920 resultados para Settling basins


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The seismic processing technique has the main objective to provide adequate picture of geological structures from subsurface of sedimentary basins. Among the key steps of this process is the enhancement of seismic reflections by filtering unwanted signals, called seismic noise, the improvement of signals of interest and the application of imaging procedures. The seismic noise may appear random or coherent. This dissertation will present a technique to attenuate coherent noise, such as ground roll and multiple reflections, based on Empirical Mode Decomposition method. This method will be applied to decompose the seismic trace into Intrinsic Mode Functions. These functions have the properties of being symmetric, with local mean equals zero and the same number of zero-crossing and extremes. The developed technique was tested on synthetic and real data, and the results were considered encouraging


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The rural settlements represent a mark in the expensive historical process of fight by the land in Brazil. At first offer basic terms of survival, through the access the land and of the fundamental supports for exploration. At the same time, have stimulated organization forms politicizes of the families who manage to work with the new challenges of the everyday. The moment that follows the land conquest, and therefore, the settlements construction while life and work project, it is crossed for objective and subjective demands, with highlight for options of agricultural production and strategies of collective action. Originally formed as representation instance legitimates of the families - front to the government and social actors - the settlers associations are private spaces for political sociability, that guided by principles participative, can lead the settlers the new conquests through indeed democratic experiences. The goal of this work is to comprehend the participation forms in the scope of these associations and the way as that translates in life best terms for the group, from the settlements experiences located in the Territories of the Citizenship Mato Grande and Açu-Mossoró, in Rio Grande do Norte's State. The theoretical conceptions that guide this analysis are concentrate on discussions about democracy and participation (Patermam, Putnam, Bodernave) and in the reflections about the rural world (Medeiros, Martins, Woodman e Woodman and Bergamansco). About methodological, different point of view strategies were developed: The direct observation, the application in locate of questionnaires to the families settlers and interviews semi-structured with the internal leaderships. With that could verify that the participation forms in the associations operate in two heartfelt: Of a side, they promote assimilation opportunities of democratic abilities accompanied of notions of social rights and redefinition of political standards; Of another, it offers indeed the possibility of the settlers lead, with relative autonomy, the political organization and her changes in direction to a way of life that wish to have in the settling


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The relation between State and civil society is not a very recent discussion, but it does not mean that debate is exhausted, since is in the historical context that the novelty is seized. Thinking like this, we may analyze how the relation between state and civil society happened in Acre during the decade of 1970. But, to understand how this relation is established in faraway Acre, we have available to the reader historical analyses, in a tireless attempt to clarify minimally aspects that characterize acreana society. To do this, we take on as a departure point, in general not differentiating of the given structure at national level, the conformation of this society was guided in a passive revolution, in another way, by high transformismo, relegating to the civil society, which is incipient, pífia a simple participation in the hegemonic policy direction. All this brings us to the thought that both state bureaucracy structure and the civil society organization, were influenced decisively for a traditional political elite. In addition, we begin the work with the lifting bibliographic reference searching and then we analyze the empirical reality, such as newspapers, official media publications and private, a few documents and last, interviews with political actors associated with the process consolidation of civil society in the 1970 decade. The interviewees were selected, firstly for their location in the region, and for their outstanding contribution to the consolidating process of recent Acre history. Thus, the interviews followed up on a semi-structured way, leading up, also, for the informations that the interviewees would have to pass on. The systematization and analysis of these surveys have shown us that, in the period before of the Acre Federal State lifting had, of course, a transformismo by high, but at 1970decade, the society with a more heterogeneous social formation, is not allowed, or at least, organize itself, to counter a systematic imposition. Thus, the hegemonic area of dispute between State and civil society occurs from the "reconciliation" with the adoption of public policies that amenizasse the dispute between both spheres, and to build up some bodies, settling a acreana civil society.


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Com a análise das características morfométricas procura-se entender a relação solo-superfície, em decorrência dos processos erosivos sobre estruturas e litologias variadas. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar as características morfométricas do padrão de drenagem e do relevo em microbacias hidrográficas de 2ª ordem de magnitude, em Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro e Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo, com vistas ao planejamento agroambiental da Bacia Hidrográfica do Córrego Rico, município de Jaboticabal, SP. O estudo foi baseado em fotografias aéreas, pancromáticas, verticais na escala 1:35.000 da região administrativa de Ribeirão Preto. Com técnicas de fotointerpretação, foram traçadas a rede de drenagem e respectivas microbacias hidrográficas, onde as variáveis selecionadas foram determinadas. As classes de risco de degradação, resultando no uso potencial do solo, foram determinadas de acordo com o coeficiente de rugosidade. As características do padrão de drenagem e do relevo repercutiram no comportamento hidrológico e litológico das microbacias hidrográficas, possibilitando a diferenciação entre as unidades de solos. A densidade de drenagem e a amplitude altimétrica foram as características que mais contribuíram para o poder discriminatório na relação solo-superfície. Na análise conjunta do potencial de uso do solo, verificou-se, principalmente, adequação para agricultura nos Latossolos e pecuária e, ou, reflorestamento nos Argissolos.


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The debate around the thematic of Corporate Social Responsibility - CSR involves economic, social, cultural and symbolic aspects in the relations established between company and society. In Brazilian reality, the CSR, understood as enterprise actions, external and/or internal, that contributes to social and ambient improvement, gains greater visibility in 1990 decade. Although the significant increase of theoretical productions about CSR pertinent elements, it is still scarce the studies that treats about the relation company/society in the northeastern reality, and singularly, in Rio Grande do Norte. It was in this perspective, that, in being the salt industry one of most important in the potiguar economic history formation , the present work investigated practicies and perceptions of salt entrepreneurship about CSR. Considering all the Rio Grande do Norte salt industry history phases, since the period of the Brazil s settling, as well as the characteristics of the study object, was opted to the qualitative research, objectified in interviews half-structuralized realized with the salt segment entrepreneurs, as well as professionals of ambient management and human resources working in potiguar salt segment. The research main results indicated a coexistence between the mechanisms of management seated on personal and paternalists relations, typical of traditional salt industry, and the emergency of innovative elements typical of the modern management, like the CSR. In this context, a tension between continuity and rupture with the traditional mechanisms of management in salt entrepreneurship actions


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as características morfométricas das microbacias (2ª, 3ª, 4ª e 5ª ordens de magnitude) da bacia hidrográfica do córrego Rico, sub-bacia do Rio Mogi-Guaçu, localizada na região administrativa de Ribeirão Preto, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Para tanto, foram determinados os parâmetros físicos e a configuração topográfica natural do sistema de drenagem. Os procedimentos para a obtenção dos dados foram fundamentados em técnicas de sensoriamento remoto e geoprocessamento. A partir da vetorização das cartas topográficas correspondentes à área de estudo, realizou-se a análise morfométrica quanto às características dimensionais, do padrão de drenagem e do relevo no sistema de informação geográfica ArcView. A microbacia é considerada de sexta ordem de magnitude, com área estimada de 542 km², com 85 microbacias de segunda ordem, 22 de terceira, sete de quarta ordem e duas de quinta. Utilizando o critério geométrico, na disposição fluvial das sub-bacias de cabeceiras observou-se a predominância dos modelos dendríticos e subdendríticos, enquanto a jusante predominava o modelo subparalelo, respectivamente, nas áreas de ocorrências dos arenitos Bauru e rochas efusivas básicas.


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This work is a research and action in the field of enviromental education, oriented for the construction of the land s distribuction of the Maria da Paz Settling, in João Câmara/RN, as process of social learning, collecive production of new knowledge, values and attitudes related to the environment. It was consolidated through a partnership beteween the UFRN (GERAH/DARQ and GEPEM/DEPED), MST and INCRA/RN. The drawing that represents the way the space organization of the settling was made constructed through effort of many people, in a process of dicussion with the community had as technical support the environment inventory (soil, vegetation, water resources, and others) allowing the agro-ecology zoning of the settlers participation conditions, their contradiction and conflicts, the challenges that appear in the search for consensus and the factor that creat chages


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The marsh deer is the largest neotropical cervid with morphological and ecological adaptations to wetlands and riparian habitats. Historically, this now endangered species occupied habitats along the major river basins in South America, ranging from southern Amazonia into northern Argentina to the Parana river delta. This particularly close association with wetlands makes marsh deer an excellent species for studying the effects of Pleistocene climatic changes on their demographic and phylogeographic patterns. We examined mitochondrial DNA variation in 127 marsh deer from 4 areas distributed throughout the Rio de]a Plata basin. We found 17 haplotypes in marsh deer from Brazil, Bolivia and Argentina that differed by 1-8 substitutions in a 601 bp fragment of mitochondrial control region sequence, and 486 bp of cytochrome b revealed only 3 variable sites that defined 4 haplotypes. Phylogeny and distribution of control region haplotypes suggest that populations close to the Pantanal area in central Brazil underwent a rapid population expansion and that this occurred approximately 28,000-25,000 years BP. Paleoclimatic data from this period suggests that there was a dramatic increase for precipitation in the medium latitudes in South America and these conditions may have fostered marsh deer's population growth.


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Navigation based on visual feedback for robots, working in a closed environment, can be obtained settling a camera in each robot (local vision system). However, this solution requests a camera and capacity of local processing for each robot. When possible, a global vision system is a cheapest solution for this problem. In this case, one or a little amount of cameras, covering all the workspace, can be shared by the entire team of robots, saving the cost of a great amount of cameras and the associated processing hardware needed in a local vision system. This work presents the implementation and experimental results of a global vision system for mobile mini-robots, using robot soccer as test platform. The proposed vision system consists of a camera, a frame grabber and a computer (PC) for image processing. The PC is responsible for the team motion control, based on the visual feedback, sending commands to the robots through a radio link. In order for the system to be able to unequivocally recognize each robot, each one has a label on its top, consisting of two colored circles. Image processing algorithms were developed for the eficient computation, in real time, of all objects position (robot and ball) and orientation (robot). A great problem found was to label the color, in real time, of each colored point of the image, in time-varying illumination conditions. To overcome this problem, an automatic camera calibration, based on clustering K-means algorithm, was implemented. This method guarantees that similar pixels will be clustered around a unique color class. The obtained experimental results shown that the position and orientation of each robot can be obtained with a precision of few millimeters. The updating of the position and orientation was attained in real time, analyzing 30 frames per second


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de avaliar e comparar a composição florística de 18 reservatórios pertencentes a cinco bacias hidrográficas do Estado de São Paulo. Os levantamentos foram realizados no período de fevereiro a setembro de 2002, com o auxílio de um barco. Percorreu-se a margem dos reservatórios das bacias hidrográficas dos rios Paraíba, Paraná, Paranapanema, Grande e Tietê, à velocidade de 30 km h-1. A cada 20 minutos, estabeleceu-se um ponto de amostragem, determinando-se sua posição por meio de GPS. em cada ponto, em área de 1.000 m², identificaram-se as espécies ocorrentes e respectivas densidades, em porcentagem da área amostrada. Foram identificadas 39 espécies, distribuídas em 21 famílias, destacando-se as flutuantes Salvinia auriculata, Eichhornia crassipes, Eichhornia azurea e Pistia stratiotes e as emersas Polygonum lapathifolium, Brachiaria arrecta,Brachiaria mutica, Cyperus sp. e Typha latifolia, considerando as quatro espécies com maior freqüência em cada bacia. O maior índice de similaridade (0,71) ocorreu entre as bacias dos rios Paranapanema e Grande, e o menor (0,49), entre as bacias dos rios Paraíba e Tietê.


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The present work has the main goal to study the modeling and simulation of a biphasic separator with induced phase inversion, the MDIF, with the utilization of the finite differences method for the resolution of the partial differencial equations which describe the transport of contaminant s mass fraction inside the equipment s settling chamber. With this aim, was developed the deterministic differential model AMADDA, wich was admensionalizated and then semidiscretizated with the method of lines. The integration of the resultant system of ordinary differential equations was realized by means of a modified algorithm of the Adam-Bashfort- Moulton method, and the sthocastic optimization routine of Basin-Hopping was used in the model s parameter estimation procedure . With the aim to establish a comparative referential for the results obtained with the model AMADDA, were used experimental data presented in previous works of the MDIF s research group. The experimental data and those obtained with the model was assessed regarding its normality by means of the Shapiro-Wilk s test, and validated against the experimental results with the Student s t test and the Kruskal-Wallis s test, depending on the result. The results showed satisfactory performance of the model AMADDA in the evaluation of the MDIF s separation efficiency, being possible to determinate that at 1% significance level the calculated results are equivalent to those determinated experimentally in the reference works


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Steam assisted gravity drainage process (SAGD) involves two parallel horizontal wells located in a same vertical plane, where the top well is used as steam injector and the bottom well as producer. The dominant force in this process is gravitational. This improved oil recovery method has been demonstrated to be economically viable in commercial projects of oil recovery for heavy and extra heavy oil, but it is not yet implemented in Brazil. The study of this technology in reservoirs with characteristics of regional basins is necessary in order to analyze if this process can be used, minimizing the steam rate demand and improving the process profitability. In this study, a homogeneous reservoir was modeled with characteristics of Brazilian Northeast reservoirs. Simulations were accomplished with STARS , a commercial software from Computer Modelling Group, which is used to simulate improved oil recovery process in oil reservoirs. In this work, a steam optimization was accomplished in reservoirs with different physical characteristics and in different cases, through a technical-economic analysis. It was also studied a semi-continuous steam injection or with injection stops. Results showed that it is possible to use a simplified equation of the net present value, which incorporates earnings and expenses on oil production and expenses in steam requirement, in order to optimize steam rate and obtaining a higher net present value in the process. It was observed that SAGD process can be or not profitable depending on reservoirs characteristics. It was also obtained that steam demand can still be reduced injecting in a non continuous form, alternating steam injection with stops at several time intervals. The optimization of these intervals allowed to minimize heat losses and to improve oil recovery


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The urban drainage is one of the powers of environmental sanitation and its scope is the quantitative and qualitative aspects. In decision making of managers and the engineering aspects of design are almost always taken into account only the quantitative aspects. However, the waters of the runoff have the highest concentrations of pollutants at the beginning of precipitation. Thus, if the plot pollution removed, the remaining portion can be used for other purposes. This work has aimed to present the variation of water quality of two drainage basins in the city of Natal / RN-Brazil to support the implementation of drainage to consider the qualitative aspect, and identify potential for the use of water. The basins (M and C) are analyzed closed-type, are in the urban area, are predominantly residential occupation and its waters are used for detention ponds and infiltration. The samples were divided into three phases, the first two direct to final points in a basin and the third in traps distributed over the surface drainage. The parameters had been analyzed were pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, Color, Turbidity, COD, Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, total phosphorus, orthophosphate, Sediments solids, total solids, chloride, sulfate, alkalinity, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, Heavy Metals (Chromium, Cadmium, Lead, Zinc and Copper), Eschichia coli and total coliforms. The parameters studied showed high initial pollution load, events and located in different proportions, except nitrite, heavy metals and biological indicators. The size of the surface drainage and topographic its features influence the quality of water. However, the form of sampling is crucial in the qualitative study in the basin. The samplers developed at work, were generated economic and representative results. The urban rainwater presents organic faecal indicators. The runoff of water from both basins shows no risk of salinity and sodicity for use in irrigation, should be noted the content of chloride in the choice of method of irrigation


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Provide data and information on watershed becomes important since the knowledge of their physical characteristics, land use, etcetera, allows for better planning and sustainable use of economically, socially and environmentally in this area. The investigation of the physical environment has been commonly given with the use of geoprocessing, which has proved a very efficient tool. Within this context, this research aims at analyzing the river basin Punaú (located in the cities of Touros, Rio do Fogo and Pureza, state of Rio Grande do Norte) in several aspects, using geoprocessing as a tool of work, to provide information about the entire watershed. Specifically, this study aimed to update pre-existing maps, such as geological, geomorphological and land use, generating map of environmental vulnerability, under the aspect of erosion susceptibility of the area, generating map of legal incompatibility, identifying areas that are already being employed in breach of environmental legislation; propose solutions to the occupation of the river basin Punaú, focused on environmental planning. The methodology was based on the use of geoprocessing tools for data analysis and to make maps of legal incompatibility and environmental vulnerability. For the first map was taken into account the environmental legislation regarding the protection of watersheds. For the vulnerability analysis, the generated map was the result of crossing the maps of geology, geomorphology, soils and land use, having been assigned weights to different attributes of thematic maps, generating a map of environmental vulnerability in relation to susceptibility to erosion. The analysis results indicate that agriculture is the most significant activity in the basin, in total occupied area, which confers a high degree of environmental vulnerability in most of the basin, and some agricultural areas eventually develop in a manner inconsistent with Brazilian environmental legislation. It is proposed to consider deploying a measure of revitalization of the watershed in more critical areas and conservation through mitigation measures on the causes of environmental degradation, such as protection of water sources, protection and restoration of riparian vegetation, protection of permanent preservation areas, containment of erosion processes in general, and others listed or not in specific laws, and even the establishment of a committee of basins in the area