991 resultados para Timur, 1336-1405.


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O setor de saúde é fortemente impactado por diversos fatores e é considerado um dos mais importantes ramos da economia brasileira.O profissional da área é desafiado a responder pela gestão de temas para os quais não foi desenvolvido em seu processo educacional acadêmico. Considerando que pessoas emocionalmente inteligentes e ao mesmo tempo portadores de estados psicológicos positivos, que integram o capital psicológico, possuem uma estrutura psíquica que lhes possibilite atingir posições de liderança, este estudo objetivou interpretar e discutir as correlações entre inteligência emocional, capital psicológico, e percepção do suporte organizacional. Participaram do estudo 123 gestores com formação acadêmica em saúde e experiência em organizacões do segmento saúde. A coleta de dados foi realizada através de questionário eletrônico auto aplicável e os dados foram submetidos a análise descritiva e bivariada através do software SPSS em sua versão 19.0. Evidenciou-se que estes profissionais possuem em maior evidência a habilidade da inteligência emocional de autoconciencia, por outro lado apresentam limitações na disponibilidade e no estabelecimento das relações pessoais (sociabilidade) tão relevantes no processo de gestão. Já as dimensões relativas a capital psicológico, voltadas para o desempenho no trabalho, demonstraram que este profissional é confiante na sua capacidade de contribuição com os objetivos da empresa, bem como de superar os possíveis obstáculos inerentes a sua atividade laboral. Soma-se a seu capital psicológico a percepção de suporte que a organização possa lhe oferecer, quando necessitar de apoio para sentir-se bem e realizar suas tarefas.


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A presente pesquisa teve por objetivos analisar a consulta terapêutica como técnica de atendimento psicológico da criança pequena na rotina ambulatorial e discutir seis casos emblemáticos e representativos da população constituída de 55 crianças, a partir do referencial teórico de Winnicott. Foram levantados os prontuários de pacientes menores de cinco anos atendidos no Ambulatório de Saúde Mental Infantil de São Bernardo do Campo, no período de janeiro a junho de 2007. O estudo clínico foi feito com 10% do total dos prontuários. A partir dos dados contidos no prontuário, foi feito um levantamento epidemiológico registrando a idade dos pacientes assistidos e o diagnóstico dos menores de cinco anos. Os prontuários dos pacientes menores de cinco anos foram selecionados a patir das hipóteses disgnósticas psicopatológica e psicodinâmica. Foram apresentados as consultas terapêuticas de seis casos identificados com hipótese diagnóstica do grupo três do diagnóstico de Winnicott, complementados por Hisada, em A Clínica do Setting.(AU)


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Previous studies indicate that regular consumption of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is associated with a lower risk for age-related diseases. The aim of the present study was to evaluate whether the often-reported age-related decrease of plasma antioxidants in man depends on differences in dietary intake or on other age- and gender-related factors. In this observational case-control study, thirty-nine community-dwelling healthy subjects aged 65 years and older consuming high intakes of fruits and vegetables daily (HI) and forty-eight healthy subjects aged 65 and older consuming low intakes of fruit and vegetables daily (LI) were enrolled. Plasma levels of retinol, tocopherols, carotenoids and malondialdehyde (MDA) as well as content of protein carbonyls in Ig G were measured. Plasma levels of retinol, tocopherols and carotenoids were significantly higher in group HI than in group LI subjects independent of age and gender. MDA levels were inversely correlated with vitamin A and α-carotene. Protein carbonyls were inversely correlated with γ-tocopherol. In the elderly, a higher daily intake of fruits and vegetables is associated with an improved antioxidant status in comparison to subjects consuming diets poor in fruits and vegetables. Modification of nutritional habits among other lifestyle changes should be encouraged to lower prevalence of disease risk factors in later life. © The Authors 2005.


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A new principled domain independent watermarking framework is presented. The new approach is based on embedding the message in statistically independent sources of the covertext to mimimise covertext distortion, maximise the information embedding rate and improve the method's robustness against various attacks. Experiments comparing the performance of the new approach, on several standard attacks show the current proposed approach to be competitive with other state of the art domain-specific methods.


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Efficient suppression of relaxation oscillations in the output signal from an overdriven gain-switched laser diode was demonstrated. Several quantum-well distributed feedback laser diodes from different manufacturers were used for experimental analysis. A five-fold increase in the peak power was achieved for the tail-free operation. It was found that spectral filtering removed the nonlinearly chirped components resulting in pulse shortening by a factor of three.


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The deposition efficiencies of a number of electroless nickel and cobalt plating solutions were studied and in the case of nickel compared with a commercial plating solution Nifoss 80. At the optimum plating conditions (92ºC and pH 4.5) Nifoss 80 produced nickel layers most efficiently, the alkaline cobalt solution operated most efficiently at 90ºC and pH 9. The methods of producing compostte layers containing 2-3 µm carbide particles and chromium powder is described. Nickel and cobalt layers containing approximately 27% carbide particles, or 40% (Ni) and 30% (Co) chromium particles by volume were obtained. This value is independent of the particle concentration in the plating solution within the range (20~200 g/l). Hardness of the nickel. as deposited was 515 Hv, this was increased to a maximum of 1155 Hv by heat treatment at 200ºC for 5 hours in vacuum. Incorporation. of .chromium carbide particles resulted in a maximum hardness of 1225 Hv after heating at 500ºC for 5 hours in vacuum and chromium particles resulted in a maximum hardness of 16S0 Hv after heat treatment at 400ºC for 2 hours in vacuum. Similarly the hardness of cobalt as deposited was 600 Hv, this was increased to a maximum of 1300 Hv after heat treatment at 400ºC for 1 hour. Incorporation of chromium carbide particles resulted jn a maximum hardness of 1405 Hv after heating at 400ºC for 5 hours in vacuum and chromium particles resulted in a maximum hardness of 1440 Hv after. heat treating for 2 hours at 400ºC in vacuum. The structure of the deposits was studied by optical and scanning electron microscopy. The wear rate and coefficient of friction was determined by a pin and disc method. Wear rate and coefficient of friction decreased with increase in hardness. The wear resistance of the materials was also determined using a simulated forging test. Dies made of standard die steel were coated and the wear rates of the layers as deposited and after heat treatment were compared with those of uncoated tools. The wear resistance generally increased with hardness, it was 50-75% more than the uncoated die steel. Acetic acid salt spray test and outdoor exposure for six months was used to study the corrosion behaviour of the deposits and potentiodynamic curves plotted to find their corrosion potential. Nickel deposit exhibited less staining than carbide composite deposits and nickel-chromium deposits had the most noble corrosion potential.


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This paper investigates the vibration characteristics of the coupling system of a microscale fluid-loaded rectangular isotropic plate attached to a uniformly distributed mass. Previous literature has, respectively, studied the changes in the plate vibration induced by an acoustic field or by the attached mass loading. This paper investigates the issue of involving these two types of loading simultaneously. Based on Lamb's assumption of the fluid-loaded structure and the Rayleigh–Ritz energy method, this paper presents an analytical solution for the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the coupling system. Numerical results for microplates with different types of boundary conditions have also been obtained and compared with experimental and numerical results from previous literature. The theoretical model and novel analytical solution are of particular interest in the design of microplate-based biosensing devices.


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This article explores the growing perception, prompted by the eurozone crisis, of Germany as a hegemonic power in the European Union. The article explores the realignments in the power balance within the European Union (EU) by making an original application of the insights from the literature on hegemony. It reviews the evidence for Germany playing a hegemonic role, but then emphasizes three sets of constraints. First, German pre-eminence is largely confined to the economic sphere. Even in this area Germany has not acted fully in line with the role ascribed by hegemonic stability theory. Second, its pre-eminence in the EU encounters problems of international legitimacy. Third, growing constraints arising from German domestic politics further hamper playing the role of hegemon. In consequence, Germany is intrinsically a reluctant hegemon: one whose economic leadership is recognized but politically contested. The conclusion considers the significance of these findings on the EU's most important member state. © 2013 Taylor & Francis.


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Atherosclerosis is promoted by a combination of hypercholesterolemia and vascular inflammation. The function of Angiopoietin (Ang)-2, a key regulator of angiogenesis, in the maintenance of large vessels is unknown. A single systemic administration of Ang-2 adenovirus (AdAng-2) to apoE-/- mice fed a Western diet significantly reduced atherosclerotic lesion size 8 40%) and oxidized LDL and macrophage content of the plaques. These beneficial effects were abolished by the inhibition of nitric oxide synthase (NOS). In endothelial cells, endothelial NOS activation per se inhibited LDL oxidation and Ang-2 stimulated NO release in a Tie2-dependent manner to decrease LDL oxidation. These findings demonstrate a novel atheroprotective role for Ang-2 when endothelial cell function is compromised and suggest that growth factors, which stimulate NO release without inducing inflammation, could offer atheroprotection.


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This work was partially supported by the Bulgarian National Science Fund under Contract No MM 1405. Part of the results were announced at the Fifth International Workshop on Optimal Codes and Related Topics (OCRT), White Lagoon, June 2007, Bulgaria


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* Supported partially by the Bulgarian National Science Fund under Grant MM-1405/2004


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AMS Subj. Classification: 92C30


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Доклад, поместен в сборника на Националната конференция "Образованието в информационното общество", Пловдив, май, 2010 г.


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A fenntarthatóság értékelése definíciószerűen többdimenziós probléma. A megfelelő alternatíva, forgatókönyv, eljárás stb. kiválasztásakor ugyanis a döntéshozóknak egyszerre kell figyelembe venniük környezetvédelmi, gazdasági és társadalmi szempontokat. Az ilyen döntéseket alátámaszthatják a több szempontú döntéshozatali modellek. A tanulmány a több szempontú döntési eljárások közül a legfontosabb hétnek az alkalmazhatóságát vizsgálja részvételi körülmények között. Az utóbbi évek e témában publikált esettanulmányainak áttekintésével megállapítható, hogy egyik módszer sem uralja a többit, azok különböző feltételek mellett eltérő sikerrel használhatók. Ennek ellenére a különböző módszerek kombinációjával végrehajthatunk olyan eljárásokat, amelyekkel az egyes módszerek előnyeit még jobban kiaknázhatjuk. ________ Measuring and comparing the sustainability of certain actions, scenarios, technologies, etc. is by definition a multidimensional problem. Decision-makers must consider environmental, economic and social aspects when choosing an alternative course of action. Such decisions can be aided by multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA). This paper investigates seven different MCDA methodologies: MAU, the Analytic Hierarchic Process (AHP), the ELECTRE, PROMETHEE, REGIME, and NAIADE methods, and "Ideal and reference point" approaches). It is based on a series of reports in which over 30 real-world case studies focusing on participatory MCDA were reviewed. It is stressed, however, that there is no "best" choice in the list of MCDA techniques. Some methods fit certain decision problems better than others. Nonetheless, some complementary benefits of the different techniques can be exploited by combining these methodologies.


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A KRAFT-index: Kreatív városok – fenntartható vidék egy komplex mutatórendszer, amely a fejlődési tendenciát, hálózatosodást, a fontosabb szereplők együttműködési készségét és kapacitását, kreativitási potenciálját, valamint a szereplők szinergiáiból fakadó belső energiákat és lehetőségeiket jelzi. A város- és vidékfejlesztés sikerének zálogaként előtérbe állítja és méri az ún. „puha” tényezőket, úgymint a kreativitást, innovációs képességet, új tudás létrehozását, tudástranszfert, együttműködési készséget, bizalmat, kollektív kompetenciákat. A társadalmi, gazdasági és tudományos kapcsolatok és hálózatok sűrűsége, minősége és dinamizmusa a sikeres fejlődés és fejlesztés kulcsai: ezek ma már fontosabb tényezők, mint a fizikai távolság, az adminisztratív jogi határok vagy az ún. „kemény” indikátorok. Az index értékeli egy térség lehetőségeit arra, hogy az ott élők, dolgozók, alkotók és letelepedni kívánók életminőségét, a vállalatok minőségi munkaerő iránti igényét és a fenntarthatósági szempontokat egyaránt figyelembe véve fejlessze gazdaságát és versenyképességét. Három tulajdonságcsoportot mér: 1. kreativitiási és innovációs potenciál, az új tudás létrehozásának képessége, 2. társadalmi és kapcsolati tőke, hálózati potenciál és „összekapcsoltság”, valamint 3. fenntarthatósági potenciál. _____ The KRAFT Index: Creative Cities – Sustainable Regions is a complex indicator system to measure development tendencies, ‘networkedness’, cooperation inclination and capacity, creativity potential and possibilities arising from the synergies among actors. It highlights and gauges ‘soft’ factors, such as creativity, innovation capacity, knowledge production, knowledge transfer, willingness for cooperation, trust, and collective competences and perceives effective regional cooperation among economic and social actors as the measure of successful urban and rural development. The density, quality and dynamism of social, economic and academic networks are more important factors than physical distance, administrative legal barriers or ‘hard’ indicators. The index evaluates the potential of a region to develop its economy and competitiveness by considering the quality of life of its inhabitants, workers, producers and immigrants, the quality workforce requirements of companies and sustainability. It measures three groups of qualities: 1. creativity and innovation potential, the ability of knowledge production; 2. social and connection capital, network potential and connectedness; and 3. sustainability potential.