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A study was made to observe the association between the resistance to reinfection induced by irradiated metacercariae (MC) of Clonorchis sinensis and antigen specific Th1- and Th2-type cytokine productions in rats. Rats were infected with 20 MC of C. sinensis, previously exposed to a single dose of gamma irradiation, which varied from 0 to 100 Gy. All of them, single dose of 12 Gy showed higher IgG antibody titer with lowest worm recovery. Thus, 50 MC were used to challenge infection in rats previously infected with 20 MC irradiated at 12 Gy and the highest resistance to challenge infection was observed. The results of lymphocyte proliferation with specific antigen, ES Ag were shown no difference of proliferative responses as compared with primary and challenge infection at 12 Gy irradiation dose. In the case of cytokines production were observed that interferon (IFN-gamma) and interlukin (IL-2) were significantly enhanced, while IL-4 and IL-10 was almost unchanged to make comparison between primary and secondary infection at 12 Gy irradiation dose. In conclusion, the single dose of 12 Gy could be adopted for induction of the highest resistance to challenge infection. Up-regulation of Th1 type cytokines, IFN-gamma and IL-2 may be affected to develop vaccine by irradiated MC.
The current trend in infant mortality in the East compared with the UK as a whole, the contribution of different causes to the total number of deaths, and PCT-specific information on 8 years of combined data.
This report first describes the prevalence of mental disorders among 5- to 16-year olds in 2004 and notes any changes since the previous survey in 1999. It then provides profiles of children in each of the main disorder categories (emotional, conduct, hyperkinetic and autistic spectrum disorders) and , where the sample size permits, profiles subgroups within these categories.
A compendium of facts and figures on the health status and the determinants of the health of children and young people in South East England
The Department of Education and Skills is developing a new Digital Strategy for Schools to be completed during 2015. The Digital Strategy for Schools will set out how Department of Education and Skills’ priorities can be delivered and facilitated by the use of technology in education. The development of the Strategy is of critical importance to Ireland if it is to realise the potential of ICT in schools and prepare our young people to live, learn and work in the 21st century. The Department of Education and Skills has partnered with the Department of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA) to seek the views of young people through a structured consultation process informed by DCYA expertise in consulting with young people.
Eusocial societies are traditionally characterized by a reproductive division of labor, an overlap of generations, and cooperative care of the breeders' young. Eusociality was once thought to occur only in termites, ants, and some bee and wasp species, but striking evolutionary convergences have recently become apparent between the societies of these insects and those of cooperatively breeding birds and mammals. These parallels have blurred distinctions between cooperative breeding and eusociality, leading to calls for either drastically restricting or expanding wage of these terms. We favor the latter approach. Cooperative breeding and eusociality are not discrete phenomena, but rather form a continuum of fundamentally similar social systems whose main differences lie in the distribution of lifetime reproductive success among group members. Therefore we propose to array vertebrate and invertebrate cooperative breeders along a common axis, representing a standardized measure of reproductive variance, and to drop such (loaded) terms as ''primitive'' and ''advanced'' eusociality. The terminology we propose unites all occurrences of alloparental helping of kin under a single theoretical umbrella (e.g., Hamilton's rule). Thus, cooperatively breeding vertebrates can be regarded as eusocial, just as eusocial inverbrates are cooperative breeders. We believe this integrated approach will foster potentially revealing cross-taxon comparisons, which are essential to understanding social evolution in birds, mammals, and in sects.
A short report using the experiences of young suicidal men to inform mental health care services.�
In humans, touching the skin is known to activate, among others, the contralateral primary somatosensory cortex on the postcentral gyrus together with the bilateral parietal operculum (i.e. the anatomical site of the secondary somatosensory cortex). But which brain regions beyond the postcentral gyrus specifically contribute to the perception of touch remains speculative. In this study we collected structural magnetic resonance imaging scans and neurological examination reports of patients with brain injuries or stroke in the left or right hemisphere, but not in the postcentral gyrus as the entry site of cortical somatosensory processing. Using voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping, we compared patients with impaired touch perception (i.e. hypoaesthesia) to patients without such touch impairments. Patients with hypoaesthesia as compared to control patients differed in one single brain cluster comprising the contralateral parietal operculum together with the anterior and posterior insular cortex, the putamen, as well as subcortical white matter connections reaching ventrally towards prefrontal structures. This finding confirms previous speculations on the 'ventral pathway of somatosensory perception' and causally links these brain structures to the perception of touch.
Mutations in the rpoB locus confer conformational changes leading to defective binding of rifampin (RIF) to rpoB and consequently resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Polymerase chain reaction-single-strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) was established as a rapid screening test for the detection of mutations in the rpoB gene, and direct sequencing has been unambiguously applied to characterize mutations. A total of 37 of Iranian isolates of M. tuberculosis, 16 sensitive and 21 resistant to RIF, were used in this study. A 193-bp region of the rpoB gene was amplified and PCR-SSCP patterns were determined by electrophoresis in 10% acrylamide gel and silver staining. Also, 21 samples of 193-bp rpoB amplicons with different PCR-SSCP patterns from RIFr and 10 from RIFs were sequenced. Seven distinguishable PCR-SSCP patterns were recognized in the 21 Iranian RIFr strains, while 15 out of 16 RIFs isolates demonstrated PCR-SSCP banding patterns similar to that of sensitive standard strain H37Rv. However one of the sensitive isolates demonstrated a different pattern. There were seen six different mutations in the amplified region of rpoB gene: codon 516(GAC/GTC), 523(GGG/GGT), 526(CAC/TAC), 531(TCG/TTG), 511(CTG/TTG), and 512(AGC/TCG). This study demonstrated the high specificity (93.8%) and sensitivity (95.2%) of PCR-SSCP method for detection of mutation in rpoB gene; 85.7% of RIFr strains showed a single mutation and 14.3% had no mutations. Three strains showed mutations caused polymorphism. Our data support the common notion that rifampin resistance genotypes are generally present mutations in codons 531 and 526, most frequently found in M. tuberculosis populations regardless of geographic origin.
Rapport de synthèse:Le but de cette étude était d'investiguer pour la première fois chez l'homme l'effet du sodium alimentaire et de l'hypertension artérielle sur l'oxygénation tissulaire par une technique spéciale d'imagerie à résonance magnétique nommée 'BOLD-IRM' (Blood Oxygen Level Dependent-IRM). Le BOLD-IRM est une technique nouvelle qui permet de mesurer la bio disponibilité tissulaire d'oxygène de façon non-invasive chez l'homme, en utilisant le déoxyhémoglobine comme produit de contraste endogène.Le rational de cette étude était double. Premièrement, des changements dans l'apport sodique alimentaire devraient théoriquement influencer l'oxygénation tissulaire rénale, étant donné que la réabsorption tubulaire du sodium est un transport actif nécessitant de l'énergie et de l'oxygène. Deuxièmement, des études chez l'animal suggèrent une rôle possible de l'hypoxie tissulaire dans le développement de la néphropathie hypertensive.Nous avons déterminé l'oxygénation rénale avec le BOLD-IRM chez dix hommes normo tendus (âgés de 26.5±7.4 ans) et huit hommes hypertendus non-traités (âgés de 28.8±5.7 ans) une semaine après un régime riche en sel (>200 mmol/jour), et de nouveau une semaine après un régime pauvre en sel (<100 mmol/jour). En parallèle, nous avons mesuré la clearance de l'inuline, du p- aminohippurate (PAH) et du lithium endogène, afin de déterminer respectivement la filtration glomérulaire, le flux sanguin rénal et le 'renal sodium handling', tous des paramètres ayant la capacité d'influencer la consommation et/ou la disponibilité d'oxygène tissulaire. Nous nous attendions d'une côté à une oxygénation rénale diminuée chez les sujets hypertendus par rapport aux sujets normo tendus, et d'une autre côté à une augmentation de l'oxygénation tissulaire rénale après une semaine de régime pauvre en sel par rapport à la phase d'un régime riche en sel.Nous retenons comme résultat principal une augmentation de l'oxygénation rénale médullaire suite à une restriction sodique par rapport à un régime riche en sel chez tous les participants (normo-et hypertendus). Chez les participants normotendus ces changements correlaient avec des changements dans le transport actif du sodium, et ceci indépendamment du flux sanguin rénal. Contrairement à ce qu'on attendait, l'oxygénation rénale médullaire était plus élevé chez les sujets hypertendus par rapport aux sujets normotendus.En résumé, ces observations offrent possiblement une explication pour les bénéfices rénaux liés à un régime pauvre en sel. En plus, la combinaison d'études de clearance et le BOLD- IRM comme utilisé dans cette étude se sont révélés un outil performant et prometteur qui peut stimuler la recherche dans ce domaine.
Lutzomyia longipalpis females received single and mixed infections with Endotrypanum and Leishmania. Two biological parameters were analyzed: the percentage of infected females and the distribution of flagellates in the gut of the females. The principal comparisons were performed between (1) two strains of Endotrypanum, (2) cloned versus primary sample of one strain of Endotrypanum, (3) Endotrypanum versus Leishmania guyanensis, and (4) the pattern of flagellates behaviour by optical microscopy in females with single or mixed infection versus the identification of parasites isolated from digestive tracts by isoenzyme electrophoresis. Flagellates of Endotrypanum showed distinct patterns of infection suggesting that there is variation between and within strains. The distribution of Endotrypanum and L. guyanensis differed significantly in relation to the colonization of the stomodeal valve. In co-infection with L. guyanensis, a large number of flagellates were seen to be plentifully infecting the stomodeal valve in significantly more specimens than in females infected by Endotrypanum only. However, the electrophoretic profiles of isoenzymes of parasites recovered from all co-infected specimens corresponded to Endotrypanum. This suggests that the mere correlation sand fly infection-biochemical analysis of isolates may induce parasitological incorrect consideration.
Introduction Vitamin D plays a major role in bone metabolismand neuromuscular function. Supplementation with vitamin D iseffective to reduce the risk of fall and of fracture. However adherenceto oral daily vitamin D is low. Screening and correcting vitamin Dinsufficiency in a rheumatologic population could improve bothmorbidity and quality of life. After determining the prevalence ofvitamin D deficiency in this population, we evaluated if supplementationwith a single high dose of oral 25-OH vitamin D3 wassufficient to correct this abnormality.Methods During one month (November 2009), levels of 25-OHvitamin D were systematically determined in our rheumatology outpatientclinic and classified in: vitamin D deficiency (< 10 μg/l),vitamin D insufficiency (10 to 30 μg/l) or normal vitamin D (> 30 μg/l).Patients with insufficiency or deficiency received respectively a singlehigh dose of 300'000 IU or 600'000 IU oral vitamin D3. In addition,all patients with osteoporosis were prescribed daily supplement ofcalcium (1 g) and vitamin D (800 IU). 25-OH vitamin D levels werereevaluated after 3 months.Results Vitamin D levels were initially determined in 292 patients(mean age 53, 211 women, 87 % Caucasian). 77 % had inflammatoryrheumatologic disease (IRD), 20 % osteoporosis (OP) and 12 %degenerative disease (DD). Vitamin D deficiency was present in 20(6.8 %), while 225 (77.1 %) had insufficiency. Of the 245 patientswith levels < 30μg/l, a new determination of vitamin D level wasavailable in 173 (71 %) at 3 months.Conclusion Vitamin D insufficiency is highly prevalent in ourrheumatologic population (84 %), and is not adequately correctedby a single high dose of oral vitamin D3 in > 50 % of the patientswith IRD and DD. In patients with OP, despite association of asingle high dose with daily oral vitamin D supplementation, 40 %of patients are still deficient when reevaluated at 3 months.