968 resultados para Sistemas de telecomunicación - Aspectos económicos
An analytical study of cepstral peak prominence (CPP) is presented, intended to provide an insight into its meaning and relation with voice perturbation parameters. To carry out this analysis, a parametric approach is adopted in which voice production is modelled using the traditional source-filter model and the first cepstral peak is assumed to have Gaussian shape. It is concluded that the meaning of CPP is very similar to that of the first rahmonic and some insights are provided on its dependence with fundamental frequency and vocal tract resonances. It is further shown that CPP integrates measures of voice waveform and periodicity perturbations, be them either amplitude, frequency or noise.
Nonlinear analysis tools for studying and characterizing the dynamics of physiological signals have gained popularity, mainly because tracking sudden alterations of the inherent complexity of biological processes might be an indicator of altered physiological states. Typically, in order to perform an analysis with such tools, the physiological variables that describe the biological process under study are used to reconstruct the underlying dynamics of the biological processes. For that goal, a procedure called time-delay or uniform embedding is usually employed. Nonetheless, there is evidence of its inability for dealing with non-stationary signals, as those recorded from many physiological processes. To handle with such a drawback, this paper evaluates the utility of non-conventional time series reconstruction procedures based on non uniform embedding, applying them to automatic pattern recognition tasks. The paper compares a state of the art non uniform approach with a novel scheme which fuses embedding and feature selection at once, searching for better reconstructions of the dynamics of the system. Moreover, results are also compared with two classic uniform embedding techniques. Thus, the goal is comparing uniform and non uniform reconstruction techniques, including the one proposed in this work, for pattern recognition in biomedical signal processing tasks. Once the state space is reconstructed, the scheme followed characterizes with three classic nonlinear dynamic features (Largest Lyapunov Exponent, Correlation Dimension and Recurrence Period Density Entropy), while classification is carried out by means of a simple k-nn classifier. In order to test its generalization capabilities, the approach was tested with three different physiological databases (Speech Pathologies, Epilepsy and Heart Murmurs). In terms of the accuracy obtained to automatically detect the presence of pathologies, and for the three types of biosignals analyzed, the non uniform techniques used in this work lightly outperformed the results obtained using the uniform methods, suggesting their usefulness to characterize non-stationary biomedical signals in pattern recognition applications. On the other hand, in view of the results obtained and its low computational load, the proposed technique suggests its applicability for the applications under study.
When used appropriately, self- and peer-assessment are very effective learning tools. In the present work, instructor formative assessment and feedback, self-assessment (SA), and peer-assessment (PA) have been compared. During the first part of a semester, the students followed a continuous formative assessment. Subsequently, they were divided into two subgroups based on similar performances. One subgroup performed SAs, and the other followedPAduring the last part of the course. The performances of the two groups in solving problems were compared. Results suggest that PA is a more effective learning tool than SA, and both are more effective than instructor formative assessment. However, a survey that was conducted at the end of the experiment showed higher student confidence in instructor assessment than in PA. The students recognized the usefulness of acting as peer assessors, but believed that SA helped them more than PA.
Multi-dimensional classification (MDC) is the supervised learning problem where an instance is associated with multiple classes, rather than with a single class, as in traditional classification problems. Since these classes are often strongly correlated, modeling the dependencies between them allows MDC methods to improve their performance – at the expense of an increased computational cost. In this paper we focus on the classifier chains (CC) approach for modeling dependencies, one of the most popular and highest-performing methods for multi-label classification (MLC), a particular case of MDC which involves only binary classes (i.e., labels). The original CC algorithm makes a greedy approximation, and is fast but tends to propagate errors along the chain. Here we present novel Monte Carlo schemes, both for finding a good chain sequence and performing efficient inference. Our algorithms remain tractable for high-dimensional data sets and obtain the best predictive performance across several real data sets.
This paper presents an approach to create what we have called a Unified Sentiment Lexicon (USL). This approach aims at aligning, unifying, and expanding the set of sentiment lexicons which are available on the web in order to increase their robustness of coverage. One problem related to the task of the automatic unification of different scores of sentiment lexicons is that there are multiple lexical entries for which the classification of positive, negative, or neutral {P, Z, N} depends on the unit of measurement used in the annotation methodology of the source sentiment lexicon. Our USL approach computes the unified strength of polarity of each lexical entry based on the Pearson correlation coefficient which measures how correlated lexical entries are with a value between 1 and -1, where 1 indicates that the lexical entries are perfectly correlated, 0 indicates no correlation, and -1 means they are perfectly inversely correlated and so is the UnifiedMetrics procedure for CPU and GPU, respectively. Another problem is the high processing time required for computing all the lexical entries in the unification task. Thus, the USL approach computes a subset of lexical entries in each of the 1344 GPU cores and uses parallel processing in order to unify 155802 lexical entries. The results of the analysis conducted using the USL approach show that the USL has 95.430 lexical entries, out of which there are 35.201 considered to be positive, 22.029 negative, and 38.200 neutral. Finally, the runtime was 10 minutes for 95.430 lexical entries; this allows a reduction of the time computing for the UnifiedMetrics by 3 times.
The use of techniques such as envelope tracking (ET) and envelope elimination and restoration (EER) can improve the efficiency of radio frequency power amplifiers (RFPA). In both cases, high-bandwidth DC/DC converters called envelope amplifiers (EA) are used to modulate the supply voltage of the RFPA. This paper addresses the analysis and design of a modified two-phase Buck converter optimized to operate as EA. The effects of multiphase operation on the tracking capabilities are analyzed. The use of a fourth-order output filter is proposed to increase the attenuation of the harmonics generated by the PWM operation, thus allowing a reduction of the ratio between the switching frequency and the converter bandwidth. The design of the output filter is addressed considering envelope tracking accuracy and distortion caused by the side bands arising from the nonlinear modulation process. Finally, the proposed analysis and design methods are supported by simulation results, as well as demonstrated by experiments obtained using two 100-W, 10-MHz, two-phase Buck EAs capable of accurately tracking a 1.5-MHz bandwidth OFDM signal.
Human activity attracting a lot of research activity in several fields including the use of wireless sensors, positioning technologies and techniques, embedded computing, remote sensing and energy management among others. There are a number of applications where the results of those investigations can be applied, including ambient intelligence to support human activity, particularly the elderly and disabled people. Ambient intelligence is a new paradigm for the information and communications technologies where the electronic/digital environment takes care of the people presence and their needs, becoming an active, adaptive and responsive environment.
This paper presents the design and characterization process of an active array demonstrator for the mid-frequency range (i.e., 300 MHz-1000 MHz) of the future Square Kilometre Array (SKA) radio telescope. This demonstrator, called FIDA3 (FG-IGN: Fundación General Instituto Geográfico Nacional - Differential Active Antenna Array), is part of the Spanish contribution for the SKA project. The main advantages provided by this design include the use of a dielectric-free structure, and the use of a fully-differential receiver in which differential low-noise amplifiers (LNAs) are directly connected to the balanced tapered-slot antennas (TSAs). First, the radiating structure and the differential low-noise amplifiers were separately designed and measured, obtaining good results (antenna elements with low voltage standing-wave ratios, array scanning capabilities up to 45°, and noise temperatures better than 52 K with low-noise amplifiers at room temperature). The potential problems due to the differential nature of the proposed solution are discussed, so some effective methods to overcome such limitations are proposed. Second, the complete active antenna array receiving system was assembled, and a 1 m2 active antenna array tile was characterized.
During the last years many researchers have been working on the active matching or on non-Foster matching networks for one- and two-port electrically small antennas (ESAs). A new parameter on the sensitivity of the two-port electrically small antenna when loaded with a non-F oster network is presented. This sensitivity analysis will allow us to choose what kind of antennas can be properly matched with non-Foster networks and their position in order to optimi ze the performance of the design. Then, a typical high Q two-port antenna will be harder to match over a broad bandwidth, since |S21| is very small and only agrees with |S11| over very small frequency bands, yielding very large sensitivity values. However, for these two-port antennas, if high levels of coupling can be engineered for a high Q multiple-port antenna, the return and insertion losses can be similar over larger bandwidths and, hence, the sensitivity can be kept low over larger bandwidths, enabling broader impedance matched bandwidths to be achieved, even for highly resonant antennas.
In this paper the use of the NDF is proposed as a general method suitable for analysing any oscillator topology. The most important advantage of this method is that it provides an unique procedure to analyse any oscillator. It also makes possible the phase noise optimization in the linear design phase for any oscillator. An additional advantage of this method is that it does not require any proviso verification as all classic methods need. The use of the NDF method is illustrated with the design of two examples. These two oscillators are manufactured and the simulation results are compared with the measurements showing good agreement. These results confirm the excellent possibilities of the proposed method for low noise oscillators design.
Considering that non-renewable energy resources are dwindling, the smart grid turns out to be one of the most promising and compelling systems for the future of energy. Not only does it combine efficient energy consumption with avant-garde technologies related to renewable energies, but it is also capable of providing several beneficial utilities, such as power monitoring and data provision. When smart grid end users turn into prosumers, they become arguably the most important value creators within the smart grid and a decisive agent of change in terms of electricity usage. There is a plethora of research and development areas related to the smart grid that can be exploited for new business opportunities, thus spawning another branch of the so-called ?green economy? focused on turning smart energy usage into a profitable business. This paper deals with emerging business models for smart grid prosumers, their strengths and weaknesses and puts forward new prosumer-oriented business models, along with their value propositions.
When applying computational mathematics in practical applications, even though one may be dealing with a problem that can be solved algorithmically, and even though one has good algorithms to approach the solution, it can happen, and often it is the case, that the problem has to be reformulated and analyzed from a different computational point of view. This is the case of the development of approximate algorithms. This paper frames in the research area of approximate algebraic geometry and commutative algebra and, more precisely, on the problem of the approximate parametrization.
We discuss three geometric constructions and their relations, namely the offset, the conchoid and the pedal construction. The offset surface F d of a given surface F is the set of points at fixed normal distance d of F. The conchoid surface G d of a given surface G is obtained by increasing the radius function by d with respect to a given reference point O. There is a nice relation between offsets and conchoids: The pedal surfaces of a family of offset surfaces are a family of conchoid surfaces. Since this relation is birational, a family of rational offset surfaces corresponds to a family of rational conchoid surfaces and vice versa. We present theoretical principles of this mapping and apply it to ruled surfaces and quadrics. Since these surfaces have rational offsets and conchoids, their pedal and inverse pedal surfaces are new classes of rational conchoid surfaces and rational offset surfaces.
Within the European funded project SOPHIA, a Round Robin measurement on CPV module has been initiated. Seven different test laboratories located in Europe between 48°N and 37°N perform measurements of four SOITEC CPV modules. The modules are electrically characterized with different measurement equipment under various climatic conditions. One pyrheliometer and one spectral sensor based on component cells are shipped together with the modules. This ensures that the irradiance and spectrum, two factors with high impact on CPV module performance, are measured with the identical equipment at each site. The round robin activity is performed in closeco-operation with the IEC TC82 WG7 power rating team in order to support the work on the CPV module power rating draft standard 62670-3. The resultingrated module power outputs at CSOC (Concentrator Standard Operating Conditions) are compared amongst the power rating methods and amongst the test labs. In this manner, a deviation in rated power output between different test labs and power rating methods is determined.
Este trabajo tiene como objeto la evaluación subjetiva de la diferenciación entre señales auralizadas con respuestas impulsivas simuladas y con respuestas impulsivas medidas en diferentes recintos. Para ello, se ha desarrollado una herramienta software que genera las auralizaciones correspondientes, proporciona una interfaz de usuario para la realización de un test subjetivo de escucha y almacena los resultados de dicho test. Se presentan los resultados de un test de escucha realizado a 58 oyentes, utilizando diferentes señales de prueba, a partir de las respuestas impulsivas simuladas y medidas en seis recintos con características acústicas distintas. ABSTRACT. This work aims the subjective assessment of the differentiation between auralization signals with impulse responses simulated and impulse responses measured at different rooms. To this end, we have developed a software tool that generates the corresponding auralizations, provides a user interface to perform a subjective listening test and stores the results of the test. In this project we present the results of a listening test performed for 58 listeners, using different test signals from the impulse responses measured and simulated in six rooms with different acoustic characteristics.