Ponent: Maria Puig de la Bellacasa / Presenta: Víctor Jorquera
Ponent: Maria Puig de la Bellacasa / Presenta: Víctor Jorquera
Ponent: Maria Puig de la Bellacasa / Presenta: Víctor Jorquera
Ponent: Maria Puig de la Bellacasa / Presenta: Víctor Jorquera
We have studied the structure and dipole charge-density response of nanorings as a function of the magnetic field using local-spin-density-functional theory. Two small rings consisting of 12 and 22 electrons confined by a positively charged background are used to represent the cases of narrow and wide rings. The results are qualitatively compared with experimental data existing on microrings and on antidots. A smaller ring containing five electrons is also analyzed to allow for a closer comparison with a recent experiment on a two-electron quantum ring.
We have employed time-dependent local-spin density-functional theory to analyze the multipole spin and charge density excitations in GaAs-AlxGa1-xAs quantum dots. The on-plane transferred momentum degree of freedom has been taken into account, and the wave-vector dependence of the excitations is discussed. In agreement with previous experiments, we have found that the energies of these modes do not depend on the transferred wave vector, although their intensities do. Comparison with a recent resonant Raman scattering experiment [C. Schüller et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 2673 (1998)] is made. This allows us to identify the angular momentum of several of the observed modes as well as to reproduce their energies
We have investigated the structure of double quantum dots vertically coupled at zero magnetic field within local-spin-density functional theory. The dots are identical and have a finite width, and the whole system is axially symmetric. We first discuss the effect of thickness on the addition spectrum of one single dot. Next we describe the structure of coupled dots as a function of the interdot distance for different electron numbers. Addition spectra, Hund's rule, and molecular-type configurations are discussed. It is shown that self-interaction corrections to the density-functional results do not play a very important role in the calculated addition spectra
A density-functional self-consistent calculation of the ground-state electronic density of quantum dots under an arbitrary magnetic field is performed. We consider a parabolic lateral confining potential. The addition energy, E(N+1)-E(N), where N is the number of electrons, is compared with experimental data and the different contributions to the energy are analyzed. The Hamiltonian is modeled by a density functional, which includes the exchange and correlation interactions and the local formation of Landau levels for different equilibrium spin populations. We obtain an analytical expression for the critical density under which spontaneous polarization, induced by the exchange interaction, takes place.
We investigate the spreading of 4He droplets on alkali-metal surfaces at zero temperature, within the frame of finite range density-functional theory. The equilibrium configurations of several 4HeN clusters and their asymptotic trend with increasing particle number N, which can be traced to the wetting behavior of the quantum fluid, are examined for nanoscopic droplets. We discuss the size effects inferring that the asymptotic properties of large droplets correspond to those of the prewetting film.
We compute the density-fluctuation spectrum of spherical 4HeN shells adsorbed on the outer surface of Cn fullerenes. The excitation spectrum is obtained within the random-phase approximation, with particle-hole elementary excitations and effective interaction extracted from a density-functional description of the shell structure. The presence of one or two solid helium layers adjacent to the adsorbing fullerene is phenomenologically accounted for. We illustrate our results for a selection of numbers of adsorbed atoms on C20, C60, and C120. The hydrodynamical model that has proven successful to describe helium excitations in the bulk and in restricted geometries permits to perform a rather exhaustive analysis of various fluid spherical systems, namely, spheres, cavities, free bubbles, and bound shells of variable size.
Integer filling factor phases of many-electron vertically coupled diatomic artificial quantum dot molecules are investigated for different values of the interdot coupling. The experimental results are analyzed within local-spin density functional theory for which we have determined a simple lateral confining potential law that can be scaled for the different coupling regimes, and Hartree-Fock theory. Maximum density droplets composed of electrons in both bonding and antibonding or just bonding states are revealed, and interesting isospin-flip physics appears for weak interdot coupling when the systematic depopulation of antibonding states leads to changes in isospin.