990 resultados para Spin squeezing
The paper addresses the role played by research-based spin-offs (RBSOs) as knowledge dissemination mechanisms, through their position in knowledge networks. For this purpose the paper analyses the formal networks established by Portuguese RBSOs, in the context of publicly funded research, technology and pre-commercial product development projects, and investigates their configuration across two levels. At organisational level, in order to understand whether RBSOs extend their reach beyond the academic sphere; and if they do, whether they connect to organisations located downstream in the knowledge value chain, and which is their position in networks involving both research organisations and other firms. At spatial level, in order to understand whether RBSOs extend their reach beyond the region where they are created, thus potentially acting as connectors between diverse regions. The analysis starts from the population of RBSOs created in Portugal until 2007 (327 firms) and identifies those that have established formal technological relationships, as part of projects funded by all the relevant programmes launched in the period 1993-2012. As a result, the analysis encompasses 192 collaborative projects and involves 82 spin-offs and 281 partners, of which only 20% are research organisations, the remaining being other firms and a variety of other downstream organisations. The results, although still preliminary, provide some insights into the knowledge networking behaviour of the RBSOs. As expected, research organisations are a central actor in spin-offs’ networks, being the sole partner for some of them. But half of the RBSOs have moved beyond the academic sphere, being frequently a central element in tripartite technological relationships between research and other organisations, and occupying an intermediation position in the network, thus potentially acting as facilitators in knowledge circulation and transformation. Also as expected, RBSOs are predominantly located in the main metropolitan areas and tend to relate with organisations similarly located. But while geographical proximity emerges as important in the choice of partners, in about half of the cases, RBSOs knowledge networks have extended beyond regional boundaries. Given their central position in the network, this suggests a role as connectors across regions that will be explored in subsequent research.
We theoretically explore atomic Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) subject to position-dependent spin-orbit coupling (SOC). This SOC can be produced by cyclically laser coupling four internal atomic ground (or metastable) states in an environment where the detuning from resonance depends on position. The resulting spin-orbit coupled BEC (SOBEC) phase separates into domains, each of which contain density modulations-stripes-aligned either along the x or y direction. In each domain, the stripe orientation is determined by the sign of the local detuning. When these stripes have mismatched spatial periods along domain boundaries, non-trivial topological spin textures form at the interface, including skyrmions-like spin vortices and anti-vortices. In contrast to vortices present in conventional rotating BECs, these spin-vortices are stable topological defects that are not present in the corresponding homogenous stripe-phase SOBECs.
We report the suitability of an Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen entanglement source for Gaussian continuous-variable quantum key distribution at 1550 nm. Our source is based on a single continuous-wave squeezed vacuum mode combined with a vacuum mode at a balanced beam splitter. Extending a recent security proof, we characterize the source by quantifying the extractable length of a composable secure key from a finite number of samples under the assumption of collective attacks. We show that distances in the order of 10 km are achievable with this source for a reasonable sample size despite the fact that the entanglement was generated including a vacuum mode. Our security analysis applies to all states having an asymmetry in the field quadrature variances, including those generated by superposition of two squeezed modes with different squeezing strengths.
Frustrated systems, typically characterized by competing interactions that cannot all be simultaneously satisfied, are ubiquitous in nature and display many rich phenomena and novel physics. Artificial spin ices (ASIs), arrays of lithographically patterned Ising-like single-domain magnetic nanostructures, are highly tunable systems that have proven to be a novel method for studying the effects of frustration and associated properties. The strength and nature of the frustrated interactions between individual magnets are readily tuned by design and the exact microstate of the system can be determined by a variety of characterization techniques. Recently, thermal activation of ASI systems has been demonstrated, introducing the spontaneous reversal of individual magnets and allowing for new explorations of novel phase transitions and phenomena using these systems. In this work, we introduce a new, robust material with favorable magnetic properties for studying thermally active ASI and use it to investigate a variety of ASI geometries. We reproduce previously reported perfect ground-state ordering in the square geometry and present studies of the kagome lattice showing the highest yet degree of ordering observed in this fully frustrated system. We consider theoretical predictions of long-range order in ASI and use both our experimental studies and kinetic Monte Carlo simulations to evaluate these predictions. Next, we introduce controlled topological defects into our square ASI samples and observe a new, extended frustration effect of the system. When we introduce a dislocation into the lattice, we still see large domains of ground-state order, but, in every sample, a domain wall containing higher energy spin arrangements originates from the dislocation, resolving a discontinuity in the ground-state order parameter. Locally, the magnets are unfrustrated, but frustration of the lattice persists due to its topology. We demonstrate the first direct imaging of spin configurations resulting from topological frustration in any system and make predictions on how dislocations could affect properties in numerous materials systems.
Background: The aim of this study was the evaluation of a fast Gradient Spin Echo Technique (GraSE) for cardiac T2-mapping, combining a robust estimation of T2 relaxation times with short acquisition times. The sequence was compared against two previously introduced T2-mapping techniques in a phantom and in vivo. Methods: Phantom experiments were performed at 1.5 T using a commercially available cylindrical gel phantom. Three different T2-mapping techniques were compared: a Multi Echo Spin Echo (MESE; serving as a reference), a T2-prepared balanced Steady State Free Precession (T2prep) and a Gradient Spin Echo sequence. For the subsequent in vivo study, 12 healthy volunteers were examined on a clinical 1.5 T scanner. The three T2-mapping sequences were performed at three short-axis slices. Global myocardial T2 relaxation times were calculated and statistical analysis was performed. For assessment of pixel-by-pixel homogeneity, the number of segments showing an inhomogeneous T2 value distribution, as defined by a pixel SD exceeding 20 % of the corresponding observed T2 time, was counted. Results: Phantom experiments showed a greater difference of measured T2 values between T2prep and MESE than between GraSE and MESE, especially for species with low T1 values. Both, GraSE and T2prep resulted in an overestimation of T2 times compared to MESE. In vivo, significant differences between mean T2 times were observed. In general, T2prep resulted in lowest (52.4 +/- 2.8 ms) and GraSE in highest T2 estimates (59.3 +/- 4.0 ms). Analysis of pixel-by-pixel homogeneity revealed the least number of segments with inhomogeneous T2 distribution for GraSE-derived T2 maps. Conclusions: The GraSE sequence is a fast and robust sequence, combining advantages of both MESE and T2prep techniques, which promises to enable improved clinical applicability of T2-mapping in the future. Our study revealed significant differences of derived mean T2 values when applying different sequence designs. Therefore, a systematic comparison of different cardiac T2-mapping sequences and the establishment of dedicated reference values should be the goal of future studies.
The subject of quark transverse spin and transverse momentum distribution are two current research frontier in understanding the spin structure of the nucleons. The goal of the research reported in this dissertation is to extract new information on the quark transversity distribution and the novel transverse-momentum-dependent Sivers function in the neutron. A semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering experiment was performed at the Hall A of the Jefferson laboratory using 5.9 GeV electron beam and a transversely polarized ^{3}He target. The scattered electrons and the produced hadrons (pions, kaons, and protons) were detected in coincidence with two large magnetic spectrometers. By regularly flipping the spin direction of the transversely polarized target, the single-spin-asymmetry (SSA) of the semi-inclusive deep inelastic reaction ^{3}He^{uparrow}(e,e'h^{\pm})X was measured over the kinematic range 0.13 < x < 0.41 and 1.3 < Q^{2} < 3.1 (GeV)^{2}. The SSA contains several different azimuthal angular modulations which are convolutions of quarks distribution functions in the nucleons and the quark fragmentation functions into hadrons. It is from the extraction of the various ``moments'' of these azimuthal angular distributions (Collins moment and Sivers moment) that we obtain information on the quark transversity distribution and the novel T-odd Sivers function. In this dissertation, I first introduced the theoretical background and experimental status of nucleon spins and the physics of SSA. I will then present the experimental setup and data collection of the JLab E06-010 experiment. Details of data analysis will be discussed next with emphasis on the kaon particle identification and the Ring-Imaging Cherenkov detector which are my major responsibilities in this experiment. Finally, results on the kaon Collins and Sivers moments extracted from the Maximum Likelihood method will be presented and interpreted. I will conclude with a discussion on the future prospects for this research.
In this paper, we present a formalism designed to model tidal interaction with a viscoelastic body made of Maxwell material. Our approach remains regular for any spin rate and orientation, and for any orbital configuration including high eccentricities and close encounters. The method is to integrate simultaneously the rotation and the position of the planet as well as its deformation. We provide the equations of motion both in the body frame and in the inertial frame. With this study, we generalize preexisting models to the spatial case and to arbitrary multipole orders using a formalism taken from quantum theory. We also provide the vectorial expression of the secular tidal torque expanded in Fourier series. Applying this model to close-in exoplanets, we observe that if the relaxation time is longer than the revolution period, the phase space of the system is characterized by the presence of several spin-orbit resonances, even in the circular case. As the system evolves, the planet spin can visit different spin-orbit configurations. The obliquity is decreasing along most of these resonances, but we observe a case where the planet tilt is instead growing. These conclusions derived from the secular torque are successfully tested with numerical integrations of the instantaneous equations of motion on HD 80606 b. Our formalism is also well adapted to close-in super-Earths in multiplanet systems which are known to have non-zero mutual inclinations.
The delicate balance between the production and disposal of proteins is vital for the changes required in the cell to respond to given stimulus. Ubiquitination is a protein modification with a range of signaling outcomes when ubiquitin is attached to a protein through a highly ordered enzymatic cascade process. Understanding ubiquitination is a growing field and nowadays the application of chemical reactions allows the isolation of quantitative materials for structural studies. Therefore, in this dissertation it is described some of these suitable chemical methodologies to produce an isopeptide bond toward the polymerization of ubiquitin bypassing the enzymatic control with the purpose of showing if these chemical modifications have a direct impact on the structure of ubiquitin. First, the possibility of incorporating non-natural lysine analogs known as mercaptolysines into the polypeptide chain of Ubiquitin was explored when they were attached to ubiquitin by native chemical ligation at its C terminus. The sulfhydryl group was used for the attachment of a paramagnetic label to map the surface of ubiquitin. Second, the condensation catalyzed by silver nitrate was used for the dimer assembly. In particular, the main focus was on examining whether orthogonal protection and deprotection of each monomer have an impact on the reaction yield, since the synthetic strategy has been previously attempted successfully. Third, the formation of ubiquitin dimers was approached by building an inter-ubiquitin linkage mimicking the isopeptide bond with two approaches, the classic disulfide exchange as well as the thiol-ene click reaction by thermal initiation in aqueous conditions. After assembling the dimeric units, they were studied by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, in order to establish a conformational state profile which depends on the pH conditions. The latter is a very important concept since some ligands have a preferred affinity when the protein-protein hydrophobic patches are in close proximity.
The gamma-ray decay of excited states of the one-valence-proton nucleus Sb-133 has been studied using cold-neutron induced fission of U-235 and Pu-241 targets, during the EXILL campaign at the ILL reactor in Grenoble. By using a highly efficient HPGe array, coincidences between gamma-rays prompt with the fission event and those delayed up to several tens of microseconds were investigated, allowing to observe, for the first time, high-spin excited states above the 16.6 mu s isomer. Lifetimes analysis, performed by fast-timing techniques with LaBr3(Ce) scintillators, revealed a difference of almost two orders of magnitude in B(M1) strength for transitions between positive-parity medium-spin yrast states. The data are interpreted by a newly developed microscopic model which takes into account couplings between core excitations (both collective and non-collective) of the doubly magic nucleus Sn-132 and the valence proton, using Skyrme effective interaction in a consistent way. The results point to a fast change in the nature of particle-core excitations with increasing spin. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license.
180 p.
By Monte Carlo simulations, we study the character of the spinglass (SG) phase in dense disordered packings of magnetic nanoparticles (NPs). We focus on NPs which have large uniaxial anisotropies and can be well represented as Ising dipoles. Dipoles are placed on SC lattices and point along randomly oriented axes. From the behaviour of a SG correlation length we determine the transition temperature Tc between the paramagnetic and a SG phase. For temperatures well below Tc we find distributions of the SG overlap parameter q that are strongly sample-dependent and exhibit several spikes. We find that the average width of spikes, and the fraction of samples with spikes higher than a certain threshold does not vary appreciably with the system sizes studied. We compare these results with the ones found previously for 3D site-diluted systems of parallel Ising dipoles and with the behaviour of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model.
The objectives are, firstly, to identify the role of the university-focused intermediaries, specifically University-focused Venture Capital Firms (UVCs), in order to explain how they interact at the early stage of University Spin-out Companies (USOs) creation, particularly regarding knowledge sharing. Secondly, to analyse whether they change their position once the USO is developed, in the context of the dynamics of a university-based entrepreneurial ecosystem.