951 resultados para Subsurface drainage.


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O Aterro Metropolitano de Gramacho, considerado o maior da América Latina, teve encerradas as suas atividades de disposição de resíduos em meados de 2012. A disposição de resíduos no local foi realizada diretamente sobre o solo de fundação desde o início de sua operação (1978). Considerando-se que os contaminantes presentes no lixiviado podem migrar por difusão através da argila organo-salina do aterro e atingir o entorno, foi feita uma investigação da contaminação do solo no perímetro do aterro. Essa investigação foi realizada no líquido intersticial do solo e foi pautada em dois tipos de contaminantes: nitrogênio amoniacal e compostos orgânicos, medidos pelo parâmetro carbono orgânico total (COT). Além disso, foram também realizados ensaios de toxicidade aguda com a espécie Vibrio fischeri para avaliar a toxicidade no solo. Ensaios de sorção e difusão foram executados a fim de melhor compreender o comportamento dos contaminantes investigados. Os resultados apontaram baixos valores de nitrogênio amoniacal e de COT no solo. Os valores de nitrogênio amoniacal são considerados baixos, pois mesmo em amostras de solo da barreira lateral, que é situada próxima à antiga vala de drenagem de lixiviado, estes são menores que 1% do encontrado no lixiviado, indicando a adsorção do solo. Os ensaios de toxicidade aguda apontaram o efeito Hormesis nas amostras de líquido intersticial, indicando a possibilidade de presença de toxicidade crônica.


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Telhados verdes são uma alternativa interessante para mitigar o risco de enchentes dada a enorme área de telhados não utilizada das superfícies impermeáveis nas áreas urbanas. Graças a sua capacidade de armazenagem de água, os telhados verdes podem reduzir significativamente o pico de escoamento dos eventos de maior pluviosidade. Investigações sobre a composição de substratos baseados em materiais locais e projetos adequados para regiões climáticas tropicais são menos frequentes. Vegetação e substrato são elementos de um telhado verde que precisam ser adaptados para cada microclima e não universalizados. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o desempenho de diferentes composições de substratos baseados em solo local, biomassa de coco, condicionador de solo e componentes comerciais, com a finalidade de maximizar a capacidade de retenção da água de chuva e diminuir necessidades de manutenção. Um pré-ensaio de colunas avaliou a capacidade de retenção hídrica e a relação peso seco x peso úmido de 15 composições de substrato. As composições com melhores resultados constituíram os substratos S1(15% solo + 55% coco + 30%componentes comerciais), S2 (30% solo + 40% coco + 30%componentes comerciais) e S3 (60% solo + 10% coco + 30%componentes comerciais). A caracterização físico-química dos substratos, solo e fibra de coco foi realizada. Em seguida um teste de colunas avaliou a capacidade de retenção hídrica dos substratos sob duas condições de precipitação: uma leve (8,77 mm/h); e outra mais forte (42,0 mm/h). Os resultados apontaram que os substratos S2 e S3 apresentaram melhores resultados de retenção para ambas as intensidades de precipitação. Observou-se que S1, que apresentou melhor capacidade de retenção no pré-ensaio, teve desempenho inferior aos demais o que pode ser atribuído à maior concentração de fibra de coco na sua composição e o consequente surgimento de caminhos preferenciais ao longo do perfil da coluna, por onde a água escoou mais rapidamente. Em eventos de precipitação mais leve, os substratos reteram de 60 a 100% do total aplicado. Quando se aplicou uma intensidade de precipitação mais forte, a faixa de retenção ficou entre 40% e 59%. No entanto, as variáveis analisadas para avaliar a qualidade da água de escoamento dos substratos (pH, CE, P, NO3, NH4, Ca, Mg, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cr, Co, Ni) ficaram acima dos valores comumente encontrados na literatura, indicando que as composições aqui adotadas para os substratos podem implicar em uma fonte de poluição hídrica. Os substratos para uso em telhados verdes apresentados neste estudo atenderam seu objetivo quanto à retenção hídrica, mas a qualidade da água percolada torna seu uso inviável até o momento. Verificou-se a necessidade de estudar mais profundamente a qualidade da água lixiviada por cada componente dos substratos, individualmente, a fim de identificar as fontes dos elementos que presentes em concentrações elevadas tornam-se poluentes. Pode ser considerada a remoção de algum (s) dos componentes presentes na composição para se atingir um nível satisfatório de qualidade da água de escoamento.


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O processo de ocupação urbana da Baixada de Jacarepaguá a partir da década de 1970, promoveu inúmeros impactos ambientais que afetaram, de forma não uniforme, os diferentes grupos sociais, que habitam a região, e afetaram principalmente o meio ambiente, mais especificamente os recursos hídricos. A rápida e intensa ocupação urbana da região, impulsionada pela produção imobiliária, gerou inúmeros problemas ambientais, principalmente devido à precariedade nos serviços de saneamento. Diversos impactos se processam atualmente na rede de drenagem da Baixada de Jacarepaguá, os quais comprometem negativamente a qualidade de vida população que vive na região, assim como, do meio ambiente. Neste trabalho é avaliada a qualidade da água dos principais cursos dágua da bacia hidrográfica de Jacarepaguá, caracterizando o estado atual de degradação dos recursos hídricos da região a partir da análise dos dados referentes aos parâmetros de qualidade das águas, obtidos junto ao órgão ambiental estadual, no período compreendido entre os anos de 2003 e 2008. As variáveis estatísticas dos parâmetros foram determinadas, os resultados foram apresentados através dos gráficos boxplot e sua discussão foi realizada em consoante com a Resolução CONAMA 357/2005. Os cursos dágua da bacia de Jacarepaguá, em destaque aqueles avaliados neste trabalho expressam a degradação pela qual vem sofrendo em virtude das intervenções antrópicas que se projetam na bacia hidrográfica. Nota-se a partir, dos resultados para os parâmetros de qualidade de água avaliados que a poluição nos cursos dágua da baixada de Jacarepaguá que, possivelmente o principal aspecto da poluição hídrica é devido ao despejo de esgotos domésticos nos cursos dágua sem tratamento adequado.


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This is the first Annual report of the Cumberland River Authority on information of its activities and responsibilities on river management in its area between the beginning of April 1965, to the end of March 1966. The report contains 5 main sections on water resources, land drainage, fisheries, pollution, and finally the expenditure and income for the 12 month period. The first area that the report deals with is water resources, which includes periodical surveys, hydrometric schemes, acceptable flows, conservation works and a review of rainfall and river flow. The section on land drainage looks at work on improvement schemes, floods, charges and information on maintenance work carried out on rivers including Wampool, Waver, Marron, Irt, Esk, Eden, Caldew, Petteril, Eamont and Annas. The fisheries section covers 5 districts of the River Eden, Esk, Ellen, Derwent, and South West Cumberland. It includes angling information and a general report for salmon and sea trout, brown trout and freshwater fish. It also looks at fish hatchery, fisheries protection and byelaws including licence numbers issued for the different districts. The fourth section on pollution deals with water quality of the rivers and their tributaries from the same 5 areas mentioned above. It also covers information on sewage and trade effluents. The River Authorities preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the second Annual report of the Cumberland River Authority on information of its activities and responsibilities on river management in its area between the beginning of April 1966, to the end of March 1967. The report contains 5 main sections on water resources, land drainage, fisheries, pollution, and finally the expenditure and income for the 12 month period. The first area that the report deals with is water resources, which includes periodical surveys, hydrometric schemes, acceptable flows, conservation works and a review of rainfall and river flow. The section on land drainage looks at work on improvement schemes, floods, charges and information on maintenance work carried out on rivers including Wampool, Waver, Marron, Ellen, Derwent, Esk, Eden, Caldew, Petteril, Eamont, Gelt and Annas. The fisheries section covers 5 districts of the River Eden, Esk, Ellen, Derwent and South West Cumberland. It includes angling information and a general report for salmon and sea trout, Brown trout and freshwater fish. Fish disease and fish hatchery are also included as well as fisheries protection and byelaws. The fourth section on pollution deals with water quality and the results of samples taken from rivers Eden, Eamont, Caldew, Calder, Derwent, Ehen, Ellen, Wampool and Waver are also given. It also covers information on sewage and trade effluents. The River Authorities preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the third Annual report of the Cumberland River Authority on information of its activities and responsibilities on river management in its area between the beginning of April 1967, to the end of March 1968. The report contains 5 main sections on water resources, land drainage, fisheries, pollution, and finally the expenditure and income for the 12 month period. The first area that the report deals with is water resources, which includes periodical surveys, hydrometric schemes, acceptable flows, conservation works and a review of rainfall and river flow. The section on land drainage looks at work on improvement schemes, floods, charges and information on maintenance work carried out on rivers including Wampool, Waver, Glenderamackin, Marron, Eden, Caldew, and Lyvennet. The fisheries section covers 5 districts of the River Eden, Esk, Ellen, Derwent and South West Cumberland. It includes angling information and a general report for salmon and sea trout, brown trout and freshwater fish. Fish disease and fish hatchery are also covered as well as fisheries protection and licence duties. The fourth section on pollution deals with water quality, and the results of samples taken from rivers Eden, Eamont, Petteril, Caldew, Calder, Derwent, Ehen, Ellen, Wampool and Waver are also given. It also covers information on sewage and trade effluents. The River Authorities preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the fourth Annual report of the Cumberland River Authority on information of its activities and responsibilities on river management in its area between the beginning of April 1968, to the end of March 1969. The report contains 5 main sections on water resources, land drainage, fisheries, pollution, and finally the expenditure and income for the 12 month period. The first area that the report deals with is water resources, which includes periodical surveys, hydrometric schemes, acceptable flows, conservation works and a review of rainfall and river flow. The section on land drainage looks at work on improvement schemes, floods, charges and information on maintenance work carried out on rivers including Wampool, Waver, Marron, Ellen, Eden, Caldew, Esk, Annas, Irt and Glenderamackin. The fisheries section covers 5 districts of the River Eden, Esk, Ellen, Derwent and South West Cumberland. It includes angling information and a general report for salmon and sea trout, Brown trout and freshwater fish. Fish disease and fish hatchery are also covered as well as fisheries protection and licence duties. The fourth section on pollution covers water quality, and the results of samples taken from rivers Eden, Eamont, Petteril, Caldew, Calder, Derwent, Ehen, Ellen, Wampool and Waver are also given. It also covers information on sewage and trade effluents. The River Authorities preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the fifth Annual report of the Cumberland River Authority on information of its activities and responsibilities on river management in its area between the beginning of April 1969, to the end of March 1970. The report contains 5 main sections on water resources, land drainage, fisheries, pollution, and finally the expenditure and income for the 12 month period. The first area that the report deals with is water resources, wich includes periodical surveys, hydrometric schemes, acceptable flows, conservation works and a review of rainfall and river flow. The section on land drainage looks at work on improvement schemes, floods, charges and information on maintenance work carried out on rivers including Wampool, Waver, Derwent, Ellen, Mite, Bleng, Eden, Caldew and Petteril. The fisheries section covers 5 districts of the River Eden, Esk, Ellen, Derwent and South West Cumberland. It includes angling information and a general report for salmon and sea trout, brown trout and freshwater fish. Fish disease and fish hatchery are also covered as well as fisheries protection and licence duties. The fourth section on pollution deals with water quality, and the results of samples taken from rivers Eden, Eamont, Petteril, Caldew, Calder, Bleng, Derwent, Ehen, Ellen, Wampool and Waver are also given. It also covers information on sewage and trade effluents. The River Authorities preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the sixth Annual report of the Cumberland River Authority on information of its activities and responsibilities on river management in its area between the beginning of April 1970, to the end of March 1971. The report contains 5 main sections on water resources, land drainage, fisheries, pollution, and finally the expenditure and income for the 12 month period. The first area that the report deals with is water resources, which includes periodical surveys, hydrometric schemes, acceptable flows, conservation works and a review of rainfall and river flow. The section on land drainage looks at work on improvement schemes, floods, charges and information on maintenance work carried out on rivers including Wampool, Waver, Derwent, Eden, Mite, Bleng, Annas and Irt. The fisheries section covers 5 districts of the River Eden, Esk, Ellen, Derwent and South West Cumberland. It includes angling information and a general report for salmon and sea trout, brown trout and freshwater fish. Fish disease and fish hatchery are also covered as well as fisheries protection and licence duties. The fourth section on pollution deals with water quality, and the results of samples taken from rivers Eden, Eamont, Petteril, Caldew, Calder, Irt, Derwent, Ehen, Ellen, Wampool and Waver are also given. It also covers information on sewage and trade effluents. The River Authorities preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the seventh Annual report of the Cumberland River Authority on information of its activities and responsibilities on river management in its area between the beginning of April 1971, to the end of March 1972. The report contains 5 main sections on water resources, land drainage, fisheries, pollution, and finally the expenditure and income for the 12 month period. The first area that the report deals with is water resources, which includes periodical surveys, hydrometric schemes, acceptable flows, conservation works and a review of rainfall and river flow. The section on land drainage looks at work on improvement schemes, floods, charges and information on maintenance work carried out on rivers including Wampool, Waver, Derwent and Eden. The fisheries section covers 5 districts of the River Eden, Esk, Ellen, Derwent and South West Cumberland. It includes angling information and a general report for salmon and sea trout, brown trout and freshwater fish. Fish disease and fish hatchery are also covered as well as fisheries protection and licence duties. The fourth section on pollution deals with water quality, and the results of samples taken for chemical analysis from rivers Eden, Eamont, Petteril, Caldew, Calder, Irthing, Esk, Irt, Mite, Derwent, Ehen, Wampool and Waver are also given. It also covers information on sewage and trade effluents. The River Authorities preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the eighth Annual report of the Cumberland River Authority on information of its activities and responsibilities on river management in its area between the beginning of April 1972, to the end of March 1973. The report contains 5 main sections on water resources, land drainage, fisheries, pollution, and finally the expenditure and income for the 12 month period. The first area that the report deals with is water resources, including periodical surveys, hydrometric schemes, acceptable flows, conservation works and a review of rainfall and river flow. The section on land drainage looks at work on improvement schemes, floods, charges and information on maintenance work carried out on rivers including Wampool, Waver, Derwent, Eden and Caldew. The fisheries section covers 5 districts of the River Eden, Esk, Ellen, Derwent and South West Cumberland. It includes angling information and a general report for salmon and sea trout, brown trout and freshwater fish. Fish disease and fish hatchery are also covered as well as fisheries protection and licence duties. The fourth section on pollution deals with water quality, and the results of samples taken for chemical analysis from rivers Eden, Eamont, Leith, Lowther, Lyne, Petteril, Caldew, Calder, Irthing, Esk, Irt, Mite, Derwent, Ehen, Ellen, Annas, Wampool and Waver are also given. It also covers information on sewage and trade effluents. The River Authorities preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the ninth Annual report of the Cumberland River Authority on information of its activities and responsibilities on river management in its area between the beginning of April 1973, to the end of March 1974. The report contains 5 main sections on water resources, land drainage, fisheries, pollution, and finally the expenditure and income for the 12 month period. The first area that the report deals with is water resources, which includes periodical surveys, hydrometric schemes, acceptable flows, conservation works and a review of rainfall and river flow. The section on land drainage looks at work on improvement schemes, floods, charges and information on maintenance work carried out on rivers including Wampool, Waver, Glenderamackin and Lyvennet. The fisheries section covers 5 districts of the River Eden, Esk, Ellen, Derwent and South West Cumberland. It includes angling information and a general report for salmon and sea trout, brown trout and freshwater fish. Fish disease and fish hatchery are also covered as well as fisheries protection and licence duties. The fourth section on pollution deals with water quality, and the results of samples taken for chemical analysis from rivers Eden, Eamont, Leith, Lowther, Lyne, Petteril, Caldew, Calder, Marron, Irthing, Esk, Irt, Mite, Derwent, Ehen, Ellen, Annas, Wampool and Waver are also given. It also covers information on sewage and trade effluents. The River Authorities preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the ninth Annual report of the Cumberland River Board on information of its activities and responsibilities on river management in its area between the beginning of April 1959, to the end of March 1960. The report contains 5 main sections on water resources, land drainage, fisheries, pollution, and finally the expenditure and income for the 12 month period. The first area that the report deals with is water resources, which includes information on the completion of a gauging station on the River Eden, and an approval for a similar station on the River Derwent. It also gives information on rainfall and river flow. The section on land drainage looks at work on improvement schemes and information on maintenance work carried out on rivers including Wampool, Waver, Wiza, Ellen, Cocker, Irt, Esk, Annas, Marron, Eden, Eamont, Caldew and Petteril. The fisheries section covers 4 districts of the River Eden, Esk, Derwent and South West Cumberland. It includes angling information and a general report for salmon and sea trout, brown trout and freshwater fish. Fish disease and fish hatchery are also covered as well as re-stocking and fisheries protection. The fourth section on pollution deals with water quality and information on sewage and trade effluents. The River Boards preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the tenth Annual report of the Cumberland River Board on information of its activities and responsibilities on river management in its area between the beginning of April 1960, to the end of March 1961. The report contains 5 main sections on water resources, land drainage, fisheries, pollution, and finally the expenditure and income for the 12 month period. The first area that the report deals with is water resources, which includes information on the completion of gauging stations on the River Derwent and Eamont, and the building of a similar station on the River Esk. It also gives information on rainfall and river flow. The section on land drainage looks at work on improvement schemes and information on maintenance work carried out on rivers including Wampool, Waver, Wiza, Ellen, Cocker, Irt, Annas, Mite, Ehen, Marron, Eden, Caldew and Petteril. The fisheries section covers 5 districts of the River Eden, Esk, Derwent, Ellen and South West Cumberland. It includes angling information and a general report for salmon and sea trout, brown trout and freshwater fish. Fish disease and fish hatchery are also covered as well as re-stocking and fisheries protection. The fourth section on pollution deals with water quality and information on sewage and trade effluents. The River Boards preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the eleventh Annual report of the Cumberland River Board on information of its activities and responsibilities on river management in its area between the beginning of April 1961, to the end of March 1962. The report contains 5 main sections on water resources, land drainage, fisheries, pollution, and finally the expenditure and income for the 12 month period. The first area that the report deals with is water resources, which includes information on the building of gauging stations, abstraction of water, and rainfall and river flow. The section on land drainage looks at work on improvement schemes and information on maintenance work carried out on rivers including Wampool, Waver, Wiza, Ellen, Cocker, Irt, Mite, Keekle, Eden, Esk, Caldew and Petteril. The fisheries section covers 5 districts of the River Eden, Esk, Derwent, Ellen and South West Cumberland. It includes angling information and a general report for salmon and sea trout, Brown trout and freshwater fish. Fish disease and fish hatchery are also covered as well as Byelaws and fisheries protection. The fourth section on pollution deals with water quality and information on sewage and trade effluents. The River Boards preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.