980 resultados para Sr (x) Ba (1-x) SnO3 e BaSnO3


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Thermokarst lakes in the Siberian Arctic contain sediment archives that can be used for paleoenvironmental inference. Until now, however, there has been no study from the inner Lena River Delta with a focus on diatoms. The objective of this study was to investigate how the diatom community in a thermokarst lake responded to past limnogeological changes and what specific factors drove variations in the diatom assemblage. We analysed fossil diatom species, organic content, grain-size distribution and elemental composition in a sediment core retrieved in 2009 from a shallow thermokarst lake in the Arga Complex, western Lena River Delta. The core contains a 3,000-year record of sediment accumulation. Shifts in the predominantly benthic and epiphytic diatom species composition parallel changes in sediment characteristics. Paleoenvironmental and limnogeological development, inferred from multiple biological and sedimentological variables, are discussed in the context of four diatom zones, and indicate a strong relation between changes in the diatom assemblage and thermokarst processes. We conclude that limnogeological and thermokarst processes such as lake drainage, rather than direct climate forcing, were the main factors that altered the aquatic ecosystem by influencing, for example, habitat availability, hydrochemistry, and water level.


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Bulk chemical fine-grained sediment compositions from southern Victoria Land glacimarine sediments provide significant constraints on the reconstruction of sediment provenance models in the McMurdo Sound during Late Cenozoic time. High-resolution (~ 1 ka) geochemical data were obtained with a non-destructive AVAATECH XRF Core Scanner (XRF-CS) on the 1285 m long ANDRILL McMurdo Ice Shelf Project (MIS) sediment core AND-1B. This data set is complemented by high-precision chemical analyses (XRF and ICP-OES) on discrete samples. Statistical analyses reveal three geochemical facies which are interpreted to represent the following sources for the sediments recovered in the AND-1B core: 1) local McMurdo Volcanic Group (MVG) rocks, 2) Transantarctic Mountain rocks west of Ross Island (W TAM), and 3) Transantarctic Mountain rocks from more southerly areas (S TAM). Data indicate in combination with other sediment facies analyses (McKay et al., 2009, doi:10.1130/B26540.1) and provenance scenarios (Talarico and Sandroni, 2009, doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2009.04.007) that diamictites at the drill site are largely dominated by local sources (MVG) and are interpreted to indicate cold polar conditions with dry-based ice. MVG is interpreted to indicate cold polar condition with dry-based ice. A mixture of MVG and W TAM is interpreted to represent polar conditions and the S TAM facies is interpreted to represent open-marine conditions. Down-core variations in geochemical facies in the AND-1B core are interpreted to represent five major paleoclimate phases over the past 14 Ma. Cold polar conditions with major MVG influence occur below 1045 mbsf and above 120 mbsf. A section of warmer climate conditions with extensive peaks of S TAM influence characterizes the rest of the core, which is interrupted by a section from 525 to 855 mbsf of alternating influences of MVG and W TAM.


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Die XRF-Daten wurden an Archivhälften der Schwerelotkerne GeoB4402-2 und GeoB4407-3 erhoben, die am Nordwest-Hang des Ceará-Rückens gezogen wurden. Der Ceará-Rücken liegt im westlichen, äquatorialen Atlantik im Ablagerungsgebiet des Amazonas. Die Messdaten wurden mit dem XRF-Kern-Scanner "CORETEX (Corescanner Texel)" im Marum in Bremen erhoben, der auf dem Prinzip der Röntgenfluoreszenzanalyse beruht (gemessene Auflösung: 1 cm). Der Sedimenteintrag, speziell der Eintrag von terrigenem Material (durch Verwitterung entstandenes Material auf den Kontinenten), in die Ozeane ist ein immer noch schlecht verstandener Prozess, der aber für eine Vielzahl von geologischen Fragestellungen von entscheidender Bedeutung ist. Der terrigene Sedimenteintrag am Ceará-Rücken ist nahezu ausschließlich vom Amazonas geprägt. Die abgelagerten Sedimente auf dem Ceará-Rücken können als Zwei-Komponentensystem beschrieben werden. Eine Quelle ist der terrigene Eintrag aus dem Amazonas. Die zweite Quelle ist biogenes Kalziumkarbonat, dass vom kalkigen Plankton (vor allem Coccolithophoriden und zum Teil Foraminiferen) aus der oberen Wassersäule stammt. Heutzutage ist der westliche, tropische Atlantik die Hauptpassage des Transfers von warmem Oberflächenwasser vom Süd- in den Nordatlantik. Die Abgabe von Wärme und Feuchtigkeit aus den Tropen könnte im Zusammenhang mit kurzfristigen Klimawechseln stehen. Untersuchungen an Hand von Aufzeichnungen aus der nördlichen Hemisphäre weisen darauf hin, dass kurzfristige Klimaschwankungen der Nordhemisphäre zu Veränderungen der atmosphärischen Zirkulation in niedrigen Breiten auf einer Zeitskala von nur wenigen Tausenden Jahren führen können. Eine wichtige Frage dabei ist, wie der spätpleistozäne Eintrag von Terrigen-Material durch den Amazonas gesteuert ist durch Klimaschwankungen in den Tropen in Wechselwirkung mit den Vereisungs- und Abschmelzphasen der Nordhemisphäre. Hierbei sind sowohl die Glazial-Interglazial Zyklen als auch kurzfristige Klimaschwankungen wie die Dansgaard-Oeschger-Zyklen und die mit ihnen verbundenen Heinrich-Ereignisse von Bedeutung.


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Three distinct, spatially separated crustal terranes have been recognised in the Shackleton Range, East Antarctica: the Southern, Eastern and Northern Terranes. Mafic gneisses from the Southern Terrane provide geochemical evidence for a within-plate, probably back-arc origin of their protoliths. A plume-distal ridge origin in an incipient ocean basin is the favoured interpretation for the emplacement site of these rocks at c. 1850 Ma, which, together with a few ocean island basalts, were subsequently incorporated into an accretionary continental arc/supra-subduction zone tectonic setting. Magmatic underplating resulted in partial melting of the lower crust, which caused high-temperature granulite-facies metamorphism in the Southern Terrane at c. 1710-1680 Ma. Mafic and felsic gneisses there are characterised by isotopically depleted, positive Nd and Hf initials and model ages between 2100 and 2000 Ma. They may be explained as juvenile additions to the crust towards the end of the Palaeoproterozoic. These juvenile rocks occur in a narrow, c. 150 km long E-W trending belt, inferred to trace a suture that is associated with a large Palaeoproterozoic accretionary orogenic system. The Southern Terrane contains many features that are similar to the Australo-Antarctic Mawson Continent and may be its furthermost extension into East Antarctica. The Eastern Terrane is characterised by metagranitoids that formed in a continental volcanic arc setting during a late Mesoproterozoic orogeny at c. 1060 Ma. Subsequently, the rocks experienced high-temperature metamorphism during Pan-African collisional tectonics at 600 Ma. Isotopically depleted zircon grains yielded Hf model ages of 1600-1400 Ma, which are identical to Nd model ages obtained from juvenile metagranitoids. Most likely, these rocks trace the suture related to the amalgamation of the Indo-Antarctic and West Gondwana continental blocks at ~600 Ma. The Eastern Terrane is interpreted as the southernmost extension of the Pan-African Mozambique/Maud Belt in East Antarctica and, based on Hf isotope data, may also represent a link to the Ellsworth-Whitmore Mountains block in West Antarctica and the Namaqua-Natal Province of southern Africa. Geochemical evidence indicates that the majority of the protoliths of the mafic gneisses in the Northern Terrane formed as oceanic island basalts in a within-plate setting. Subsequently the rocks were incorporated into a subduction zone environment and, finally, accreted to a continental margin during Pan-African collisional tectonics. Felsic gneisses there provide evidence for a within-plate and volcanic arc/collisional origin. Emplacement of granitoids occurred at c. 530 Ma and high-temperature, high-pressure metamorphism took place at 510-500 Ma. Enriched Hf and Nd initials and Palaeoproterozoic model ages for most samples indicate that no juvenile material was added to the crust of the Northern Terrane during the Pan-African Orogeny but recycling of older crust or mixing of crustal components of different age must have occurred. Isotopically depleted mafic gneisses, which are spatially associated with eclogite-facies pyroxenites, yielded late Mesoproterozoic Nd model ages. These rocks occur in a narrow, at least 100 km long, E-W trending belt that separates alkaline ocean island metabasalts and within-plate metagranitoids from volcanic arc metabasalts and volcanic arc/syn-collisional metagranitoids in the Northern Terrane. This belt is interpreted to trace the late Neoproterozoic/early Cambrian Pan-African collisional suture between the Australo-Antarctic and the combined Indo-Antarctic/West Gondwana continental blocks that formed during the final amalgamation of Gondwana.