962 resultados para Sweet potato weevil


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Fungi of the genus Fusarium cause a variety of difficult to control diseases in different crops, including winter cereals and maize. Among the species of this genus Fusarium graminearum deserves attention. The aim of this work was to develop a semi-selective medium to study this fungus. In several experiments, substrates for fungal growth were tested, including fungicides and antibiotics such as iprodiona, nystatin and triadimenol, and the antibacterial agents streptomycin and neomycin sulfate. Five seed samples of wheat, barley, oat, black beans and soybeans for F. graminearum detection by using the media Nash and Snyder agar (NSA), Segalin & Reis agar (SRA) and one-quarter dextrose agar (1/4PDA; potato 50g; dextrose 5g and agar 20g), either unsupplemented or supplemented with various concentrations of the antimicrobial agents cited above. The selected components and concentrations (g.L-1) of the proposed medium, Segalin & Reis agar (SRA-FG), were: iprodiona 0.05; nystatin 0,025; triadimenol 0.015; neomycin sulfate 0.05; and streptomycin sulfate, 0.3 added of ¼ potato sucrose agar. In the isolation from seeds of cited plant species, the sensitivity of this medium was similar to that of NSA but with de advantage of maintaining the colony morphological aspects similar to those observed in potato-dextrose-agar medium.


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O Potato virus Y (PVY) e Pepper yellow mosaic virus (PepYMV) são as únicas espécies de potyvirus encontradas em pimenta e pimentão no Brasil. A região codificadora para a proteína capsidial de isolados de PepYMV e PVY coletados em pimentão, foi avaliada quanto à variabilidade e presença de motivos específicos aos potyvirus. A identidade da seqüência de aminoácidos na CP entre os isolados de PepYMV foi de 93% a 100%, enquanto que para os de PVY 94% a 98%. Entre os vírus esta variou de 73% a 79%. Foi observada variabilidade nas regiões conservadas da CP. Todos os isolados de PepYMV seqüenciados não apresentaram o motivo DAG na CP, relacionada a transmissão dos vírus por afídeos, enquanto que para as seqüências obtidas de PVY foi observada. Demais domínios como MVWCIENG, ENTERH, QMKAAA e PYMPRYG foram verificadas em ambas espécies.


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Fungi require special substrates for their isolation, vegetative growth and sporulation. In experiments conducted in the laboratory, the influence of substrates, light, filter paper and pH on the sporulation of Cercospora sojina conidia, the causal agent of soybean frogeye leaf spot, was assessed. The media potato sucrose agar, V-8 agar, tomato extract agar, soybean leaf extract agar, soybean seed extract agar, soybean meal agar, soybean flour agar and wheat flour agar were tested, added on the surface, with and without filter paper and under two light regimes, with 12 h light at 25°± 2°C and in the dark. A triple factorial 8x2x2 (substrates x light/dark x with/without filter paper) design with four replicates was used. V-8 agar medium was employed and the pH was adjusted with HCl 0.1N or NaOH 0.1N before autoclaving to the values: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, and the pH of V-8 agar medium is 6.7. The evaluation was done on the seventh day of incubation. Data underwent regression analysis. Sporulation was maximized on the agar media V-8, seed extract, oat flour, tomato extract, and potato sucrose in the presence of filter paper and 12h light. On V-8 medium, maximal sporulation was obtained with pH 6.7.


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Soybean target leaf spot, caused by the fungus Corynespora cassiicola, is controlled especially by leaf application of fungicides. In the last seasons, in the central-west region of Brazil, the disease chemical control efficiency has been low. This led to the hypothesis that the control failure could be due to the reduction or loss of the fungus sensitivity to fungicides. To clarify this fact, in vitro experiments were conducted to determine mycelial sensitivity of five C. cassiicola isolates to fungicides. Mycelial growth was assessed based on the growth of the mycelium on the culture medium, in Petri dishes. The medium potato-dextrose-agar was supplemented with the concentrations 0; 0.01; 0.1; 1; 10; 20 and 40 mg/L of the active ingredients carbendazim, cyproconazole, epoxiconazole, flutriafol and tebuconazole. The experiment was conducted and repeated twice in a controlled environment, temperature of 25±2ºC and photoperiod of 12 hours. Data on the percentage of mycelial inhibition were subjected to logarithmic regression analysis and the concentration that inhibits 50% of the mycelial growth (IC50) was calculated. Loss of sensitivity to carbendazim was observed for three fungal isolates, IC50 > 40 mg/L. Considering all five isolates, the IC50 for tebuconazole ranged from 1.89 to 2.80 mg/L, for epoxiconazol from 2.25 to 2.91, for cyproconazole from 9.21 to 20.32 mg/L, and for flutriafol from 0.77 to 2.18 mg/L. In the absence of information on the reference IC50 determined for wild isolates, the lowest values generated in our study can be used as standard to monitor the fungus sensitivity.


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ABSTRACTThe incidence and the levels of yield loss caused by the white mold of soybean (caused by the fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) have increased in areas of higher altitude at Cerrado and Southern Brazil, causing yield losses of up to 60%. The aim of this study was to select saprobic fungi with the potential to control the white mold of soybean. First, in vitroantagonism screening was carried out to test eight saprobic fungi against S. sclerotiorum. Assessment of S. sclerotiorum mycelial growth was done at four and seven days after its placement on the culture medium. The isolate showing greatest antagonistic effect in all tests/assessments was Myrothecium sp. An in vivo experiment was conducted in a greenhouse and growth chamber, where plants previously treated with eight saprobic fungi were artificially inoculated with S. sclerotiorum. The fungal culture medium (potato-dextrose) and the commercial resistance inducer acibenzolar-S-methyl were used as controls. In the in vivotests, severity of the white mold was assessed at 8, 14 and 21 days after inoculation. The highest reduction percentage in the lesion length was observed for the treatment with Myrothecium sp. (70%), which has the greater potential to be used as biocontrol agent of soybean under the conditions of this experiment.


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Astringency is traditionally thought to be induced by plant tannins in foods. Because of this current research concerning the mechanism of astringency is focused on tannin‐protein interactions and thus on precipitation, which may be perceived by mechanoreceptors. However, astringency is elicited by a wide range of different phenolic compounds, as well as, some non‐phenolic compounds in various foods. Many ellagitannins or smaller compounds that contribute to astringent properties do not interact with salivary proteins and may be directly perceived through some receptors. Generally, the higher degree of polymerization of proanthocyanidins can be associated with more intense astringency. However, the astringent properties of smaller phenolic compounds may not be directly predicted from the structure of a compound, although glycosylation has a significant role. The astringency of organic acids may be directly linked to the perception of sourness, and this increases along with decreasing pH. Astringency can be divided into different sub‐qualities, including even other qualities than traditional mouth‐drying, puckering or roughing sensations. Astringency is often accompanied by bitter or sour or both taste properties. The different sub‐qualities can be influenced by different astringent compounds. In general, the glycolysation of the phenolic compound results in more velvety and smooth mouthdrying astringency. Flavonol glycosides and other flavonoid compounds and ellagitannins contribute to this velvety mouthdrying astringency. Additionally, they often lack the bitter properties. Proanthocyanidins and phenolic acids elicit more puckering and roughing astringency with some additional bitter properties. Quercetin 3‐O‐rutinoside, along with other quercetin glycosides, is among the key astringent compounds in black tea and red currants. In foods, there are always various other additional attributes that are perceived at the same with astringency. Astringent compounds themselves may have other sensory characteristics, such as bitter or sour properties, or they may enhance or suppress other sensory properties. Components contributing to these other properties, such as sugars, may also have similar effects on astringent sensations. Food components eliciting sweetness or fattiness or some polymeric polysaccharides can be used to mask astringent subqualities. Astringency can generally be referred to as a negative contributor to the liking of various foods. On the other hand, perceptions of astringent properties can vary among individuals. Many genetic factors that influence perceptions of taste properties, such as variations in perceiving a bitter taste or variations in saliva, may also effect the perception of astringency. Individuals who are more sensitive to different sensations may notice the differences between astringent properties more clearly. This may not have effects on the overall perception of astringency. However, in many cases, the liking of astringent foods may need to be learned by repetitive exposure. Astringency is often among the key sensory properties forming the unique overall flavour of certain foods, and therefore it also influences whether or not a food is liked. In many cases, astringency may be an important sub‐property suppressed by other more abundant sensory properties, but it may still have a significant contribution to the overall flavour and thus consumer preferences. The results of the practical work of this thesis show that the astringent phenolic compounds are mostly located in the skin fractions of black currants, crowberries and bilberries (publications I–III). The skin fractions themselves are rather tasteless. However, the astringent phenolic compounds can be efficiently removed from these skin fractions by consecutive ethanol extractions. Berries contain a wide range of different flavonol glycosides, hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives and anthocyanins and some of them strongly contribute to the different astringent and bitterness properties. Sweetness and sourness are located in the juice fractions along with the majority of sugars and fruit acids. The sweet and sour properties of the juice may be used to mask the astringent and bitterness properties of the extracts. Enzymatic treatments increase the astringent properties and fermented flavour of the black currant juice and decrease sweetness and freshness due to the effects on chemical compositions (IV). Sourness and sweetness are positive contributors to the liking of crowberry and bilberry fractions, whereas bitterness is more negative (V). Some astringent properties in berries are clearly negative factors, whereas some may be more positive. The liking of berries is strongly influenced by various consumer background factors, such as motives and health concerns. The liking of berries and berry fractions may also be affected by genetic factors, such as variations in the gene hTAS2R38, which codes bitter taste receptors (V).


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo a produção hidropônica de morangos com resfriamento da solução nutritiva, em Jaboticabal - SP. O experimento foi conduzido no Setor de Plasticultura do Departamento de Engenharia Rural da FCAV/UNESP, Câmpus de Jaboticabal, em casa de vegetação coberta com filme de polietileno, sendo o transplantio realizado em 9-1-2002. Foram avaliadas duas variedades de morango: Campinas e "Sweet Charlie", cultivadas em sistema hidropônico tipo NFT, com ou sem resfriamento da solução nutritiva. A solução nutritiva resfriada foi mantida à temperatura de aproximadamente 12 ºC, por meio de um trocador de calor. A variedade "Sweet Charlie" apresentou melhores resultados para peso médio dos pseudofrutos, diâmetro médio longitudinal, diâmetro médio transversal, número médio de pseudofrutos e produtividade. O resfriamento da solução nutritiva conferiu maior número de pseudofrutos colhidos, maior produtividade e maior teor de sólidos solúveis totais aos pseudofrutos da variedade "Sweet Charlie". No entanto, o resfriamento da solução nutritiva não causou efeitos sobre a variedade Campinas.


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The Andean area of South America is a very important center for the domestication of food crops. This area is the botanical origin of potato, peanut and tomato. Less well- known crops, such as quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa), kañiwa (Chenopodium pallidicaule) and kiwicha (Amaranthus caudatus), were also domesticated by ancient Andean farmers. These crops have a long history of safe use with the local populations and they have contributed to the nutrition and wellbeing of the people for centuries. Several studies have reported the nutritional value of Andean grains. They contain proteins with a balanced essential amino acid composition that are of high biological value, good quality oil and essential minerals, for example iron, calcium and zinc. They are potential sources of bioactive compounds such as polyphenols and dietary fiber. The main objective of the practical work was to assess the nutritional value of Andean native grains with a special emphasis on the bioactive components and the impact of processing. The compounds studied were phenolic acids, flavonoids, betalains and dietary fiber. The radical scavenging activity was measured as well. Iron, calcium and zinc content and their bioavailability were analyzed as well. The grains were processed by extrusion with the aim to study the effect of processing on the chemical composition. Quinoa, kañiwa and kiwicha are very good sources of dietary fiber, especially of insoluble dietary fiber. The phenolic acid content in Andean crops was low compared with common cereals like wheat and rye, but was similar to levels found in oat, barley, corn and rice. The flavonoid content of quinoa and kañiwa was exceptionally high. Kiwicha did not contain quantifiable amounts of these compounds. Only one variety of kiwicha contained low amounts of betalains. These compounds were not detected in kañiwa or quinoa. Quinoa, kañiwa and kiwicha are good sources of minerals. Their calcium, zinc and iron content are higher than the content of these minerals in common cereals. In general, roasting did not affect significantly mineral bioavailability. On the contrary, in cooked grains, there was an increase in bioavailability of zinc and, in the case of kañiwa, also in iron and calcium bioavailability. In all cases, the contents of total and insoluble dietary fiber decreased during the extrusion process. At the same time, the content of soluble dietary fiber increased. The content of total phenolics, phytic acid and the antioxidant activity decreased in kiwicha varieties during the extrusion process. In the case of quinoa, the content of total phenolic compounds and the radical scavenging activity increased during the extrusion process in all varieties. Taken together, the studies presented here demonstrate that the Andean indigenous crops have excellent potential as sources of minerals, flavonoids and dietary fiber. Further studies should be conducted to characterize the phenolic compound and antioxidant composition in processed grains and end products. Quinoa, kañiwa and kiwicha grains are consumed widely in Andean countries but they also have a significant, worldwide potential as a new cultivated crop species and as an imported commodity from South America. Their inclusion in the diet has the potential to improve the intake of minerals and health-promoting bioactive compounds. They may also be interesting raw materials for special dietary foods and functional foods offering natural sources of specific health-promoting components.


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The knowledge of the evapotranspiration (ETc) and crop coefficient (Kc) is fundamental to plan and to manage the irrigation of any crop. The aim of this study was to determine the daily and hourly evapotranspiration of drip irrigated watermelon (Citrullus Lanatus, var. Crimson Sweet) and crop coefficient (Kc) in each crop development phase. The experiment was carried out in an experimental area of 1.27 ha of Embrapa Mid-North, localized in Parnaíba (02°54'S, 41°47'W and 46 m above of sea), State of Piauí, Brazil, from September to November, 2006. Electronic weighing lysimeters of 1.5 m x 1.5 m wide and long and 1.0 m deep were used to obtain the evapotranspiration. The plants were drip irrigated with a lateral row per plant row and drippers spaced 0.5 m from each other. The reference evapotranspiration (ETo) was estimated using the Penman-Monteith equation from the climatic data obtained by electronic sensors. The total evapotranspiration during the watermelon crop cycle cultivated in the state of Piauí was 233.87 mm, with mean values of 3.7 mm day-1, minimum of 1.18 and maximum of 8.14 mm day-1. The Kc of the drip irrigated watermelon was 0.18 in the initial stage of crop growth; 0.18 to 1.3, in crop development stage; 1.3 in the intermediate stage and 0.43 in the final stage.


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Although several studies have been conducted to evaluate the uniformity of water application under center pivot irrigation systems, there are few studies concerning the economic perspective of such coefficient. The aim of this study is to present a methodology to accomplish an economic analysis as support for the decision-making to retrofit emitters in center pivot irrigation systems, and to attribute an economic meaning to the uniformity coefficient of water application taking into account the response function productivity to the amount of water applied and the sale price of the crops. In the hypothetic calculation example considering the variation of revenue of potato crop under center pivot irrigation system, it was verified that the area with uniformity coefficient of water application of 90% brought an income increase of BR$ 1,992.00, considering an area about 1,0 ha. Thus, it can be concluded that the methodology presented has met the objectives proposed in the study and made it possible to attribute an economical meaning to the coefficient of water uniformity application.


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The effects of different weed management periods on potatoes were studied in three areas (Bailundo, Chianga and Calenga) of the central highlands of Angola and in three cropping seasons, from June 2005 to May 2007. Six weed-management treatments were used to identify critical periods of competition and to allow the development of more precise management recommendations. Total potato yield ranged from about 22 t ha-1 in weed-free plots to about 3 t ha-1 with no weed control a yield loss of 86%. Major weed species Galinsoga parviflora, Cyperus esculentus, Bidens biternata, Amaranthus hybridus, Nicandra physaloides, Portulaca oleracea and Datura stramonium differed from area to area. The species G. parviflora dominated the weed flora in all three areas 73, 97 and 72 plants m² 50 days after crop emergence in Bailundo, Chianga and Calenga respectively, in dry season trials; while C. esculentus was also present in Chianga and Calenga, with an average density of ca 30 plants m-2 in dry season trials. Gompertz and logistic equations were fitted to data representing increasing periods of weed-free growth and weed interference, respectively. Critical periods for weed control, with a 95% weed-free total yield, were estimated from 26 to 66 and from 20 to 61 days after emergence for the rainy and dry seasons, respectively. Weed competition before or after these critical periods had negligible effects on crop yield.


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Analysis of the latex from Manihot glaziovii showed the presence of various enzymatic and inhibitory activities. The latex also presented an inhibitory effect on the development of cowpea weevil (Callosobruchus maculatus) in an artificial seed system and on the development, in an in vitro assay, of phytopathogenic fungi Colletotrichum gloesporioides, Fusarium solani and Macrophomina phaseolina. These results suggest the presence of substances, some of them of protein nature, involved in plant defense mechanisms in this exudation product.


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A fenologia, a biologia floral e reprodutiva, e o sucesso reprodutivo de Polystachya estrellensis Rchb. f. e P. concreta (Jacq.) Garay & H.R. Sweet foram estudados em matas mesofíticas semidecíduas da Serra do Japi (Jundiaí, SP), e na planície litorânea de Picinguaba (Ubatuba, SP), respectivamente. Ambas as espécies florescem no verão. Elas são principalmente epífitas e produzem inflorescências terminais com até 150 flores não ressupinadas. As flores exalam odor cítrico suave, principalmente nas horas mais quentes do dia. Ambas as espécies foram polinizadas por pequenas abelhas nativas, solitárias e sociais, que coletam pseudopólen do labelo das flores. O polinário é depositado na face frontal da cabeça das abelhas, enquanto elas recolhem pseudopólen. Tanto P. estrellensis como P. concreta são autocompatíveis. A maioria das flores de P. estrellensis (96,7%) é cleistógama, enquanto P. concreta produz apenas flores casmógamas. As flores cleistógamas de P. estrellensis apresentam tamanho e número dos elementos florais igual ao das flores casmógamas, fenômeno conhecido como pseudocleistogamia. Todas as flores de P. concreta, assim como as flores casmógamas de P. estrellensis, necessitam de um polinizador para transferência de pólen. A taxa de frutificação de P. estrellensis em condições naturais é maior que em P. concreta, principalmente por causa do grande número de flores pseudocleistógamas produzidas. Em matas mesofíticas semidecíduas da Serra do Japi, onde a taxa de frutificação de várias espécies de orquídeas é baixa, principalmente devido à escassez de polinizadores, a estratégia apresentada por P. estrellensis é um fator que contribui para o sucesso reprodutivo da espécie, comparado com as Epidendroideae não autógamas que ocorrem na região.


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The intake of saccharin solutions for relatively long periods of time causes analgesia in rats, as measured in the hot-plate test, an experimental procedure involving supraspinal components. In order to investigate the effects of sweet substance intake on pain modulation using a different model, male albino Wistar rats weighing 180-200 g received either tap water or sucrose solutions (250 g/l) for 1 day or 14 days as their only source of liquid. Each rat consumed an average of 15.6 g sucrose/day. Their tail withdrawal latencies in the tail-flick test (probably a spinal reflex) were measured immediately before and after this treatment. An analgesia index was calculated from the withdrawal latencies before and after treatment. The indexes (mean ± SEM, N = 12) for the groups receiving tap water for 1 day or 14 days, and sucrose solution for 1 day or 14 days were 0.09 ± 0.04, 0.10 ± 0.05, 0.15 ± 0.08 and 0.49 ± 0.07, respectively. One-way ANOVA indicated a significant difference (F(3,47) = 9.521, P<0.001) and the Tukey multiple comparison test (P<0.05) showed that the analgesia index of the 14-day sucrose-treated animals differed from all other groups. Naloxone-treated rats (N = 7) receiving sucrose exhibited an analgesia index of 0.20 ± 0.10 while rats receiving only sucrose (N = 7) had an index of 0.68 ± 0.11 (t = 0.254, 10 degrees of freedom, P<0.03). This result indicates that the analgesic effect of sucrose depends on the time during which the solution is consumed and extends the analgesic effects of sweet substance intake, such as saccharin, to a model other than the hot-plate test, with similar results. Endogenous opioids may be involved in the central regulation of the sweet substance-produced analgesia.