937 resultados para Sistemas construtivos : Avaliação


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Ethanol, the main automotive biofuel, has its production based on the fermentation of sugars found in biological materials and on the distillation of the alcoholic media formed during the fermentative process. Stillage is the main residue from ethanol production, containing a high organic loading in addition to acidic and corrosive characteristics. Considering the available technologies to treat stillage, we highlight anaerobic digestion, which allows the reduction of the impacts associated to pollutants loading of this effluent and the generation of energy from the methane gas produced in the process. Based on the high treatment efficiency usually associated to the anaerobic process, this work aimed to assess whether anaerobic systems applied to the treatment of stillage are energetically self-sufficient. First we evaluated the energy recovery capacity in an anaerobic reactor applied to the treatment of stillage resulting from corn-to-ethanol processing. The results indicated the great influence that a correct selection of electrical equipment and their respective operating periods have on the net energy balance of the anaerobic treatment. The high energy consumption of the heater would not allow the system to achieve a positive net energy balance – the maximum energy recovery would reach only 0.68% of the consumption. However, the replacement of the mixture equipment would result in energy gains ranging from 8.5 to 967.9% of the consumption. In this work we also assessed the efficiency of methane yields for a few studies and the correlation between some parameters of the anaerobic process. With respect to the methane yield, we noted that mesophilic systems tend to be more advantageous than the thermophilic ones (efficiency of 76.45 ± 22.51% vs. 69.40 ± 30.36%). Considering the study... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The anaerobic treatment of sewage is widely employed in Brazil and it is an appreciated way for the treatment of effluents, helping to reduce the environmental impact in rivers. The methane gas obtained from the process can be applied to improve the energetic efficiency of the system, reducing the amount of waste and the cost of the treatment process. This work presents the net energy balance of anaerobic reactors applied to the treatment of sewage. The analysis was performed considering full-scale and laboratory-scale treatment systems. In laboratory scale, the results from three kinds of systems were compared regarding the biological treatment of greywater. Two of them (UASB7 and UASB12) were anaerobic and the other one was a combined anaerobic-aerobic system (UASB7/SBR6). Greywater methanization (compared to theoretical maximum) was calculated considering 100% removal (g BOD/day), the literature percentage removal and the anionic surfactant presence in the effluentt. For each of these three cases, the efficiencies were, respectively, 16.9%, 43.6% and 51.3% in UASB7 reactor, 25.6%, 50.3% and 59.2% in UASB12 reactor and 30.6%, 61.2% and 71.9% in UASB7/SBR6 reactor. The energetic potential was found to be 4.66x10-4, 7.77x10-4 and 5.12x10-4 kWh/L for the UASB7, UASB12 and UASB7/SBR6 reactors, respectively. The pumping system, the aeration (in the anaerobic-aerobic system) and the temperature controlled heating system were considered to calculate the energetic consumption. However, the third one was not employed since tropical regions like Brazil do not need heating systems and also because of its high energetic consumption. The calculated net energy balance in the reactors was negative in the case of greywater, respectively -0.16, -0.28 and -0.18 kWh/L for the reactors UASB7, UASB12 and UASB7/SRB6. In full scale (ETE Jardim das Flores - Rio Claro, SP), the average energy... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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On the field of the projects of hydraulic systems exists a lot of worries when we talk about the calculate of hydraulic pumps. In this case some facts must be considerate: length of tubes, fluid characteristics, height gauge, temperature, pressure, characteristics of tubes, flow required and others. For that mathematic calculates must be developed with the objective to optimize hydraulic pumps and agree to find an ideal machine (that don't requires more energy than necessary or less energy than it requires; that is the more critical case, cause exists the risk that the fluid pumped do not agree to become in your destiny). The wrong calculate of this machine can super-size its, bringing an excessive energy consumption. Actually it's an important subject because we are in the age of lack of energy what turn it more expensive. So the correct sizing of a hydraulic pump is connected with the fact that you have to uses the enough energy resources avoiding waste. The calculate of ideal pump in the pumping system is studied during years and a lot of specialists in this subject develop equations and theories to calculate its. Some researches study about this subject and all of them become to the same conclusion: to find the ideal pump we have to know the characteristics of fluid (cinematic viscosity), the required flow , overall yield (overall of motor x overall of pump) the high gauge or discharge pressure and the loss of repression. The pressure drop can be calculated with different theories: using Hazen-Williams, Darcy e Weisbach or Chézy (1775 - that starts the researches to calculate the pressure drop). Although the most used theory and what is most near to reality is the Darcy's equation. So, in this job the Darcy's equation were choice to calculate the drop pressure that consider what kind of flow we are studying: laminar or turbulent. The determination of the best pump to be used in the ... ( complete abstract click eletronic access below)


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O século passado foi marcado por grandes avanços tecnológicos na agricultura que culminaram com a chamada “Revolução Verde”, a qual é hoje, comprovadamente, considerada como um modelo insustentável. Tal fato tem motivado instituições científicas e agricultores a buscarem por novos paradigmas para a produção. A agroecologia tem se destacado por abordar o manejo de agroecossistemas dentro de uma visão holística, sistêmica e participativa, subsidiando a recuperação das suas funções e a autonomia durante a transição agroecológica. Nesse contexto, a utilização de ferramentas para avaliação e monitoramento do processo, como a análise de indicadores de sustentabilidade, é fundamental. O presente estudo teve como objetivo monitorar participativamente o grau de sustentabilidade de duas unidades de produção orgânica em Jaguariúna-SP, após cinco anos de uma primeira avaliação. Foram analisados 81 indicadores, abordando quatro dimensões da sustentabilidade: ambiental, social, econômica e política. Os resultados foram obtidos de forma consensual e participativa entre pesquisadores e agricultores, enriquecendo o estudo. Do ponto de vista global, houve um leve avanço no grau de sustentabilidade das duas propriedades. No entanto, ambas continuam no mesmo nível de transição agroecológica apresentado em pesquisa realizada em 2005.


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Currently, there has been a growing concern for men and women with the appearance of the face and body, driven primarily by aesthetic standards set by the media. For this, the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries have conducted numerous research projects aiming at the development of formulations that mitigate the aging and some skin disorders such as hipercromies. One of the most frequent pathologies of skin is melasma, a manifestation of hyperpigmentation caused by hipermelanogenesis symmetrical and progressive, caused usually by hormonal irregularities, exposure to sunlight and genetic factors. In addition to sunscreen, the treatment is indicated the use of depigmenting substances, among them the kojic dipalmitate (DK), which is cleaved into kojic acid (5- hydroxy-2-hydroxy-methyl-4H-piran-4-one) by esterase after absorption by the skin cells. The kojic acid inhibits the action of tyrosinase as a chelator of ions and promotes the reduction of eumelanin and its precursor monomer. To promote a controlled release and improve the stability of the system, the DK can be incorporated into multiple emulsions, that is, complex systems composed of two emulsifications, where the two types of emulsions (W/O and O/W or O/W and W/O) exist simultaneously, forming emulsions of type W/O/W or O/W/O. This work aimed to incorporate the DK in emulsion W/O/W, physical-chemical systems obtained and to evaluate the antioxidant and depigmenting action in vitro of the developed formulations. The physico-chemical characterization was performed by microscopic analysis, quantification and size distribution, determination of pH, conductivity, zeta potential and bioadhesive test of the formulations. The droplet size in accordance with the use of light microscopy and dynamic light scattering is approximately 1μm. The pH, electrical conductivity and bioadhesion have not changed with the addition... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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From the beginning of the century, with the advent of the flex fuel car, successor fluctuations in oil prices and the rise of awareness of the impending shortage of fossil fuels, the alcohol sector begins to reappear in the panorama of national economy making Brasill reaches the point of becoming a leading exporter of this product. Ethanol assumed the role of such importance in Brazilian exports, which Petrobras through the Growth Acceleration Program (PAC) has made investments in the Brazilian pipeline network to better ensure the production of ethanol to major ports. The means of transport in pipelines are safe and inexpensive, but require careful evaluation in its implementation, they may lead to negative social and environmental impacts. Thus, the purpose of this project is to propose the best route for an ethanol pipeline connectin the Tietê-Paraná, leaving the municipality of Santa Maria da Serra (SP), to the Planalto Paulista Refinery (REPLAN), located in Paulinia (SP), belonging to the passage of ethanol export corridor, currently under revelopment. The technique used for the development of the stroke is the association of multicriteria evaluation, the geographical information system (SIG) and geotechnologies. This study presented three possible layouts for the ethanol pipeline, highlighting the best option, in addition, demonstrated the suitability of the area to receive projects of similar nature to a pipeline


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The metropolitan region of São Paulo is the most populous of the country, this happens because of its great importance in the national economy and the job opportunities that are offered to the population. These factors result in intense population growth and urban expansion, reaching some non-habitable places of the metropolis, as areas of pipelines, which are very important for the transportation of natural gas, oil and its derivatives. Before the population growth of the region, these sites were unoccupied, do not presenting problems for the population. However, with the disorderly occupation is generated great anthropogenic pressure on the pipeline stitches, causing risks to people who are around them. Therefore it is extremely important to monitor the strip of pipelines through products and techniques of remote sensing and geoprocessing, enabling, through high spatial resolution images, identification of objects or phenomena that occur on Earth's surface that can alter the functioning and safety of pipelines. Therefore, this study aims to monitor a stretch of the area of the pipeline mesh GASPAL/OSVAT and Capuava Refinery (RECAP), located on the outskirts of the metropolitan area of São Paulo in the city of Mauá, who suffer great human pressure, proving thus the techniques of remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) as effective tools for monitoring phenomena occurred in urban areas of great complexity. The monitoring was done by object-based classification applied in orbital images Ikonos II and RapidEye, of high spatial resolution and, image processing, detection of objects, segmentation, classification and editing were developed through the eCognition and ArcGis softwares. To determine the statistical accuracy of the mapping of the land cover of the stretch of pipeline in Maua, the results were analyzed by error matrix... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Sociedades sustentáveis pressupõem o uso de recursos naturais na medida em que o limite de capacidade de suporte dos sistemas naturais não seja ultrapassado. Neste contexto, o uso de indicadores de sustentabilidade se coloca no importante papel de operacionalização do conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável. O método da Pegada Ecológica utiliza a conversão dos fluxos de matéria e energia utilizadas por uma população em áreas biologicamente produtivas para a provisão dos mesmos. No presente estudo, será feita uma aplicação deste método para a cidade de Rio Claro, contabilizando-se os principais itens e serviços consumidos pela população. Pretende-se inferir sobre a sustentabilidade na cidade, através da comparação entre a área apropriada para obtenção dos recursos consumidos e o próprio limite da área do município


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This work presents a study about the use of standards and directions on parallel programming in distributed systems, using the MPI standard and PETSc toolkit, performing an analysis of their performances over certain mathematic operations involving matrices. The concepts are used to develop applications to solve problems involving Principal Components Analysis (PCA), which are executed in a Beowulf cluster. The results are compared to the ones of an analogous application with sequencial execution, and then it is analized if there was any performance boost on the parallel application


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Doenças como dengue, malária, febre amarela e outras que são transmitidas por culicídeos determinam altas taxas de morbidade e mortalidade principalmente nos países tropicais. Uma alternativa para evitar picadas é o uso de repelentes. O mais utilizado é o repelente de DEET (N, N-dietil-3-m-toluamida), mas há relatos que descrevem casos de toxicidade com o uso de forma incorreta ou uso a longo prazo. Devido a essas desvantagens muitas pessoas preferem usar produtos naturais como repelentes. Estudos têm demonstrado que diferentes óleos essenciais têm atividade repelente, mas a investigação deve ser conduzida de forma a obter formulações que são eficazes na fixação de compostos aromáticos na pele, e aumentar a duração da repelência. Sistemas nanoestruturados para a liberação do princípio ativo, tais como sistemas líquido-cristalinos (SLC), têm vantagens na liberação controlada, uma vez que aumentam a estabilidade e a eficácia. Foram preparados sistemas constituídos por água, óleo de rícino hidrogenado PEG-40 (Eumulgin® HRE 40) como tensoativo e óleo essencial de melaleuca como fase oleosa. Esses sistemas foram analisados por de microscopia de luz polarizada, determinação do comportamento reológico e avaliação de bioadesão. A atividade repelente in vivo das formulações frente ao mosquito Aedes aegypti foi determinada empregando ensaio com humanos, para tanto utilizou-se uma caixa que evitava que os voluntários sofressem picadas. Foi verificada a ação repelente nos tempos 0, 30, 60 e 90 minutos ou até o momento em que não houvesse repelência. Realizou-se um estudo comparativo com um repelente comercial a base de DEET. Os resultados obtidos mostraram a presença de regiões de mesofases líquido-cristalinas do tipo cúbica (F18, F19 e F20) e microemulsão (F17) fixando-se a concentração do tensoativo em 30% e variando... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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This paper discusses about the use of remote sensing image and processing digital images tools for mapping and assessing the effect on the biomass of the culture of sugar cane in the city of Rio Claro. We used satellite images from CBERS in the passages of 19/04/2009 and 23/09/08, which correspond respectively to the stages where the sugar cane appeared in growing and adult pre-harvest stage. In these images, we applied procedures of digital processing, as the application of the procedures for extending linear contrast, radiometric normalization, Normalized Vegetation Index (NDVI) and pixel by pixel classification by ISOSEG through of the software SPRING. As a result we obtained mapping of the distribution and development stages of the culture of sugar cane in the city of Rio Claro and the mapping of the existing biomass of this culture, showing that the method used to assess the relative effect on biomass in culture of sugar cane was efficient, and that images of low-medium resolution are not the most suitable for the mapping of this culture


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The assessment of land use dynamic can be an instrument for analysis in anthropogeomorphology, which would allow one to verify the human geomorphological actions and its various implications in changing the original morphology for the creation of a human morphology. This study aimed to consider the land use dynamics and its interference in the morphology of Cavalheiro Stream Basin. From this assessment, to understand the implications of land use in the creation of a human morphology, as well as to analyze if the current use is in accordance with the legal restrictions placed by ongoing environmental legislation and with the ability to land use. The chosen of this studied area was due to assumptions raised by Pinton (2007) for changes in the dynamic of rainwater erosion of this area caused by human actions, specially the cultivation of sugar cane in morphologies that are unfit for it. The search took as methodological support the principles that concern the General Systems Theory, trying to see the watershed as an open system. The geomorphological data, of land use and of legal restrictions to the use and occupation of land, were collected from different cartographic techniques. Besides, it was developed a sketch map of land use capacity by adapting the technique proposed by Lepsch (1983). This way, the data obtained in this survey are considered capable to provide subsidies for the identification of changes in original morphology of the Cavalheiro Stream Basin and the genesis of a human morphology, as well as conflicts and adjustments of current land use in environmental system and on the legal restrictions outlined in the ongoing environmental legislation, contributing to a proper environmental planning with the characteristics of the physical environmental system of this basin


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Different forms of human pressure may occur in the pipeline ranges, due to the large extensions and various configurations of land use, which can pass through the pipelines. Due to the dynamics of these pressures, it is necessary to monitor temporal changes of land use and cover the surface. Under this theme, appears as extremely important to use products and techniques of remote sensing, as they allow the identification of objects of the land surface that may compromise the security and monitoring of the pipeline, and allows the extraction of information conditions on land use at different periods of time. Based on the above, this paper aims to examine in a temporal approach, the process of urban expansion in the municipality of Duque de Caxias, located on the outskirts of the metropolitan area of the state of Rio de Janeiro, as well as settlement patterns characteristic of areas that the changes occurred in the period 1987 to 2010. We used the technique of visual analysis to perform the change detection and the technique of image classification, aimed at monitoring human pressure over a stretch of track pipeline Rio de Janeiro - Belo Horizonte, located in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The stages of work involved the characterization of the study area, urban sprawl and the existing settlement patterns, through the analysis of bibliographic data. The processing of Landsat 5 images and the application of the technique of change detection were performed in three scenes for the years 1987, 1998 and 2010, while the classification process was performed on the image RapidEye for the year 2010. Can be noted an increase in urban area of approximately 22.38% and the change of land cover from natural to built. This growth is concentrated outside to the area of direct influence of the duct, occurring in the area of indirect influence of the enterprise. Regarding the settlement patterns of growth areas, it was observed that these are predominantly


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This project aimed to analyze the feasibility of the methane yield associated to the anaerobic digestion of brewery residues, checking whether the energetic balance of the system is favorable. The methane yield efficiency was calculated for the parameters of two papers that treated solids with a particle-size <1mm. Theses solids are not degraded in conventional treatment systems. Calculations were based in the reactions of anaerobic degradation of the macromolecules that compose brewery residues, considering the theoretical production and the effective production of methane. The results were 50.44% and 52.86%. Regarding to the energy balance of the anaerobic treatment, we noted the high influence of the selection and operating regime of electrical equipment over the potential energy. The best situation, in which the energetic self-sufficiency was reached, was observed when using the mixer under an intermittent regime (1min/h), without employing the heating recirculator, for the maximum organic loading of 4.0 gVS/L.day (days 248-258). In this case, the system would generate an amount of energy equal to 0.0356 kWh/day, able to overcome the energy required by the equipment in about 6.5 times. Moreover, we also noted the interference of the application of different solid loadings in the reactors, once the application of the higher organic load generated 5 times more energy than the application of the smaller one