999 resultados para Severe aortic stenosis


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Severe thunderstorms frequently visit Iowa year. Each year on average Iowa sees about 48 tornadoes, tens of flash flood events, hundreds of severe thunderstorms and thousands of non-severe thunderstorms. By definition, a severe thunderstorm must contain hail that is one inch in diameter or larger, straight line winds of 58 mph or stronger and/or a tornado. The National Weather Service issues severe thunderstorm and tornado watches and warnings for severe thunderstorms.


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Sophisticated magnetic resonance tagging techniques provide powerful tools for the non-invasive assessment of the local heartwall motion towards a deeper fundamental understanding of local heart function. For the extraction of motion data from the time series of magnetic resonance tagged images and for the visualization of the local heartwall motion a new image analysis procedure has been developed. New parameters have been derived which allows quantification of the motion patterns and are highly sensitive to any changes in these patterns. The new procedure has been applied for heart motion analysis in healthy volunteers and in patient collectives with different heart diseases. The achieved results are summarized and discussed.


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Prognosis after severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) is determined by the severity of initial injury and secondary cerebral damage. The main determinants of secondary cerebral damage are brain ischemia and oedema. Traumatic brain injury is a heterogeneous disease. Head CT-scan is essential in evaluating initial type of injury and severity of brain oedema. A standardised approach based on prevention and treatment of secondary cerebral damage is the only effective therapeutic strategy of severe TBI. We review the classification, pathophysiology and treatment of secondary cerebral damage after severe TBI and discuss the management of intracranial hypertension, cerebral perfusion pressure and brain ischemia.


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Levofloxacin was investigated against viridans group streptococci in vitro and in rats with experimental aortic endocarditis. The MIC(90)s of levofloxacin and ciprofloxacin for 20 independent isolates of such bacteria were 1 and 8 mg/L, respectively. Rats were infected with two types of organism: either fully susceptible to levofloxacin MIC < or = 0.5 mg/L) or borderline susceptible (MIC 1-2 mg/L). Fully levofloxacin-susceptible bacteria comprised one penicillin-susceptible (MIC 0.004 mg/L) Streptococcus gordonii, and one penicillin-tolerant as well as one intermediate penicillin-resistant (MIC 0.125 mg/L) isogenic strains. Borderline levofloxacin-susceptible bacteria comprised one penicillin-susceptible Streptococcus sanguis and one highly penicillin-resistant Streptococcus mitis (MIC 2 mg/L). Rats were treated for 5 days with drug dosages simulating the following treatments in humans: (i) levofloxacin 500 mg orally once a day (q24 h), (ii) levofloxacin 500 mg orally twice a day (q12 h), (iii) levofloxacin 1 g orally q24 h, (iv) ciprofloxacin 750 mg orally q12 h, and (v) ceftriaxone 2 g iv q24 h. Levofloxacin was equivalent or superior to ceftriaxone, and was successful in treating experimental endocarditis irrespective of penicillin resistance. Nevertheless, standard levofloxacin treatment equivalent to 500 mg q24 h in human was less effective than twice daily 500 mg or once daily 1 g doses against borderline-susceptible organisms. Ciprofloxacin, used as a negative control, was ineffective and selected for resistant isolates. This underlines the importance of MIC determinations when treating severe streptococcal infection with quinolones. In the case of borderline-susceptible pathogens, total daily doses of 1 g of levofloxacin should be considered.


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Suite à des essais cliniques randomisés démontrant l'efficacité du dépistage de l'anévrisme de l'aorte abdominale (AAA) par échographie, plusieurs recommandations ont été publiées dans de nombreux pays en faveur du dépistage dans une partie de la population générale. De plus, au-delà de la rupture aortique, le dépistage d'un petit AAA semble être une bonne occasion d'appliquer les stratégies de prévention secondaire, permettant une amélioration globale du pronostic cardiovasculaire du patient. Ces recommandations sont cependant peu suivies; les campagnes de dépistage systématique sont rares, laissant la responsabilité du dépistage au médecin généraliste. Cet article se propose de discuter les raisons de la non-implantation du dépistage de l'AAA. [Abstract] Following the evidence of benefits of ultrasound screening for abdominal aorta aneurysms (AAA), several guidelines support this screening in population. Beyond the prompt diagnosis of AAA prior to its rupture of grim vital prognosis, small AAA can beconsidered as a prognostic marker for cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Yet, its detection is an opportunity for secondary prevention to reduce CVD mortality. Despite, these guidelines are poorly applied: systematic screening campaigns are infrequent, making the screening of family physicians responsibility. While the major benefit from this screening strategy is to reduce AAA-related death (but only trivial effect on long-term total mortality), this explains only partially the lack of guidelines implementation. The reasons of the poor implementation of these guidelines are discussed herein.


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Severe sepsis and septic shock are systemic manifestations of the host response to infection. Mortality remains high despite advances in pathophysiological knowledge. Hemodynamic and respiratory management is largely supportive, while early antibiotics administration and source of infection's control are crucial for patient outcome. We review the principles guiding the initial management of these patients in emergency situation.


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Myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) is a multisystem disorder with a variable phenotype. The involvement of peripheral nerves in DM1 disease is controversial. The DM1 animal model DM300 transgenic mice that carry 350 to 500 CTG repeats express a mild DM1 phenotype but do not exhibit motor or sensory pathology. Here, we investigated the presence or absence of peripheral neuropathy in transgenic mice (DMSXL) that carry more than 1,300 CTG repeats and display a severe form of DM1. Electrophysiologic, histologic, and morphometric methods were used to investigate the structure and function of peripheral nerves. We observed lower compound muscle action potentials recorded from hind limb muscles and slowing of sciatic nerve conduction velocity in DMSXL versus control mice. Morphometric analyses showed an axonopathy and neuronopathy in the DMSXL mice characterized by a decrease in numbers of myelinatedmotor axons in sciatic nerve and in spinal cord motor neurons. Pathologic alterations in the structure of hind limb neuromuscular junctions were also detected in the DMSXL mice. These results suggest that peripheral neuropathy can be linked to a large CTG expansion and a severe form of DM1.


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After foot and/or ankle fracture, the restoration of optimal gait symmetry is one of the criteria of recovery. Orthotic insoles and orthopaedic shoes improve gait symmetry and regularity by controlling joint motion and improving alignment. The aim of the present study was to assess the effect of prescription footwear on gait quality by using accelerometers attached to the lower back. Sixteen adult patients with persistent disability after ankle and/or foot fractures performed two 30-s walking trials with and without prescription footwear (insoles and stabilizing shoes). Sixteen control subjects were also tested for comparison. The autocorrelation function was computed from the acceleration signal and the first two dominant periods were assessed (d1 and d2). Two parameters were used: (1) Stride Regularity (SR) which expresses the similarity between strides over time (d2), and (2) Stride Symmetry (SS) a ratio (d1/d2) which expresses the left/right similarity of gait independently of repeatability in the successive movements of each limb. In control subjects, SR and SS were 0.86+/-0.05 (correlation coefficient) and 81+/-10%, respectively. In the patient group, the effect of footwear was significant (SR: 0.88+/-0.06 vs. 0.90+/-0.05, SS: 38+/-23% vs. 46+/-27%). Pain was also significantly reduced (-34%). By using a rapid and low-cost method, we objectively quantified gait quality improvement after footwear intervention, concomitant to pain reduction. Substantial inter-patient variability in the footwear outcome was observed. In conclusion, we believe that trunk accelerometry can be a useful tool in the field of gait rehabilitation.


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STUDY OBJECTIVES: To review the etiology and pathophysiology of pneumomediastinum in severe blunt trauma, with a special interest in one of its possible origins, the Macklin effect. The Macklin effect relates to a three-step pathophysiologic process: blunt traumatic alveolar ruptures, air dissection along bronchovascular sheaths, and spreading of this blunt pulmonary interstitial emphysema into the mediastinum. The clinical relevance of the Macklin effect was also evaluated. SETTING: A university hospital serving as a reference trauma center. PATIENTS: A selection of 51 patients with severe blunt trauma between 1995 and 2000. Inclusion criteria: Severe trauma or high-speed deceleration justifying chest CT; if chest CT demonstrated a pneumomediastinum, bronchoscopy and esophagoscopy were performed to rule out tracheobronchial or esophageal injury. DESIGN: Retrospective analysis of patients' clinical files, chest CT, and bronchoscopy and esophagoscopy reports. The Macklin effect was diagnosed when an air collection adjacent to a bronchus and a pulmonary vessel could be clearly identified on the chest CT. Clinical relevance of the Macklin effect was statistically evaluated regarding its repercussions on the pulmonary gas exchange function, the respective durations of intensive care and total hospital stay, and the associated injuries. RESULTS: Twenty (39%) Macklin effects and 5 tracheobronchial injuries (10%) were identified. One tracheobronchial injury occurred simultaneously with the Macklin effect. The presence of the Macklin effect affected neither the clinical profile nor the result of pulmonary gas analysis on hospital admission, but was associated with a significant (p < 0.001) lengthening of the intensive care stay. CONCLUSIONS: The Macklin effect is present in 39% of severe blunt traumatic pneumomediastinum detected by CT. Its identification does not rule out a tracheobronchial injury. The Macklin effect reflects severe trauma, since it is associated with significantly prolonged intensive care stay.


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O. Wilde considers that Christ ranks with the poets and Shelley and Sophocles are of his company. Nevertheless, the result of this comparison becomes unfavourable as far Sophocles is concerned, who, precisely as a poet can reach neither the sublimity nor the real tragic sufferance which Christ symbolises. According to Wilde, Christ is both a poet and a tragic poem, while Sophocles is merely a poet, thus being certified the impossibility of the above mentioned comparison.


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The aim of this article is to present an accurate analysis of O. Wilde's poem 'Camma' by referring it to its Greek model: that Camma both in Plutarch's Amatorius (Eroticus) and Mulierum Virtutes. It is precisely this accurate reading which permits us to verify how Plutarch's Ethics is corrected from the parameters of the hedonism which is peculiar to O. Wilde's aestheticism, thus turning Camma into a symbol of a pleasant life.


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A 29-year-old pregnant woman noted acute visual loss following emergent Caesarean section complicated by excessive uterine bleeding. Postoperative visual acuity was count fingers in both eyes. Funduscopic changes were consistent with a diagnosis of anaemia-associated ischaemic optic neuropathy and retinopathy. One month later, because of persistent anaemia and poor visual recovery, blood transfusion was given. Following transfusion, the patient's vision improved over the next 6 months. In an otherwise healthy patient, visual loss associated with postoperative blood loss may still be partially reversible with correction of the anaemia, even after a delayed period of time.


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La rigidité anormalement haute des artères à grande conductance est un marqueur de l'augmentation du risque cardiovasculaire et est typiquement retrouvée chez les patients diabétiques ou hypertendus. Ces vaisseaux deviennent plus rigides avec l'âge, expliquant la haute prévalence d'hypertension systolique chez les personnes âgées. Cette rigidification agit sur la pression sanguine de plusieurs façons. Notamment la fonction windkessel est gênée, menant à l'augmentation de la pression systolique et de la pression puisée, la diminution de la pression diastolique, et ainsi à l'augmentation de la postcharge ventriculaire gauche associée à une probable diminution de la perfusion coronarienne. De plus, la propagation des ondes de pression le long de l'arbre vasculaire est accélérée, de sorte que les ondes réfléchies générées au site de décalage d'impédance atteignent l'aorte ascendante plus tôt par rapport au début de l'éjection ventriculaire, aboutissant à une augmentation de la pression systolique centrale, ce qui n'arriverait pas en présence de vaisseaux moins rigides. Dans ce cas, au contraire, les ondes de pression antérogrades et réfléchies voyages plus lentement, de sorte que les ondes de réflexion tendent à atteindre l'aorte centrale une fois l'éjection terminée, augmentant la pression diastolique et contribuant à la perfusion coronarienne. La tonométrie d'applanation est une méthode non invasive permettant l'évaluation de la forme de l'onde de pression au niveau l'aorte ascendante, basée sur l'enregistrement du pouls périphérique, au niveau radial dans notre étude. Nous pouvons dériver à partir de cette méthode un index d'augmentation systolique (sAIX) qui révèle quel pourcentage de la pression centrale est du aux ondes réfléchies. Plusieurs études ont montré que cet index est corrélé à d'autres mesures de la rigidité artérielle comme la vitesse de l'onde de pouls, qu'il augmente avec l'âge et avec les facteurs de risques cardiovasculaires, et qu'il est capable de préciser le pronostic cardiovasculaire. En revanche, peu d'attention a été portée à l'augmentation de la pression centrale diastolique due aux ondes réfléchies (dAIX). Nous proposons donc de mesurer cet index par un procédé d'analyse développé dans notre laboratoire, et ce dans la même unité que l'index systolique. Etant donné que les modifications de la paroi artérielle modulent d'une part la vitesse de l'onde de pouls (PWV) et d'autre part le temps de voyage aller-retour des ondes de pression réfléchies aux sites de réflexion, toute augmentation de la quantité d'énergie réfléchie atteignant l'aorte pendant la systole devrait être associée à une diminution de l'énergie arrivant au même point pendant la diastole. Notre étude propose de mesurer ces deux index, ainsi que d'étudier la relation de l'index d'augmentation diastolique (dAIX) avec la vitesse de propagation de l'onde de pouls (PWV) et avec le rythme cardiaque (HR), ce dernier étant connu pour influencer l'index d'augmentation systolique (sAIX) . L'influence de la position couchée et assise est aussi étudiée. Les mesures de la PWV et des sAIX et dAIX est réalisée chez 48 hommes et 45 femmes âgées de 18 à 70 ans, classés en 3 groupes d'âges. Les résultats montrent qu'en fonction de l'âge, le genre et la position du corps, il y a une relation inverse entre sAIX et dAIX. Lorsque PWV et HR sont ajoutés comme covariables à un modèle de prédiction comprenant l'âge, le genre et la position du corps comme facteurs principaux, sAIX est directement lié à PWV (p<0.0001) et inversement lié à HR (p<0.0001). Avec la même analyse, dAIX est inversement lié à PWV (p<0.0001) et indépendant du rythme cardiaque (p=0.52). En conclusion, l'index d'augmentation diastolique est lié à la rigidité vasculaire au même degré que l'index d'augmentation systolique, alors qu'il est affranchi de l'effet confondant du rythme cardiaque. La quantification de l'augmentation de la pression aortique diastolique due aux ondes réfléchies pourrait être une partie utile de l'analyse de l'onde de pouls.


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BACKGROUND: Pharmacotherapy may represent a potential means to limit the expansion rate of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs). Studies evaluating the efficacy of different pharmacological agents to slow down human AAA-expansion rates have been performed, but they have never been systematically reviewed or summarized. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Two independent reviewers identified studies and selected randomized trials and prospective cohort studies comparing the growth rate of AAA in patients with pharmacotherapy vs. no pharmacotherapy. We extracted information on study interventions, baseline characteristics, methodological quality, and AAA growth rate differences (in mm/year). Fourteen prospective studies met eligibility criteria. Five cohort studies raised the possibility of benefit of beta-blockers [pooled growth rate difference: -0.62 mm/year, (95%CI, -1.00 to -0.24)], but this was not confirmed in three beta-blocker RCTs [pooled RCT growth rate difference: -0.05 mm/year (-0.16 to 0.05)]. Statins have been evaluated in two cohort studies that yield a pooled growth rate difference of -2.97 (-5.83 to -0.11). Doxycycline and roxithromycin have been evaluated in two RCTs that suggest possible benefit [pooled RCT growth rate difference: -1.32 mm/year (-2.89 to 0.25)]. Studies assessing NSAIDs, diuretics, calcium channel blockers and ACE inhibitors, meanwhile, did not find statistically significant differences. CONCLUSIONS: Beta-blockers do not appear to significantly reduce the growth rate of AAAs. Statins and other anti-inflammatory agents appear to hold promise for decreasing the expansion rate of AAA, but need further evaluation before definitive recommendations can be made.