886 resultados para Toras de madeira - Vaporização


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Dissertação de mest. em Aquacultura, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Univ. do Algarve, 2001


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Direção de Serviços de Educação Artística e Multimédia, criada em 1980, a partir de um projeto de implementação da expressão musical e dramática no 1.º ciclo do Ensino Básico, é uma dependência da Secretaria Regional de Educação da Região Autónoma da Madeira, doravante denominada RAM, com 35 anos de trabalho no processo de introdução das artes no ensino geral. Com a sedimentação deste projeto, cedo se percebeu a necessidade de partilhar com o público e com a comunidade escolar as práticas letivas dos alunos finalistas do 1º ciclo, através de um espetáculo que é, hoje, intitulado ESCOL’Artes. O ESCOL’Artes é um espetáculo que congrega cerca de 500 crianças das várias escolas da RAM numa verdadeira simbiose das várias modalidades artísticas, a saber, Expressão Dramática, Canto Coral, Instrumental Orff, Dança e Cordofones Madeirenses. Com este trabalho de investigação-ação, procuramos evidenciar a importância deste projeto na formação artística das crianças do 1º ciclo da RAM, destacando o ESCOL’Artes como o culminar das aprendizagens realizadas ao longo do 1º CEB. Deste modo, o contexto metodológico da investigação-ação centrou-se na implementação da 3ª parte do espetáculo ESCOL’Artes “Nos trilhos da Luz”, desenvolvido com os alunos das escolas EB1/PE da Ponta do Pargo, EB1/PE Vasco da Gama Rodrigues e EB123/PE Professor Francisco Manuel Santana Barreto, no concelho da Calheta. Para fundamentar este projeto, numa primeira parte procedeu-se a uma revisão bibliográfica direcionada de forma a contextualizar / fundamentar o ensino da música a nível histórico, nacional e regional, e numa segunda parte tratou-se da conceção, implementação e avaliação do ESCOL’Artes, numa aplicação prática no funcionamento das aulas curriculares de Expressão Musical e Dramática.


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A seguinte dissertação de Mestrado em Gestão Financeira pretende contribuir para apoiar o investimento externo na Região Autónoma da Madeira (RAM) através de uma investigação que incide sobre o Centro Internacional de Negócios da Madeira. A investigação toma por objeto de estudo o Centro Internacional de Negócios da Madeira, pretendendo-se, assim, investigar esta praça, toda a sua envolvente e o seu contributo para a economia da RAM e, concomitantemente para o desenvolvimento da Região Autónoma da Madeira. A investigação terá uma natureza predominantemente qualitativa, recorrendo-se a diversas técnicas de recolha de dados, como a observação e as entrevistas, e utilizará ainda dados estatísticos do INE e relatórios das contas regionais. O resultado deste trabalho de investigação é o desfecho de um ano de trabalho. Espera-se contribuir numa visão mais clara sobre a existente Zona Franca da Madeira (ZFM), o porquê da sua existência e a sua contribuição para o desenvolvimento regional.


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Este trabalho de investigação insere-se no âmbito da sociolinguística e debruça-se sobre a perceção quanto à variação dialetal do Arquipélago da Madeira, que os jovens em escolarização da Região Autónoma da Madeira detêm face a alguns traços particulares do léxico. Neste sentido, o corpus de trabalho baseou-se nos dados recolhidos em inquéritos por questionário sobre o léxico, realizados a uma amostra de 40 alunos naturais do arquipélago, a frequentarem o 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e distribuídos por dez alunos em quatros escolas localizadas: a norte (Santana-São Jorge) e a sul (Funchal e Câmara de Lobos) da ilha da Madeira e na ilha do Porto Santo. Para podermos, efetivamente, determinar quais as influências extralinguísticas ou quais as variáveis socioculturais responsáveis pelo conhecimento e uso dos dialetos, foi também importante analisar alguns fatores de ordem social, tais como, o meio familiar, a idade, o nível de escolaridade dos alunos, a naturalidade e o contacto destes com os meios urbano vs rural. Com efeito, e com base nos instrumentos de análise recolhidos, este estudo mostra-nos que os jovens madeirenses em escolarização ainda evidenciam um interesse em usar e manter a sua identidade dialetal, numa dinâmica intergeracional, dado que os mesmos consideram importante não deixar desaparecer um legado linguístico que tem sido herdado pelos seus antepassados. Contudo, constatamos que o domínio dos dialetos madeirenses juntos destes jovens começa a estar um pouco ausente nas suas conversas do quotidiano, principalmente quanto contactam com falantes fora do arquipélago, moldando os seus discursos em norma/padrão, por assim entenderem tratar-se de uma forma comunicacional, dotada de mais prestígio social. Em contrapartida, verificámos que o meio familiar e o meio rural contribuem, portanto, para um uso mais frequente da variação dialetal, provando-se esta realidade, sobretudo, nos jovens em escolarização residentes nos concelhos a norte da ilha da Madeira e na ilha do Porto Santo. Por considerarmos importante novas investigações, sobretudo pela temática que aqui foi abordada, consideramos que seria deveras pertinente surgirem futuros estudos. Assim, estes poderão explicar a origem do extenso léxico dos dialetos madeirenses e no caso particular da variação dialetal na pequena ilha do Porto Santo, considerando-se, para o efeito, também a vertente sociolinguística.


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Okadaic acid and its analogues are potent phosphatase inhibitors that cause Diarrheic Shellfish Poisoning (DSP) through the ingestion of contaminated shellfish by humans. This group of toxins is transmitted worldwide but the number of poisoning incidents has declined over the last 20 years due to legislation and monitoring programs that were implemented for bivalves. In the summer of 2012 and 2013, we collected a total of 101 samples of 22 different species that were made up of benthic and subtidal organisms such echinoderms, crustaceans, bivalves and gastropods from Madeira, São Miguel Island (Azores archipelago) and the northwestern coast of Morocco. The samples were analyzed by UPLC-MS/MS. Our main objective was to detect new vectors for these biotoxins. We can report nine new vectors for these toxins in the North Atlantic: Astropecten aranciacus, Arbacia lixula, Echinaster sepositus, Holothuria sanctori, Ophidiaster ophidianus, Onchidella celtica, Aplysia depilans, Patella spp., and Stramonita haemostoma. Differences in toxin contents among the species were found. Even though low concentrations were detected, the levels of toxins that were present, especially in edible species, indicate the importance of these types of studies. Routine monitoring should be extended to comprise a wider number of vectors other than for bivalves of okadaic acid and its analogues.


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Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is the most important legume crop in the world, providing low-cost, high quality protein, minerals and dietary fiber for human nutrition. The crop was originated from diversity centers in America and exhibits adaptation abilities to different environmental conditions, including soil with low pH. Acid soils occupy 30% of the agro ecosystem areas in the world. In Madeira, acid Andosols and unsatured Cambisols are the dominant groups of soils. Generally, under acidic and infertile conditions, besides of H+ toxicity, soluble aluminium (Al) is the most important abiotic factor limiting plant development and crop productivity. In the field, the hidden roots are also affected and the reduction of root growth under Al stress can be clearly observed in early stages. Seedlings of fifty bean accessions from the Archipelago of Madeira were tested under controlled conditions in the presence of 50 mM Al at pH 4.4. In general, the tested germplasm appeared to be sensitive or very sensitive to Al toxicity. However, fifteen traditional cultivars clearly exhibited elevated Al-tolerance, with an average root relative elongation (RRE) exceeding 50%, while top six accessions surpassed the 60% RRE mark. The Madeira bean germplasm is a valuable resource for sustainable crop production in acid soils and it could be used as parental lines in breeding programs aimed for Al tolerance in common beans.


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Since the fifteen century, the rainfed-cultivation of wheat for grain is traditionally performed on the Island of Madeira. Under several microclimatic conditions and along very sloppy mountains, the landraces are grown on isolated terraces of Andosols with high amounts of iron. Iron oxides are the main inorganic binding agent contributing to the stability of aggregates and to soil fertility in long-term sustainable agriculture in acid and iron-rich soils. After a two day period of seedling initial growth, a screening test of sixty traditional wheat (Triticum spp.) landraces from the ISOPlexis Genebank at the University of Madeira, Funchal, was performed using nutrient solutions containing 10 or 600 mM Fe, during five days, under controlled laboratory conditions. The elongation of the longest primary root was measured for each genotype and the mean root increment relative to control (as, % relative root increment or RRI; n=28) calculated. This parameter appeared to be a sensitive indicator of Fe tolerance in wheat. Over 85% of wheat germplasm showed the RRI higher than 50%, while the RRI of seven accessions exceeded 70%. This indicates that those landraces are Fe tolerant and might be of particular interest for cultivation under acid rich iron soils of tropical and subtropical areas.


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Skeletal maturity is used to evaluate biological maturity status. Information about the association between socio-economic status (SES) and skeletal maturity is limited in Portugal. Aims: The aim of this study is to document the skeletal maturity of youths in Madeira and to evaluate variation in maturity associated with SES. Subjects and methods: The study involved 507 subjects (256 boys and 251 girls) from the Madeira Growth Study, a mixed-longitudinal study of five cohorts (8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 years of age) followed at yearly intervals over 3 years (1996–1998). A total of 1493 observations were made. Skeletal age was estimated from radiographs of the hand and wrist using the Tanner–Whitehouse 2 method (TW2). Social class rankings were based on Graffar’s (1956) method. Five social rankings were subsequently grouped into three SES categories: high, average and low. Results: Median for the radius, ulna and short finger bones (RUS scores) in the total sample of boys and girls increased curvilinearly across age whereas median for the 7 (without pisiform) carpal bones (Carpal scores) increased almost linearly. The 20-bone maturity scores demonstrated distinctive trends by gender: the medians for boys increased almost linearly while the medians for girls increased curvilinearly. SES differences were minimal. Only among children aged 10–11 years were high SES boys and girls advanced in skeletal maturity. Madeira adolescents were advanced in skeletal maturity compared with Belgian reference values. Conclusion: The data suggests population variation in TW2 estimates of skeletal maturation. Skeletal maturity was not related to SES in youths from Madeira.


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Within a country social conditions change over time and these conditions vary from country to country. The associations between these conditions, somatic growth, physical activity and fitness reflect these changes. Aim: The study documented variation in somatic growth, physical activity and fitness associated with socio-economic status (SES). Subjects and methods: The study involved 507 subjects (256 boys and 251 girls) from the Madeira Growth Study, a mixed longitudinal study of five cohorts (8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 years of age) followed at yearly intervals over 3 years (1996–1998). A total of 1493 observations were made. Anthropometric measurements included lengths, body mass, skeletal breadths, girths and skinfolds. Physical activity and SES were collected via questionnaire and interview. Physical fitness was assessed using the Eurofit test battery. Variation in somatic growth, physical activity and physical fitness by SES (high, average and low) was tested with analysis of variance. Results: Significant differences between SES groups were observed for height, body mass and skinfolds. Boys and girls from high SES groups were taller, heavier and fatter (subscapular and triceps skinfolds) than their peers from average and low SES groups. At some age intervals, the high SES group had larger skeletal breadths (girls) and girths (boys and girls) than low SES. Small SES differences were observed for physical activity (sport and leisure-time indices). SES was significantly associated with physical fitness. At some age levels, boys from the low SES group performed better for muscular and aerobic endurance whereas girls from the high SES group performed better for power. Conclusion: Considerable variation in somatic growth and physical fitness in association with SES has been demonstrated, but little association was found for physical activity.


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Aims: Investigating tracking of fatness from childhood to adolescence, early adolescence to young adulthood and late adolescence to young adulthood. Subjects and methods: Participants from the Madeira Growth Study were followed during an average period of 7.2 years. Height, body mass, skin-folds and circumferences were measured, nine health- and performance-related tests were administered and the Baecke questionnaire was used to assess physical activity. Skeletal maturity was estimated using the TW3 method. Results: The prevalence of overweight plus obesity ranged from 8.2–20.0% at baseline and from 20.4–40.0% at followup, in boys. Corresponding percentages for girls were 10.6– 12.0% and 13.2–18.0%. Inter-age correlations for fatness indicators ranged from 0.43–0.77. BMI, waist circumference and sum of skin-folds at 8, 12 and 16-years old were the main predictors of these variables at 15, 19 and 23-years old, respectively. Strength, muscular endurance and aerobic fitness were negatively related to body fatness. Physical activity and maturation were independently associated with adolescent (15 years) and young adult (19 years) fatness. Conclusions: Over 7.2 years, tracking was moderate-to-high for fatness. Variance was explained by fatness indicators and to a small extent by physical fitness, physical activity and maturation.