996 resultados para Teoria Administrativa
Examines the relationship between commerce and distribution, consumption and production, before describing the spatial evidence of recent change in the commercial sector in the Campinas region, Chile. -R.N.Gwynne
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The process of internalization of development occurred in the state of Sao Paulo resulted in accelerated growth of intermediate cities leading to a pattern of development with sprawl, segregation and suburbanization. In this process stands the Administrative Region of Campinas, the hinterland region of higher growth and accumulating a larger number of medium-sized cities. Such questions imply the need for appropriate urban policies to confront these challenges, under risk to jeopardize the quality of life and environment of these cities. The implementation of the Estatuto da Cidade brings new perspectives for urban management in medium-sized cities. This study aims to evaluate the deployment of instruments of urban management in medium-sized cities in São Paulo, with emphasis on Administrative Region of Campinas, based on the Profile of Brazilian Municipalities 2008 conducted by IBGE. The results point to a worrying situation, as it did not see a correlation between the deployment of these instruments and the size, growth and income in the mid-sized cities.
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No presente artigo, conforme o entendimento de que modelos te- óricos subsidiam a compreensão de fenômenos investigativos, objetivou-se elucidar os conceitos da teoria sociológica de Norbert Elias, considerando-se que esta é uma excelente fonte de análise para se compreender o universo do ser professor, apesar de o autor não abordar diretamente questões relacionadas ao campo da educação. A partir do conceito de configuração, é possível dizer que a constituição do ser professor resulta das diferentes configurações nas quais ele está imerso, pois, de acordo com Elias, as pessoas (professores, pais, gestores, ministros, alunos etc.) modelam suas ideias a partir de todas as suas experiências e, essencialmente, das experiências vividas no interior do próprio grupo. É observável que as configurações, formadas por grupos interdependentes de pessoas, e não por indivíduos singulares, apresentam-se cada vez mais ampliadas nos contextos escolares, com funções especializadas e específicas (professores, alunos, diretores, coordenadores, supervisores, secretários etc.), em grupos que se tornam cada vez mais funcionalmente dependentes. As cadeias de interdependência estão mais diferenciadas e, consequentemente, mais opacas e dificilmente controláveis por parte de quaisquer grupos ou indiví- duos. Portanto, uma melhor compreensão será possível quando se estudar empiricamente as configurações que estão em jogo na educação brasileira. Daí se justifica a análise das configurações e das teias de interdependência em que os professores estão envolvidos. Enfim, a aplicação dos modelos de competição abordados por Elias possibilita evidenciar as problemáticas sociológicas do ser professor, tornando-as mais evidentes e facilitando o entendimento do jogo para reorganizá-lo em termos de equilíbrio na teia social.
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The search for a dialogical interpretation on the concept theory is the purpose of this paper. It uses the concept of dialogism, proposed by Bakhtin, which refers to the interaction occurring among the social actors in the process of (re)construction of language. Starting from the analysis of texts on concept theory authored by Dahlberg, Hjorland, Tennis and Tennis and Sutton, the convergent, divergent and complementary aspects related to the concepts advocated by the authors are discussed. The analysis revealed that, although these concepts have been built individually, they are reflections of distinct currents of thought and of the historical moments that have influenced each author's ideas. It can be argued, therefore, that the studied concepts were developed on dialogue with other authors and among themselves.
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In the present work, the basic concepts of radiometric, photometric and colorimetric calibration are presented, which were applied to three light-emitting diodes (LEDs) used to compose the different color sensations that the human eye perceives in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum. In this sense, an experimental setup comprising a LED drive circuit and a home-made integrating sphere was assembled for the initial radiometric and photometric calibration as well as to obtain a set of intensity and spectral combinations associated to different colorimetric CIE (Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage) coordinates. The reader can, therefore, understand, in a simple manner, the process of color composition inside a color monitor or display picture element (pixel ). © Sociedade Brasileira de Física.