876 resultados para Site fidelity
Morphogenesis of the secondary palate in mammalian embryos involves two major events: first, reorientation of the two vertically oriented palatal shelves into a horizontal position above the tongue, and second, fusion of the two shelves at the midline. Genetic evidence in humans and mice indicates the involvement of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). As MMP expression patterns might differ from sites of activity, we used a recently developed highly sensitive in situ zymography technique to map gelatinolytic MMP activity in the developing mouse palate. At embryonic day 14.5 (E14.5), we detected strong gelatinolytic activity around the lateral epithelial folds of the nasopharyngeal cavity, which is generated as a consequence of palatal shelf elevation. Activity was concentrated in the basement membrane of the epithelial fold but extended into the adjacent mesenchyme, and increased in intensity with lateral outgrowth of the cavity at E15.5. Gelatinolytic activity at this site was not the consequence of epithelial fold formation, as it was also observed in Bmp7-deficient embryos where shelf elevation is delayed. In this case, gelatinolytic activity appeared in vertical shelves at the exact position where the epithelial fold will form during elevation. Mmp2 and Mmp14 (MT1-MMP), but not Mmp9 and Mmp13, mRNAs were expressed in the mesenchyme around the epithelial folds of the elevated palatal shelves; this was confirmed by immunostaining for MMP-2 and MT1-MMP. Weak gelatinolytic activity was also found at the midline of E14.5 palatal shelves, which increased during fusion at E15.5. Whereas MMPs have been implicated in palatal fusion before, this is the first report showing that gelatinases might contribute to tissue remodeling during early stages of palatal shelf elevation and formation of the nasopharynx.
Low rates of nest acceptance by laying hens are a major problem in commercial poultry farming operations with aviary systems, leading to costly manual collection and cleaning of mislaid eggs. To gain knowledge about factors affecting nest use, laying hens' preferences for different nest locations were tested. Nests are normally installed at one of two sites: against a wall of the hen house or integrated into one tier of the aviary rack The preferences of laying hens for different nest sites have never been examined under commercial conditions. The aim of this study is to investigate whether behavioural differences can be detected between the different nest sites. The study consists of two consecutive trials involving 5027 Lohmann Selected Leghorn hens (LSL) and 601 layer hybrids selected for extensive housing conditions (EXT). The hens were randomly assigned to eight compartments per trial in groups of 355-360 LSL or 300 EXT in a laying hen house. Four compartments were equipped with a Volito Voletage (R) aviary system (VV), and four were equipped with a Rihs Bolegell (R) aviary system (RB), both of which contained either integrated or wall-placed nests when the experiments started. A strongly balanced crossover design with four periods was used. At 36, 44 and 52 weeks of age, the nest site in four out of the eight compartments was switched. Before each change, the fronts of half of the nests were videotaped during the light period, and the behaviour throughout the main laying period was analysed. Furthermore, the numbers of nest eggs and mislaid eggs in each compartment were recorded every day. No differences in the number of mislaid eggs between the two nest sites could be detected, except at the age of 20/21 weeks when hens in VV aviaries mislaid more eggs when nests were integrated (P = 0.0012). More hens stood simultaneously in front of the integrated nests than in front of wall-placed nests (P = 0.015). Activity of the laying hens increased (P = 0.0073), and stationary behavioural patterns declined (P = 0.0093), when the nests were placed by the wall. Hens inspected integrated nests for a longer duration than wall-placed nests, but wall-placed nests were visited more frequently. In addition to the nest site, the width of the platform in front of the nest influenced laying hen behaviour. Compared with narrower platforms, balance movements decreased on wider ones. Additionally, the platform design had to be taken into account as well, given that hens could not stand or walk as securely on wooden slats as on a grid floor. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
INTRODUCTION: Surgical site infections (SSI) are the most common hospital-acquired infections among surgical patients, with significant impact on patient morbidity and health care costs. The Basel SSI Cohort Study was performed to evaluate risk factors and validate current preventive measures for SSI. The objective of the present article was to review the main results of this study and its implications for clinical practice and future research. SUMMARY OF METHODS OF THE BASEL SSI COHORT STUDY: The prospective observational cohort study included 6,283 consecutive general surgery procedures closely monitored for evidence of SSI up to 1 year after surgery. The dataset was analysed for the influence of various potential SSI risk factors, including timing of surgical antimicrobial prophylaxis (SAP), glove perforation, anaemia, transfusion and tutorial assistance, using multiple logistic regression analyses. In addition, post hoc analyses were performed to assess the economic burden of SSI, the efficiency of the clinical SSI surveillance system, and the spectrum of SSI-causing pathogens. REVIEW OF MAIN RESULTS OF THE BASEL SSI COHORT STUDY: The overall SSI rate was 4.7% (293/6,283). While SAP was administered in most patients between 44 and 0 minutes before surgical incision, the lowest risk of SSI was recorded when the antibiotics were administered between 74 and 30 minutes before surgery. Glove perforation in the absence of SAP increased the risk of SSI (OR 2.0; CI 1.4-2.8; p <0.001). No significant association was found for anaemia, transfusion and tutorial assistance with the risk of SSI. The mean additional hospital cost in the event of SSI was CHF 19,638 (95% CI, 8,492-30,784). The surgical staff documented only 49% of in-hospital SSI; the infection control team registered the remaining 51%. Staphylococcus aureus was the most common SSI-causing pathogen (29% of all SSI with documented microbiology). No case of an antimicrobial-resistant pathogen was identified in this series. CONCLUSIONS: The Basel SSI Cohort Study suggested that SAP should be administered between 74 and 30 minutes before surgery. Due to the observational nature of these data, corroboration is planned in a randomized controlled trial, which is supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation. Routine change of gloves or double gloving is recommended in the absence of SAP. Anaemia, transfusion and tutorial assistance do not increase the risk of SSI. The substantial economic burden of in-hospital SSI has been confirmed. SSI surveillance by the surgical staff detected only half of all in-hospital SSI, which prompted the introduction of an electronic SSI surveillance system at the University Hospital of Basel and the Cantonal Hospital of Aarau. Due to the absence of multiresistant SSI-causing pathogens, the continuous use of single-shot single-drug SAP with cefuroxime (plus metronidazole in colorectal surgery) has been validated.
The safety of percutaneous transapical mitral paravalvular leak (PVL) closure could potentially be enhanced by device closure of the ventricular access site. Percutaneous transapical PVL closure was performed. The 9F delivery sheath was pulled back, and a 6-mm Amplatzer muscular ventricular septal defect occluder was deployed at the apical puncture site. Immediate hemostasis was achieved. Total hospitalization was 9 days. New York Heart Association functional class was improved, hemoglobin and haptoglobin rose, while lactate dehydrogenase fell. Follow-up fluoroscopy and transthoracic echocardiography revealed a good functional result. Closure of the apical access site by means of an Amplatzer muscular ventricular septal defect occluder is feasible.
Classical benzodiazepines, such as diazepam, interact with α(x)β(2)γ(2) GABA(A) receptors, x = 1, 2, 3, 5 and modulate their function. Modulation of different receptor isoforms probably results in selective behavioural effects as sedation and anxiolysis. Knowledge of differences in the structure of the binding pocket in different receptor isoforms is of interest for the generation of isoform-specific ligands. We studied here the interaction of the covalently reacting diazepam analogue 3-NCS with α(1)S204Cβ(2)γ(2), α(1)S205Cβ(2)γ(2) and α(1)T206Cβ(2)γ(2) and with receptors containing the homologous mutations in α(2)β(2)γ(2), α(3)β(2)γ(2), α(5)β(1/2)γ(2) and α(6)β(2)γ(2). The interaction was studied using radioactive ligand binding and at the functional level using electrophysiological techniques. Both strategies gave overlapping results. Our data allow conclusions about the relative apposition of α(1)S204Cβ(2)γ(2), α(1)S205Cβ(2)γ(2) and α(1)T206Cβ(2)γ(2) and homologous positions in α(2), α(3), α(5) and α(6) with C-atom adjacent to the keto-group in diazepam. Together with similar data on the C-atom carrying Cl in diazepam, they indicate that the architecture of the binding site for benzodiazepines differs in each GABA(A) receptor isoform α(1)β(2)γ(2), α(2)β(2)γ(2), α(3)β(2)γ(2), α(5)β(1/2)γ(2) and α(6)β(2)γ(2).
Species diversity itself may cause additional species diversity. According to recent findings, some species modify their environment in such a way that they facilitate the creation of new niches for other species to evolve to fill. Given the vast speciesdiversity of insects, the occurrence of such sequential radiation of species is likely common among herbivorous insects and the species that depend on them, many of them being insects as well. Herbivorous insects often have close associations with specific host plants and their preferences for mating and ovipositing on a specific host-plant species can reproductively isolate host-specific populations, facilitating speciation. Previous research by our laboratory has established that there are two distinct populations of thegall fly, Eurosta solidaginis (Tephritidae), which attack different species of goldenrods, Solidago altissima (Asteraceae) and S. gigantea. The gall fly’s host-associated differentiation is facilitating the divergence and potential speciation of twosubpopulations of the gall-boring beetle Mordellistena convicta (Mordellidae) by providing new resources (galls on stems of the galdenrods) for the gall-boring beetles. These beetles exist as two host-plant associated populations of inquilines that inhabit the galls induced by the gall fly. While our previous research has provided genetic and behavioral evidence for host-race formation, little is known about the role of their host plants in assortative mating and oviposition-site selection of the gall-boring beetles’ hostassociated populations. Volatile emissions from host plants can play a major role in assisting herbivores to locate their natal host plants and thus facilitate assortative mating and host-specific oviposition. The present study investigated the role of host-plant volatiles in host fidelity (mating on the host plant) and oviposition preference of M. convicta by measuring its behavioral responses to the host-plant volatile emissions using Y-tube olfactometers. In total, we tested behavioral responses of 615 beetles. Our resultsshow that M. convicta adults are attracted to their natal host galls (67% of S. altissima-emerging beetles and 70% of S. gigantea-emerging beetles) and avoid the alternate host galls (75% of S. altissima-emerging beetles and 66% of S. gigantea-emerging beetles),while showing no preference for, or avoidance of, ungalled plants from either species. This suggests that the gall beetles can orient to the volatile chemicals emitted by the galls and can potentially use them to identify suitable sites for mating and/or oviposition. Thus, host-associated mating and oviposition may play a role in the sequential speciation of the gall-boring beetle.
This series of studies is the first to use conjoint analysis to examine how individuals make trade-offs during mate selection when provided information about a partner's history of sexual infidelity. Across three studies, participants ranked profiles of potential mates, with each profile varying across five attributes: financial stability, physical attractiveness, sexual fidelity, emotional investment, and similarity. They also rated each attribute separately for importance in an ideal mate. Overall, we found that for a long-term mate, participants prioritized a potential partner's history of sexual fidelity over other attributes when profiles were ranked conjointly. For a short-term mate, sexual fidelity, physical attractiveness, and financial stability were equally important, and each was more important than emotional investment and similarity. These patterns contrast with participants' self-reported importance ratings of each individual attribute. Our results are interpreted within the context of previous literature examining how making trade-offs affect mate selection.