924 resultados para Sick person


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L'objectiu d'aquest projecte és que els nens i adolescents amb dolor crònic puguin gaudir d'una millor qualitat de vida. El projecte té dues línies de recerca complementàries. El primer objectiu específic és crear i adaptar instruments per avaluar l’experiència dolorosa a la població infantil. Dues són les mesures que s'han estudiat en escolars: l'escala numèrica verbal (vNRS-11) tant en paper com en format electrònic, i una versió modificada de la versió pediàtrica del Survey of Pain Attitudes (Peds-SOPA). El segon objectiu específic és avaluar els efectes de la teràpia cognitiva (TC) en una mostra de nens de 12 a 18 anys que pateixen dolor crònic. En concret, volem estudiar si algunes característiques personals i familiars dels joves (per exemple, creences relacionades amb la salut, intensitat del dolor, estratègies d'afrontament, expectatives del tractament) estan associades a l'adherència a les recomanacions terapèutiques i, en conseqüència, són variables que afavoreixen la recuperació d’aquests pacients. Un tractament de 10 sessions es porta a terme per aconseguir aquest objectiu. S’ofereix als pacients un conjunt d'habilitats i estratègies específiques per a què puguin exercir un major control dels seus símptomes i reduir l'impacte d'aquests en les seves vides. Els resultats d'aquests estudis seran de gran interès per millorar el maneig del dolor infantil. A més, els resultats determinaran quines són les variables associades amb l’adherència a les prescripcions terapèutiques. Aquest és un tema particularment d’interès pel fet de que un factor determinant de l’èxit clínic és el grau en què una persona s'adhereix a les recomanacions. D'altra banda, el desenvolupament de les mesures de dolor pediàtric és de gran rellevància tant per a clínics com per a investigadors, ja que moltes de les decisions clíniques es basen en allò que el pacient ha informat sobre el seu dolor.


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This assessment tool is designed to assess the registered nursing needs of a person needing long-term care. The tool is designed to encapsulate a systematic approach to assessment whilst at the same time embracing professional decision-making that takes place in the relationship between a nurse and another person. For this reason, the tool takes the assessment through a staged approach, moving from a general ‘narrative’ based assessment of ‘domains’ of care need, to a focused assessment of risk and complexity. åÊ


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The purpose of this review is to critically appraise the pain assessment tools for non communicative persons in intensive care available in the literature and to determine their relevance for those with brain injury. Nursing and medical electronic databases were searched to identify pain tools, with a description of psychometric proprieties, in English and French. Seven of the ten tools were considered relevant and systematically evaluated according to the criteria and the indicators in the following five areas: conceptualisation, target population, feasibility and clinical utility, reliability and validity. Results indicate a number of well designed pain tools, but additional work is necessary to establish their accuracy and adequacy for the brain injured non communicative person in intensive care. Recommendations are made to choose the best tool for clinical practice and for research.


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A Position Paper for the Professions Allied to Medicine Patients with cancer are living longer due to early diagnosis and better treatment. In recent years there has been increasing attention to issues related to the quality of life of patients with cancer and a recognition of the potential for habilitation and rehabilitation. As a result, PAMs as members of the multi-disciplinary team are now more actively involved with patients diagnosed with cancer during all phases of their disease. Each person’s life possesses a unique blend of psychological, social, economic and physical factors and comprehensive care requires the needs of the whole person to be addressed. This requires patients and carers having timely access to the most appropriate range of professional skills that will allow individual patients and their carers to retain control of their lives and associated circumstances for as long as possible. It also requires professions, in all locations, to work in a collaborative patient centred manner that affords the best outcome for patients. The need has been highlighted for a multi-professional approach to the delivery of cancer services in “Investing for the Future” and “A Framework for the Multi-professional Contribution to Cancer Care in Northern Ireland”. This need has also been highlighted in the PAM Strategy document. åÊ


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From June 1 to July 1 1999, an outbreak involving 25 cases of hepatitis A occurred in a public school in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Since these cases were notified to the State Health Department, the National Reference Center for Hepatitis Viruses (CNRHV) was required to investigate the extent of hepatitis A virus (HAV) dissemination. Blood samples from all students were tested for IgM and total anti-HAV antibodies using a commercial enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA). At the same time, a questionnaire was completed in order to identify possible risk factors for HAV infection. The environmental investigation showed that there was no fecal contamination of the water supply. The epidemiological investigation demonstrated that almost 50% of this population was susceptible to HAV infection and probably person-to-person transmission was the principal mode of virus dissemination. In this situation, a massive vaccination campaign could control the HAV infection.


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This document is designed to provide guidelines to professionals working with people who are HIV positive where the person living with HIV is placing other people at risk of infection through unprotected sexual intercourse or needle sharing, without informing his/her partner of the risk Download the Report here


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This Strategy aims to build on this work and to ensure a more co-ordinated and planned approach to tackling youth homelessness. Particular emphasis is placed on prevention and on the importance of supporting schools, communities, the young people themselves and their families in this context. Where a young person becomes homeless the Strategy stresses the need for a prompt child focused service which will address the individual needs of the young person. Download the Report here


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As Chairperson of the National Council on Ageing and Older People, it gives me great pleasure to introduce this report, Meeting the Health, Social Care and Welfare Services Information Needs of Older People in Ireland. The Council has asserted, in previous reports in the past, the need to improve information provision for older people in order to enable them to make informed decisions in relation to their health, social care and welfare services needs and preferences so that they can become partners in their own care. This is consistent with current policy initiatives intended to re-orientate services more towards the older person and to place him/her at the heart of service planning, delivery and evaluation. Download document here


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On being requested to complete an urgent report by the Minister for Health and Children the Authority undertook a preliminary review of the information known and drew up a series of questions for Our Ladyâ?Ts Hospital for Sick Children (OLHSC) in order to inform the writing of the report. A copy of the questions submitted to OLHSC is attached at Appendix 1. PDF 205kb


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The abundance of snail hosts and the rates of infection with Schistosoma mansoni were monitored monthly for four years in two representative localities subjected to repeated chemotherapy of infected persons. Snail abundance varied from 1.0 to 4.4 collected per person/minute/station for Biomphalaria straminea and from 0.1 to 7.0 for B. glabrata. Infection rates of snails in nature varied from 0% to 15% for the former and from 0% to 70% for the latter species. Human infection increased from 35.5% to 61.9% in the locality occupied by B. straminea, and decreased from 40.3% to 20.8% in that occupied by B. glabrata. No relationship could be detected between human infection and the snail variables. Despite seasonal variations, natural infection persisted throughout the monitoring period in both snail species. It reached remarkably high levels in B. straminea when compared to those obtained by other authors probably because of differences in methodology. It is recommended that longitudinal studies should be carried out focally and periodically to avoid underestimating the prevalence of schistosome infection in snails.


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Hem realitzat l’estudi de moviments humans i hem buscat la forma de poder crear aquests moviments en temps real sobre entorns digitals de forma que la feina que han de dur a terme els artistes i animadors sigui reduïda. Hem fet un estudi de les diferents tècniques d’animació de personatges que podem trobar actualment en l’industria de l’entreteniment així com les principals línies de recerca, estudiant detingudament la tècnica més utilitzada, la captura de moviments. La captura de moviments permet enregistrar els moviments d’una persona mitjançant sensors òptics, sensors magnètics i vídeo càmeres. Aquesta informació és emmagatzemada en arxius que després podran ser reproduïts per un personatge en temps real en una aplicació digital. Tot moviment enregistrat ha d’estar associat a un personatge, aquest és el procés de rigging, un dels punts que hem treballat ha estat la creació d’un sistema d’associació de l’esquelet amb la malla del personatge de forma semi-automàtica, reduint la feina de l’animador per a realitzar aquest procés. En les aplicacions en temps real com la realitat virtual, cada cop més s’està simulant l’entorn en el que viuen els personatges mitjançant les lleis de Newton, de forma que tot canvi en el moviment d’un cos ve donat per l’aplicació d’una força sobre aquest. La captura de moviments no escala bé amb aquests entorns degut a que no és capaç de crear noves animacions realistes a partir de l’enregistrada que depenguin de l’interacció amb l’entorn. L’objectiu final del nostre treball ha estat realitzar la creació d’animacions a partir de forces tal i com ho fem en la realitat en temps real. Per a això hem introduït un model muscular i un sistema de balanç sobre el personatge de forma que aquest pugui respondre a les interaccions amb l’entorn simulat mitjançant les lleis de Newton de manera realista.


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This article tests different P-E fit dimensions in order to assess their impact on three work outcomes: job satisfaction; organizational commitment; and stress perception. Findings shows that P-E fit dimensions have differentiated effects on its dependent variables. This study contributes to several important academic discussions. The first concerns the model tested, which contains several P-E fit dimensions. The second scientific contribution is to consider P-E fit dimensions as antecedents of three job outcomes. The third contribution concerns the development and testing of a new P-E fit dimension called "person-reforms" fit.


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The Action Plan takes as its guiding principle the recognition of the individuality of the person with dementia and of his or her individual needs. This principle has informed and influenced the development of the plan. The needs and uniqueness of the person with dementia must be paramount when we talk of care and service provision. Action on the treatment of dementia can be delayed no longer. Given the increasing proportion of older people in the population and the higher prevalence of dementia in older age groups, action is needed now. This plan should serve as a model of best practice for the provision and planning of services to meet the individual needs of people with dementia and their carers Download the Report here


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The Conference, which took place on 4th June 1999 in the Royal Marine Hotel, Dun Laoghaire, marked the publication of the Councilâ?Ts latest report â?" An Action Plan for Dementia.  The Action Plan takes as its guiding principle the recognition of the individuality of the person with dementia and of his or her needs. It outlines an approach to developing available, accessible and high quality services in the context of existing resources and public expenditure constraints. Its aim is to describe a best practice model of dementia care in Ireland â?" a model which may inform and guide policy makers and others involved in planning service provision, and which may give support and assistance to those who endeavour to provide flexible services at the local level. Download the Report here


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The National Council on Ageing and Older People has undertaken a programme of research into dementia in Ireland. An Action Plan for Dementia provided a framework for the provision and planning of services for people with dementia in Ireland The Costs of Caring for People with Dementia and Related Cognitive Impairments is a complementary report to the Action Plan but with a more quantitative focus. The role of carers is one that is often taken for granted and is seen by many as a free resource. Dr Oâ?TShea explores what caring for a person with dementia entails in terms of the carers time, finances and stress. Evaluating the cost of caring for a person with dementia is the main focus of this study Download the Report here