1000 resultados para Survey intercultural


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This study aimed to assess the psychometric robustness of the French version of the Supportive Care Needs Survey and breast cancer (BC) module (SCNS-SF34-Fr and SCNS-BR8-Fr). Breast cancer patients were recruited in two hospitals (in Paris, France and Lausanne, Switzerland) either in ambulatory chemotherapy or radiotherapy, or surgery services. They were invited to complete the SCNS-SF34-Fr and SCNS-BR8-Fr as well as quality of life and patient satisfaction questionnaires. Three hundred and eighty-four (73% response rate) BC patients returned completed questionnaires. A five-factor model was confirmed for the SCNS-SF34-Fr with adequate goodness-of-fit indexes, although some items evidenced content redundancy, and a one-factor was identified for the SCNS-BR8-Fr. Internal consistency and test-retest estimates were satisfactory for most scales. The SCNS-SF34-Fr and SCNS-BR8-Fr scales demonstrated conceptual differences with the quality of life and satisfaction with care scales, highlighting the specific relevance of this assessment. Different levels of needs could be differentiated between groups of BC patients in terms of age and level of education (P < 0.001). The SCNS-SF34-Fr and SCNS-BR8-Fr present adequate psychometric properties despite some redundant items. These questionnaires allow for the crucial endeavour to design appropriate care services according to BC patients' characteristics.


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La Sra. Claire Kramsch, fins ara professora del Masachussets Institute of Technology, als Estats Units i actualment de la Universitat de Cornell, va ser convidada pel Departament de Didactica de la llengua i la Literatura a impartir un seminari sobre "Comunicació i interacció a la classe de llengua" i una conferéncia sobre l'aprenentatge del discurs intercultural, al mes de maig de 1989, de retorn deis " Etats Géneraux des Langues" de París, on hi presenta una ponéncia sobre l'avaluació.


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Interest in cognitive pretest methods for evaluating survey questionnaires has been increasing for the last three decades. However, analysing the features of the scientific output in the field can be difficult due to its prevalence in public and private institutes whose main mission is not scientific research. The aim of this research is to characterize the current state of scientific output in the field by means of two bibliometric studies for the period from 1980 to 2007. Study 1 analysed documents obtained from the more commonly used bibliographic databases. Study 2 supplemented the body of documents from Study 1 with documents from non-indexed journals, conference papers, etc. Results show a constant growth in the number of publications. The wide dispersion of publication sources, together with the highlighted role of the public and private institutions as centres of production, can also be identified as relevant characteristics of the scientific output in this field.


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Cold in-place recycling (CIR) has become an attractive method for rehabilitating asphalt roads that have good subgrade support and are suffering distress related to non-structural aging and cracking of the pavement layer. Although CIR is widely used, its use could be expanded if its performance were more predictable. Transportation officials have observed roads that were recycled under similar circumstances perform very differently for no clear reason. Moreover, a rational mix design has not yet been developed, design assumptions regarding the structural support of the CIR layer remain empirical and conservative, and there is no clear understanding of the cause-effect relationships between the choices made during the design/construction process and the resulting performance. The objective of this project is to investigate these relationships, especially concerning the age of the recycled pavement, cumulative traffic volume, support conditions, aged engineering properties of the CIR materials, and road performance. Twenty-four CIR asphalt roads constructed in Iowa from 1986 to 2004 were studied: 18 were selected from a sample of roads studied in a previous research project (HR-392), and 6 were selected from newer CIR projects constructed after 1999. This report summarizes the results of a comprehensive program of field distress surveys, field testing, and laboratory testing for these CIR asphalt roads. The results of this research can help identify changes that should be made with regard to design, material selection, and construction in order to lengthen the time between rehabilitation cycles and improve the performance and cost-effectiveness of future recycled roads.


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OBJECTIVE: The overall aim of this study was to discover how chaplains assess their role within ethically complex end-of-life decisions. METHODS: A questionnaire was sent to 256 chaplains working for German health care institutions. Questions about their role and satisfaction as well as demographic data were collected, which included information about the chaplains' integration within multi-professional teams. RESULTS: The response rate was 59%, 141 questionnaires were analyzed. Respondents reported being confronted with decisions concerning the limitation of life-sustaining treatment on average two to three times per month. Nearly 74% were satisfied with the decisions made within these situations. However, only 48% were satisfied with the communication process. Whenever chaplains were integrated within a multi-professional team there was a significantly higher satisfaction with both: the decisions made (p = 0.000) and the communication process (p = 0.000). Significance of the results: Although the results of this study show a relatively high satisfaction among surveyed chaplains with regard to the outcome of decisions, one of the major problems seems to reside in the communication process. A clear integration of chaplains within multi-professional teams (such as palliative care teams) appears to increase the satisfaction with the communication in ethically critical situations.


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A survey of 79 fields was conducted between December 1993 and January 1994, to determine the distribution and relative importance of species of the genus Cyperus, to justify developing management strategies in the southeastern of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Yellow and purple nutsedge were found in 43% and 9% respectively of the surveyed fields. Thirty eight per cent of the surveyed area showed a heavy infestation of yellow nutsedge, and in 90% of cases yellow nutsedge was invading fields cultivated with summer crops and associated with one or more of other seven perennial weeds, mainly bermudagrass.


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Summary: Mycobacteriosis: a review and survey in Flinland


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El nostre estudi consisteix a facilitar el desenvolupament, des d'una visió integral, d'un pla de ciutadania i immigració per a localitats de menys de 4.000 habitants amb un percentatge de població estrangera superior al 10 %. La nostra recerca es fa a partir d'un estudi de cas. En aquest projecte hem intentat aprofundir en la realitat de Sant Quintí de Mediona, fent un diagnòstic de tipus participatiu sobre els canvis experimentats pels processos migratoris en aquesta població i establint una priorització de les necessitats observades. Hem estudiat especialment la xarxa d'entitats que hi ha a la població i la seva obertura real que hi participin persones immigrades. A partir d'aquest estudi, s'ha elaborat i negociat un programa orientat al desenvolupament d'una ciutadania intercultural, basada en la convivència com a eix fonamental.


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El nostre estudi consisteix a facilitar el desenvolupament, des d'una visió integral, d'un pla de ciutadania i immigració per a localitats de menys de 4.000 habitants amb un percentatge de població estrangera superior al 10 %. La nostra recerca es fa a partir d'un estudi de cas. En aquest projecte hem intentat aprofundir en la realitat de Sant Quintí de Mediona, fent un diagnòstic de tipus participatiu sobre els canvis experimentats pels processos migratoris en aquesta població i establint una priorització de les necessitats observades. Hem estudiat especialment la xarxa d'entitats que hi ha a la població i la seva obertura real que hi participin persones immigrades. A partir d'aquest estudi, s'ha elaborat i negociat un programa orientat al desenvolupament d'una ciutadania intercultural, basada en la convivència com a eix fonamental.


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Selostus: Viljelymaiden savespitoisuuden alueellistaminen geostatistiikan ja pistemäisen tiedon avulla


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Selostus: Kolmas kevätviljapeltojen rikkakasvikartoitus