997 resultados para Tintoretto, 1518-1594.


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La valutazione dell’intensità secondo una procedura formale trasparente, obiettiva e che permetta di ottenere valori numerici attraverso scelte e criteri rigorosi, rappresenta un passo ed un obiettivo per la trattazione e l’impiego delle informazioni macrosismiche. I dati macrosismici possono infatti avere importanti applicazioni per analisi sismotettoniche e per la stima della pericolosità sismica. Questa tesi ha affrontato il problema del formalismo della stima dell’intensità migliorando aspetti sia teorici che pratici attraverso tre passaggi fondamentali sviluppati in ambiente MS-Excel e Matlab: i) la raccolta e l’archiviazione del dataset macrosismico; ii), l’associazione (funzione di appartenenza o membership function) tra effetti e gradi di intensità della scala macrosismica attraverso i principi della logica dei fuzzy sets; iii) l’applicazione di algoritmi decisionali rigorosi ed obiettivi per la stima dell’intensità finale. L’intera procedura è stata applicata a sette terremoti italiani sfruttando varie possibilità, anche metodologiche, come la costruzione di funzioni di appartenenza combinando le informazioni macrosismiche di più terremoti: Monte Baldo (1876), Valle d’Illasi (1891), Marsica (1915), Santa Sofia (1918), Mugello (1919), Garfagnana (1920) e Irpinia (1930). I risultati ottenuti hanno fornito un buon accordo statistico con le intensità di un catalogo macrosismico di riferimento confermando la validità dell’intera metodologia. Le intensità ricavate sono state poi utilizzate per analisi sismotettoniche nelle aree dei terremoti studiati. I metodi di analisi statistica sui piani quotati (distribuzione geografica delle intensità assegnate) si sono rivelate in passato uno strumento potente per analisi e caratterizzazione sismotettonica, determinando i principali parametri (localizzazione epicentrale, lunghezza, larghezza, orientazione) della possibile sorgente sismogenica. Questa tesi ha implementato alcuni aspetti delle metodologie di analisi grazie a specifiche applicazioni sviluppate in Matlab che hanno permesso anche di stimare le incertezze associate ai parametri di sorgente, grazie a tecniche di ricampionamento statistico. Un’analisi sistematica per i terremoti studiati è stata portata avanti combinando i vari metodi per la stima dei parametri di sorgente con i piani quotati originali e ricalcolati attraverso le procedure decisionali fuzzy. I risultati ottenuti hanno consentito di valutare le caratteristiche delle possibili sorgenti e formulare ipotesi di natura sismotettonica che hanno avuto alcuni riscontri indiziali con dati di tipo geologico e geologico-strutturale. Alcuni eventi (1915, 1918, 1920) presentano una forte stabilità dei parametri calcolati (localizzazione epicentrale e geometria della possibile sorgente) con piccole incertezze associate. Altri eventi (1891, 1919 e 1930) hanno invece mostrato una maggiore variabilità sia nella localizzazione dell’epicentro che nella geometria delle box: per il primo evento ciò è probabilmente da mettere in relazione con la ridotta consistenza del dataset di intensità mentre per gli altri con la possibile molteplicità delle sorgenti sismogenetiche. Anche l’analisi bootstrap ha messo in evidenza, in alcuni casi, le possibili asimmetrie nelle distribuzioni di alcuni parametri (ad es. l’azimut della possibile struttura), che potrebbero suggerire meccanismi di rottura su più faglie distinte.


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Introduzione: Negli ultimi anni, il color-power Doppler si è dimostrato un utile strumento per valutare le alterazioni della vascolarizzazione della parete intestinale nelle patologie del tratto gastro-enterico. Più di recente, i mezzi di contrasto ecografici di II generazione associati all’ecografia real-time con basso indice meccanico (CEUS) hanno permesso di valutare ecograficamente il microcircolo, consentendo la valutazione della vascolarizzazione di parete nelle patologie associate a flogosi e neoangiogenesi. Studi recenti hanno documentato i pattern Doppler e CEUS nella malattia infiammatoria intestinale. Le alterazioni della vascolarizzazione di parete nella patologia neoplastica, invece, sono state finora valutate con sola tecnica Doppler. Recenti studi basati sull’impiego di tale metodica hanno in effetti dimostrato che l’intensità del segnale vascolare di parete correla con la variante istologica della neoplasia e con il suo grado di invasione vascolare costituendo così un parametro di neoangiogenesi tumorale. Pertanto, ottenere mediante CEUS una più accurata definizione del microcircolo di parete potrebbe aiutare nella diagnosi differenziale tra patologia infiammatoria e neoplastica dello stomaco e fornire utili informazioni per valutare l’ aggressività del cancro gastrico.


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Total ankle arthroplasty (TAA) is still not as satisfactory as total hip and total knee arthroplasty. For the TAA to be considered a valuable alternative to ankle arthrodesis, an effective range of ankle mobility must be recovered. The disappointing clinical results of the current generation of TAA are mostly related to poor understanding of the structures guiding ankle joint mobility. A new design (BOX Ankle) has been developed, uniquely able to restore physiologic ankle mobility and a natural relationship between the implanted components and the retained ligaments. For the first time the shapes of the tibial and talar components in the sagittal plane were designed to be compatible with the demonstrated ligament isometric rotation. This resulted in an unique motion at the replaced ankle where natural sliding as well as rolling motion occurs while at the same time full conformity is maintained between the three components throughout the flexion arc. According to prior research, the design features a spherical convex tibial component, a talar component with radius of curvature in the sagittal plane longer than that of the natural talus, and a fully conforming meniscal component. After computer-based modelling and preliminary observations in several trial implantation in specimens, 126 patients were implanted in the period July 2003 – December 2008. 75 patients with at least 6 months follow-up are here reported. Mean age was 62,6 years (range 22 – 80), mean follow-up 20,2 months. The AOFAS clinical score systems were used to assess patient outcome. Radiographs at maximal dorsiflexion and maximal plantar flexion confirmed the meniscalbearing component moves anteriorly during dorsiflexion and posteriorly during plantarflexion. Frontal and lateral radiographs in the patients, show good alignment of the components, and no signs of radiolucency or loosening. The mean AOFAS score was observed to go from 41 pre-op to 74,6 at 6 month follow-up, with further improvement at the following follow-up. These early results reveal satisfactory clinical scores, with good recovery of range of motion and reduction of pain. Radiographic assessment reveals good osteointegration. All these preliminary results confirm biomechanical studies and the validity of this novel ligamentcompatible prosthesis design. Surely it will be important to re-evaluate these patients later.


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In the present thesis, the geochemistry, petrology and geochronology of ophiolite complexes from central northern Greece were studied in detail in order to gain insights on the petrogenetic pathways and geodynamic processes that lead to their formation and evolution. The major- and trace-element content of minerals and whole rocks from all four ophiolite complexes was determined using high-precision analytical equipment. These results were then coupled with Nd and Sr isotopic measurements. In order to precisely place the evolution of these ophiolites in time, U-Pb geochronology on zircons was conducted using a SHRIMP-II. The data obtained suggest that the ophiolites studied invariably show typical characteristics of subduction-zone magmatism (e.g. negative Nb anomalies, Th enrichment). In N-MORB-normalised multielement profiles the high field-strength elements display patterns that vary from depleted to N-MORB-like. Chondrite-normalised rare-earth element (REE) profiles show flat heavy-REE patterns suggesting a shallow regime of source melting for all the ophiolites, well within the stability field of spinel lherzolite. The majority of the samples have light-REE depleted patterns. 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios range from 0.703184 to 0.715853 and are in cases influenced by alteration. The εNd values are positive (the majority of the mafic samples is typically 7.1-3.1) but lower than N-MORB and depleted mantle. With the exception of the Thessaloniki ophiolite that has uniform island-arc tholeiitic chemical characteristics, the rest of the ophiolites show dual chemistry consisting of rocks with minor subduction-zone characteristics that resemble chemically back-arc basin basalts (BABB) and rocks with more pronounced subduction-zone characteristics. Tectonomagmatic discrimination schemes classify the samples as island-arc tholeiites and back-arc basin basalts or N-MORB. Melting modelling carried out to evaluate source properties and degree of melting verifies the dual nature of the ophiolites. The samples that resemble back-arc basin basalts require very small degrees of melting (<10%) of fertile sources, whereas the rest of the samples require higher degrees (25-15%) of melting. As deduced from the present geochemical and petrological investigation, the ophiolites from Guevguely, Oraeokastro, Thessaloniki, and Chalkidiki represent relics of supra-subduction zone crust that formed in succeeding stages of island-arc rifting and back-arc spreading as well as in a fore arc setting. The geochronological results have provided precise determination of the timing of formation of these complexes. The age of the Guevguely ophiolite has been determined as 167±1.2 Ma, that of Thessaloniki as 169±1.4 Ma, that of Kassandra as 167±2.2 Ma and that of Sithonia as 160±1.2 Ma.


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P19 is a mouse-derived embryonal carcinoma cell line capable of differentiation toward ectodermal, mesodermal and endodermal lineages and could thus be differentiated into neurons. Different culture conditions were tested to optimise and increase the efficiency of neuronal differentiation since the population of P19-derived neurons was reported to be heterogeneous with respect to the morphology and neurotransmitters they synthesise. P19-derived neurons were cultured on microelectrode arrays as cell aggregates and as dissociated cells. Improved neuronal maturation was shown by the presence of microtubule associated protein 2, neurofilament and synaptophysin formation when initiation of neuronal differentiation was prolonged. High initial cell density cultures and coating of surfaces with polyethylenimine-laminin further improved neuronal maturation of differentiated P19 cells. Increased spontaneous activities of the P19-derived neurons were correspondingly recorded. Two to three hours recordings were performed between 17 and 25 days when extracellular signals were stabilised. It was found that P19-derived neurons developed network properties as partially synchronised network activities. P19-derived neurons appeared to give inhomogenous response to the 2 major neurotransmitters, -aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glutamate. The P19-derived neuronal networks obtained from optimised protocol in this thesis were predominantly GABAergic. The reproducible long term extracellular recordings performed showed that neurons derived from P19 embryonal carcinoma cells could be applied as a model for cell based biosensor in corporation with microelectrode arrays.


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Alkohol und Schläfrigkeit sind die wichtigsten fahrerbezogenen Faktoren bei der Entstehung von Autounfällen. Bislang gibt es relativ wenige konkrete Erkenntnisse über die schläfrigkeitsfördernde Wirkung von Alkohol. Mit der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte erstmals eine quantitative und objektive Analyse der (Tages-)Schläfrigkeit unter Alkoholeinfluss während der gesamten Alkoholumsetzungskurve erstellt werden. Mit dem pupillographischen Schläfrigkeitstest (PST) steht ein Verfahren zur Verfügung, mit dem es möglich ist, Schläfrigkeit unter Alkoholeinfluss quantitativ zu bestimmen. Diese Methode beruht auf der Vermessung der Pupille, deren Durchmesser der efferenten sympathischen Steuerung unterliegt. Bei zunehmender Schläfrigkeit lässt der sympathische Einfluss auf die Pupillenweite nach und es kommt zu typischen Oszillationen der Pupille. Diese Oszillationen, sogenannte „Fatigue Waves“, werden in einem ruhigen, abgedunkelten Raum mittels Infrarotkamera über 11 Minuten kontinuierlich aufgezeichnet und als Pupillen-Unruhe-Index (PUI) in mm / min ausgegeben. Für diesen Wert existieren Normwerte, welche eine Einteilung der PUI-Werte in „normal“, „erhöht“ und „pathologisch“ ermöglichen. Es wurde ein standardisiertes Kollektiv von 53 Probanden zwischen 20 und 60 Jahren untersucht. Dieses bestand aus 28 Männern und 25 Frauen. Die Probanden wurden wahlweise mit Bier oder Wein stufenweise unter Blutalkohohol-konzentrationen von annähernd 0,3, 0,5 und 0,8 ‰ gesetzt, die genaue BAK wurde jeweils durch Gaschromatographie und ADH-Methode bestimmt. Während dieser Anflutungsphase wurde bei jeder der drei Stufen die Schläfrigkeit bestimmt. Dies geschah zum einen mittels objektivem PST und zum anderen durch die subjektive Stanford Sleepiness Scale (SSS), eine siebenstufige Skala zur Einschätzung der eigenen Schläfrigkeit. In der Eliminationsphase der Alkoholumsetzungskurve wurde wiederum bei 0,5 und 0,3 ‰ sowohl die subjektive als auch die objektive Schläfrigkeit gemessen. Eine Kontrollgruppe von 11 Probanden aus dem genannten Kollektiv wurde zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt unter gleichen Bedingungen ohne Alkoholeinfluss untersucht. Im Ergebnis zeigte die Anflutungsphase zunächst ein signifikantes Absinken des PUI um 5,9 %, gleichbedeutend mit einer höheren Vigilanz. Im weiteren Verlauf war das Maximum der Schläfrigkeit in der Eliminationsphase bei einer verhältnismäßig geringen BAK von durchschnittlich 0,54 ‰ zu beobachten. Der PUI hatte sich im Vergleich zum Ausgangswert um durchschnittlich 17,4 % erhöht und 40,4 % der Probanden wiesen erhöhte oder pathologische Schläfrigkeitswerte auf. Dieser Anteil lag um hochsignifikante 110 % höher als bei der Ausgangsmessung. Insgesamt ließ sich keine Korrelation zwischen objektiver und subjektiver Schläfrigkeit feststellen, obwohl auch die subjektive Schläfrigkeit stieg. Das Maximum der subjektiven Schläfrigkeit fiel zusammen mit dem Maximum der Alkoholisierung von 0,8 ‰. Wirkung auf das Ausmaß der Schläfrigkeit hatten die Häufigkeit des Alkoholkonsums, der Body-Mass-Index (BMI) und das Geschlecht. Je häufiger die Probanden nach eigenen Angaben Alkohol tranken und je höher der jeweilige BMI war, desto geringer war der Einfluss des Alkohols auf die Schläfrigkeit. Mit der Eigenschaft „weibliches Geschlecht“ ging eine höhere objektive Schläfrigkeit einher, allerdings auch eine höhere subjektive Einschätzung der eigenen Schläfrigkeit. Ein Einfluss der Getränkeart ließ sich hingegen nicht nachweisen. Für die Abnahme der Vigilanz spielte es keine Rolle, ob dies durch Bier oder Wein verursacht worden war. Bedenklich erschien die Tatsache, dass zum einen die Probanden das Ausmaß der eigenen Schläfrigkeit sogar unter relativ geringer Alkoholisierung nicht adäquat einschätzen konnten, und dass zum anderen das Maximum der Schläfrigkeit – und damit auch des mutmaßlichen Unfallrisikos – in der Eliminationsphase lag. Ein Zeitpunkt, zu dem sicherlich die meisten Alkoholfahrten unternommen werden.


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Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) programmes support patients to achieve professionally recommended cardiovascular prevention targets and thus good clinical status and improved quality of life and prognosis. Information on CR service delivery in Europe is sketchy.


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Cell transplantation presents great potential for treatment of patients with severe heart failure. However, its clinical application was revealed to be more challenging than initially expected in experimental studies. Further investigations need to be undertaken to define the optimal treatment conditions. We previously reported on the epicardial implantation of a bio-engineered construct of skeletal myoblast-seeded polyurethane and its preventive effect on progression toward heart failure. In the present study, we present a long-term evaluation of this functional outcome. Left anterior descending coronary ligation was performed in female Lewis rats. Two weeks later, animals were treated with either epicardial implantation of biograft, acellular scaffold, sham operation, or direct intramyocardial skeletal myoblast injection. Functional assessments were performed with serial echocardiographies every 3 months and end point left ventricle pressure was assessed. Hearts were then harvested for histological examinations. Myocardial infarction induced a slow and progressive reduction in fractional shortening after 3 months. Progression toward heart failure was significantly prevented for up to 6 months after injection of myoblasts and for up to 9 months following biograft implantation. Nevertheless, this effect vanished after 12 months, with immunohistological examinations revealing an absence of the transplanted myoblasts within the scaffold. We demonstrated that tissue therapy is superior to cell therapy for stabilization of heart function. However, beneficial effects are transient.


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DWI and DTI of the brain have proved to be useful in many neurologic disorders and in traumatic brain injury. This prospective study aimed at the evaluation of the influence of the PMI and the cause of death on the ADC and FA for the application of DWI and DTI in forensic radiology.