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Massive, nearly holocrystalline dolerites from DSDP Hole 417D contain from 0.5 to 1.5% of granophyric patches composed mainly of Na-plagioclase and quartz. These patches are compositionally similar to other crystalline silicic rocks from oceanic spreading centers and differ from rarer abyssal silicic glasses. Crystalline varieties with SiO2 > 60 wt.% generally have Na/K >10, whereas silicic glasses have Na/K in the range 3-6. While crystal fractionation readily accounts for the Na2O and K2O contents of abyssal silicic glasses, both the 417D granophyres and other crystalline abyssal silicic rocks have much lower K2O than that predicted by any reasonable crystal-liquid fractionation model. We propose that high-temperature vapor phase transport is responsible for removal of potassium during late-stage crystallization of these rocks. This allows for the formation of cogenetic silicic glassy and crystalline rocks with greatly different Na/K ratios. These observations and interpretations lead to a more confident assignment of high Na/K silicic rocks of oceanic and ophiolitic environments to a cogenetic origin with basaltic oceanic crust.


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Vertical structure of the strontium-90 concentration field and its relation to hydrology of waters are described on the basis of investigations in the Caribbean Sea during Cruises 6 and 7 of R/V Akademik Vernadsky (1972-1973). Vertical velocity and the coefficient of vertical turbulent diffusion are calculated for the eastern Caribbean Sea from strontium-90 concentration and salinity data.


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The northwest trending walls of the Pito Deep Rift (PDR), a tectonic window in the southeast Pacific, expose in situ oceanic crust generated ?3 Ma at the superfast spreading southern East Pacific Rise (SEPR). Whole rock analyses were performed on over 200 samples of dikes and lavas recovered from two ~8 km**2 study areas. Most of the PDR samples are incompatible-element-depleted normal mid-ocean ridge basalts (NMORB; (La/Sm)N < 1.0) that show typical tholeiitic fractionation trends. Correlated variations in Pb isotope ratios, rare earth element patterns, and ratios of incompatible elements (e.g., (Ce/Yb)N) are best explained by mixing curves between two enriched and one depleted mantle sources. Pb isotope compositions of most PDR NMORB are offset from SEPR data toward higher values of 207Pb/204Pb, suggesting that an enriched component of the mantle was present in this region in the past ?3 Ma but is not evident today. Overall, the PDR crust is highly variable in composition over long and short spatial scales, demonstrating that chemically distinct lavas and dikes can be emplaced within the same segment over short timescales. However, the limited spatial distribution of high 206Pb/204Pb samples and the occurrence of relatively homogeneous MgO compositions (ranging <2.5 wt %) within a few of the individual dive transects (over distances of ~1 km) suggests that the mantle source composition evolved and magmatic temperatures persisted over timescales of tens of thousands of years. The high degree of chemical variability between pairs of adjacent dikes is interpreted as evidence for along-axis transport of magma from chemically distinct portions of the melt lens. Our findings suggest that lateral dike propagation occurs to a significant degree at superfast spreading centers.


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Glacially deformed pieces of wood, organic lake sediments and clasts of reworked peat have been collected in front of Alpine glaciers since AD 1990. The palaeoglaciological interpretation of these organic materials is related to earlier phases of glacier recession surpassing that of today's shrunken glaciers and to tree growth and peat accumulation in the valleys now occupied by the glaciers. Glacial transport of the material is indicated by wood anatomy, incorporated silt, sand and gravel particles, missing bark and deformed treerings. A total of 65 samples have been radiocarbon dated so far, and clusters of dates provide evidence of eight phases of glacier recession: 9910-9550, 9010-7980, 7250-6500, 6170-5950, 5290-3870, 3640-3360, 2740-2620 and 1530-1170 calibrated years BP. Allowing for the timelag between climatic fluctuations, glacier response and vegetation colonization, these recession phases may lag behind climatic changes by 100-200 years.


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Angola Basin and Cape Basin (southeast Atlantic) surface sediments and sediment cores show that maxima in the abundance of taraxerol (relative to other land-derived lipids) covary with maxima in the relative abundance of pollen from the mangrove tree genus Rhizophora and that in the surface sediments offshore maxima in the relative abundance of taraxerol occur at latitudes with abundant coastal mangrove forests. Together with the observation that Rhizophora mangle and Rhizophora racemosa leaves are extraordinarily rich in taraxerol, this strongly indicates that taraxerol can be used as a lipid biomarker for mangrove input to the SE Atlantic. The proxy-environment relations for taraxerol and Rhizophora pollen down-core show that increased taraxerol and Rhizophora pollen abundances occur during transgressions and periods with a humid climate. These environmental changes modify the coastal erosion and sedimentation patterns, enhancing the extent of the mangrove ecosystem and/or the transport of mangrove organic matter offshore. Analyses of mid-Pleistocene sediments show that interruption of the pattern of taraxerol maxima during precession minima occurs almost only during periods of low obliquity. This demonstrates the complex environmental response of the interaction between precession-related humidity cycles and obliquity-related sea-level changes on mangrove input.


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The Arctic sea-ice environment has been undergoing dramatic changes in the past decades; to which extent this will affect the deposition, fate, and effects of chemical contaminants remains virtually unknown. Here, we report the first study on the distribution and transport of mercury (Hg) across the ocean-sea-ice-atmosphere interface in the Southern Beaufort Sea of the Arctic Ocean. Despite being sampled at different sites under various atmospheric and snow cover conditions, Hg concentrations in first-year ice cores were generally low and varied within a remarkably narrow range (0.5-4 ng/L), with the highest concentration always in the surface granular ice layer which is characterized by enriched particle and brine pocket concentration. Atmospheric Hg depletion events appeared not to be an important factor in determining Hg concentrations in sea ice except for frost flowers and in the melt season when snowpack Hg leaches into the sea ice. The multiyear ice core showed a unique cyclic feature in the Hg profile with multiple peaks potentially corresponding to each ice growing/melting season. The highest Hg concentrations (up to 70 ng/L) were found in sea-ice brine and decrease as the melt season progresses. As brine is the primary habitat for microbial communities responsible for sustaining the food web in the Arctic Ocean, the high and seasonally changing Hg concentrations in brine and its potential transformation may have a major impact on Hg uptake in Arctic marine ecosystems under a changing climate.


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Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Site U1314 of the North Atlantic is a critical sedimentary archive record of subpolar deep water from the southern Gardar Drift for which we derived an age model of orbital resolution for the last 1.8 Ma. This chronology combined with high-resolution (cm scale) X-ray fluorescence core scanning measurements of major elements allows tracking changes in terrigenous provenance during the last 1.1 Ma. Low Potassium to Titanium (K/Ti) ratios reflect enhanced transport of basalt-derived titanomagnetites during warm climate intervals, while high K/Ti ratios indicate a dominance of acidic sediment sources typical for glacial and stadial events. Changes in K/Ti and magnetic concentration at Site 1314 are coeval with fluctuations in smectite content and grain size data from nearby piston cores, suggesting that the provenance changes are mainly controlled by variable flow of the Iceland-Scotland Overflow Water, an important branch of North Atlantic Deep Water. Furthermore, K/Ti variations on orbital time scales show a striking similarity to the deep sea d13C record from ODP Site 607. Pervasive features of the K/Ti time series during and after the Mid-Pleistocene Transition are suborbital changes similar to Dansgaard/Oeschger and Bond oscillations that appear to be strongly amplified during ice growth phases when global benthic d18O was within the range of ~4.1-4.6 per mil. The strong increase in variability of sediment provenance and subsequently deep hydrography at benthic d18O values below ~4.1 suggests that the extent of glaciations and, therefore, sea level corresponding to this value constitutes an important physical threshold that was persistent at least for the last 1.1 Ma.


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The Western Boundary Undercurrent (WBUC), off eastern America, is an important component of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning circulation and is the principal route for southward transport of North Atlantic waters and southward return of Southern Source Water (SSW). Here a direct flow speed proxy (mean grain size of the sortable silt) is used to infer the vigour of flow of the palaeo-WBUC at Blake Outer Ridge, (ODP Site 1060, depth 3481 m) during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3. The overall shape of the flow speed proxy record shows a complex pattern of variability, with generally more vigorous flow and larger-scale flow variations between 35 and 60 ka than in the younger part of MIS 3 and MIS 2 (b35 ka). Six events of reduced bottom flow vigour (Slow Events, SEs) occur. These appear uncorrelated with Heinrich events, but are instead synchronous with the warming phases of Antarctic Warm Events A-1 to A-4 (with one new one, A-1a and one poorly defined, 'A-0'). This indicates that Antarctic climate exerts a stronger control on deep flow vigour in the North Atlantic during MIS 3 than Northern Hemisphere climate. The correspondence of SEs with Antarctic warming suggests a weaker WBUC flow due to reduced volume flux at SSW source or reduced SSW density. Because the variability of the lower limb of the WBUC was not connected to sharp North Atlantic changes in temperature, it is unlikely that the Dansgaard/Oeschger cycles were associated with a mode of MOC variation involving wholeocean overturn, but more likely with perturbations of only the shallow Glacial Gulf Stream-Glacial Northern Source Intermediate Water cell. Nutrient proxies (benthic carbon isotopes and Cd/Ca of Uvigerina peregrina) at this site show similar trends to the GRIP delta18O record. This correlation has previously been attributed mainly to hydrographic and flow changes but is here shown to be better explained by variations in surface ocean productivity and subsequent decomposition of 12C rich organic material on the sea floor.


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The terrigenous mineral fraction of sediments recovered by drilling during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 167 at Sites 1018 and 1020 is used to evaluate changes in the source and transport of fine-grained terrigenous sediment and its relation to regional climates and the paleoceanographic evolution of the California Current system during the late Pleistocene. Preliminary time scales developed by correlation of oxygen isotope stratigraphies with the global SPECMAP record show average linear sedimentation rates in excess of 100 m/m.y., which provide an opportunity for high-resolution studies of terrigenous flux, grain size, and mineralogy. The mass flux of terrigenous minerals at Site 1018 varies from 5 to 30 g/(cm**2 x k.y.) and displays a general trend toward increased flux during glacials. The terrigenous record at Site 1020 shows a similar pattern of increased glacial input, but overall accumulation rates are significantly lower. Spectral analysis demonstrates that most of this variability is concentrated in frequency bands related to orbital cycles of eccentricity, tilt, and precession. Detailed grain-size analysis performed on the isolated terrigenous mineral fraction shows that sediments from Site 1018 are associated with higher energy transport and depositional regimes than those found at Site 1020. Grain-size data are remarkably uniform throughout the last 500 k.y., with no discernible difference observed between glacial and interglacial size distributions within each site. X-ray diffraction analysis of the <2-µm clay component suggests that the deposition of minerals found at Site 1020 is consistent with transport from a southern source during intervals of increased terrigenous input.


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Neodymium isotopes of fish debris from two sites on Demerara Rise, spanning ~4.5 m.y. of deposition from the early Cenomanian to just before ocean anoxic event 2 (OAE2) (Cenomanian-Turonian transition), suggest a circulation-controlled nutrient trap in intermediate waters of the western tropical North Atlantic that could explain continuous deposition of organic-rich black shales for as many as ~15 m.y. (Cenomanian-early Santonian). Unusually low Nd isotopic data (epsilon-Nd(t) ~-11 to ~-16) on Demerara Rise during the Cenomanian are confirmed, but the shallower site generally exhibits higher and more variable values. A scenario in which southwest-flowing Tethyan and/or North Atlantic waters overrode warm, saline Demerara bottom water explains the isotopic differences between sites and could create a dynamic nutrient trap controlled by circulation patterns in the absence of topographic barriers. Nutrient trapping, in turn, would explain the ~15 m.y. deposition of black shales through positive feedbacks between low oxygen and nutrient-rich bottom waters, efficient phosphate recycling, transport of nutrients to the surface, high productivity, and organic carbon export to the seafloor. This nutrient trap and the correlation seen previously between high Nd and organic carbon isotopic values during OAE2 on Demerara Rise suggest that physical oceanographic changes could be components of OAE2, one of the largest perturbations to the global carbon cycle in the past 150 m.y.


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Seven sediment cores from the cruises of the "Meteor" and "Valdivia" were examined palynologically. The cores were retrieved from the lower continental slope in the area of between 33.5° N and 8° N, off the West African coast. Most of the cores contain sediments from the last Glacial and Interglacial period. In some cases, the Holocene sediments are missing. Some individual cores contain sediments also from earlier Glacial and Interglacial periods. The main reason for making this palynological study was to find out the differences between the vegetation of Glacial and Interglacial periods in those parts of West Africa which at present belong to the Mediterranean zone, the Sahara and the zones of the savannas and tropical forests. In today's Mediterranean vegetation zone at core 33.5° N, forests and deciduous forests in particular, are missing during Glacial conditions. Semi-deserts are found instead of these. In the early isotope stage 1, there is a very significant development of forests which contain evergreen oaks; this is the Mediterranean type of vegestation development. The Sahara type of vegetation development is shown in four cores from between 27° N and 19° N. The differences between Glacial and Interglacial periods are very small. It must be assumed therefore that in this latitudes, both Glacial and Interglacial conditions gave rise to desert generally. The results are in favour of a slightly more arid climate during Glacial and more humid one during Interglacial periods. The southern boundary of the Sahara and the adjacent savannas with grassland and tropical woods were situated more to the south during the Glacial periods than they were during the Interglacial ones. In front of today's savanna belt, it can be seen from the palynological results that there are considerable differences between the vegetation of Glacial and Interglacial periods. The woods are more important in Interglacial periods. During the Glacial periods these are replaced from north to south decreasingly by grassland (savanna and rainforest type of vegetation development). The southern limit of the Sahara during stage 2 was somewhat between 12° N and 8° N which is between 1.5 and 5 degrees in latitude further south than it i s today. Not only do these differences in climate and vegetation apply to the maximum of the last Glacial and for the Holocene, but they apparently apply also to the older Glacial and Interglacial periods, where they have been found in the profiles. The North African deset belt can be said to have expanded during Glacial times both towards the north and towards the south. All the available evidence of this study indicates that the grass land or the semi-desert of the Southern Europe cam einto connection with those of the N Africa; there could not have been any forest zone between them. The present study was also a good opportunity for investigating some of the basic marine palynological problems. The very well known overrepresentation of pollen grains of the genus Pinus in marine sediments can be traced as fa as 21° N. The present southern limit for the genus Pinus is on the Canaries and on the African continent as approximately 31° N. Highest values of Ephedra pollen grains even occur south of the main area of the present distribution of that genus. These does not seem to be any satisfactory explanation for this. In general, it would appear that the transport of pollen grains from the north is more important than transport from the south. The results so far, indicate strongly that further palynological studies are necessary. These should concentrate particularly on cores from between 33° N and 27° N as well as between 17° N and 10° N. It would also be useful to have a more detailed examination of sediments from the last Intergalcial period (substage 5 e). Absolute pollen counts and more general examination of surface samples would be desirable. Surface samples should be taken from the shelf down to the bottom of the continental slope in different latitudes.


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Surface sediments from 5 profiles between 30 and 3000 m water depth off W Africa (12-19° N) have been studied for their sand fraction composition and their total calcium carbonate and organic matter contents to evaluate the effect of climatic and hydrographic factors on actual sedimentation. On the shelf and upper slope (< 500 m), currents prevent the deposition of significant amounts of fine-grained material. The sediments forming here are characterized by high sand contents (> 60 %; in most samples > 89 %), low organic carbon contents (in most samples < 0.8 %), high median diameters of the sand fraction (120-500 µm), and by a predominance of quartz and biogenic relict shells (most abundant: molluscs and bryozoans) in the sand fraction. Median diameters of total sand fraction and of major biogenic sand fraction components (biogenic relict material, benthonic molluscs, benthonic and planktonic foraminifers) co-vary to some extent and show maximum values in 100-300 m water depth, reflectingthe sorting effect of currents (perhaps the northward flowing undercurrent). In this water depth, biogenic relict material is considerably enriched relative to wuartz, the second dominating sand fraction component on the shelf and upper slope, resulting in distinct calcium carbonate maxima of the bulk sediments. The influence of the undercurrent is also reflected in a northward transport of fine grained river load and perhaps in the distribution of the red stained, coarse silt and sand-size clay aggregates, which show maxima in 300-500 m water depth. They probably originate from tropical soils. Abundant coarse red-stained quartz on the shelf off Cape Roxo (12-130° N) suggests a southward extension of last glacial dune fields to this latitude. Below about 500 m water depth, current influence becomes negligible - as indicated by a strong decrease in sand content, a concomitant increase in sedimentary organic carbon contents (up to 2.5-3.5 %), and the occurence of high mica/quartz ratios in the sand fraction. Downslope transport, presumably due to the bioturbation mechanism, is indicated by the presence of coarse shelf-borne particles (glauconite, relict shells) down to about 1000 m water depth. The fine/coarse ratio (clay + silt/sand) of the sediments from water deoth > 500 m never exceed a value of 11 in northern latitudes (19° - 26° N), but shows distinct maxima, ranging from 50 to 120, at latitudes 18°, 17° 15°30', and 14° N in about 2000 m water depth. This distribution is attributed to the deposition of fine-grained river load at the continental slope between 18° and 14° N, brought into the sea by the Senegal and souther rivers and transported northward ny the undercurrent. Strong calcium carbonate dissolution is indicated by the complete disappearance of pteropodes (aragonite) and high fragmentation of the planktoic foraminifers (calcite) in sediments from water depth > 300-600 m. Fragmentation ratios of planktonic foraminifers were found to depend on the organic carbon/carbonate ratios of the sediment suggesting that calcite dissolution at the sea bottom may also be significant in shelf and continental slope water depths if the organic matter/carbonate ratio of the surface sediment is high and the test remain long enough within the oxidizing layer on the top of the sulfate reduction zone. The fact that in the region under study intensity and anual duration of upwelling decrease from north to south is neither reflected in the composition on the sand fraction (i.e. radiolarian and fish debris contents, radiolarian/planktonic foraminiferal ratios, benthos/plankton ratios of foraminifers), nor in the sedimentary organic carbon distribution. On the contrary, these parameters even show in comparable water depths a tendency for highest values in the south, partly because primary production rates remain high in the whole region, particularly on the shelf, due to the nutrient input by rivers in the south. In addition, several hydrographic, sedimentological and climatic factors severely affect their distribution - for example currents, dissolution, grain size composition, deposition of river load, and bulk sedimentation rats.


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The studies described here base mainly on sedimentary material collected during the "Indian Ocean Expedition" of the German research vessel "Meteor" in the region of the Indian-Pakistan continental margin in February and March 1965. Moreover,samples from the mouth of the Indus-River were available, which were collected by the Pakistan fishing vessel "Machhera" in March 1965. Altogether, the following quantities of sedimentary material were collected: 59.73 m piston cores. 54.52 m gravity cores. 33 box grab samples. 68 bottom grab samples Component analyses of the coarse fraction were made of these samples and the sedimentary fabric was examined. Moreover, the CaCO3 and Corg contents were discussed. From these investigations the following history of sedimentation can be derived: Recent sedimentation on the shelf is mainly characterized by hydrodynamic processes and terrigenous supply of material. In the shallow water wave action and currents running parallel to the coast, imply a repeated reworking which induces a sorting of the grains and layering of the sediments as well as a lack of bioturbation. The sedimentation rate is very high here. From the coast-line down to appr. 50 m the sediment becomes progressively finer, the conditions of deposition become less turbulent. On the outer shelf the sediment is again considerably coarser. It contains many relicts of planktonic organisms and it shows traces of burrowing. Indications for redeposition are nearly missing, a considerable part of the fine fraction of the sediments is, however, whirled up and carried away. In wide areas of the outer shelf this stirring has gained such a degree that recent deposits are nearly completely missing. Here, coarse relict sands rich in ooids are exposed, which were formed in very shallow stirred water during the time when the sea reached its lowest level, i.e. at the turn of the Pleistocene to the Holocene. Below the relict sand white, very fine-grained aragonite mud was found at one location (core 228). This aragonite mud was obviously deposited in very calm water of some greater depth, possibly behind a reef barrier. Biochemic carbonate precipitation played an important part in the formation of relict sands and aragonite muds. In postglacial times the relict sands were exposed for long periods to violent wave action and to areal erosion. In the present days they are gradually covered by recent sediments proceeding from the sides. On the continental margin beyond the shelf edge the distribution of the sediments is to a considerable extent determined by the morphology of the sea bottom. The material originating from the continent and/or the shelf, is less transported by action of the water than by the force of gravity. Within the range of the uppermost part of the continental slope recent sedimentation reaches its maximum. Here the fine material is deposited which has been whirled up in the zone of the relict sands. A laminated fine-grained sediment is formed here due to the very high sedimentation rate as well as to the extremely low O2-content in the bottom water, which prevents life on the bottom of the sea and impedes thus also bioturbation. The lamination probaly reflects annual variation in deposition and can be attributed to the rhythm of the monsoon with its effects on the water and the weather conditions. In the lower part of the upper continental slope sediments are to be found which show in varying intensity, intercalations of fine material (silt) from the shelf, in large sections of the core. These fine intercalations of allochthonous material are closely related to the autochthonous normal sediment, so that a great number of small individual depositional processes can be inferred. In general the intercalations are missing in the uppermost part of the cores; in the lower part they can be met in different quantities, and they reach their maximum frequency in the upper part of the lower core section. The depositions described here were designated as turbid layer sediments, since they get their material from turbid layers, which transport components to the continental slope which have been whirled up from the shelf. Turbidites are missing in this zone. Since the whole upper continental slope shows a low oxygen-content of the bottom water the structure of the turbid layer sediments is more or less preserved. The lenticular-phacoidal fine structure does, however, not reflect annual rhythms, but sporadic individual events, as e.g. tsunamis. At the lower part of the continental slope and on the continental rise the majority of turbidites was deposited, which, during glacial times and particularly at the beginning of the post-glacial period, transported material from the zone of relict sands. The Laccadive Ridge represented a natural obstacle for the transport of suspended sediments into the deep sea. Core SIC-181 from the Arabian Basin shows some intercalations of turbidites; their material, however, does not originate from the Indian Shelf, but from the Laccadive Ridge. Within the range of the Indus Cone it is surprising that distinct turbidites are nearly completely missing; on the other hand, turbid layer sediments are to be found. The bottom of the sea is showing still a slight slope here, so that the turbidites funneled through the Canyon of the Swatch probably rush down to greater water depths. Due to the particularly large supply of suspended material by theIndus River the turbid layer sediments show farther extension than in other regions. In general the terrigenous components are concentrated on the Indus Cone. It is within the range of the lower continental slope that the only discovery of a sliding mass (core 186) has been located. It can be assumed that this was set in motion during the Holocene. During the period of time discussed here the following development of kind and intensity of the deposition of allochthonous material can be observed on the Indian-Pakistan continental margin: At the time of the lowest sea level the shelf was only very narrow, and the zone in which bottom currents were able to stir up material by oscillating motion, was considerably confined. The rivers flowed into the sea near to the edge of the shelf. For this reason the percentage of terrigenous material, quartz and mica is higher in the lower part of many cores (e.g. cores 210 and 219) than in the upper part. The transition from glacial to postglacial times caused a series of environmental changes. Among them the rise of the sea level (in the area of investigation appr. 150 m) had the most important influence on the sedimentation process. In connection with this event many river valleys became canyons, which sucked sedimentary material away from the shelf and transported it in form of turbidites into the deep sea. During the rise of the sea level a situation can be expected with a maximum area of the comparatively plane shelf being exposed to wave action. During this time the process of stirring up of sediments and formation of turbid layers will reach a maximum. Accordingly, the formation of turbidites and turbid layer sediments are most frequent at the same time. This happened in general in the older polstglacial period. The present day high water level results in a reduced supply of sediments into the canyons. The stirring up of sediments from the shelf by wave action is restricted to the finest material. The missing of shelf material in the uppermost core sections can thus be explained. The laminated muds reflect these calm sedimentation conditions as well. In the southwestern part of the area of investigation fine volcanic glass was blown in during the Pleistocene, probably from the southeast. It has thus become possible to correlate the cores 181, 182, 202. Eolian dust from the Indian subcontinent represents probably an important component of the deep sea sediments. The chemism of the bottom as well as of the pore water has a considerable influence on the development of the sediments. Of particular importance in this connection is a layer with a minimum content of oxygen in the sea water (200-1500 m), which today touches the upper part of the continental slope. Above and beyond this oxygen minimum layer somewhat higher O2-values are to be observed at the sea bottom. During the Pleistocene the oxygen minimum layer has obviously been locatedin greater depth as is indicated by the facies of laminated mud occuring in the lower part of core 219. The type of bioturbation is mainly determined by the chemism. Moreover, the chemism is responsible for a considerable selective dissolution, either complete or partial, of the sedimentary components. Within the range of the oxygen minimum layer an alkaline milieu is developed at the bottom. This causes a complete or partial dissolution of the siliceous organisms. Here, bioturbation is in general completely missing; sometimes small pyrite-filled burrowing racks are found. In the areas rich in O2 high pH-values result in a partial dissolution of the calcareous shells. Large, non-pyritized burrowing tracks characterize the type of bioturbation in this environment. A study of the "lebensspuren" in the cores supports the assumption that, particularly within the region of the Laccadive Basin, the oxygen content in the bottom sediments was lower than during the Holocene. This may be attributed to a high sedimentation rate and to a lower O2-content of the bottom water. The composition of the allochthonous sedimentary components, detritus and/or volcanic glass may locally change the chemism to a considerable extent for a certain time; under such special circumstances the type of bioturbation and the state of preservation of the components may be different from those of the normal sediment.