941 resultados para Surgical margins
Our objective was to review our 10-year experience of surgical resection for acute ischemic colitis (IC) and to assess the predictive value of previously reported risk-stratification methods.
OBJECTIVE: To describe the use of an endobronchial blocker (EBB) and to perform selective ventilation during pulmonary lobe resection via thoracotomy in a dog and report its accidental stapling in the resection site. STUDY DESIGN: Clinical case report. ANIMAL: One female dog with a suspected abscess or neoplasia of the right caudal pulmonary lobe. METHODS: One-lung ventilation was performed using a wire-guided EBB to seal the contaminated parenchyma and facilitate surgical access. The affected lung parenchyma was resected and the resection site was closed with staples. RESULTS: Lobar resection was performed successfully, but the loop of the EBB guide wire was inadvertently entrapped in the staple line of the lobectomy. Staples were removed to release the wire loop, and the resulting air leak caused loss of ventilation control until the parenchyma was re-sealed. CONCLUSIONS: We recommend removing the wire guide associate with the EBB after successful lung separation to avoid accidents that could have life-threatening consequences if not recognized. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: One-lung ventilation is useful to isolate healthy parenchyma from diseased parenchyma during lobectomy. Anesthesiologists and surgeons need to be aware of the potential complications associated with use of EBB.
The present report describes the clinical signs, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings, surgical procedure, pathological findings and follow-up in four cats with multiple meningiomas; three castrated male and one spayed female domestic shorthair indoor cats, ranging in age from 11 to 14 years. In three of four cats, clinical signs at presentation were suggestive of a focal lesion. Three cats had two meningiomas and one had four meningiomas. Most of the tumours were supratentorial, one arose from the tentorium and one was infratentorial. The duration of presenting signs before surgery ranged from 10 days to 11 months. Postoperative MRI revealed complete gross tumour removal in three cases. In one cat with two cranial fossa meningiomas, subtotal excision with a small basal remnant (2 x 2 mm) of the ventral part of one meningioma lying on the floor of the skull, was observed. Based on histopathological architecture, six tumours revealed features of a transitional subtype meningioma, and four of a meningotheliomatous meningioma. In each cat, the multiple meningiomas were all assigned to the same histopathological group. The preoperative presenting signs had resolved by the follow-up examinations 4 weeks after surgery in two cats. Long-term follow-up evaluation revealed that surgically-induced or exacerbated neurological deficits in two cats had completely or almost completely resolved within 8 weeks of surgery. All patients are still alive 12 to 21 months after surgery and no clinical signs of recurrence could be detected at that time.
The surgical technique for removal of tentorial meningiomas is described on six cats using a unilateral temporal supracerebellar transtentorial approach. Complete gross tumour resection was achieved in four of six cats. In one cat, only subtotal resection was achieved. One cat died shortly after surgery because of extensive cerebral haemorrhage. The surgical approach, combined with cisternal or ventricular cerebrospinal fluid puncture and an open-window technique (tumour fenestration and enucleation) provided sufficient visibility and tumour accessibility without excessive manipulation of the brain parenchyma. In all patients, a postoperative transient worsening of the clinical signs was observed. The neurological signs resolved with time with the exception of blindness in two cats. All five surviving cats were monitored for a mean follow-up time of 19 months (median 20 months; range 6-30 months). All patients died or were euthanased because of tumour regrowth within the follow-up period. Although challenging, surgical treatment is a useful therapeutic measure in the treatment of cats presenting with tentorial meningiomas.
A new image-guided microscope using augmented reality overlays has been developed. Unlike other systems, the novelty of our design consists in mounting a precise mini and low-cost tracker directly on the microscope to track the motion of the surgical tools and the patient. Correctly scaled cut-views of the pre-operative computed tomography (CT) stack can be displayed on the overlay, orthogonal to the optical view or even including the direction of a clinical tool. Moreover, the system can manage three-dimensional models for tumours or bone structures and allows interaction with them using virtual tools, showing trajectories and distances. The mean error of the overlay was 0.7 mm. Clinical accuracy has shown results of 1.1-1.8 mm.
PURPOSE: We evaluated the incidence of pathological findings of the ureter at cystectomy for transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder and assessed the usefulness of intraoperative frozen section examination of the ureter. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Histopathological findings of ureteral frozen section examination were compared to the corresponding permanent sections and the diagnostic accuracy of frozen section examination was evaluated. These segments were then compared to the more proximal ureteral segments resected at the level where they cross over the common iliac arteries. The histopathological findings of the ureteral segments were then correlated for upper urinary tract recurrence and overall survival. RESULTS: Transitional cell carcinoma or carcinoma in situ was found on frozen section examination of the distal ureter in 39 of 805 patients (4.8%) and on permanent sections in 29 (3.6%). In 755 patients the false-negative rate of frozen section examination of the ureters was 0.8%. Of the patients with carcinoma in situ diagnosed on the first frozen section examination 80% also had carcinoma in situ in the bladder. Transitional cell carcinoma or carcinoma in situ in the most proximally resected ureteral segments was found in 1.2% of patients. After radical cystectomy there was tumor recurrence in the upper urinary tract in 3% of patients with negative ureteral frozen section examination and in 17% with carcinoma in situ on frozen section examination. CONCLUSIONS: Routine frozen section examination of the ureters at radical cystectomy is only recommended for patients with carcinoma in situ of the bladder, provided the ureters are resected where they cross the common iliac arteries.
AIM: First to assess coagulation changes after surgery in children below 6 months of age. Second to detect differences attributable to the extent of surgery and postoperative infection. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Blood counts, haemoglobin concentration (Hb), haematocrit (Ht), prothrombine time (PT), activated partial thromboplastine time (aPTT) and thrombelastography (TEG) were studied pre- and 2+/-1/2 d postoperatively. Patients were divided in 3 groups. I: minor surgery without access to the abdomen or thorax (n=51); II: abdominal or thoracic interventions (n=24); III: abdominal surgery with postoperative sepsis (n=11). RESULTS: Preoperative values of Hb, Ht and INR were related to the age of the infant. Postoperatively clot strength and formation rate increased in gr. I (p<0.05). In gr. II, clot formation was initiated earlier (p<0.05) even though PT decreased (p<0.05). In group III, patients postoperatively developed a tendency for hypocoagulability in all TEG-parameters, but not in plasmatic coagulation. Postoperative TEG measurements were significantly inferior in gr. III when compared to gr. I and II. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest activation of whole blood coagulation in the uncomplicated postoperative period despite of a decrease in plasmatic coagulation. In sepsis, only thrombelastography, but not plasmatic coagulation was affected.
Introduction Low central venous oxygen saturation (ScvO2) has been associated with increased risk of postoperative complications in high-risk surgery. Whether this association is centre-specific or more generalisable is not known. The aim of this study was to assess the association between peri- and postoperative ScvO2 and outcome in high-risk surgical patients in a multicentre setting. Methods Three large European university hospitals (two in Finland, one in Switzerland) participated. In 60 patients with intra-abdominal surgery lasting more than 90 minutes, the presence of at least two of Shoemaker's criteria, and ASA (American Society of Anesthesiologists) class greater than 2, ScvO2 was determined preoperatively and at two hour intervals during the operation until 12 hours postoperatively. Hospital length of stay (LOS) mortality, and predefined postoperative complications were recorded. Results The age of the patients was 72 ± 10 years (mean ± standard deviation), and simplified acute physiology score (SAPS II) was 32 ± 12. Hospital LOS was 10.5 (8 to 14) days, and 28-day hospital mortality was 10.0%. Preoperative ScvO2 decreased from 77% ± 10% to 70% ± 11% (p < 0.001) immediately after surgery and remained unchanged 12 hours later. A total of 67 postoperative complications were recorded in 32 patients. After multivariate analysis, mean ScvO2 value (odds ratio [OR] 1.23 [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.01 to 1.50], p = 0.037), hospital LOS (OR 0.75 [95% CI 0.59 to 0.94], p = 0.012), and SAPS II (OR 0.90 [95% CI 0.82 to 0.99], p = 0.029) were independently associated with postoperative complications. The optimal value of mean ScvO2 to discriminate between patients who did or did not develop complications was 73% (sensitivity 72%, specificity 61%). Conclusion Low ScvO2 perioperatively is related to increased risk of postoperative complications in high-risk surgery. This warrants trials with goal-directed therapy using ScvO2 as a target in high-risk surgery patients.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: The decision to maintain intensive treatment in cardiac surgical patients with poor initial outcome is mostly based on individual experience. The risk scoring systems used in cardiac surgery have no prognostic value for individuals. This study aims to assess (a) factors possibly related to poor survival and functional outcomes in cardiac surgery patients requiring prolonged (> or = 5 days) intensive care unit (ICU) treatment, (b) conditions in which treatment withdrawal might be justified, and (c) the patient's perception of the benefits and drawbacks of long intensive treatments. METHODS: The computerized data prospectively recorded for every patient in the intensive care unit over a 3-year period were reviewed and analyzed (n=1859). Survival and quality of life (QOL) outcomes were determined in all patients having required > or =5 consecutive days of intensive treatment (n=194/10.4%). Long-term survivors were interviewed at yearly intervals in a standardized manner and quality of life was assessed using the dependency score of Karnofsky. No interventions or treatments were given, withhold, or withdrawn as part of this study. RESULTS: In-hospital, 1-, and 3-year cumulative survival rates reached 91.3%, 85.6%, and 75.1%, respectively. Quality of life assessed 1 year postoperatively by the score of Karnofsky was good in 119/165 patients, fair in 32 and poor in 14. Multivariate logistic regression analysis of 19 potential predictors of poor outcome identified dialysis as the sole factor significantly (p=0.027) - albeit moderately - reducing long-term survival, and sustained neurological deficit as an inconstant predictor of poor functional outcome (p=0.028). One year postoperatively 0.63% of patients still reminded of severe suffering in the intensive station and 20% of discomfort. Only 7.7% of patients would definitely refuse redo surgery. CONCLUSIONS: This study of cardiac surgical patients requiring > or =5 days of intensive treatment did not identify factors unequivocally justifying early treatment limitation in individuals. It found that 1-year mortality and disability rates can be maintained at a low level in this subset of patients, and that severe suffering in the ICU is infrequent.
Nail surgery is an integral part of dermatologic surgery. An in-depth knowledge of the anatomy, biology, physiology, and gross pathology of the entire nail unit is essential. In particular, knowledge of nail histopathology is necessary to perform diagnostic nail biopsies and other nail procedures correctly.
BACKGROUND: Recent studies have suggested that tenotomy and repair of the subscapularis tendon carried out for anterior approaches to the shoulder can be followed by failure of the tendon repair and by changes resulting in permanent loss of subscapularis function. We hypothesized that release of the subscapularis with use of a superficial osteotomy of the lesser tuberosity followed by repair of the two opposing bone surfaces would lead to consistent bone-to-bone healing, which would be possible to monitor radiographically, and would lead to satisfactory clinical and structural outcomes. METHODS: Thirty-nine shoulders in thirty-six consecutive patients who, at an average age of fifty-seven years, had undergone total shoulder replacement through an anterior approach involving an osteotomy of the lesser tuberosity were evaluated at an average of thirty-nine months. Assessment included a standardized interview and physical examination, scoring according to the system described by Constant and Murley, and imaging with conventional radiography and computed tomography to assess healing of the osteotomy site and changes in the subscapularis. RESULTS: The osteotomized tuberosity fragment healed in an anatomical position in all shoulders, and no cuff tendon ruptures were observed. At the time of follow-up, thirty-three (89%) of thirty-seven shoulders evaluated with a belly-press test had a negative result and twenty-seven (75%) of thirty-six shoulders evaluated with a lift-off test had an unequivocally normal result. Fatty infiltration of the subscapularis muscle increased after the operation (p < 0.0001) and was at least stage two in eleven (32%) of thirty-four shoulders. The fatty infiltration had progressed by one stage in eight (24%) of the thirty-four shoulders, by two stages in five shoulders (15%), and by three stages in two shoulders (6%). CONCLUSIONS: Osteotomy of the lesser tuberosity provides an easy anterior approach for total shoulder replacement and is followed by consistent bone-to-bone healing, which can be monitored, and good subscapularis function. In the presence of documented anatomical healing of the osteotomy site, postoperative fatty infiltration of the subscapularis muscle remains unexplained and needs to be investigated further as it is associated with a poorer clinical outcome.
Autogenous iliac crest has long served as the gold standard for anterior lumbar arthrodesis although added morbidity results from the bone graft harvest. Therefore, femoral ring allograft, or cages, have been used to decrease the morbidity of iliac crest bone harvesting. More recently, an experimental study in the animal showed that harvesting local bone from the anterior vertebral body and replacing the void by a radio-opaque beta-tricalcium phosphate plug was a valid concept. However, such a concept precludes theoretically the use of posterior pedicle screw fixation. At one institution a consecutive series of 21 patients underwent single- or multiple-level circumferential lumbar fusion with anterior cages and posterior pedicle screws. All cages were filled with cancellous bone harvested from the adjacent vertebral body, and the vertebral body defect was filled with a beta-tricalcium phosphate plug. The indications for surgery were failed conservative treatment of a lumbar degenerative disc disease or spondylolisthesis. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to report on the surgical technique, operative feasibility, safety, benefits, and drawbacks of this technique with our primary clinical experience. An independent researcher reviewed all data that had been collected prospectively from the onset of the study. The average age of the patients was 39.9 (26-57) years. Bone grafts were successfully harvested from 28 vertebral bodies in all but one patient whose anterior procedure was aborted due to difficulty in freeing the left common iliac vein. This case was converted to a transforaminal interbody fusion (TLIF). There was no major vascular injury. Blood loss of the anterior procedure averaged 250 ml (50-350 ml). One tricalcium phosphate bone plug was broken during its insertion, and one endplate was broken because of wrong surgical technique, which did not affect the final outcome. One patient had a right lumbar plexopathy that was not related to this special technique. There was no retrograde ejaculation, infection or pseudoarthrosis. One patient experienced a deep venous thrombosis. At the last follow up (mean 28 months) all patients had a solid lumbar spine fusion. At the 6-month follow up, the pain as assessed on the visual analog scale (VAS) decreased from 6.9 to 4.5 (33% decrease), and the Oswestry disability index (ODI) reduced from 48.0 to 31.7 with a 34% reduction. However, at 2 years follow up there was a trend for increase in the ODI (35) and VAS (5). The data in this study suggest that harvesting a cylinder of autograft from the adjacent vertebral body is safe and efficient. Filling of the void defect with a beta-tricalcium phosphate plug does not preclude the use of posterior pedicle screw stabilization.