991 resultados para Salivary duct calculi


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Lithium-induced nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI) is accompanied by polyuria, downregulation of aquaporin 2 (AQP2), and cellular remodeling of the collecting duct (CD). The amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is a likely candidate for lithium entry. Here, we subjected transgenic mice lacking αENaC specifically in the CD (knockout [KO] mice) and littermate controls to chronic lithium treatment. In contrast to control mice, KO mice did not markedly increase their water intake. Furthermore, KO mice did not demonstrate the polyuria and reduction in urine osmolality induced by lithium treatment in the control mice. Lithium treatment reduced AQP2 protein levels in the cortex/outer medulla and inner medulla (IM) of control mice but only partially reduced AQP2 levels in the IM of KO mice. Furthermore, lithium induced expression of H(+)-ATPase in the IM of control mice but not KO mice. In conclusion, the absence of functional ENaC in the CD protects mice from lithium-induced NDI. These data support the hypothesis that ENaC-mediated lithium entry into the CD principal cells contributes to the pathogenesis of lithium-induced NDI.


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During the selection of monoclonal antibodies (MAb) raised against purified carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), two MAbs were identified which immunoprecipitated a glycoprotein of 95 kD present both in perchloric acid extracts of normal lung and on the surface of normal granulocytes. This antigen was distinct from the previously reported normal glycoprotein crossreacting with CEA (NCA) which had a molecular weight of 55 kD. The difference between the smaller and the larger crossreacting antigens termed NCA-55 and NCA-95, respectively, was demonstrated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, by elution from Sephadex-G200 and by selective binding to a series of anti-CEA MAb. Out of six MAb which all bound CEA purified from colon carcinoma, three did not react with these two crossreacting antigens, one bound only NCA-95, one reacted only with NCA-55 and one reacted with both NCA-55 and NCA-95. Immunoadsorbent purified preparations of 125I labelled NCA-95 and NCA-55 were found useful for the screening of new anti-CEA MAb. In addition, when tested on frozen sections of colon carcinoma, normal spleen, normal lung and pancreas, each type of MAb gave a clearly different pattern of reactivity. The three anti-CEA MAb which did not bind any of the crossreacting antigens stained only the colon carcinoma cells; the MAb binding to either one of the two types of NCA gave a similar pattern of reactivity both on colon carcinoma cells and on granulocytes. However, on normal lung and pancreas, the MAb binding NCA-55 stained granulocytes as well as bronchiolar and alveolar epithelial cells in lung and inter- and intra-lobular duct epithelial cells in pancreas, whereas the MAb binding only NCA-95 stained only the granulocytes. Thus, the newly identified NCA-95 appears to differ from NCA-55 not only in terms of molecular size and antigenicity but also by the fact that in normal lung and pancreas it is found in granulocytes but not in epithelial cells.


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Bovine secretory IgA (SIgA), recently identified in colostrum, was shown to be homologous to human SIgA by immunologic cross-reaction. A quantitative study indicated that bovine SIgA, a minor component of colostrum, is a major immunoglobulin in most other external secretions including saliva, spermatic fluid, lacrimal, nasal and gastrointestinal secretions. SIgA was isolated from saliva. The free form of secretory component was found to be abundant in milk. A normal lactating cow produces about 1.2 g of this protein per day. Two forms of IgA were identified in serum: a normal serum IgA with no secretory antigenic determinant, and a small amount of SIgA. In vitro synthesis of SIgA by the salivary gland was studied by tissue cultures with incorporation of labeled amino acids.


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Between 1959 and 1987 we operated on 18 patients for malignant oddian tumor. Eleven had a Whipple resection, 3 a bilio-enteric anastomosis, 4 a local excision with or without bilio-enteric anastomosis. The overall operative mortality was 11% and the median survival was 13.8 months. Three patients are living and without evidence of disease 12, 29 and 30 months, respectively, after a Whipple resection. Because of their anatomy and favourable behaviour, malignant oddian tumors must be separated from the other periampullary tumors. Echography and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography with deep biopsies are the most efficient diagnostic modalities. With the aim of cure, the treatment is always surgical and relies mainly on duodenopancreatectomy. Those patients with unresectable tumors or unfit for a major procedure should benefit from internal or external biliary drainage. By coexisting duodenal obstruction, a surgical double derivation should be done.


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OBJECTIVE: Critical care is a working environment with frequent exposure to stressful events. High levels of psychological stress have been associated with increased prevalence of burnout. Psychological distress acts as a potent trigger of cortisol secretions. We attempted to objectify endocrine stress reactivity. DESIGN: Observational cohort study during two 12-day periods in successive years. SETTING: A tertiary multidisciplinary neonatal and pediatric intensive care unit (33 beds). SUBJECTS: One hundred and twelve nurses and 27 physicians (94% accrual rate). INTERVENTIONS AND MEASUREMENTS: Cortisol determined from salivary samples collected every 2 hrs and after stressful events. Participants recorded the subjective perception of stress with every sample. Endocrine reactions were defined as transient surges in cortisol of >50% and 2.5 nmol/L over the baseline. MAIN RESULTS: During 7,145 working hours, we observed 474 (12.5%) endocrine reactions from 3,781 samples. The mean cortisol increase amounted to 10.6 nmol/L (219%). The mean occurrence rate of endocrine reactions per subject and sample was 0.159 (range, 0-0.43). Although the mean raw cortisol levels were lower in experienced team members (>3 yrs of intensive care vs. <3 yrs, 4.1 vs. 4.95 nmol/L, p < .001), professional experience failed to attenuate the frequency and magnitude of endocrine reactions, except for the subgroup of nurses and physicians with >8 yrs of intensive care experience. A high proportion (71.3%) of endocrine reactions occurred without conscious perception of stress. Unawareness of stress was higher in intensive care nurses (75.1%) than in intermediate care nurses (51.8%, p < .01). CONCLUSIONS: Stress-related cortisol surges occur frequently in neonatal and pediatric critical care staff. Cortisol increases are independent of subjective stress perception. Professional experience does not abate the endocrine stress reactivity.


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Objective: To compare the results obtained after oral mucocele resection with the scalpel versus the CO2 laser, based on the complications and recurrences after surgery Patients and Methods: Of the 68 patients we studied who have mucocele, 38 were resected with a scalpel and the remaining 30 with the CO2 laser (5-7 W). Patient sex and age were documented, along with location of the lesion as well as size, symptoms, duration, etiological factors, type of treatment, complications and recurrences after surgical removal. Results: The sample comprised 40 males and 28 females, aged between 6-65 years. The histological diagnosis was extravasation mucocele in 95% of the cases. The most frequent location was the lower lip (73.5%). The mean lesion diameter was 9 mm , and in most cases no evident etiological factor was recorded. The mean duration of the lesion was 4 months. Among the cases of conventional surgical removal of mucocele, recurrence was recorded in 8.8% of the cases, and 13.2% of the patients suffered postoperative complications - the most frequent being the presence of fibrous scars. There were no complications or relapses after a minimum follow-up of 12 months in the cases subjected to CO2 laser treatment. Conclusions: Oral mucocele ablation with the CO2 laser offers more predictable results and fewer complications and recurrences than conventional resection with the scalpel


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We report the case of a 35-year-old man with no cardiovascular morbidity, presenting with acute flank pain, microscopic haematuria and normal blood pressure. Initially diagnosed as a ureteral colic, the patient was recovered 6 weeks later with severe hypertensive crisis. Further investigations revealed a massive renal infarction secondary to medial fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD). Several aspects of this presentation are intriguing. Renal infarcts are usually seen in older patients having cardiac problems and/or major atheromatous plaques. In addition, FMD is mainly observed in young females and rarely progresses to renal artery occlusion. Furthermore, in this case, FMD remained silent until the acute renal infarction occurred, despite a significant kidney size reduction at the time of diagnosis. Finally, the observation of a delayed hypertensive response to a major renovascular insult provides incentives to discuss possible pathophysiological mechanisms involved in renovascular hypertension.


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No existen protocolos claramente establecidos para el tratamiento de la boca seca. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una revisión sistemática de la literatura médica de los últimos 10 años. Hemos utilizado las palabras: «dry mouth», «prognosis», «treatment» y «dentistry». En una primera búsqueda hemos encontrado 1.450 entradas. Con la restricción «clinical trials OR randomized controlled trial OR systemic reviews» se han reducido a 522, de las que 145 eran metaanálisis y revisiones sistemáticas. Se han eliminado las que no eran pertinentes al tema y han quedado reducidas a 53. Posteriormente se descartaron 24 (8 no pertinentes, 7 revisiones y 9 opiniones personales). De los 29 artículos analizados, 15 son ensayos clínicos controlados, 2 ensayos no controlados, 4 estudios observacionales, 2 revisiones sistemáticas y 5 revisiones. Los enfermos mejor estudiados son los pacientes con síndrome de Sjögren y los pacientes irradiados. El tratamiento se centra en el etiológico, preventivo, sintomático, de estimulación salival local y sistémicos. Podemos concluir que el tratamiento debe ser individualizado, pudiéndose aplicar sustitutos salivales y diferentes técnicas de estimulación mecánica. There are no clearly established protocols for the treatment of dry mouth. The aim of this paper is a systematic review of the literature of the past 10 years using the words «dry mouth», «prognosis», «treatment» and «dentistry». The initial search found 1,450 entries and within the restriction «clinical trials OR randomized controlled trial OR systemic reviews» it has been reduced to 522, which 145 were meta-analysis and systematic reviews. Papers not relevant to the issue were removed reducing the entries to 53. Twenty-four were dismissed (8 irrelevant, 7 reviews without adequate information and 9 personal opinions). Of the 29 items tested, 15 were controlled trials, 2 uncontrolled trials, 4 observational studies, 2 systematic reviews and 5 non systematic reviews. The most studied patients were Sjögren's syndrome and the irradiated patients. Treatments are focused on the etiology, prevention, symptomatic, local salivary stimulation and systemic treatments. It can be concluded that treatment must be individualized, salivary substitutes and mechanical stimulation techniques can be applied.


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La saliva es esencial para mantener la salud oral. El 99% de su composición es agua. El desencadenante más común de boca seca es la toma de medicamentos, generalmente acompañada de escasa ingesta de líquidos. Entre sus complicaciones cabe destacar xerostomía, disgeusia y ardor bucal, entre otras. Estos síntomas son tríada frecuente del síndrome de boca ardiente (SBA). Su etiología es imprecisa y multifactorial, sin datos clínicos o de laboratorio específicos. En su patogenia intervienen factores locales, sistémicos y psicológicos. Es común la asociación de hábitos parafuncionales evidentes, dentarios y linguales, con repercusión en tejidos duros (desgaste, ATM) y blandos (lesiones facticias, irritación de papilas linguales). Afecta más a mujeres en edad perimenopáusica, en proporción hasta 7:1 respecto a los hombres. A menudo se asocian ansiedad o depresión. En este trabajo se propone la parafunción deglutoria como parte integrante del síndrome.


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Introduction: A hybrid intervention is a joint procedure involving the interventional cardiologist and the cardiac surgeon. At our institution we have opted for this type of approach in congenital heart disease since 2005. We report here our initial experience. Cases: 1. A 3 year old boy with double aortic arch and multiple muscular ventricular septal defects (VSD),was readdressed for pulmonary band (PAB) removal and residual VSD closure after previous palliation. After surgical removal of the PAB, the surgeon provided a minimal transventricular access for placement of a 6mm Amplatzer® muscular VSD occluder by the cardiologist under transoesophageal guidance. The patient was extubated the same day and discharged after 5 days. 2. An 8 year old girl with Williams syndrome was followed for two large VSDs and severe peripheral pulmonary arteries (PA) stenosis. The membranous VSD was closed surgically, the muscular VSD during the same operation by direct placement of a 12 mm Amplatzer® muscular VSD occluder. During rewarming, balloon angioplasty of peripheral PA stenosis was achieved under fluoroscopy. Patient was extubated the following day and discharged after 8 days. 3. A 9 year old boy post tetralogy of Fallot repair had severe distal stenosis of the right ventricular to PA conduit.With patient on partial cardiopulmonary bypass, an incision was made on the conduit and a CP 8 Zig 16 stent placed on the stenosis. The child passed on full bypass and the definitive placement of the stent achieved. The child was extubated at the end of the intervention and discharged after 6 days. 4. A newborn presented at 2 days life with complex aortic arch anatomy: left aortic arch and right descending thoracic aorta perfused directly from a right arterial duct and left PA atresia. The arterial duct was stented with a Genesis XD stent dilated at 7mm. Two days later the cardiac surgeon made banded the right PA. The child was extubated after the operation and discharged a week later. Conclusion: Hybrid approach opens new ways of correction or palliation in congenital heart disease with encouraging results and less morbidity.


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A clinicopathologic case of a 41-year-old female patient exhibited a single cutaneous tumor at the inner part of the free margin of the inferior left eyelid. It was a pink, fleshy, and nodular well-circumscribed exophytic mass with thin vessels on its surface. Experienced already for 20 years, this lesion had been observed 6 years before and has not exhibited much change since then. However, its clinical appearance argued for a possible small basal cell carcinoma, which had grown over the inferior left lachrymal duct. After surgical removal, histopathology showed that the tumor was an amelanotic dermal nevus. No disturbance of lachrymal drainage was observed after surgery. This case shows that nodular amelanotic tumors of the eyelid, even when located on the inner segment of the eyelid, may be a nevus.


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Aldosterone and corticosterone bind to mineralocorticoid (MR) and glucocorticoid receptors (GR), which, upon ligand binding, are thought to translocate to the cell nucleus to act as transcription factors. Mineralocorticoid selectivity is achieved by the 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 (11β-HSD2) that inactivates 11β-hydroxy glucocorticoids. High expression levels of 11β-HSD2 characterize the aldosterone-sensitive distal nephron (ASDN), which comprises the segment-specific cells of late distal convoluted tubule (DCT2), connecting tubule (CNT), and collecting duct (CD). We used MR- and GR-specific antibodies to study localization and regulation of MR and GR in kidneys of rats with altered plasma aldosterone and corticosterone levels. In control rats, MR and GR were found in cell nuclei of thick ascending limb (TAL), DCT, CNT, CD cells, and intercalated cells (IC). GR was also abundant in cell nuclei and the subapical compartment of proximal tubule (PT) cells. Dietary NaCl loading, which lowers plasma aldosterone, caused a selective removal of GR from cell nuclei of 11β-HSD2-positive ASDN. The nuclear localization of MR was unaffected. Adrenalectomy (ADX) resulted in removal of MR and GR from the cell nuclei of all epithelial cells. Aldosterone replacement rapidly relocated the receptors in the cell nuclei. In ASDN cells, low-dose corticosterone replacement caused nuclear localization of MR, but not of GR. The GR was redistributed to the nucleus only in PT, TAL, early DCT, and IC that express no or very little 11β-HSD2. In ASDN cells, nuclear GR localization was only achieved when corticosterone was replaced at high doses. Thus ligand-induced nuclear translocation of MR and GR are part of MR and GR regulation in the kidney and show remarkable segment- and cell type-specific characteristics. Differential regulation of MR and GR may alter the level of heterodimerization of the receptors and hence may contribute to the complexity of corticosteroid effects on ASDN function.


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Mutations in α, β, or γ subunits of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) can downregulate ENaC activity and cause a severe salt-losing syndrome with hyperkalemia and metabolic acidosis, designated pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1 in humans. In contrast, mice with selective inactivation of αENaC in the collecting duct (CD) maintain sodium and potassium balance, suggesting that the late distal convoluted tubule (DCT2) and/or the connecting tubule (CNT) participates in sodium homeostasis. To investigate the relative importance of ENaC-mediated sodium absorption in the CNT, we used Cre-lox technology to generate mice lacking αENaC in the aquaporin 2-expressing CNT and CD. Western blot analysis of microdissected cortical CD (CCD) and CNT revealed absence of αENaC in the CCD and weak αENaC expression in the CNT. These mice exhibited a significantly higher urinary sodium excretion, a lower urine osmolality, and an increased urine volume compared with control mice. Furthermore, serum sodium was lower and potassium levels were higher in the genetically modified mice. With dietary sodium restriction, these mice experienced significant weight loss, increased urinary sodium excretion, and hyperkalemia. Plasma aldosterone levels were significantly elevated under both standard and sodium-restricted diets. In summary, αENaC expression within the CNT/CD is crucial for sodium and potassium homeostasis and causes signs and symptoms of pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1 if missing.


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Résumé Dans le rein, la vasopressine possède un rôle essentiel dans la régulation fine du transport d'eau et participe au contrôle de la réabsorption du sodium. Cette action est conduite par l'activation du récepteur à la vasopressine V2R situé dans l'anse de Henle, dans le tubule connecteur et dans le canal collecteur du néphron des rongeurs et conduit à la formation d'AMPc entraînant un mécanisme d'action caractérisé par deux phases distinctes. Le premier effet de la vasopressine est non génomique et a lieu rapidement après l'activation du récepteur, la deuxième phase est plus tardive et possède la caractéristique de moduler la transcription d'un réseau de gènes. Parmi ces gènes, plusieurs sont directement impliqués dans le transport d'eau et de sodium, comme l'Aqp2 et 3, ENaC et la Na,K-ATPase. L'identification des effets de la voie de signalisation de la vasopressine représente un point crucial pour la compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires de la réabsorption de l'eau et du sodium dans le néphron. L'analyse en série de l'expression de gènes (SAGE) réalisée en 2001 dans notre laboratoire a permis de caractériser le transcriptome dépendant de la vasopressine dans la lignée cellulaire mpkCCDc14,a dérivée du canal collecteur cortical (CCD) de souris. Deux des transcrits induits par la vasopressine (VIT) ont fait l'objet des études de ce travail de thèse. Le premier est VIT32 (Vasopressin induced transcript 32) qui code pour une protéine ne possédant aucune homologie avec des domaines protéiques dont la fonction est connue. Dans le système d'expression de l'ovocyte de Xenopus laevis, VIT32 induit la maturation des ovocytes et diminue le courant sensible à l'amiloride de manière dépendante de la voie des MAPK. Dans les mpkCCDc14, l'inhibition de la voie des MAPK diminue le courant sodique en diminuant l'activité de la Na,K-ATPase, mais sans modifier le courant d'ENaC. Ainsi la voie de signalisation des MAPK peut avoir des cibles différentes suivant le système dans lequel elle est étudiée. C'est pourquoi nous avons décidé de poursuivre l'étude de VIT32 dans un contexte physiologique en créant une souris dépourvue du gène codant pour VIT32 de manière conditionnelle (conditional knockout). La première partie de cette thèse a donc consisté à générer cette souris. Le deuxième transcrit induit par la vasopressine qui a été étudié dans cette thèse est RGS2 (Regulator of G protein Signaling 2). In vitro, il a été montré que RGS2 inhibe des voies de signalisation dépendantes de récepteurs couplés à des protéines Gq et Gs. Dans notre étude, nous avons montré que dans le néphron de rein de souris, RGS2 est colocalisé avec V2R. In vivo, la vasopressine sécrétée lors d'une restriction en eau imposée à des souris augmente l'expression de RGS2. De plus, l'accumulation d'AMPc engendrée par l'action de la vasopressine sur les canaux collecteurs est significativement plus grande chez les souris dépourvues de RGS2 (rgs2 -/-). Cette induction de la signalisation de la vasopressine est corrélée à une augmentation de la réabsorption d'eau chez les souris rgs2 -/-. Ainsi RGS2 serait impliqué dans le rétrocontrôle négatif de la voie de signalisation de la vasopressine. Abstract In the kidney, vasopressin plays a key role in the control of water balance and participates in salt reabsorption. These actions are induced by the activation of V2 vasopressin receptor (V2R) located in the loop of Henle, in the connecting tubule and in the collecting duct leading to an increase in intracellular cAMP levels. The V2R-mediated vasopressin action elicits a rapid, non-genomic effect, during which water and salt reabsorption is rapidly increased and a late or genomic effect characterised by the long-term regulation of water and salt reabsorption through the transcriptional activation of a gene network that includes Aqp2, Aqp3, ENaC and Na,K-ATPase. Serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) performed in 2001 in our laboratory characterised the vasopressin induced transcripts (VIT) in the mpkCCDc14 cell line. Two of them are studied in this thesis. The first one is VIT32 (Vasopressin induced transcript 32) that encodes a protein that has no homology with any protein domain of known function. In the Xenopus laevis oocyte, VIT32 induces oocyte maturation and downregulates the ENaC amiloride sensitive current via the activation of the MAPK pathway. In mpkCCDc14 cell line, the MAPK pathway inhibition leads to a decrease of Na,K-ATPase activity without affecting ENaC current. Therefore, the MAPK pathway can act on different targets depending on the cellular context. Thus, we decided to investigate the function of VIT32 in its physiological environment by performing a conditional knockout mouse of VIT32. The first part of this thesis consisted in generating this mouse. The second studied vasopressin induced transcript is RGS2 (Regulator of G protein Signaling 2). In vitro, RGS2 has been shown to inhibit Gq and Gs protein-coupled receptor pathway. In our study we show that RGS2 is co-localized with V2R in the mouse nephron. In vivo, vasopressin secreted during water restriction up-regulates RGS2 expression. Moreover, vasopressin-dependant accumulation of CAMP is significantly increased in the cortical collecting duct of RGS2 knockout mice. This increase is correlated with an increase in water reabsorption. RGS2 could be involved in the negative feedback regulation of V2R signalling. Résumé tout public Le corps humain est composé d'environ 60% d'eau répartie à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur des cellules de notre organisme. Les cellules, unités fondamentales du vivant, puisent l'oxygène et les nutriments indispensables à leur fonctionnement dans le liquide extracellulaire. La composition du milieu doit être constante, car les variations peuvent perturber considérablement et parfois fatalement la fonction des cellules. Ainsi les organismes pluricellulaires ont développé des mécanismes permettant de contrôler la constance du milieu extracellulaire afin de maintenir l'état d'équilibre nommé homéostasie. Le rein joue un rôle majeur dans cette homéostasie grâce à sa capacité de réabsorber l'eau et les solutés en fonction des besoins de l'organisme. Cette fonction du rein est régulée par différentes hormones comme la vasopressine, qui permet de contrôler la réabsorption fine de l'eau et des solutés. Dans leurs membranes, les cellules possèdent des récepteurs leur permettant de répondre aux signaux extracellulaires comme le sont entre autres les hormones. Ainsi les cellules sensibles à la vasopressine possèdent un récepteur nommé V2R qui permet d'intégrer les signaux de la vasopressine en déclenchant tout une cascade d'événements conduisant à une modification de l'expression de certaines protéines impliquées directement ou non dans la réabsorption de l'eau et des solutés. Une étude précédente élaborée au sein de notre laboratoire a permis de répertorier les protéines dont l'expression est augmentée par de la vasopressine. Deux de ces protéines ont fait l'objet des études de cette thèse. La première protéine induite par la vasopressine est VIT32 (Vasopressin induced transcript 32). Cette protéine est entre autres impliquée dans la réabsorption du sodium, mais la fonction précise de VIT32 dans ce transport n'a pas pu être déterminée. Une des approches possibles pour l'étude de la fonction d'une protéine est de supprimer son expression chez la souris et d'étudier les conséquences de son absence. Ces souris sont appelées des souris knockout, puisque la protéine en question ne peut plus agir. La première partie de cette thèse a donc consisté à générer une souris dépourvue du gène de VIT32. La deuxième protéine étudiée est RGS2 (Regulator of G protein Signaling 2). Cette protéine inhibe certaines voies de signalisation activées par différentes hormones. Dans cette partie du travail de thèse, nous avons pu mettre en évidence que RGS2 agit comme un inhibiteur de la voie de signalisation de la vasopressine. En modifiant cette signalisation, RGS2 serait donc un médiateur du contrôle de la réabsorption d'eau dans les cellules du rein sensibles à la vasopressine.


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Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS) is a difficult disease for patients and clinicians. Moreover, there is not a general consensus on how to treat the disease. The main objective of this paper is to evaluate BMS patients' response to topical clonazepam treatment. A double blind study was performed. Among a total of 66 patients, 33 were treated with tablets of clonazepam and another 33 were treated with a placebo. Symptoms were evaluated after 1 month and 6 months of treatment and scored on an analogical scale from 0 to 10. Among the 33 patients treated with clonazepam, 23 showed at least a 50% reduction in symptoms after 1 month of treatment. On the contrary, only 4 in the placebo group exhibited significant improvement. After 6 months, significant differences were observed again, as 23 of the 33 patients treated with the drug reported at least a 50% reduction in symptoms, whereas only 2 among those treated with the placebo significantly improved. However, when measured in terms of a complete cure (lack of symptoms), the differences were not significant: 5 drug-treated patients and one belonging to the placebo group were asymptomatic after one month of treatment. In summary, it seems that clonazepam applied topically was effective in treating BMS in a large proportion of patients