957 resultados para Suco de uva : Antioxidante : Radicais livres


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An experiment was performed in order to evaluate the beta-glucuronidase activity in gastric juice and gastric mucosa of rats submitted to a protein-free diet. A group of 36 young adult male Wistar rats was fed a protein-free diet ad libitum for five weeks; a second group of 36 Wistar rats ingested a purified isocaloric 12,5% casein diet for the same period. The concentration of proteins in plasma, gastric juice and gastric glandular mucosa and the beta-glucuronidase activity in the gastric juice and gastric glandular mucosa were determined. Protein deficient rats had lower plasma protein concentrations and also lower protein concentrations in gastric juice and gastric mucosa. In these animals there was no significant change of beta-glucuronidase activity in the gastric juice, but there was a significant increase of the specific enzymatic activity in the gastric mucosa. The results suggest that protein restriction in young adult rats affects the gastric mucosa. The increase of the specific beta-glucuronidase activity might be due to heightened local catabolism or to a comparatively more severe protein depletion.


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A study was carried out, on both sexes, to determine the effects of chlorpropamide (DIABINESE) and glibenclamide (DAONIL) on patients with Type II diabetes using as metabolic parameters the following serum: glucose, amilase, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, free fatty acids. The results indicated that both drugs were potentially similar in relation to glycemia, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, and free fatty acids, in both sexes. Chlorpropamide was significantly more effective in reducing amilase activity in male diabetics than glibenclamide. The above mentioned hypoglycemiants did not reduce glycemia to basic levels in either masculine or feminine groups of diabetics.


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The antioxidant effect of plant extract has been an interesting issue for many researchers in past few years. Spices have been identified as products with large amounts of antioxidants, and rosemary is one the most studied spice. Studies have shown evidences that population with high intake of these substances have less incidence of coronary heart disease. The objective of this work was verify the antioxidant action of the commercial rosemary oleoresin Herbalox® (used to feed the pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) fish. The juveniles pacu were fed with isocaloric and isoproteic diets, for two groups the lipid source was soybean oil and for the another it was corn oil. For each group of the different lipid sources, rosemary extract Herbalox® (were added in one lot and on the other which was used as control. The results showed that the addition of rosemary extracts to the ration protected them against peroxidation, when compared with the control, the lipid source also have influence on these protection.


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Retinoic acid, which has been prescribed for some forms of acne since 1962, is subject to isomerization provoked by atmospheric oxygen and ambient light. Therefore it is very important to keep this material intact through the use of antioxidants. We tested two antioxidants: various concentrations of butylhydroxytoluene or BHT, widely used in cosmetic and dermatological preparations, and vitamin E, found in grape oil, an ingredient of skin lotion. Recently prepared lotions were subject to heat stress and the residual concentrations of retinoic acid determined at predetermined intervals through UV spectrophotometry. The shelf life of the various preparations were determined by the Arrhenius equation. The antioxidants helped conserve the retinoic acid, however, there was no synergism in antioxidant activity between the vitamin E in the grape seed oil and BHT.


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Some hypotheses and constants studies are made with intention to elucidate the aging process. To prevent and to attenuate the cutaneous aging it becomes necessary to strengthen our endogenous antioxidant natural defenses. Diverse exogenous antioxidant substances, as vitamins, vegetal extracts and others, have been used by the Cosmetology in antiaging products. The objective of this paper is to show how the Molecular Modeling can be an useful tool in the research for new antioxidant cosmetic substances to face the cutaneous aging.


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This paper is aiming to evaluate the effects of different levels of the aluminum on the growth of the Eucalyptus grandis x E. urophylla shoots cultivated in vitro. Evaluations were carried out on pH and chemicals modifications of the culture medium by Geochem program, polyamines contents (putrescine, espermidine e espermine) and acid phosphatase ativity on the shoots. The trial had a totally randomized design with four treatments and four replicates. The treatments were: 0.0, 6.75,13.50 and 27 mg.L -1 of AlCl 3.6H 2. Evaluations were carried out on the 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, 20th, 24th and 28th day of culture. The addition of the aluminium, in all concentrations, affected the culture medium ionic equilibrium, the morphology of the shoots, reduced the pH on the medium, induced an increase in polyamines content and higher acid phosphatase activity.


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This paper describes a chemical investigation (by high-speed counter-current chromatography) of an extract in methanol of the capitula (flower-heads) of the endemic Brazilian herb Leiothrix flavescens (Bong.) Ruhland (Eriocaulaceae). Fractionation of this extract by preparative chromatography and identification of the isolated compounds by spectrometric methods (IR, UV, ESI-MS, NMR) led to the identification of flavones (apigenin, luteolin and 6-methoxyluteolin) and 1,3-di-O-feruloyl glycerol. The antioxidant activity of the extract was determined by DPPH reduction and the total phenolic content by the Folin-Ciocalteau assay. It was found that the methanolic extract of L. flavescens possesses strong antioxidant activity. Additionally, the chemical profile provided useful data for a discussion of the taxonomy of the Eriocaulaceae.


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Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) is a spice from Lamiaceae family known since ancient times because its medicinal effects and, currently, several studies have pointed its antioxidant and antimicrobian effects. Lipid oxidation is a problem in food production because proceed the lost of organoleptical and nutritional qualities so required in Market. Fish salting is an ancient conservation method that expect reduce water activity and, consequently, microorganism growth in food, except halophillic bacteria. In the meantime, the inconvenient of this procedure is that the salt accelerates tissue's lipid oxidation. The aim of this work was evaluate the antioxidative and antimicrobian effects by treatment and pre treatment with rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) aqueous extract in dry salted tilapia fillets, storaged in freezing temperatures. To follow the oxidative, dry salted tilapia fillets were treated or pre treated with rosemary natural extract and storage at -18°C for 240 days. Analisys of 2-thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), soluble nitrogen in trichloroacetic acid (TCA), water activity and microbiology were done. The pre treatment (3.39±0,53) and the treatment with rosemary (3.31±0.79) had oxidative index twice lower than the control treatment (6.14±1.21) in the last time of the research. The microbiological rosemary analisys showed count levels of resistant microorganisms to salt (2.0×103CFU/g of sample), whom causes the initial fillets contamination. The microbiological counts remained invariable in all groups during storage periods.


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Stem cuts and seeds of Salvia officinalis were incubated on nutrient media for plantlets production and analysis of the total phenolic compounds, total flanovoids and antioxidant activity in micropropagated plants. Explants were obtained from seedlings and inoculated on MS with different concentrations of benzylaminopurine (BAP) and indolbutyric acid (IBA). After 30 and 60 days of incubation, the explants were scored for percentage of contaminated, dead and oxidized explants and mean bud numbers. For bud formation, the most efficient treatment was the medium containing BAP at 1 mg L-1, for the plantlet height the better medium was the control without the addition of plant regulator. IBA promoted the formation of few roots. Our results indicated that stem cuts incubated on media containing BAP and/or IBA did not increase the total flavonoid contents, but increased the total phenolics' by BAP and high antioxidant activity by 1 mg L-1 BAP.


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This article analyzes the short story Folha rota (1878) by Machado de Assis, taking to account the transformation process of the patriarchy, bearing in mind it's decadence within the increasing urbanization context through 19th century. From the representation of female characters and their everyday's life in the narrative, we discuss the violence experienced by free and poor women involved in the inherent power relations in that society. In this perspective, we intend to indicate an interpretation of literary work as an important device of social criticism, as much as, to give a contribution to an accurate comprehension of Machado de Assis's work, especially his short stories.


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This work aimed to characterize the proximate composition, antioxidant activity and fatty acids profile and tocopherol composition of the oil from Eugenia dysenterica DC seeds. To obtain the extract, the dehydrated and triturated seeds were extracted with ethyl alcohol for 30 minutes, at a proportion of 1:3 of seeds:ethyl alcohol, under continuous agitation at room temperature. Afterwards, the mixture was filtered and the supernatant was dehydrated at 40°C in order to determine by direct weighing the dry matter yield of the extract. The cagaita seeds showed to be an important source of total carbohydrates, had relevant antioxidant activity and a high content of total phenolic compounds. In comparison to other oils and fats, cagaita seeds oil do not constitutes a good source of tocopherols.


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The aim of this work was to critically assess the Brazilian regulations on fruit juices, with emphasis on ready-to-drink fruit juice. According to the Brazilian regulations, bottled fruit juices must follow specific regulations. They should be in accordance with the definition and designation that identify them, with the quality parameters established, and especially, follow the Brazilian food labeling regulations. The Brazilian regulations on bottled fruit juices have some gaps that promote their misunderstanding and marketing of substandard juices. Frequent changes, divergent labeling regulations and inappropriate use of expressions on the label can also lead to misinterpretation. Food regulations need to be clear and updated frequently if they are to be known and followed. Additionally, their wide dissemination should contribute to informed choices when buying.


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This paper discusses the process of induced elevation in the watertable adjacent to the hydroelectric reservoir after its filling, once the dam is completed and the impoundment of the river begins. It is presented a discussion on the main impacts caused by the installation of such enterprise, focusing on induced elevation, considering how the process of change in groundwater evolves and presenting synthesis of previous studies developed on this.


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The aim of this work was to develop an isotopic analysis method to quantify the carbon of C3 photosynthesis cycle in grape nectar and to identify the commercial beverages in disagreement to the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA) regulation. The nectars were produced in a laboratory, according to the Brazilian Law. Adulterated beverages with quantity of grape juice lower than the legal limit were also produced. Isotopic analysis measured the relative isotopic enrichment of grape nectar and its purified sugar fraction. Based on these results, it was possible to estimated the quantity of source C3 by means of isotopic dilution equation. To determine the existence of adulteration in commercial nectars, it was necessary to create a legal limit according to the Brazilian Law. One of the twelve commercial brands of nectar analyzed was classified as adulterated. The developed methodology proved to be efficient to quantify the carbon of C3 origin and identify the adulterated commercial grape nectar.