988 resultados para Truck terminals


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The personal computer has become commonplace on the desk of most scientists. As hardware costs have plummeted, software capabilities have expanded enormously, permitting the scientist to examine extremely large datasets in novel ways. Advances in networking now permit rapid transfer of large datasets, which can often be used unchanged from one machine to the next. In spite of these significant advances, many scientists still use their personal computers only for word processing or e-mail, or as "dumb terminals". Many are simply unaware of the richness of software now available to statistically analyze and display scientific data in highly innovative ways. This paper presents several examples drawn from actual climate data analysis that illustrate some novel and practical features of several widely-used software packages for Macintosh computers.


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Using an entropy argument, it is shown that stochastic context-free grammars (SCFG's) can model sources with hidden branching processes more efficiently than stochastic regular grammars (or equivalently HMM's). However, the automatic estimation of SCFG's using the Inside-Outside algorithm is limited in practice by its O(n3) complexity. In this paper, a novel pre-training algorithm is described which can give significant computational savings. Also, the need for controlling the way that non-terminals are allocated to hidden processes is discussed and a solution is presented in the form of a grammar minimization procedure. © 1990.


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This paper describes a speech coding technique that has been developed in order to provide a method of digitising speech at bit rates in the range 4. 8 to 8 kb/s, that is insensitive to the effects of acoustic background noise and bit errors on the digital link. The main aim has been to develop a coding scheme which provides speech quality and robustness against noise and errors that is similar to a 16000 b/s continuously variable slope delta (CVSD) coder, but which operates at half its data rate or less. A desirable aim was to keep the complexity of the coding scheme within the scope of what could reasonably be handled by current signal processing chips or by a single custom integrated circuit. Applications areas include mobile radio and small Satcomms terminals.


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Several small scleractinian coral colonies were collected from a remote reef and transferred [to] the Louisiana Universities Marine Center (LUMCON) for in vitro reproductive and larval studies. The species used here were Porites astreoides and Diploria strigosa. Colony size was ~20 cm in diameter. Colonies were brought to the surface by liftbag and stored in modified ice coolers. They were transported from Freeport, TX to Cocodrie, LA by truck for nearly 15 hours where field conditions were simulated in waiting aquaria. This document describes the techniques and equipment that were used, how to outfit such aquaria, proper handling techniques for coral colonies, and several eventualities that the mariculturist should be prepared for in undertaking this endeavor. It will hopefully prevent many mistakes from being made.


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A semi-active truck damper was developed in conjunction with a commercial shock absorber manufacturer. A linearized damper model was developed for control system design purposes. Open- and closed-loop damper force tracking control was implemented, with tests showing that an open-loop approach gave the best compromise between response speed and accuracy. A hardware-in-the-loop test facility was used to investigate performance of the damper when combined with a simulated quarter-car model. The input to the vehicle model was a set of randomly generated road profiles, each profile traversed at an appropriate speed. Modified skyhook damping tests showed a simultaneous improvement over the optimum passive case of 13 per cent in vertical body acceleration and 8 per cent in dynamic tyre forces. Full-scale vehicle tests of the damper on a heavy tri-axle trailer were carried out. Implementation of modified skyhook damping yielded a simultaneous improvement over the optimum passive case of 8 per cent in vertical body acceleration and 8 per cent in dynamic tyre forces. © IMechE 2008.


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Carp seed traders in Bangladesh are considered as one of the poorest, most vulnerable and least studied sub-population. Millions of fingerlings are transported annually to various parts of the country using bus tops and/or truck-beds in open and hand agitated method by the traders and as a result they encounter mass seed mortality. They are the key players in augmenting aquaculture activities by distributing fish fry and fingerlings to the fish farmers. Assessment of the seed sources and the livelihood of the traders are important to identify their point of entry to the aquaculture sector and further improvement. Status of household asset, income profiles, and risks involved were examined using DFID's sustainable livelihood approach (SLA) framework. Tools used to collect data included group discussions (GD), semi-structured and structured household (HH) survey. Samples (n=637) were randomly drawn purposefully from 10% of the carp seed traders within 11 districts. Sampled HH were classified into six land classes.


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The purpose of this supplemental project was to collect invaluable data from the large-scale construction sites of Egnatia Odos motorway needed to validate a novel automated vision-tracking method created under the parent grant. For this purpose, one US graduate and three US undergraduate students traveled to Greece for 4 months and worked together with 2 Greek graduate students of the local faculty collaborator. This team of students monitored project activities and scheduled data collection trips on a daily basis, setup a mobile video data collection lab on the back of a truck, and drove to various sites every day to collect hundreds of hours of video from multiple cameras on a large variety of activities ranging from soil excavation to bridge construction. The US students were underrepresented students from minority groups who had never visited a foreign country. As a result, this trip was a major life experience to them. They learned how to live in a non-English speaking country, communicate with Greek students, workers and engineers. They lead a project in a very unfamiliar environment, troubleshoot myriad problems that hampered their progress daily and, above all, how to collaborate effectively and efficiently with other cultures. They returned to the US more mature, with improved leadership and problem-solving skills and a wider perspective of their profession.


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Mechanical spring-damper network performance can often be improved by the inclusion of a third passive component called the inerter. This ideally has the characteristic that the force at the terminals is directly proportional to the relative acceleration between them. The fluid inerter presented here has advantages over mechanical ball screw devices in terms of simplicity of design. Furthermore, it can be readily adapted to implement various passive network layouts. Variable orifices and valves can be included to provide series or parallel damping. Test data from prototypes with helical tubes have been compared with models to investigate parasitic damping effects of the fluid. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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A high-speed path-following controller for long combination vehicles (LCVs) was designed and implemented on a test vehicle consisting of a rigid truck towing a dolly and a semitrailer. The vehicle was driven through a 3.5 m wide lane change maneuver at 80 km/h. The axles of the dolly and trailer were steered actively by electrically-controlled hydraulic actuators. Substantial performance benefits were recorded compared with the unsteered vehicle. For the best controller weightings, performance improvements relative to unsteered case were: lateral tracking error 75% reduction, rearward amplification (RA) of lateral acceleration 18% reduction, and RA of yaw rate 37% reduction. This represents a substantial improvement in stability margins. The system was found to work well in conjunction with the braking-based stability control system of the towing vehicle with no negative interaction effects being observed. In all cases, the stability control system and the steering system improved the yaw stability of the combination. © 2014 by ASME.


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Considering the complexity of the general plasma techniques, pure single CH3+ ion beams were selected for the deposition of hydrogenated amorphous (a) carbon films with various ion energies and temperatures. Photoluminescence (PL) measurements have been performed on the films and violet/blue emission has been observed. The violet/blue emission is attributed to the small size distribution of sp(2) clusters and is related to the intrinsic properties of CH3 terminals, which lead to a very high barrier for the photoexcited electrons. Ion bombardment plays an important role in the PL behavior. This would provide further insight into the growth dynamics of a-C:H films. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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In the Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs), the terminals are often powered by battery, so the power-saving performance of the wireless network card is a very important issue. For IEEE 802.11 Ad hoc networks, a power-saving scheme is presented in Medium Access Control (MAC) layer to reduce the power consumption by allowing the nodes enter into the sleep mode, but the scheme is based on Time-Drive Scheme (TDS) whose power-saving efficiency becomes lower and lower with the network load increasing. This paper presented a novel energy-saving mechanism, called as Hybrid-Drive Scheme (HDS), which introduces into a Message.-Drive Scheme (MDS) and combines MDS with the conventional TDS. The MDS, could obtain high efficiency when the load is heavy; meanwhile the TDS has high efficiency when the network load is small. The analysis shows that the proposed HDS could obtain high energy-efficiency whether the network load is light or heavy and have higher energy-saving efficiency than conventional scheme in the IEEE 802.11 standard.


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Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) ion source is regarded as the most efficient machine to produce stable multiple charge state ion beams. Because of the special characteristics, all-permanent magnet ECR ion sources have been widely adopted around the world to produce stable ion beams of multiple charge state with good repetition have been widely adopted around the world to produce stable ion beams of multiple charge state with good repetition and high duty factor for compact research platforms and ion beam implanters. In this paper, all-permanent magnet ECR ion sources developed at IMP are presented, and typical parameters and performances are discussed. The high charge state source, LAPECR2, is mainly used to produce intense high charge state ion beams, and the LAPECR1 source is designed to produce intense ion beams of medium and low charge state. An improved LAPECR1-M is specially designed to produce heavy metal ion beams of low charge state. These ECR ion sources have been adopted by different experimental terminals at IMP and, with their nice performance, many experimental studies could be possible. 中文文摘:ECR(电子回旋共振)离子源是产生稳定的强流多电荷态离子束流最有效装置。全永磁ECR 离子源因其独特的特点为很多中小型多电荷态离子束流实验平台与离子注入机等系统所采用,为后者产生重复性好、稳定性强的多电荷态离子束流。本文着重论述了中国科学院近代物理研究所研制的几台全永磁多电荷态ECR 离子源及其特性与典型性能,如能产生强流高电荷态离子束流的高性能全永磁离子源LAPECR2,能产生强流中 低电荷态离子束流的LAPECR1,能产生多电荷态重金属离子束流的LAPECR1-M 等。这些性能稳定的离子源为提高近代物理研究所相关试验平台的性能提供了关键的束流品质保障。


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The high charge state all permanent Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source (ECRIS) LAPECR2 (Lanzhou All Permanent magnet ECR ion source No.2) has been successfully put on the 320kV HV platform at IMP and also has been connected with the successive LEBT system. This source is the largest and heaviest all permanent magnet ECRIS in the world. The maximum mirror field is 1.28T (without iron plug) and the effective plasma chamber volume is as large as circle divide 67mm x 255mm. It was designed to be operated at 14.5GHz and aimed to produce medium charge state and high charge state gaseous and also metallic ion beams. The source has already successfully delivered some intense gaseous ion beams to successive experimental terminals. This paper will give a brief overview of the basic features of this permanent magnet ECRIS. Then commissioning results of this source on the platform, the design of the extraction system together with the successive LEBT system will be presented.


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In the experiment of nuclear reaction, it is important to measure the mass, charge, energy and emitted direction of particles. For multiparameter measurement, we must use a detector or a group of detectors which can give the time, energy, and position information. The Large Area position sensitive Ionization Chamber(LAIC) is one of the eight experiment terminals of HIRFL. It is built for researching nuclear reactions from low energy to intermediate energy. It is an excellent equipment for energy measurements and atomic number identification of emitted fragments in this energy region. It is also designed to give the time and position information of the emitted fragments by itself. Obviously, an IC can not supply a good timing signal. Moreover, the mechanical installation is different from the original design by some other reasons. In this case, it is not enough to obtain the correct direction information of the emitted fragments. To obtain good timing signals and the correct direction information, some modifications must be made. It is well known that a PPAC can give us excellent timing signals. It also can be easily built as a position sensitive detector. For this reason, a specially designed PPAC is installed in the entrance of the LAIC. For the different purposes, two types of PPACs were designed and tested. Both are OCTPSACs (OCTunit one dimension Position Sensitive Avalanche Counter). In this paper, both OCTPSACs will be introduced. Based on the requirements of the LAIC, the OCTPSACs consist of eight position sensitive PPACs. Each PPAC has an anode and a cathode. In both cases, the sizes are same. But different type of cathodes are used. In one type of OCTPSAC, its cathode is made of wire plane. It consists of gold-plated tungsten wires with the diameter of 20μm, spaced 0.5 mm apart from each other. The anode is a mylar foil which was evaporated by gold layer with the thickness of 50μg/cm~2 mounted on a printed plate in the shape of rectangle. the thickness of mylar foil is 1.5μm. The gap between anode and cathode is 3mm. The performance of the OCTPSAC has been tested by using a ~(252)Cf source in flowing isobutylene gas at the pressure of 3.4mb. The intrinsic time resolution of 289ps and position resolution of 2 mm have been obtained. In another type of OCTPSAC, the cathode is made of mylar foil, which is composed of gold strip by vacuume evaporation method with a special mask on the mylar foil. The thickness and the width of the gold strip is 50μg/cm~2 and 1.7mm. The strips are spaced 0.3 mm apart from each other. The anode is the same as the former type. We have obtained the time resolution of 296ps and position resolution of 2mm by using ~(241)Am-a source when the gas pressure is 6 mb and high voltage is 600V. The working gas is heptane


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A novel electroactive silsesquioxane precursor, N-(4-aminophenyl)-M-(4'-(3-triethoxysilyl-propyl-ureido) phenyl-1,4-quinonenediimine) (ATQD), was successfully synthesized from the emeraldine form of amino-capped aniline trimers via a one-step coupling reaction and subsequent purification by column chromatography. The physicochemical properties of ATQD were characterized using mass spectrometry as well as by nuclear magnetic resonance and UV-vis spectroscopy. Analysis by cyclic voltammetry confirmed that the intrinsic electroactivity of ATQD was maintained upon protonic acid doping, exhibiting two distinct reversible oxidative states, similar to polyaniline. The aromatic amine terminals of self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of ATQD on glass substrates were covalently modified with an adhesive oligopeptide, cyclic Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) (ATQD-RGD). The mean height of the monolayer coating on the surfaces was similar to 3 nm, as measured by atomic force microscopy. The biocompatibility of the novel electroactive substrates was evaluated using PC12 pheochromocytoma cells, an established cell line of neural origin. The bioactive, derivatized electroactive scaffold material, ATQD-RGD, supported PC12 cell adhesion and proliferation, similar to control tissue-culture-treated polystyrene surfaces.