables (alumiinivalua). Sometimes loanwords are inserted into the Finnish sentence in their raw form just as they are found in the source language (pulp, after sales palvelu). Again, sometimes loanwords are calques, which appear Finnish but are spelled and pronounced in an altogether foreign manner (Protomanageri, Promenadi kampuksella). Research Questions What role does Finnish business translation play in the migration of foreignisms into Finnish if we consider translation "as a construct of solutions determined by the ideological constraints and conflicts characterizing the target culture" (Robyns 1992: 212)? What attitudes do the Finns display toward the presence of foreignisms in their language? What socio-economic or ideological conditions (Bassnett 1994: 321) are responsible for these attitudes? Are these conditions dynamic? What tools can be used to measure such attitudes? This dissertation set out to answer these and similar questions. Attitudes are imperialist (where otherness is both denied and transformed), defensive (where otherness is acknowledged, transformed, and vilified), transdiscursive (a neutral attitude to both otherness and transformation), or finally defective (where alien migration is acknowledged and "stimulated") (Robyns 1994: 60). Methodology The research method follows Rose's schema (1984: 8): (a) take an existing theory, (b) develop from it a proposition specific enough to be tested, (c) devise a scheme that tests this proposition, (d) carry through the scheme in practice, (e) draw up results and discuss conclusions in relation to the original theory. In other words, the method attempts an explanation of a Finnish social phenomenon based on systematic analyses of translated evidence (Lewins 1992: 4) whereby what really matters is the logical sequence that connects the empirical data to the initial research questions raised above and, ultimately to its conclusion (Yin 1984: 29). Results This research found that Finnish translators of the Nokia annual reports used a foreignism whenever possible such as komponentin instead of rakenneosa, or investoida instead of sijoittaa, and often without any apparent justification (Pryce 2003: 203-12) more than the translator's personal preference. In the old documents (minutes of meetings of the Board of Directors of Osakeyhtio H. Saastamoinen, Ltd. dated 5 July 1912-1917, a NOPSA booklet (1932), Enzo-Gutzeit-Tornator Oy document (1938), Imatra Steel Oy Annual Report 1964, and Nokia Oy Annual Report 1946), foreignisms under Haugen's (1950: 210-31) Classification #1 occurred an average of 0.6 times, while in the new documents (Nokia 1998 translated Annual Reports) they occurred an average of 6.5 times. That big difference, suggests transdiscursive and defective attitudes in Finnish society toward the other. In the 1850s, Finnish attitudes toward alien persons and cultures were hardened, intolerant and prohibitive because language politics were both nascent and emerging, and Finns adopted a defensive stance (Paloposki 2002: 102 ff) to protect their cultural and national treasures such as language and folklore. Innovation The innovation here is that no prior doctoral level research measured Finnish attitudes toward foreignisms using a business translation approach. This is the first time that Haugen's classification has been modified and applied in target language analysis. It is hoped that this method would be replicated in similar research in the future. Applications For practical applications, researchers with interest in languages, language development, language influences, language ideologies, and power structures that affect national language policies will find this thesis useful, especially the model for collecting, grouping, and analyzing foreignisms that has been demonstrated here. It is intended to document for posterity current attitudes of Finns toward the other as revealed in business translations from 1912-1964, and in 1998. This way, future language researchers would be able to explore a time-line of Finnish language development and attitudes toward the other. Communication firms may also find this research interesting. In future, could the model we adopted be used to analyze literary texts or religious texts for example? Future Trends Though business documents show transdiscursive attitudes, other segments of Finnish society may show defensive or imperialist attitudes. When the ideology of industrialization changes in the future, will Finnish attitudes toward the other change as well? Will it then be possible to use the same kind of analytical tools to measure Finnish attitudes? More broadly, will linguistic change continue in the same direction of transdiscursive attitudes, or will the change slow down or even reverse into xenophobic attitudes? Is this our model culture-specific or can it be used in the context of other cultures? Conclusion There is anger against foreignisms in Finland as newspaper publications and television broadcasts show, but research shows that a majority of Finns consider foreignisms and the languages from which they come as sources of enrichment for Finnish culture (Laitinen 2000, Eurobarometer series 41 of July 1994, 44 of Spring 1996, 50 of Autumn 1998). Ideologies of industrialization and globalization in Finland have facilitated transdiscursive tendencies. When Finland's political ideology was intolerant toward foreign influences in the 1850s because Finland was in the process of consolidating her nascent country and language, attitudes toward the importation of loanwords also became intolerant. Presently, when industrialization and globalization became the dominant ideologies, we see a shift in attitudes toward transdiscursive tendencies. Ideology is usually unseen and too often ignored by translation researchers. However, ideology reveals itself as the most powerful factor affecting language attitudes in a target culture. Key words Finnish, Business Translation, Ideology, Foreignisms, Imperialist Attitudes, Defensive Attitudes, Transdiscursive Attitudes, Defective Attitudes, the Other, Old Documents, New Documents.


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(I): Mr= 168, triclinic, P1, Z=2, a= 5.596 (2), b = 6.938 (3), c = 10.852 (4) A, ~t= 75.64 (3), fl= 93.44 (3), ),= 95.47 (3) °, V= 406.0A 3, Din= 1.35 (by flotation using carbon tetrachloride and n-hexane), D x= 1.374 Mg m -3, g(Mo Kct, 2 = 0.7107 A) = 1.08 cm -l, _F(000) = 180, T= 293 K. (II): Mr= 250, triclinic, P1, Z= 2, a = 7.731(2), b=8.580(2), c=11.033(3)A, a= 97-66 (2), fl= 98.86 (2), y= 101.78 (2) °, V= 697.5 A 3, D m = 1.18 (by flotation using KI solution), Dx= 1.190Mgm -3, g(MoKa, 2=0.7107A)= 1.02 cm -1, F(000) = 272, T= 293 K. Both structures were solved by direct methods and refined to R = 4.4% for 901 reflexions for (I) and 5.7% for 2001 reflexions for (II). The C=C bond distances are 1.451 (3) A in (I) and 1.468 (3)A in (II), quite significantly longer than the C=C bond in ethylene [1.336 (2).~; Bartell, Roth, Hollowell, Kuchitsu & Young (1965). J. Chem. Phys. 42, 2683-2686]. The twist angle about the C=C bond in (II) is 72.9 (5) ° but molecule (I) is essentially planar, the twist angle being only 4.9 (5) ° .


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A comparison with the alkali halides suggests that all the ammonium halides should occur in the NaCl centre-of-mass structure. Experimentally, at room temperature and atmospheric pressure, only NH4I crystallizes in this structure, while NH4F is found in the ZnO structure, and NH4C1 and NH4Br occur in the CsCl structure. We show that a distributed charge on the NH4+ ion can explain these structures. Taking charges of + 0.2e on each of the five atoms in NH4+, as suggested by other studies, we have recomputed the Madelung energy in the cases of interest. A full ionic theory including electrostatic, van der Waals and repulsive interactions then explains the centre-of-mass structures of all the four ammonium halides. The thermal and pressure transitions are also explained reasonably well. The calculated phase diagram of NH4F compares well with experiment. Barring the poorly understood NH4F(II) phase, which is beyond the scope of this work, the other features are in qualitative agreement. In particular, the theory correctly predicts a pressure transition at room temperature from the ZnO structure directly to the CsCl structure without an intermediate NaCl phase. A feature of our approach is that we do not need to invoke hydrogen bonding in NH4F.


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The crystal structures of (1) L-arginine D-asparate, C6HIsN40~.C4H6NO4 [triclinic, P1, a=5.239(1), b=9.544(1), c=14.064(2)A, a=85"58(1), /3=88.73 (1), ~/=84.35 (1) °, Z=2] and (2) L-arginine D-glutamate trihydrate, C6H15N40~-.CsHsNO4.3H20 [monoclinic, P2~, a=9.968(2), b=4.652(1), c=19.930 (2) A, fl = 101.20 (1) °, Z = 2] have been determined using direct methods. They have been refined to R =0.042 and 0.048 for 2829 and 2035 unique reflections respectively [I>2cr(I)]. The conformations of the two arginine molecules in the aspartate complex are different from those observed so far in the crystal structures of arginine, its salts and complexes. In both complexes, the molecules are organized into double layers stacked along the longest axis. The core of each double layer consists of two parallel sheets made up of main-chain atoms, each involving both types of molecules. The hydrogen bonds within each sheet and those that interconnect the two sheets give rise to EL-, DD- and DE-type head-to-tail sequences. Adjacent double layers in (1) are held together by side-chain-side-chain interactions whereas those in (2) are interconnected through an extensive network of water molecules which interact with sidechain guanidyl and carboxylate groups. The aggregation pattern observed in the two LD complexes is fundamentally different from that found in the corresponding EL complexes.


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Purpose: It is common for head and neck patients to be affected by time trend errors as a result of weight loss during a course of radiation treatment. The objective of this planning study was to investigate the impact of weight loss on Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) as well as Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) for locally advanced head and neck cancer using automatic co-registration of the CBCT. Methods and Materials: A retrospective analysis of previously treated IMRT plans for 10 patients with locally advanced head and neck cancer patients was done. A VMAT plan was also produced for all patients. We calculated the dose–volume histograms (DVH) indices for spinal cord planning at risk volumes (PRVs), the brainstem PRVs (SC+0.5cm and BS+0.5cm, respectively) as well as mean dose to the parotid glands. Results: The results show that the mean difference in dose to the SC+0.5cm was 1.03% and 1.27% for the IMRT and VMAT plans, respectively. As for dose to the BS+0.5, the percentage difference was 0.63% for the IMRT plans and 0.61% for the VMAT plans. The analysis of the parotid gland doses shows that the percentage change in mean dose to left parotid was -8.0% whereas that of the right parotid was -6.4% for the IMRT treatment plans. In the VMAT plans, the percentages change for the left and the right parotid glands were -6.6% and -6.7% respectively. Conclusions: This study shows a clinically significant impact of weight loss on DVH indices analysed in head and neck organs at risk. It highlights the importance of adaptive radiotherapy in head and neck patients if organ at risk sparing is to be maintained.


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The crystal structures of two peptides containing 1-aminocyclohexanecarboxylic acid (Acc6) are described. Boc-Aib-Acc6-NHMe · H2O adopts a β-turn conformation in the solid state, stabilized by an intramolecular 4 → 1 hydrogen bond between the Boc CO and methylamide NH groups. The backbone conformational angles (φAib = – 50.3°, ψAib = – 45.8°; φAcc6 = – 68.4°, ψAcc6 = – 15°) lie in between the values expected for ideal Type I or III β-turns. In Boc-Aib-Acc6-OMe, the Aib residue adopts a partially extended conformation (φAib = – 62.2°, ψAib = 143°) while the Acc6residue maintains a helical conformation (φAcc6 = 48°, ψAcc6= 42.6°). 1H n.m.r. studies in CDCl3 and (CD3)2SO suggest that Boc-Aib-Acc6-NHMe maintains the β-turn conformation in solution.