865 resultados para Theoretical calculation


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A theoretical approach to the energy transfer process that occurs between a ligand and a rare-earth ion in luminescent complexes is presented. A discussion on the energy transfer mechanisms involved and on the associated selection rules is made. Numerical estimates are also presented.


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The IR-spectrum of the isonicotinamide molecule (C(2)H(2)NC(3)H(2)CONH(2)) is studied by means of theoretical and experimental methods. For an appropriate representation of the molecular environment, Gaussian basis sets to the atoms of these molecule are built and then contracted (5s and 6s5p). For evaluation of the quality of contracted basis sets in molecular calculations, we have accomplished calculations of the total and the orbital (HOMO and HOMO-1) energies in the HF-Roothaan method for the molecule studied. The results obtained with the contracted basis sets [5s/6s5p] are compared to values obtained with our (21s/22s14p) basis sets and with those obtained with the D95, 6-31G, and 6-311G basis sets from literature. It was added one d polarization function in the [6s5p] contracted basis set for C ((3)P) atom, which was used in combination with the basis sets for H ((2)S), N ((4)S). and O((3)P) atoms to calculate the infrared spectrum of isonicotinamide. The calculations were performed at B3LYP level and were compared to corresponding experimental values also obtained in our laboratory. The theoretical results in comparison with the corresponding experimental values indicate a very good interpretation of the IR-spectrum and that the strategy of an appropriate representation of the molecular environment through the basis sets is an effective alternative to investigate vibrational theoretical properties of the nicotinamide molecule. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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We discuss the nature of visible photoluminescence at room temperature in amorphous lead titanate in the light of the results of recent experimental and theoretical calculations. Experimental results obtained by XANES and EXAFS revealed that amorphous lead titanate is composed of a Ti-O network having fivefold Ti coordination and NBO-type (non-bridging oxygen) defects. These defects can modify the electronic structure of amorphous compounds. Our calculation of the electronic structure involved the use of first-principle molecular calculations to simulate the variation of the electronic structure in the lead titanate crystalline phase, which is known to have a direct band gap, and we also made an in-depth examination of amorphous lead titanate. The results of our theoretical calculations of amorphous lead titanate indicate that the formation of fivefold coordination in the amorphous system may introduce delocalized electronic levels in the HOMO ( highest occupied molecular orbital) and the LUMO ( lowest unoccupied molecular orbital). A comparison of the experimental and theoretical results of amorphous compounds suggests the possibility of a radiative recombination (electron-hole pairs), which may be responsible for the emission of photoluminescence. (C) 2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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The Generator Coordinate Hartree-Fock (GCHF) method is applied to generate extended (20s14p), (30s19p13d), and (31s23p18d) Gaussian basis sets for the 0, Mn, and La atoms, respectively. The role of the weight functions (WFs) in the assessment of the numerical integration range of the GCHF equations is shown. These basis sets are then contracted to [5s3p] and [11s6p6d] for 0 and Mn atoms, respectively, and [17s11p7d] for La atom by a standard procedure. For quality evaluation of contracted basis sets in molecular calculations, we have accomplished calculations of total and orbital energies in the Hartree-Fock-Roothaan (HFR) method for (MnO1+)-Mn-5 and (LaO1+)-La-1 fragments. The results obtained with the contracted basis sets are compared with values obtained with the extended basis sets. The addition of one d polarization function in the contracted basis set for 0 atom and its utilization with the contracted basis sets for Mn and La atoms leads to the calculations of dipole moment and total atomic charges of perovskite (LaMnO3). The calculations were performed at the HFR level with the crystal [LaMnO3](2) fragment in space group C-2v the values of dipole moment, total energy, and total atomic charges showed that it is reasonable to believe that LaMnO3 presents behaviour of piezoelectric material. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Mixed oxide compounds, such as TiO2-SnO2 system are widely used as gas sensors and should also provide varistor properties modifying the TiO2 surface. Therefore, a theoretical investigation has been carried out characterizing the effect of SnO2 on TiO2 addition on the electronic structure by means of ab initio SCF-LCAO calculations using all electrons. In order to take into account the finite size of the cluster, we have used the point charge model for the (TiO2)(15) cluster to study the effect on electronic structure of doping the TiO2 (110) Surface. The contracted basis set for titanium (4322/42/3), oxygen (33/3) and tin (43333/4333/43) atoms were used. The charge distributions, dipole moments, and density of states of doping TiO2 and vacancy formation are reported and analysed. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ab initio calculations of large cluster models have been performed in order to study water adsorption at the five-fold coordinated adsorption site on pure Mg(001) and MgO(001) surfaces doped with Fe, Ca, and Al. The geometric parameters of the adsorbed water molecule have been optimized preparatory to analysis of binding energies, charge transfer, preferential sites of interaction, and bonding distances. We have used Mulliken population analysis methods in order to analyze charge distributions and the direction of charge transfer. We have also investigated energy gaps, HOMO energies, and SCF orbital energies as well as the acid-base properties of our cluster model. Numerical results are compared, where possible, with experiment and interpreted in the framework of various analytical models. (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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We discuss the nature of visible photoluminescence at room temperature in amorphous strontium titanate in the light of the results of a recent experimental and quantum mechanical theoretical study. Our calculation of the electronic structure involves the use of first-principles molecular calculations to simulate the variation of the electronic structure in the strontium titanate crystalline phase, which is known to have a direct band gap, and we also make an in-depth examination of amorphous strontium titanate. The results of our simulations of amorphous strontium titanate indicate that the formation of five-fold coordination in the amorphous system may introduce delocalized electronic levels in the highest occupied molecular orbital and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital. These delocalized electronic levels are ascribed to the formation of a tail in the absorbance-spectrum curve. Optical absorption measurements experimentally showed the presence of a tail. The results are interpreted by the nature of these exponential optical edges and tails associated with defects promoted by the disordered structure of the amorphous material. We associate them with localized states in the band gap.


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Sm-doped PbTiO3 powder was synthesized by the polymeric precursor method, and was heat treated at different temperatures. The x-ray diffraction, photoluminescence, and UV-visible were used as a probe for the structural order degree short-, intermediate-, and long-range orders. Sm-3+ ions were used as markers of these order-disorder transformations in the PbTiO3 system. From the Rietveld refinement of the Sm-doped PbTiO3 x-ray diffraction data, structural models were obtained and analyzed by periodic ab initio quantum mechanical calculations using the CRYSTAL 98 package within the framework of density functional theory at the B3LYP level. This program can yield important information regarding the structural and electronic properties of crystalline and disordered structures. The experimental and theoretical results indicate the presence of the localized states in the band gap, due to the symmetry break, which is responsible for visible photoluminescence at room temperature in the disordered structure. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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An experimental and theoretical study of the ferroelectric and piezoelectric behavior of PZT doped with barium is presented. Ab initio perturbed ion calculations was carried out. The properties, such as remnant polarization, coercive field and the coupling factor of the PZT at constant sintering temperature was compared with the Zr4+/Ti4+ ions dislocation energy and the lattice interaction energy. An agreement between the experimental and theoretical results, with a decrease of the interaction energy and an inversion of the energy stability from tetragonal to rhombohedral phase was observed. (C) 1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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We give general expressions for the vector asymmetry in the angular distribution of protons in the nonmesonic weak decay of polarized hypernuclei. From these we derive an explicit expression for the calculation of the asymmetry parameter, a(Lambda), which is applicable to the specific cases of He-5(Lambda) and C-12(Lambda) described within the extreme shell model. In contrast to the approximate formula widely used in the literature, it includes the effects of three-body kinematics in the final states of the decay and correctly treats the contribution of transitions originating from single-proton states beyond the s-shell. This expression is then used for the corresponding numerical computation of a(Lambda) within several one-meson-exchange models. Besides the strictly local approximation usually adopted for the transition potential, we also consider the addition of the first-order nonlocality terms. We find values for a(Lambda) ranging from -0.62 to -0.24, in qualitative agreement with other theoretical estimates but in contradiction with some recent experimental determinations.


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We have used the periodic quantum-mechanical method with density functional theory at the B3LYP level in order to study TiO2/Sn doped (1 1 0) surfaces and have investigated the structural, electronic and energy band properties of these oxides. Our calculated relaxation directions for TiO2 is the experimental one and is also in agreement with other theoretical results. We also observe for the doped systems relaxation of lattice positions of the atoms. Modification of Sri, O and Ti charges depend on the planes and positions of the substituted atoms. Doping can modify the Fermi levels, energy gaps as well as the localization and composition of both valence and conduction band main components. Doping can also modify the chemical, electronic and optical properties of these oxides surfaces increasing their suitability for use as gas sensors and optoelectronic devices. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In a previous report we studied theoretically the piezoelectric effect in barium titanate (BaTiO3) [O. Treu Filho, J.C. Pinheiro, R.T. Kondo, J. Mol. Struct. (THEOCHEM), 671 (2004) 71]. In this article we applied the Hartree-Fock (HF) theory in the investigation of piezoelectricity in LaFeO3. Initially, the generator coordinate HF (GCHF) method was used to build 22s14p, 30s19p13d, and 32s24p17d Gaussian basis sets for O(3p), Fe(D-5), and La(D-2) atoms. Then those basis sets were contracted to [7s6p], [13s8p6d], and [18s13p7d], respectively. The quality of the contracted basis sets in polyatomic calculations was evaluated through calculations of total and orbital energies (HOMO and HOMO-1) of (FeO1+)-Fe-2 and (LaO1+)-La-1. Finally, the contracted basis sets were supplemented with polarization and diffuse functions and used to investigate the piezoelectricity in LaFeO3. The calculated properties were dipole moment, total energy, and atomic charges and the analysis of those properties showed that covalent bonds constitute the electronic structure of [LaFCO3](2) fragment. Therefore, it is reasonable to believe that LaFeO3 does not present piezoelectric properties. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The code STATFLUX, implementing a new and simple statistical procedure for the calculation of transfer coefficients in radionuclide transport to animals and plants, is proposed. The method is based on the general multiple-compartment model, which uses a system of linear equations involving geometrical volume considerations. Flow parameters were estimated by employing two different least-squares procedures: Derivative and Gauss-Marquardt methods, with the available experimental data of radionuclide concentrations as the input functions of time. The solution of the inverse problem, which relates a given set of flow parameter with the time evolution of concentration functions, is achieved via a Monte Carlo Simulation procedure.Program summaryTitle of program: STATFLUXCatalogue identifier: ADYS_v1_0Program summary URL: http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/ADYS_v1_0Program obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen's University of Belfast, N. IrelandLicensing provisions: noneComputer for which the program is designed and others on which it has been tested: Micro-computer with Intel Pentium III, 3.0 GHzInstallation: Laboratory of Linear Accelerator, Department of Experimental Physics, University of São Paulo, BrazilOperating system: Windows 2000 and Windows XPProgramming language used: Fortran-77 as implemented in Microsoft Fortran 4.0. NOTE: Microsoft Fortran includes non-standard features which are used in this program. Standard Fortran compilers such as, g77, f77, ifort and NAG95, are not able to compile the code and therefore it has not been possible for the CPC Program Library to test the program.Memory, required to execute with typical data: 8 Mbytes of RAM memory and 100 MB of Hard disk memoryNo. of bits in a word: 16No. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 6912No. of bytes in distributed Program, including test data, etc.: 229 541Distribution format: tar.gzNature of the physical problem: the investigation of transport mechanisms for radioactive substances, through environmental pathways, is very important for radiological protection of populations. One such pathway, associated with the food chain, is the grass-animal-man sequence. The distribution of trace elements in humans and laboratory animals has been intensively studied over the past 60 years [R.C. Pendlenton, C.W. Mays, R.D. Lloyd, A.L. Brooks, Differential accumulation of iodine-131 from local fallout in people and milk, Health Phys. 9 (1963) 1253-1262]. In addition, investigations on the incidence of cancer in humans, and a possible causal relationship to radioactive fallout, have been undertaken [E.S. Weiss, M.L. Rallison, W.T. London, W.T. Carlyle Thompson, Thyroid nodularity in southwestern Utah school children exposed to fallout radiation, Amer. J. Public Health 61 (1971) 241-249; M.L. Rallison, B.M. Dobyns, F.R. Keating, J.E. Rall, F.H. Tyler, Thyroid diseases in children, Amer. J. Med. 56 (1974) 457-463; J.L. Lyon, M.R. Klauber, J.W. Gardner, K.S. Udall, Childhood leukemia associated with fallout from nuclear testing, N. Engl. J. Med. 300 (1979) 397-402]. From the pathways of entry of radionuclides in the human (or animal) body, ingestion is the most important because it is closely related to life-long alimentary (or dietary) habits. Those radionuclides which are able to enter the living cells by either metabolic or other processes give rise to localized doses which can be very high. The evaluation of these internally localized doses is of paramount importance for the assessment of radiobiological risks and radiological protection. The time behavior of trace concentration in organs is the principal input for prediction of internal doses after acute or chronic exposure. The General Multiple-Compartment Model (GMCM) is the powerful and more accepted method for biokinetical studies, which allows the calculation of concentration of trace elements in organs as a function of time, when the flow parameters of the model are known. However, few biokinetics data exist in the literature, and the determination of flow and transfer parameters by statistical fitting for each system is an open problem.Restriction on the complexity of the problem: This version of the code works with the constant volume approximation, which is valid for many situations where the biological half-live of a trace is lower than the volume rise time. Another restriction is related to the central flux model. The model considered in the code assumes that exist one central compartment (e.g., blood), that connect the flow with all compartments, and the flow between other compartments is not included.Typical running time: Depends on the choice for calculations. Using the Derivative Method the time is very short (a few minutes) for any number of compartments considered. When the Gauss-Marquardt iterative method is used the calculation time can be approximately 5-6 hours when similar to 15 compartments are considered. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.