1000 resultados para Siette (Plataforma de resolución de test)
El análisis sedimentológico de distintos sectores de la plataforma continental balear (Bahia de Campos, Sur de Menorca y Canal de Menorca) ha puesto de manifiesto la existencia de siete grupos de facies: A) algales, B) de bivalvos, C) de gasterpodos, D) bioclsticas, E) mixtas, F) de fragmentos liticos y G) cementadas (costras algales y calcarenitas). La distribución de estas facies sedimentarias guarda una estrecha relación con la profundidad, excepto en el Sur de Menorca, y con las comunidades bentónicas que se desarrollan en la plataforma continental. Las facies que recubren actualmente la plataforma balear se depositaron durante la fase del ascenso del nivel del mar de la transgresión Versiliense.
As redes de pesquisa impulsionam a criação do conhecimento e o processo de inovação resultantes do intercâmbio de informações e, sobretudo, da junção de competências de grupos que unem esforços na busca de metas comuns. Este artigo apresenta breve histórico dos estudos relativos às redes de colaboração científica, sua evolução cronológica e as principais abordagens de estudo. Discute-se particularmente como as análises de redes de pesquisa podem ser revisitadas à luz das possibilidades recentes surgidas com as novas Tecnologias de Informação e de Comunicação (TICs). Para tal, apresentam-se exemplos de sistemas de conhecimento no âmbito da Plataforma Lattes: Egressos, Colaboradores e Redes-GP. Esses sistemas permitem executar, com grandes volumes de dados, análises de redes por meio de algoritmos descritos na literatura, bem como criar novas formas de análise possibilitadas pelas TICs.
Uno de los proyectos de gran envergadura de la Universidad de Los Andes (ULA) es la creación de la Biblioteca Digital de Tesis Electrónicas. Su consecución garantiza elevados niveles de interacción entre los actores internos y externos de la ULA a través de la consulta y publicación de la producción científica e intelectual de la Institución. En este artículo se presenta, en particular, la experiencia en la adaptación de la plataforma TEDE para la publicación de tesis electrónicas. La adaptación de la plataforma TEDE se llevó a cabo en tres etapas, a saber: a) Instalación, configuración y prueba de funcionalidad de la plataforma, b) Configuración y pruebas para el caso ULA, y c) Adaptación de la plataforma a la ULA. El resultado de esta adaptación fue una plataforma única que cumple con los requerimientos básicos establecidos para la publicación de tesis electrónicas en la ULA y que se ajusta perfectamente a cualquier institución académica de Venezuela. Muestra de esta experiencia ULA es su implantación en otras universidades nacionales como la Universidad del Zulia (LUZ), la Universidad Simón Bolívar (USB) y la Universidad Nacional Experimental de los Llanos Ezequiel Zamora (UNELLEZ).
Early detection of neural-tude defects is possible by determining Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) in maternal serum. 16'685 pregnant women were observed. Three methods for the determination of the "normal" range are compared. The first one, already used in similar studies, makes use of a constant multiple of the median. The other two ones make use of robust estimates of location and scale. Their comparison shows the interest of the robust methods to reduce the interlaboratory variability.
Le but de cette étude est de répondre aux 3 questions suivantes: - 1) Le test de MAST est-il applicable, dans sa traduction française, à la population d'un service de médecine interne d'un hôpital universitaire en Suisse romande ? - 2) Le test de MAST apporte-t-il des résultats concordants avec le diagnostic clinique d'une part, et avec les résultats tirés de la littérature d'autre part ? - 3) De quelles façons peut-on définir et choisir deux valeurs critiques du test afin d'optimaliser l'utilisation du test de MAST dans l'étude comparative projetée ? ANNEXE: Traduction littérale en langue française du : "Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test" (MAST); etc.
Several methods and algorithms have recently been proposed that allow for the systematic evaluation of simple neuron models from intracellular or extracellular recordings. Models built in this way generate good quantitative predictions of the future activity of neurons under temporally structured current injection. It is, however, difficult to compare the advantages of various models and algorithms since each model is designed for a different set of data. Here, we report about one of the first attempts to establish a benchmark test that permits a systematic comparison of methods and performances in predicting the activity of rat cortical pyramidal neurons. We present early submissions to the benchmark test and discuss implications for the design of future tests and simple neurons models
The objective of the investigation was the development of a test that would readily identify the potential of an aggregate to cause D-cracking because of its susceptivity to critical saturation. A Press-Ur-Meter was modified by replacing the air chamber with a one-inch diameter plastic tube calibrated in milli-. It was concluded that the pore index was sufficiently reliable to determine the D-cracking potential of limestone aggregates in all but a few cases where marginal results were obtained. Consistently poor or good results were always in agreement with established service records or concrete durability testing. In those instances where marginal results are obtained, the results of concrete durability testing should be considered when making the final determination of the D-cracking susceptibility of the aggregate in question. The following applications for the pore index test have been recommended for consideration: concrete durability testing be discontinued in the evaluation process of new aggregate sources with pore index results between 0-20 (Class 2 durability) and over 35 (Class 1) durability; composite aggregates with intermediate pore index results of 20-35 be tested on each stone type to facilitate the possible removal of low durability stone from the production process; and additional investigation should be made to evaluate the possibility of using the test to monitor and upgrade the acceptance of aggregate from sources associated with D-cracking.
The compressive strength of concrete is an important factor in the design of concrete structures and pavements. To assure the quality of the concrete placed at the project, concrete compressive cylinders are made at the jobsite. These cylinders undergo a destructive test to determine their compressive strength. However, the determination of concrete compressive strength of the concrete actually in the structure or pavement is frequently desirable. For this reason, a nondestructive test of the concrete is required. A nondestructive test of concrete compressive strength should be economical, easily performed by field personnel, and capable of producing accurate, reproducible results. The nondestructive test should be capable of detecting the extent of poor concrete in a pavement or structure due to improper handling, placement, or variations in mixing or materials.
Cardiovascular risk assessment might be improved with the addition of emerging, new tests derived from atherosclerosis imaging, laboratory tests or functional tests. This article reviews relative risk, odds ratios, receiver-operating curves, posttest risk calculations based on likelihood ratios, the net reclassification improvement and integrated discrimination. This serves to determine whether a new test has an added clinical value on top of conventional risk testing and how this can be verified statistically. Two clinically meaningful examples serve to illustrate novel approaches. This work serves as a review and basic work for the development of new guidelines on cardiovascular risk prediction, taking into account emerging tests, to be proposed by members of the 'Taskforce on Vascular Risk Prediction' under the auspices of the Working Group 'Swiss Atherosclerosis' of the Swiss Society of Cardiology in the future.
Introducción: La E.U.Enfermería Gimbernat participa en el Plan Piloto del Departamento de Universidades de la Generalitat de Catalunya para la adaptación de la titulación de Enfermería a los criterios de la Convergencia Europea. En el actual curso 2006-2007, la adaptación incluye todas las asignaturas de 1er y 2º curso, y es en este último donde se ubica...
Background: Detection rates for adenoma and early colorectal cancer (CRC) are unsatisfactory due to low compliance towards invasive screening procedures such as colonoscopy. There is a large unmet screening need calling for an accurate, non-invasive and cost-effective test to screen for early neoplastic and pre-neoplastic lesions. Our goal is to identify effective biomarker combinations to develop a screening test aimed at detecting precancerous lesions and early CRC stages, based on a multigene assay performed on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC).Methods: A pilot study was conducted on 92 subjects. Colonoscopy revealed 21 CRC, 30 adenomas larger than 1 cm and 41 healthy controls. A panel of 103 biomarkers was selected by two approaches: a candidate gene approach based on literature review and whole transcriptome analysis of a subset of this cohort by Illumina TAG profiling. Blood samples were taken from each patient and PBMC purified. Total RNA was extracted and the 103 biomarkers were tested by multiplex RT-qPCR on the cohort. Different univariate and multivariate statistical methods were applied on the PCR data and 60 biomarkers, with significant p-value (< 0.01) for most of the methods, were selected.Results: The 60 biomarkers are involved in several different biological functions, such as cell adhesion, cell motility, cell signaling, cell proliferation, development and cancer. Two distinct molecular signatures derived from the biomarker combinations were established based on penalized logistic regression to separate patients without lesion from those with CRC or adenoma. These signatures were validated using bootstrapping method, leading to a separation of patients without lesion from those with CRC (Se 67%, Sp 93%, AUC 0.87) and from those with adenoma larger than 1cm (Se 63%, Sp 83%, AUC 0.77). In addition, the organ and disease specificity of these signatures was confirmed by means of patients with other cancer types and inflammatory bowel diseases.Conclusions: The two defined biomarker combinations effectively detect the presence of CRC and adenomas larger than 1 cm with high sensitivity and specificity. A prospective, multicentric, pivotal study is underway in order to validate these results in a larger cohort.
Research is described that was aimed at developing a test method which can be reasonably and rapidly performed in the laboratory and in the field to predict, with a high degree of certainty, the behavior of concrete subjected to the action of alternate freezing and thawing. The conductometric evaluation of concrete durability was explored with 3 different test methods: conductometric evaluation of the resistance of concrete to rapid freezing and thawing; conductomtric evaluation of the resistance of concrete to natural freezing and thawing, and conductometric evaluation of the pore size distribution of concrete and its correlation to concrete durability. The study showed that conductance could be used as a viable method for determining the durability of portland cement concrete. This would also allow the continuous monitoring of concrete durability without the removal twice per week from the freeze/thaw chamber. Recommendations for the continued development of these test methods are also included.
OBJECTIVE: Accuracy studies of Patient Safety Indicators (PSIs) are critical but limited by the large samples required due to low occurrence of most events. We tested a sampling design based on test results (verification-biased sampling [VBS]) that minimizes the number of subjects to be verified. METHODS: We considered 3 real PSIs, whose rates were calculated using 3 years of discharge data from a university hospital and a hypothetical screen of very rare events. Sample size estimates, based on the expected sensitivity and precision, were compared across 4 study designs: random and VBS, with and without constraints on the size of the population to be screened. RESULTS: Over sensitivities ranging from 0.3 to 0.7 and PSI prevalence levels ranging from 0.02 to 0.2, the optimal VBS strategy makes it possible to reduce sample size by up to 60% in comparison with simple random sampling. For PSI prevalence levels below 1%, the minimal sample size required was still over 5000. CONCLUSIONS: Verification-biased sampling permits substantial savings in the required sample size for PSI validation studies. However, sample sizes still need to be very large for many of the rarer PSIs.
El artículo presenta el desarrollo del proceso de mediación en la intervención del conflicto. En un primer apartado se define el concepto de mediación y sus características. Los apartados segundo y tercero recogen los aspectos relativos a las modalidades de mediación y su transformación ante el conflicto. Finalmente, se muestran las aportaciones de la mediación en el ámbito familiar, escolar y judicial entre otros.