999 resultados para Tarkka, Jukka: Uhan alta unioniin
Despite measures adopted to control American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL), the disease is spreading in a fast and worrying way throughout western São Paulo state. The aim of this work was to study the variables involved in the disease cycle as well as the effectiveness of controlling measures. The study was carried out in the microregion of Dracena, which is composed of twelve cities and belongs to Alta Paulista, a region of western São Paulo. The necessary data were provided by the Superintendence for Endemic Disease Control and Adolfo Lutz Institute, Regional Laboratory of Presidente Prudente. From August 2005 to January 2008, the following factors were observed: detection of phlebotomine sandflies in the cities and periods in which dogs or humans were diagnosed; number of human deaths; prevalence of suspected dogs tested by serology; percentage of euthanasia in suspected dogs; a possible correlation between positive dogs and cases of the disease in humans; and the disease prevalence among municipalities from the studied region. It was verified that, despite the strategies adopted in Dracena microregion to control AVL, the disease continues to rise. Thus, some procedures of the AVL Monitoring and Control
The possible relationships between leisure and labor and its association with the formation of high modernity as a historic and social phenomenon in a historic - dialectic perspective is discussed in this text. A bibliographic research on public documents such as journals, books, monographs and iconography's materials from classic and contemporary authors was carried out. It was concluded that leisure was equipped during the development of modernity and plays a revitalizing role for the labor force and construction of a discipline that is needed for a flexible and heterogeneous labor nowadays which characterize the contemporary societies.
Looks at the procedures used to organize producers and production in Alta Sorocabana, Brazil. An increasing subordination of the industry is leading to a loss in the competition for expansion. Spatial effects in the region and future trends in tomato cultivation are examined.-J.Robertson
The population redistribution processes considered at a micro level, such as that for the Upper-Paulista Railroad micro-region (Marilia) in Brazil, shows that for nearly 50 years there was accelerated demographic growth followed immediately afterwards by varied declines involving the rural and urban populations.-from English summary
The influence of parietal cell vagotomy (PCV) on esophagogastric high pressure zone (HPZ) (pressure and length) was studied in 30 dogs. The animals were divided in 3 groups: group 1, 10 dogs submitted to PCV with gastric denervation until the esophagogastric junction; group 2, 10 dogs submitted to PCV with gastric denervation into esophagogastric junction and 3 cm above this; group 3 (control), 10 dogs submitted to laparotomy only. In the postoperative period (immediate and later) it wasn't observed any alteration of pressure and length of esophagogastric HPZ in three studied groups.
A study was carried out, on both sexes, to determine the effects of chlorpropamide (DIABINESE) and glibenclamide (DAONIL) on patients with Type II diabetes using as metabolic parameters the following serum: glucose, amilase, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, free fatty acids. The results indicated that both drugs were potentially similar in relation to glycemia, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, and free fatty acids, in both sexes. Chlorpropamide was significantly more effective in reducing amilase activity in male diabetics than glibenclamide. The above mentioned hypoglycemiants did not reduce glycemia to basic levels in either masculine or feminine groups of diabetics.
Point positioning from GPS data can provide precision varying from 100 meters to a few millimeters at the level of 95% probability. To reach the best level of accuracy, users need proper equipment and software, as well as access capability to GPS products available at the International GPS Geodynamics Service. In this paper, the theory related to point positioning using GPS is presented as well as the results of an experiment conducted using data from the Brazilian Active Control System. The results show repeatability better than 5mm and 10mm for the N and E baseline components respectively, and 6mm + 4ppb (parts per billion) for the vertical. Comparison with SIRGAS campaign showed results at the same level of uncertainty as that of the stations used to tie the SIRGAS frame to ITRF94. Therefore, precise point positioning is a powerful tool to be used in applications requiring high level of precision, such as Geodynamics.
Incompetent cardia (IC) or loose cardia is not uncommon at endoscopic examination but its meaning is not clear. Such incompetence could facilitate gastroesophageal reflux and the appearance of esophagitis as a consequence. The aim of this study is to investigate if there is an association between IC and reflux esophagitis (RE). A review was made of 395 consecutive endoscopic reports of adult males and females performed at the Botucatu Clinics Hospital, of the Unesp - University of the State of São Paulo. Diagnosis of IC is defined by the endoscopic image in which the cardia is partially opened and/or involves the endoscope in a loose manner. Esophagitis characterization was based in the Los Angeles classification. The statistical analysis showed a significant association between CI and RE (p < 0.0001). Although there is not a clear explanation for this association, some hypotheses could be suggested involving hypotonic LES, diaphragmatic crura ineffectiveness and TLESR disorders as conditions able not only to keep the cardia relaxed but also to the reflux followed by esophagitis.
The present work evaluated urban forest indicators, acquired through airborne high-resolution multiespectral images, on the quality of the urban design and its vegetative fraction, in special its trees, in nine neighborhoods of Piracicaba, SP. There were made supervised classifications for characterization of intra-urban elements and the proportions obtained, as exposed soil, tree cover, lawns, asphalt, concrete pavements and roofs. They were studied for the measurement of the urban forest in each place. These variables were related to each other, as well as with the independent variables: population density, people with more than fifteen years of study and family heads with income above twenty minimum wages, obtained through population census. Through the analysis of linear regression variables were identified for intra-urban areas evaluation. Correlations were made and linear regressions among the data obtained from the image and among the proposed indicators. Negative correlations were obtained among population density and arboreal covering and the evaluated indices, in accordance with the predicted in the literature. Composite indicators are proposed, as: the proportion between arboreous space on waterproof space (PAW) and the proportion between arboreous space on building space (PAB). It is concluded by the possibility of the use of those indicators for evaluation of the urban forest and definition of priorities in the execution of ordinances to the improvement of the urban forestry, being prioritized the application of resources in the most lacking neighborhoods.
During eight weeks, in summer, four endurance trained high performance horses were worked in resistence exercise, recieving two different types of hydratatio, water or an isotonic solution containing carbohydrates, with the objective to compare their performance physiological parameters. Only the RT (rectal temperature), HR (heart rate), RR (respiratory rate), weight, total protein, glucose, the electrolytes K, Ca and the muscular enzyme CK presented distance effect. The others parameters evaluated, there weren't any identified effects of treatment and of the interaction between distance and treatments, with a significancy level of 5%, and it was concluded that the isotonic solution containing carbohydrate didn't have any significant influence on the animal's performance when compared to water.
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The effect of physical exercise, training and vitamin E supplementation on electrocardiographic parameters was evaluated in eight untrained Arabian mares, divided into two groups: control (n=4) and supplemented with vitamin E (n=4) at the daily dose of 1.000 UI. Animals were submitted to an incremental exercise test (P1) on high-speed treadmill inclined +7%, after that to a training period of 20 days and later to a new incremental exercise test (P2). Analysis and interpretation of electrocardiographic tracings were performed regarding the rhythm, heart rate, duration and amplitude of waves and intervals, before, immediately after and 30 min after the incremental exercise. A reduction of the rest heart rate was observed after training. There was no effect of vitamin E supplementation on electrocardiographic parameters. Results indicated that the electrocardiogram was efficient in detention of cardiac alterations promoted by the physical exercise, but more studies are needed to elucidate its clinical meaning.
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