990 resultados para Setor da construção civil
The End of Course Work this aims, the hydrological cycle of water on our planet, and explain about its importance in the lives of living beings, finally, carry out a detailed analysis regarding the financial feasibility of implementing a system Shauer sustainable in the condominium, the first being the pickup of river water, which will use a reservoir for capitation and filtering, a reservoir for water storage filtered and pumps that will redirects it to outside faucets and toilets use in residences
This work aims to assess a case ofwaterproofing pathology, from the presentation of the pathological manifestations, thecharacterization and quantification of negotiationsproposals. With these data, graphs were elaborated with thepurpose ofemphasizing the cost increase from the time of intervention, to give an increase of 1,429.00 % inthe presented study. Also show the proportion of spending on finishes and waterproofing,demonstratingthe greatinfluence of the finishes in the composition of the treatment costs. Inthisstudy, it was foundthat these finishes made up89% of the total cost. In the bibliographic reference, presented to the active mechanisms, the characterization of waterproofing systems and the most common pathologies. It follows the importance of sealing to ensure integrity of a construction
Over the recent human history within the last centuries the environmental degradation has been accumulating and growing rampantly causing effects today easily perceived by all. Because of this, today we can say that there is almost a consensus among the world population's concern with the environment in order to seek to minimize these effects immediately in addition to not aggravate the situation for future generations. Thus today it is common to find a wide range of products with this ideal of sustainable commitment in the various commercial areas. The construction industry has a responsibility to be a major cause of these impacts to the environment, so it is also one of the main vectors able to mitigate the degradation of the environment. In order to encourage, oversee and promote the sustainable attitudes within the construction area emerged environmental certifications. In this work it's exposed some of the major certifications for civilian buildings, highlighting the Selo Azul da Caixa that appears as a good choice focused on the Brazilian reality
This work talks about the importance of the steel adhesion to concrete, reinforced concrete structures, their testing and forms of measurement used and how the results are used in the structural design, which uses as a reference the NBR 6118 and NBR 7480. It also deals with the importance of a reliable assessment, discussing failures that the test used, NBR 7477, features in specific circumstances, as discussed under the EC-094. It also presents an initial proposal for simplified pullout test, which aims to analyze the grip on steel bars with diameter less than 10 mm, which results when used standardized testing by ABNT NBT 7477, has shown excessive variability, the main criticism of the trial today used without distinction to be established thick or thin bars. The proposal also presented methodology is in the consolidation phase, given the time and the volume of necessary tests. For this reason it is not possible to make a comparison between the values obtained and the results of the test used on the basis of the standard in force, this can only be done once the front with a continuation of this work
The principles and dimensions of sustainability concept is increasingly gaining ground within the building industry. Over the past decades, its applicability within the different environments and for different buildings typologies have been study to attend better the present populations and future generations. It is within this scenario that international certifications started to appear. The most famous and developed one being LEED certification system. In Brazil, as a support to the certification and also sustainability practices and conducts, was founded the Brazilian Council for Sustainable Construction (CBCS). The council and the certifications have the objective to disseminate and generate awareness to reduce energy and water consumption, aiming for life quality. Many constructions around de country have already the international certification, which also boost the rise of national certifications with specific criteria for the national context. However, such certificates are mainly destiny for medium and high standard buildings, often as a commercial advantage to explain the high costs. The purpose of this work is to be able to define what is being sustainable in the construction industry, taking for basis, LEED and CBCS. In addition, since there is a significant increase in the production of Housing Social Interest, the other angles will be to analyze how to apply the practices and sustainable technologies for low-cost projects with the objective to balance the three dimensions of sustainability: environmental, social and economics.
In this work, we discuss the procedures adopted for the design of built-up columns (laced and battened columns). Built-up columns are widely used in steel construction generally when the compression forces are relatively low and the column buckling lengths are large. They are commonly used in industrial buildings, for example, as posts for cladding, or as columns supporting a crane girder. Unlike columns with full section, in the case of built-up columns, it is necessary to evaluate the shear stiffness. In fact, the shear strength leads to a significant reduction of the critical load. In the context of this work, the components of the columns (chords, diagonals, posts, etc.) are formed by cold-formed members. In order to systematize and rationalize the verification of the built-up columns, this work aim to develop a computer program based on the standards NBR 14762, NBR 6355 and Eurocode 3, basically the considerations of the part EN 1993-1-1
In all segments, the companies are looking for the highest productivity with the lowest possible cost, and in the construction industry, the thinking is the same. Over time, techniques that generate more productivity supplanted previous techniques; an example is the CAD technology that replaced free drawings in projects execution. However, the Computer Aided Design (CAD) technology does not deal with certain factors that permeate the entire project. It is required the use of other techniques to supply this need in traditional projects. For example, a software for schedule management, another for assets management and a person who makes calculations for estimates and budgets. The BIM (Building Information Modeling) technology aims to integrate all this information, facilitating the communication among members of a work team and reducing the time required to carry out the project. This work is a applied research, a descriptive research, carried out through modeling and simulation, processes inherent in the use of BIM, a survey was also used only to contextualization. BIM was used for a soccer stadium roof project, in order to verify the feasibility of such use through the analysis of: BIM tools, difficulties encountered and implications of BIM use, and comparison of traditional methods and the use of BIM. To aid the contextualization, a survey was conducted to verify the use of BIM in medium and small companies
Existem diversas técnicas para caracterização do módulo de elasticidade de madeiras e, dentre as atualmente empregadas, destacam-se aquelas que utilizam as frequências naturais de vibração, por serem técnicas não destrutivas e, portanto, apresentarem resultados que podem ser repetidos e comparados ao longo do tempo. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a eficácia, dos métodos de ensaios baseados nas frequências naturais de vibração comparando-os aos resultados obtidos na flexão estática na obtenção das propriedades elásticas em peças estruturais de madeira de reflorestamento que são usualmente empregadas na construção civil. Foram avaliadas 24 vigas de Eucalyptus sp. com dimensões nominais (40 x 60 x 2.000 mm) e 14 vigas de Pinus oocarpa com dimensões nominais (45 x 90 x 2.300 mm), ambas sem tratamento; 30 pranchas com dimensões nominais (40 x 240 x 2.010 mm) e 30 pranchas com dimensões nominais (40 x 240 x 3.050 mm), ambas de Pinnus oocarpa e com tratamento preservativo à base de Arseniato de Cobre Cromatado - CCA. Os resultados obtidos apresentaram boa correlação quando comparados aos resultados obtidos pelo método mecânico de flexão estática, especialmente quando empregada a frequência natural de vibração longitudinal. O emprego da frequência longitudinal mostrou-se confiável e prático, portanto recomendada para a determinação do módulo de elasticidade de peças estruturais de madeira. Verificou-se ainda que, empregando a frequência longitudinal, não há necessidade de um suporte específico para os corpos de prova ou calibrações prévias, reduzindo assim o tempo de execução e favorecendo o ensaio de grande quantidade de amostras.
Incapacidade para o trabalho: análise dos benefícios auxílio-doença concedidos no estado de Rondônia
Trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico descritivo com objetivo de estimar a prevalência e a duração dos benefícios auxílio-doença, concedidos pelo Instituto Nacional de Seguro Social, bem como dos fatores associados à incapacidade para o trabalho entre os trabalhadores empregados em Rondônia em 2008. As prevalências foram apresentadas por 10.000 trabalhadores e estratificadas por sexo, idade, diagnóstico, atividade econômica, espécie e duração dos benefícios. Os homens apresentaram maiores prevalência e duração dos benefícios. Os benefícios previdenciários mostraramse 2,5 mais prevalentes do que os acidentários e ambos aumentaram com a idade. Os acidentários foram mais prevalentes na faixa etária de 50-59 anos. Silvicultura, construção civil e locação de mão de obra apresentaram as maiores prevalências. Os principais grupos diagnósticos foram lesões; doenças do sistema osteomuscular e doenças do aparelho digestivo. A duração dos benefícios auxílio-doença foi maior entre homens, com > 40 anos e na espécie previdenciária. A atividade econômica é um importante fator de risco para a incapacidade para o trabalho, e precisa ser mais bem explorada como tal visando melhorar a prevenção de doenças e diminuir o impacto na saúde dos trabalhadores decorrentes das condições ambientais e dos processos de trabalho.
This work is the result of a case study that analyzes the trajectories of migrants to rural settlements located in the municipality of Padre Bernardo, the region surrounding the Federal District, Goiás State in this region several settlements created in the late 90's, were consisting of workers of rural origin who migrated from various regions of Brazil to work, especially in services and construction in Brasilia before reaching settlements. Thus, the text aims to give some reflections on understanding the dynamics of migration to rural settlements in Brazil trajectories with rural-city-settlements. As consideration, it was noticed that after many years or even decades living in the city, these migrants decide to join the struggle for land and depart for land occupation in the region. In the settlement, the settlers are facing a new challenge that will be built collectively and individually
This work is the result of a case study that analyzes the trajectories of migrants to rural settlements located in the municipality of Padre Bernardo, the region surrounding the Federal District, Goiás State in this region several settlements created in the late 90's, were consisting of workers of rural origin who migrated from various regions of Brazil to work, especially in services and construction in Brasilia before reaching settlements. Thus, the text aims to give some reflections on understanding the dynamics of migration to rural settlements in Brazil trajectories with rural-city-settlements. As consideration, it was noticed that after many years or even decades living in the city, these migrants decide to join the struggle for land and depart for land occupation in the region. In the settlement, the settlers are facing a new challenge that will be built collectively and individually
This work is the result of a case study that analyzes the trajectories of migrants to rural settlements located in the municipality of Padre Bernardo, the region surrounding the Federal District, Goiás State in this region several settlements created in the late 90's, were consisting of workers of rural origin who migrated from various regions of Brazil to work, especially in services and construction in Brasilia before reaching settlements. Thus, the text aims to give some reflections on understanding the dynamics of migration to rural settlements in Brazil trajectories with rural-city-settlements. As consideration, it was noticed that after many years or even decades living in the city, these migrants decide to join the struggle for land and depart for land occupation in the region. In the settlement, the settlers are facing a new challenge that will be built collectively and individually