835 resultados para Sheep and goat raising
The effect of charcoal feeding on manure quality and its subsequent application to enhance soil productivity has received little attention. The objectives of the present study therefore were to investigate the effects of (i) charcoal feeding on manure composition, and (ii) charcoal-enriched manure application on soil fertility parameters and growth of millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.). To this end, two experiments were conducted: First, a goat feeding trial where goats were fed increasing levels of activated charcoal (AC; 0, 3, 5, 7, and 9% of total ration); second, a greenhouse pot experiment using the manure from the feeding trial as an amendment for a sandy soil from northern Oman. We measured manure C, N, P, and K concentrations, soil fertility parameters and microbial biomass indices, as well as plant yield and nutrient concentrations. Manure C concentration increased significantly (P<0.001) from 45.2% (0% AC) to 60.2% (9% AC) with increasing dietary AC, whereas manure N, P, and K concentrations decreased (P<0.001) from 0% AC (N: 2.5%, P: 1.5%, K: 0.8%) to 9% AC (N: 1.7%, P: 0.8%, K: 0.4%). Soil organic carbon, pH, and microbial biomass N showed a response to AC-enriched manure. Yield of millet decreased slightly with AC enrichment, whereas K uptake was improved with increasing AC. We conclude that AC effects on manure quality and soil productivity depend on dosage of manure and AC, properties of AC, trial duration, and soil type.
Due to economical and scientific limitations, sheep embryo reproductive technologies are less commercially applied than in other animal species. However, it is very clear that, in the near future, those techniques are expected to have a central role in animal production as a consequence of genetic and reproductive demands. One drawback is that results obtained after sheep embryo cryopreservation are unattractive for commercial purposes. It is expected that a successful cryopreservation of sheep embryos can push forward all other reproductive biotechnologies in this species, such as multiple ovulation and embryo transfer (MOET), artificial insemination, or in vitro production of embryos. This paper tries to discuss the current and future perspectives of cryopreservation of in vivo- and in vitro-produced sheep embryos concerning advantages and limitations for its practical use and possible solutions for improving methods to allow a higher survival rate of cryopreserved embryos.
A pesquisa objetivou estudar o potencial de utilização da torta de murumuru (Astrocaryum murumuru var. murumuru, M art.) (TM) em dietas de ovinos, em substituição à gramínea Mombaça (Panicum maximum Jacq) com teores crescentes. Realizou-se ensaio metabólico, com 20 ovinos machos, castrados, na Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, Belém, Pará, durante 26 dias. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado, em cinco dietas e quatros repetições. TM0: 100% de gramínea; TM10: 10% de TM e 90% de gramínea; TM20: 20% de TM e 80% de gramínea; TM40: 40% de TM e 60% de gramínea e TM60: 60% de TM e 40% de gramínea. Foram avaliados o consumo e o coeciente de digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca (CMS e CDMS), matéria orgânica (CMO e CDMO), proteína bruta (CPB e CDPB), bra em detergente neutro (CFDN e CDFDN), bra em detergente ácido (CFDA e CDFDA), extrato etéreo (CEE e CDEE), celulose (CCEL e CDCEL), hemicelulose (CHEM e CDHEM) e balanço de nitrogênio (BN) das dietas experimentais. O CMS, CMO, CMM, CPB, CFDN e CFDA apresentaram efeito linear decrescente em função dos teores de substituição da gramínea Mombaça por TM na dieta. O CEE e o CLIG apresentaram efeitos quadráticos em função dos teores de substituição da TM na dieta. O CDMS, CDMO e CDHEM tiveram efeitos lineares crescentes, entre TM0 e TM60. O CDEE, CDFDN, CDFDA e CDCEL apresentaram efeito quadrático, com teores de substituição ótimos de 56,65%, 41%, 31,33% e 27,46%, respectivamente. O balanço de nitrogênio apresentou efeito linear negativo no intervalo de inclusão de 0% a 60% de torta. Conclui-se que a torta de murumuru constitui alternativa para a suplementação alimentar de ruminantes, em substituição à gramínea Mombaça, pois proporciona aumento na digestibilidade dos nutrientes por ovinos. Entretanto, deve-se respeitar um limite de inclusão, considerando-se que a partir de 27,46%, 31,33%, 41% e 56,65% de substituição ocorrem decréscimos, respectivamente da CDCEL, CDFDA, CDFDN e CDEE, embora não ocorra valor negativo para o balanço de nitrogênio.
This study aimed to survey farmers knowledge and practices on the management of pastures, stocking rates and markets of meat goat-producing enterprises within New South Wales and Queensland, Australia. An interview-based questionnaire was conducted on properties that derived a significant proportion of their income from goats. The survey covered 31 landholders with a total land area of 567 177 ha and a reported total of 160 010 goats. A total of 55% (17/31) of producers were involved in both opportunistic harvesting and commercial goat operations, and 45% (14/31) were specialised seedstock producers. Goats were the most important livestock enterprise on 55% (17/31) of surveyed properties. Stocking rate varied considerably (0.3?9.3 goats/ha) within and across surveyed properties and was found to be negatively associated with property size and positively associated with rainfall. Overall, 81% (25/31) of producers reported that the purpose of running goats on their properties was to target international markets. Producers also cited the importance of targeting markets as a way to increase profitability. Fifty-three percent of producers were located over 600 km from a processing plant and the high cost of freight can limit the continuity of goats supplied to abattoirs. Fencing was an important issue for goat farmers, with many producers acknowledging this could potentially add to capital costs associated with better goat management and production. Producers in the pastoral regions appear to have a low investment in pasture development and opportunistic goat harvesting appears to be an important source of income.
One of the numerous challenges in the educational processes is teacher training, particularly in the framework of neo-liberal global societies ruled by the competitiveness of regular and continuous education programs in teacher training. It is a matter of concern and, therefore, a matter of analysis, if we consider the deep impact in all contexts. Accordingly, this paper discusses the situation from a descriptive perspective as a basic requirement to go beyond the analysis on the urgency of having clear educational policies related to the variety and quality of curricular programs; and, above all, a strong awareness from teacher trainers to see themselves as the critical creative mass from which change can be made, based on socially human proposals.
A study was conducted to determine the effect of ration and gonadotrophin hormone on the reproductive performance of breeding goat. Twenty-three does and six bucks having a similar age (1.5-2.0 years old) were exposed in this experiment. An amount of 200 gram of concentrate consisting of yellow corn (30%), rice brand (50%) and commercial concentrate CP 235 (20%) has been given to each experimental animal. The experimental animals were divided into two groups. The group was fed (12 animals) with M1 (roughage + concentrate) and the other group was fed (11 animals) with M2 (roughage). Moreover, each group were divided into four treatment namely: T1 (PGF2α), T2 (PGF2α + PMSG), T3 (PGF2α + HCG) and T4 (PGF2α + PMSG + HCG). The same treatment was applied to the other group. The data such as litter size and birth weight were collected from each experimental goat. Those data were analyzed using a 2 x 4 factorial experiment with unequal repetition. A composition between to treatment group was done using Least Significant Design (LSD). The result of the study showed that the effect of ration and gonadotrophin hormone on litter size and birth weight didn’t show any significant difference (P>0.05). The average of litter size and birth weight from roughage + concentrate treated animal (goat) were 1.92 and 1.51 kilogram respectively. However, the average of litter size and birth weight from roughage treated group were 1.58 and 1.48 kilogram respectively. (Animal Production 5(1): 5-10 (2003) Key words : Gonadotrophin, PGF2α, PMSG, Hormone, Goat
Evaluasi performans reproduksi kambing kacang dan Peranakan Etawah (PE) yang telah beradaptasi dapat memberikan informasi penting untuk mengetahui potensi produksi sebagai sumberdaya lokal. Data reproduksi dikoleksi dari 280 induk PE dan 200 kambing kacang melalui penelitian di lapangan dan monitoring lebih dari 1,5 tahun pada peternak di Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. Kejadian reproduksi, tanggal beranak dan jumlah anak yang diamati dicatat. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rataan litter size antara 1-3 anak per kelahiran untuk seluruh induk dengan rataan untuk kambing kacang dan PE masing-masing adalah 2,06 dan 1,56 anak. Bobot lahir pada kambing kacang dan PE masing-masing adalah 3,8 dan 5,4 kg. Daya hidup sampai penyapihan untuk kambing kacang dan PE masing-masing adalah 97% dan 92%. Selang beranak pada induk kambing minimum 205 hari pada kambing kacang dan maksimum 450 hari pada kambing PE. Indeks reproduksi induk kambing kacang dan PE masing-masing adalah 3,07 dan 1,65 anak/induk/tahun. (Animal Production 4(2): 52-59 (2002)  Kata Kunci : Kambing Kacang, Kambing Peranakan Etawah, Reproduksi, Indonesia