903 resultados para Temporal Analysis


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Studies suggest that frontotemporal lobar degeneration with transactive response (TAR) DNA-binding protein of 43kDa (TDP-43) proteinopathy (FTLD-TDP) is heterogeneous with division into four or five subtypes. To determine the degree of heterogeneity and the validity of the subtypes, we studied neuropathological variation within the frontal and temporal lobes of 94 cases of FTLD-TDP using quantitative estimates of density and principal components analysis (PCA). A PCA based on the density of TDP-43 immunoreactive neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions (NCI), oligodendroglial inclusions (GI), neuronal intranuclear inclusions (NII), and dystrophic neurites (DN), surviving neurons, enlarged neurons (EN), and vacuolation suggested that cases were not segregated into distinct subtypes. Variation in the density of the vacuoles was the greatest source of variation between cases. A PCA based on TDP-43 pathology alone suggested that cases of FTLD-TDP with progranulin (GRN) mutation segregated to some degree. The pathological phenotype of all four subtypes overlapped but subtypes 1 and 4 were the most distinctive. Cases with coexisting motor neuron disease (MND) or hippocampal sclerosis (HS) also appeared to segregate to some extent. We suggest: 1) pathological variation in FTLD-TDP is best described as a ‘continuum’ without clearly distinct subtypes, 2) vacuolation was the single greatest source of variation and reflects the ‘stage’ of the disease, and 3) within the FTLD-TDP ‘continuum’ cases with GRN mutation and with coexisting MND or HS may have a more distinctive pathology.


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Simplification of texts has traditionally been carried out by replacing words and structures with appropriate semantic equivalents in the learner's interlanguage, omitting whichever items prove intractable, and thereby bringing the language of the original within the scope of the learner's transitional linguistic competence. This kind of simplification focuses mainly on the formal features of language. The simplifier can, on the other hand, concentrate on making explicit the propositional content and its presentation in the original in order to bring what is communicated in the original within the scope of the learner's transitional communicative competence. In this case, simplification focuses on the communicative function of the language. Up to now, however, approaches to the problem of simplification have been mainly concerned with the first kind, using the simplifier’s intuition as to what constitutes difficulty for the learner. There appear to be few objective principles underlying this process. The main aim of this study is to investigate the effect of simplification on the communicative aspects of narrative texts, which includes the manner in which narrative units at higher levels of organisation are structured and presented and also the temporal and logical relationships between lower level structures such as sentences/clauses, with the intention of establishing an objective approach to the problem of simplification based on a set of principled procedures which could be used as a guideline in the simplification of material for foreign students at an advanced level.


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The principal theme of this thesis is the in vivo examination of ocular morphological changes during phakic accommodation, with particular attention paid to the ciliary muscle and crystalline lens. The investigations detailed involved the application of high-resolution imaging techniques to facilitate the acquisition of new data to assist in the clarification of aspects of the accommodative system that were poorly understood. A clinical evaluation of the newly available Grand Seiko Auto Ref/ Keratometer WAM-5500 optometer was undertaken to assess its value in the field of accommodation research. The device was found to be accurate and repeatable compared to subjective refraction, and has the added advantage of allowing dynamic data collection at a frequency of around 5 Hz. All of the subsequent investigations applied the WAM-5500 for determination of refractive error and objective accommodative responses. Anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT) based studies examined the morphology and contractile response of youthful and ageing ciliary muscle. Nasal versus temporal asymmetry was identified, with the temporal aspect being both thicker and demonstrating a greater contractile response. The ciliary muscle was longer in terms of both its anterior (r = 0.49, P <0.001) and overall length (r = 0.45, P = 0.02) characteristics, in myopes. The myopic ciliary muscle does not appear to be merely stretched during axial elongation, as no significant relationship between thickness and refractive error was identified. The main contractile responses observed were a thickening of the anterior region and a shortening of the muscle, particularly anteriorly. Similar patterns of response were observed in subjects aged up to 70 years, supporting a lensocentric theory of presbyopia development. Following the discovery of nasal/ temporal asymmetry in ciliary muscle morphology and response, an investigation was conducted to explore whether the regional variations in muscle contractility impacted on lens stability during accommodation. A bespoke programme was developed to analyse AS-OCT images and determine whether lens tilt and decentration varied between the relaxed and accommodated states. No significant accommodative difference in these parameters was identified, implying that any changes in lens stability with accommodation are very slight, as a possible consequence of vitreous support. Novel three-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and analysis techniques were used to investigate changes in lens morphology and ocular conformation during accommodation. An accommodative reduction in lens equatorial diameter provides further evidence to support the Helmholtzian mechanism of accommodation, whilst the observed increase in lens volume challenges the widespread assertion that this structure is incompressible due to its high water content. Wholeeye MRI indicated that the volume of the vitreous chamber remains constant during accommodation. No significant changes in ocular conformation were detected using MRI. The investigations detailed provide further insight into the mechanisms of accommodation and presbyopia, and represent a platform for future work in this field.


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The densities of diffuse, primitive, and classic ß-amyloid (Aß) deposits were studied in the temporal lobe in cognitively normal brain, dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), familial Alzheimer’s disease (FAD), and sporadic AD (SAD). Principal components analysis (PCA) was used to determine whether there were distinct differences between groups or whether Aß pathology was more continuously distributed from group to group. Three principal components (PC) were extracted from the data accounting for 56% of the total variance. Plots of cases in relation to the PC did not result in distinct groups but suggested overlap in Aß deposition between the groups. In addition, there were linear correlations between the densities of Aß deposits and the distribution of the cases along the PC in specific brain regions suggesting continuous variation from group to group. PC1 was associated with the degree of maturation of Aß deposits, PC2 with differences between FAD and SAD, and PC3 with the degree of spread of Aß pathology into the hippocampus. Apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotype was not associated with variation in Aß deposition between cases. PCA may be a useful method of studying the pathological interface between closely related neurodegenerative disorders.


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This thesis examines the relationship between the European Union (EU) and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) with a focus on why their normative elements, e.g. values and norms, affect their ties in the post-Cold War era. Since the end of the Cold War, policy-makers and academics have become interested in region-to-region interaction, termed interregionalism. Though interregionalism is considered to have become an indelible feature of post-Cold War international politics, there are question marks over its importance. It is often argued that interregionalism reinforces the collective identity of the regional organisations involved. It is also maintained that its overall relevance to the international system depends on the level of actorness, which is primarily measured in institutional and material terms, of the participant regional organisations. This thesis contends that the normative components of the EU and ASEAN are also fundamental constituents of their actorness and, consequently, define significantly their interregionalism. This is based on a crucial observation that normative factors are of importance to the regional and international relations of the EU and ASEAN. Yet, while they strongly espouse norms and values to guide their internal and external activities, their normative premises radically differ from each other. Furthermore, these normative differences jeopardise their cooperation. Building on this observation the inquiry takes the normative components of the EU and ASEAN as the criterion as well as the focus for investigating their interregionalism. In doing so, it hypothesises that the EU and ASEAN are two different regional actors that adopt two dissimilar sets of norms to conduct their regional and international affairs and that such normative differences hinder their relations. Within this hypothesis, it seeks to address three central questions. First, what are the normative features that constitute the EU and ASEAN as actors in world politics and that make them different from each other? Second, what are the main sources of their normative differences? Finally, why do their normative differences become an obstructive factor in their relationship? To address these issues, the inquiry adopts a constructivist interpretation (of International Relations) and opts for a narrative and empirical inquiry, which is based on information and data acquired from official documents, scholarly works and interviews and questionnaires. In doing so, it finds that as they were born and evolved in two dissimilar temporal and spatial settings, the EU and ASEAN are two different norm entrepreneurs and normative powers. The former advocates a set of liberal cosmopolitan norms whereas the latter champions a set of traditional communitarian principles. Their normative differences become a major obstacle to their cooperation, especially when one regional organisation’s norms are refused or violated by the other. Thus, a key lesson drawn from these findings is that in order to explain more fully EU-ASEAN interregionalism, it is essential to consider their norms, the reasons behind their normative differences and the implication of those differences to their relations


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The Retinal Vessel Analyser (RVA) is a commercially available ophthalmoscopic instrument capable of acquiring vessel diameter fluctuations in real time and in high temporal resolution. Visual stimulation by means of flickering light is a unique exploration tool of neurovascular coupling in the human retina. Vessel reactivity as mediated by local vascular endothelial vasodilators and vasoconstrictors can be assessed non-invasively, in vivo. In brief, the work in this thesis • deals with interobserver and intraobserver reproducibility of the flicker responses in healthy volunteers • explains the superiority of individually analysed reactivity parameters over vendorgenerated output • links in static retinal measures with dynamic ones • highlights practical limitations in the use of the RVA that may undermine its clinical usefulness • provides recommendations for standardising measurements in terms of vessel location and vessel segment length and • presents three case reports of essential hypertensives in a -year follow-up. Strict standardisation of measurement procedures is a necessity when utilising the RVA system. Agreement between research groups on implemented protocols needs to be met, before it could be considered a clinically useful tool in detecting or predicting microvascular dysfunction.


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Meta-analysis was used to quantify the moderating effects of seven properties of cognitions-accessibility, temporal stability, direct experience, involvement, certainty, ambivalence and affective-cognitive consistency-on cognition-intention and cognition-behaviour relations. Literature searches revealed 44 studies that could be included in the review. Findings showed that all of the properties, except involvement, moderated attitude-behaviour consistency. Similarly, all relevant moderators improved the consistency between intentions and behaviour. Temporal stability moderated PBC-behaviour relations, certainty moderated subjective norm-intention relations, and ambivalence, certainty, and involvement all moderated attitude-intention relations. Overall, temporal stability appeared to be the strongest moderator of cognition-behaviour relations.


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The article analyzes the contribution of stochastic thermal fluctuations in the attachment times of the immature T-cell receptor TCR: peptide-major-histocompatibility-complex pMHC immunological synapse bond. The key question addressed here is the following: how does a synapse bond remain stabilized in the presence of high-frequency thermal noise that potentially equates to a strong detaching force? Focusing on the average time persistence of an immature synapse, we show that the high-frequency nodes accompanying large fluctuations are counterbalanced by low-frequency nodes that evolve over longer time periods, eventually leading to signaling of the immunological synapse bond primarily decided by nodes of the latter type. Our analysis shows that such a counterintuitive behavior could be easily explained from the fact that the survival probability distribution is governed by two distinct phases, corresponding to two separate time exponents, for the two different time regimes. The relatively shorter timescales correspond to the cohesion:adhesion induced immature bond formation whereas the larger time reciprocates the association:dissociation regime leading to TCR:pMHC signaling. From an estimate of the bond survival probability, we show that, at shorter timescales, this probability PΔ(τ) scales with time τ as a universal function of a rescaled noise amplitude DΔ2, such that PΔ(τ)∼τ-(ΔD+12),Δ being the distance from the mean intermembrane (T cell:Antigen Presenting Cell) separation distance. The crossover from this shorter to a longer time regime leads to a universality in the dynamics, at which point the survival probability shows a different power-law scaling compared to the one at shorter timescales. In biological terms, such a crossover indicates that the TCR:pMHC bond has a survival probability with a slower decay rate than the longer LFA-1:ICAM-1 bond justifying its stability.


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One of the greatest concerns related to the popularity of GPS-enabled devices and applications is the increasing availability of the personal location information generated by them and shared with application and service providers. Moreover, people tend to have regular routines and be characterized by a set of “significant places”, thus making it possible to identify a user from his/her mobility data. In this paper we present a series of techniques for identifying individuals from their GPS movements. More specifically, we study the uniqueness of GPS information for three popular datasets, and we provide a detailed analysis of the discriminatory power of speed, direction and distance of travel. Most importantly, we present a simple yet effective technique for the identification of users from location information that are not included in the original dataset used for training, thus raising important privacy concerns for the management of location datasets.


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One of the major challenges in measuring efficiency in terms of resources and outcomes is the assessment of the evolution of units over time. Although Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) has been applied for time series datasets, DEA models, by construction, form the reference set for inefficient units (lambda values) based on their distance from the efficient frontier, that is, in a spatial manner. However, when dealing with temporal datasets, the proximity in time between units should also be taken into account, since it reflects the structural resemblance among time periods of a unit that evolves. In this paper, we propose a two-stage spatiotemporal DEA approach, which captures both the spatial and temporal dimension through a multi-objective programming model. In the first stage, DEA is solved iteratively extracting for each unit only previous DMUs as peers in its reference set. In the second stage, the lambda values derived from the first stage are fed to a Multiobjective Mixed Integer Linear Programming model, which filters peers in the reference set based on weights assigned to the spatial and temporal dimension. The approach is demonstrated on a real-world example drawn from software development.


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Cloud computing is a new technological paradigm offering computing infrastructure, software and platforms as a pay-as-you-go, subscription-based service. Many potential customers of cloud services require essential cost assessments to be undertaken before transitioning to the cloud. Current assessment techniques are imprecise as they rely on simplified specifications of resource requirements that fail to account for probabilistic variations in usage. In this paper, we address these problems and propose a new probabilistic pattern modelling (PPM) approach to cloud costing and resource usage verification. Our approach is based on a concise expression of probabilistic resource usage patterns translated to Markov decision processes (MDPs). Key costing and usage queries are identified and expressed in a probabilistic variant of temporal logic and calculated to a high degree of precision using quantitative verification techniques. The PPM cost assessment approach has been implemented as a Java library and validated with a case study and scalability experiments. © 2012 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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We use advanced statistical tools of time-series analysis to characterize the dynamical complexity of the transition to optical wave turbulence in a fiber laser. Ordinal analysis and the horizontal visibility graph applied to the experimentally measured laser output intensity reveal the presence of temporal correlations during the transition from the laminar to the turbulent lasing regimes. Both methods unveil coherent structures with well-defined time scales and strong correlations both, in the timing of the laser pulses and in their peak intensities. Our approach is generic and may be used in other complex systems that undergo similar transitions involving the generation of extreme fluctuations.


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Temporal dynamics of Raman fibre lasers tend to have very complex nature, owing to great cavity lengths and high nonlinearity, being stochastic on short time scales and quasi-continuous on longer time scales. Generally fibre laser intensity dynamics is represented by one-dimensional time-series, which in case of quasi-continuous wave generation in Raman fibre lasers gives little insight into the processes underlying the operation of a laser. New methods of analysis and data representation could help to uncover the underlying physical processes, understand the dynamics or improve the performance of the system. Using intrinsic periodicity of laser radiation, one dimensional intensity time series of a Raman fibre laser was analysed over fast and slow variation time. This allowed to experimentally observe various spatio-temporal regimes of generation, such as laminar, turbulent, partial mode-lock, as well as transitions between them and identify the mechanisms responsible for the transitions. Great cavity length and high nonlinearity also make it difficult to achieve stable high repetition rate mode-locking in Raman fibre lasers. Using Faraday parametric instability in extremely simple linear cavity experimental configuration, a very high order harmonic mode-locking was achieved in ò.ò kmlong Raman fibre laser. The maximum achieved pulse repetition rate was 12 GHz, with 7.3 ps long Gaussian shaped pulses. There is a new type of random lasers – random distributed feedback Raman fibre laser, which temporal properties cannot be controlled by conventionalmode-locking or Q-switch techniques and mechanisms. By adjusting the pump configuration, a very stable pulsed operation of random distributed feedback Raman fibre laser was achieved. Pulse duration varied in the range from 50 to 200 μs depending on the pump power and the cavity length. Pulse repetition rate scaling on the parameters of the system was experimentally identified.


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In product reviews, it is observed that the distribution of polarity ratings over reviews written by different users or evaluated based on different products are often skewed in the real world. As such, incorporating user and product information would be helpful for the task of sentiment classification of reviews. However, existing approaches ignored the temporal nature of reviews posted by the same user or evaluated on the same product. We argue that the temporal relations of reviews might be potentially useful for learning user and product embedding and thus propose employing a sequence model to embed these temporal relations into user and product representations so as to improve the performance of document-level sentiment analysis. Specifically, we first learn a distributed representation of each review by a one-dimensional convolutional neural network. Then, taking these representations as pretrained vectors, we use a recurrent neural network with gated recurrent units to learn distributed representations of users and products. Finally, we feed the user, product and review representations into a machine learning classifier for sentiment classification. Our approach has been evaluated on three large-scale review datasets from the IMDB and Yelp. Experimental results show that: (1) sequence modeling for the purposes of distributed user and product representation learning can improve the performance of document-level sentiment classification; (2) the proposed approach achieves state-of-The-Art results on these benchmark datasets.


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Our aim was to approach an important and well-investigable phenomenon – connected to a relatively simple but real field situation – in such a way, that the results of field observations could be directly comparable with the predictions of a simulation model-system which uses a simple mathematical apparatus and to simultaneously gain such a hypothesis-system, which creates the theoretical opportunity for a later experimental series of studies. As a phenomenon of the study, we chose the seasonal coenological changes of aquatic and semiaquatic Heteroptera community. Based on the observed data, we developed such an ecological model-system, which is suitable for generating realistic patterns highly resembling to the observed temporal patterns, and by the help of which predictions can be given to alternative situations of climatic circumstances not experienced before (e.g. climate changes), and furthermore; which can simulate experimental circumstances. The stable coenological state-plane, which was constructed based on the principle of indirect ordination is suitable for unified handling of data series of monitoring and simulation, and also fits for their comparison. On the state-plane, such deviations of empirical and model-generated data can be observed and analysed, which could otherwise remain hidden.