947 resultados para SYMPTOM SUBTYPES


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We present deep, narrow-hand photometry of the Local Group starburst galaxy IC10. Our dedicated photometric system provides detection of 13 new Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars and allows spectral subtypes to be assigned. Three of these new stars appear to be WC9 subtypes. If confirmed, these would be the very first WC9 stars ever detected in a low metallicity environment, hence putting strong new constraints on the formation and evolution models of massive stars. Eight of the new WR stars are of the WC subtype, which does not significantly modify the anomalously high WC/WN ratio in IC10. However it is likely that a number of Wolf-Rayet stars of the WNE and WC spectral subtypes are still to be discovered in the heart of the galaxy.


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Hypertension-induced left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), along with ischemic heart disease, result in LV remodeling as part of a continuum that often leads to congestive heart failure. The neurohormonal model has been used to underpin many treatment strategies, but optimal outcomes have not been achieved. Neuropeptide Y (NPY) has emerged as an additional therapeutic target, ever since it was recognised as an important mediator released from sympathetic nerves in the heart, affecting coronary artery constriction and myocardial contraction. More recent interest has focused on the mitogenic and hypertrophic effects that are observed in endothelial and vascular smooth muscle cells, and cardiac myocytes. Of the six identified NPY receptor subtypes, Y-1, Y-2, and Y-5 appear to mediate the main functional responses in the heart. Plasma levels of NPY become elevated due to the increased sympathetic activation present in stress-related cardiac conditions. Also, NPY and Y receptor polymorphisms have been identified that may predispose individuals to increased risk of hypertension and cardiac complications. This review examines what understanding exists regarding the likely contribution of NPY to cardiac pathology. It appears that NPY may play a part in compensatory or detrimental remodeling of myocardial tissue subsequent to hemodynamic overload or myocardial infarction, and in angiogenic processes to regenerate myocardium after ischemic injury. However, greater mechanistic information is required in order to truly assess the potential for treatment of cardiac diseases using NPY-based drugs.


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Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is an important cause of severe upper and lower respiratory disease in infants and in the elderly. There are 2 main RSV subtypes A and B. A recombinant vaccine was designed based on the central domain of the RSV-A attachment G protein which we had previously named G2Na (aa130–230). Here we evaluated immunogenicity, persistence of antibody (Ab) response and protective efficacy induced in rodents by: (i) G2Na fused to DT (Diphtheria toxin) fragments in cotton rats. DT fusion did not potentiate neutralizing Ab responses against RSV-A or cross-reactivity to RSV-B. (ii) G2Nb (aa130–230 of the RSV-B G protein) either fused to, or admixed with G2Na. G2Nb did not induce RSV-B-reactive Ab responses. (iii) G2Na at low doses. Two injections of 3 µg G2Na in Alum were sufficient to induce protective immune responses in mouse lungs, preventing RSV-A and greatly reducing RSV-B infections. In cotton rats, G2Na-induced RSV-reactive Ab and protective immunity against RSV-A challenge that persisted for at least 24 weeks. (iv) injecting RSV primed mice with a single dose of G2Na/Alum or G2Na/PLGA [poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide]. Despite the presence of pre-existing RSV-specific Abs, these formulations effectively boosted anti-RSV Ab titres and increased Ab titres persisted for at least 21 weeks. Affinity maturation of these Abs increased from day 28 to day 148. These data indicate that G2Na has potential as a component of an RSV vaccine formulation.


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Anemia is a symptom associated with cognitive dysfunction and is diagnosed if the hemoglobin level of a blood sample is too low. The clinical impact of chronically low hemoglobin level may be insuf?cient
brain oxygenation, which may result in a decline in cognitive functioning. Previous studies have provided evidence of decrements in cognitive functioning associated with anemia across various disease processes, but few have investigated the association between cognitive dysfunction and hemoglobin level in patients with acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) and myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). As this population is inherently anemic, studying these patients allowed for an exploration of cognitive changes at mild, moderate, and severe levels of anemia. This investigation explored cutoff points for hemoglobin at which cognitive decline may occur. Findings showed decrements in cognitive functioning occurring at hemoglobin levels of 10 g/dL or below. Performance on measures of word retrieval, attention, and ?ne motor function was most affected which suggests fronto-temporal lobe dysfunction. Results provided evidence as to a hemoglobin cutoff point below which cognitive function may be affected in patients with AML and MDS. This cutoff value may provide a clinical marker at which cognitive testing and therapeutic interventions could be utilized to improve patients’ cognitive function, level of fatigue and overall quality of life.


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Isolated chronic cough in childhood is a common complaint. Although the symptom cough is included in the definition of clildhood asthma, there is debate as to whether the majoritv of these children have asthma. The authors studied children with isolated chronic cough looking for evidence of airway inflammation typical of asthma, with increased numbers of airway eosinophils as assessed from bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL).

The investigations were carried out on 23 children (median age: 6.7 yrs; range: 1.7-12.75 yrs), attending the Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children for elective surgery, who also had a chronic unexplained cough. Written informed consent was obtained from the parent(s) and a nonbronchoscopic BAL was performed. BAL samples were analysed for total and differential white cell counts and also for the inflammatory mediators, eosinophil cationic protein (ECP) and histamine. Results were compared with a group of normal nonatopic children and also a group of atopic asthmatic children, who had been recruited for other studies on airway inflammation.

There was a small but statistically significant increase in BAL percentage eosinophils in the children with chronic cough compared with nonasthmatic controls (0.28% versus 0.10%, p=0.03). However, the children with cough had lower percentage eosinophils than the atopic asthmatic controls (0.28% versus 0.66%, p=0.01). Three out of 23 children with chronic cough had BAL eosinophils greater than the normal upper 95% reference interval in BAL. There was a small but statistically significant increase in percentage neutrophils in the children with cough compared with the nonasthmatic controls (5.85% versus 3.21%, p=0.03). Four out of the 23 children had BAL neutrophils greater than the normal upper 95% reference interval in BAL.

The authors conclude that only a minority of children with chronic unexplained cough have asthmatic-type airway inflammation. It is speculated that the increased percentage neutrophils in bronchoalveolar lavage from children with cough could relate to underlying persistent airways infection.


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The aim of this article is to review the interplay between adenosine and mast cells in asthma. Adenosine is an endogenous nucleoside released from metabolically active cells and generated extracellularly via the degradation of released ATP. It is a potent biological mediator that modulates the activity of numerous cell types including platelets, neutrophils and mast cells via action at specific adenosine receptors (A(1), A(2a), A(2b), A(3)). These receptors are expressed on mast cells but the exact pattern of receptor subtype expression depends on the source of the mast cells. Adenosine is also a potent bronchoconstricting agent and is suggested to contribute to the pathophysiology of asthma. Evidence is provided to suggest that the nucleoside exerts its influence on the asthmatic condition through its ability to modulate the release of mast cell derived mediators. However, the mechanism of adenosine/mast cell interaction which contributes to asthma remains unclear. Progress in the area has been hampered by the heterogeneity of mast cell responses and a lack of highly specific receptor agonists and antagonists. The expression of different adenosine receptor subtypes on mast cells is described. The final section of the review presents data to suggest that BAL mast cells may provide an accurate and relevant model for future investigations and together with the development of superior pharmacological tools, may aid the realisation of the therapeutic potential of adenosine/mast cell interactions in asthma. In conclusion, the role of adenosine in asthma is clearly complex. A better understanding of the contribution of adenosine to the asthmatic condition may lead to novel therapeutic approaches in the treatment of the disease.


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Introduction Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is a heterogeneous disease characterized by chronic joint inflammation of unknown cause in children. JIA is an autoimmune disease and small numbers of auto-antibodies have been reported in JIA patients. The identification of antibody markers could improve the existing clinical management of patients. Methods A pilot study was performed on the application of a high-throughput platform, nucleic acid programmable protein arrays (NAPPA), to assess the levels of antibodies present in the systemic circulation and synovial joint of a small cohort of juvenile arthritis patients. Plasma and synovial fluid from ten JIA patients was screened for antibodies against 768 proteins on NAPPA. Results Quantitative reproducibility of NAPPA was demonstrated with >0.95 intra- and inter- array correlations. A strong correlation was also observed for the levels of antibodies between plasma and synovial fluid across the study cohort (r=0.96). Differences in the levels of 18 antibodies were revealed between sample types across all patients. Patients were segregated into two clinical subtypes with distinct antibody signatures by unsupervised hierarchical cluster analysis. Conclusions NAPPA provides a high-throughput quantitatively reproducible platform to screen for disease specific autoantibodies at the proteome level on a microscope slide. The strong correlation between the circulating antibody levels and those of the inflamed joint represents a novel finding and provides confidence to use plasma for discovery of autoantibodies in JIA, thus circumventing the challenges associated with joint aspiration. We expect that autoantibody profiling of JIA patients on NAPPA could yield antibody markers that can act as criteria to stratify patients, predict outcomes and understand disease etiology at the molecular level.


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Nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) has been implicated in a number of malignancies and has been suggested to be a potential molecular target in the treatment of leukaemia. This study demonstrated the constitutive activation of NF-kappaB in human myeloid blasts and a clear correlation between NF-kappaB expression and in vitro cytoprotection. High NF-kappaB expression was found in many of the poor prognostic acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) subtypes, such as French-American-British classification M0 and M7, and the poor cytogenetic risk group. The in vitro effects of LC-1, a novel dimethylamino-parthenolide analogue, were assessed in 62 primary untreated AML samples. LC-1 was found to be cytotoxic to AML cells in a dose-dependent manner, mediated through the induction of apoptosis. The median drug concentration necessary to kill 50% of the cells was 4.5 micromol/l for AML cells, compared with 12.8 micromol/l for normal marrow cells. LC-1 was shown to reduce the five individual human NF-kappaB Rel proteins in a dose-dependent manner. The subsequent inhibition of many NF-kappaB-regulated cytokines was also demonstrated. Importantly, sensitivity to LC-1 was correlated with the basal NF-kappaB activity. Consequently, LC-1 treatment provides a proof of principle for the use of NF-kappaB inhibitors in the treatment of AML.


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There were three objectives to the present study: (1) compare the bladder infection rate and extent of biofilm formation for seven untreated spinal cord injured (SCI) patients and seven given prophylactic co-trimoxazole, (2) identify a level of bacterial adhesion to bladder cells which could be used to help predict symptomatic infection, and (3) determine from in vivo and in vitro studies whether fluoroquinolones were effective at penetrating bacterial biofilms. The results showed that the infection rate had not changed with the introduction of prophylaxis. However, the uropathogenic population had altered subsequent to the introduction of prophylaxis with E. coli being replaced by E. faecalis as the most common cause of infection. In 63% of the specimens from asymptomatic patients, the bacterial counts per cell were <20, while 81% of specimens from patients with at least one sign and one symptom of urinary tract infection (UTI) had > 20 adherent bacteria per bladder cell. Therefore, it is proposed that counts of > 20 bacteria adherent to sediment transitional epithelial bladder cells may be predictive of symptomatic UTI. Clinical data showed that fluoroquinolone therapy reduced the adhesion counts to <20 per cell in 63% of cases, while trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole only did so in 44%. Further in vitro testing showed that ciprofloxacin (0.1, 0.5 and 1.0 micrograms/ml) partially or completely eradicated adherent biofilms from 92% of spinal cord injured patients' bladder cells, while ofloxacin did so in 71% cases and norfloxacin in 56%. These findings have important implications for the detection and treatment of bacteriuria in spinal cord injured patients.


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An approach for evaluation of binding selectivity was suggested and exemplified using glycine/NMDA and AMPA receptors. For analyzing the pairwise selectivity, we propose to use the difference between biological activities (expressed as -log Ki) of ligands with respect to different receptor subtypes as a dependent variable for building comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA) models. The resulting fields (which will be referred to as the "selectivity fields") indicate the ways of increasing selectivity of binding, inhibition, etc. As an example, CoMFA of a set of pyrazolo[1,5-c]quinazolines and triazolo[1,5-c]quinazolines was used for considering the binding selectivity with respect to glycine/NMDA and AMPA receptors. In addition, the mapping of these fields onto the molecular models of the corresponding receptors makes it possible to reveal the reasons for experimentally observed selectivity as well as to suggest additional ways of increasing selectivity.


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Research has indicated that individuals with gynecological cancer experience severe fatigue.


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Gene expression profiling signatures may be used to classify the subtypes of Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) patients. However, there are few reports on the global methylation status in MDS. The integration of genome-wide epigenetic regulatory marks with gene expression levels would provide additional information regarding the biological differences between MDS and healthy controls. Gene expression and methylation status were measured using high-density microarrays. A total of 552 differentially methylated CpG loci were identified as being present in low-risk MDS; hypermethylated genes were more frequent than hypomethylated genes. In addition, mRNA expression profiling identified 1005 genes that significantly differed between low-risk MDS and the control group. Integrative analysis of the epigenetic and expression profiles revealed that 66.7% of the hypermethylated genes were underexpressed in low-risk MDS cases. Gene network analysis revealed molecular mechanisms associated with the low-risk MDS group, including altered apoptosis pathways. The two key apoptotic genes BCL2 and ETS1 were identified as silenced genes. In addition, the immune response and micro RNA biogenesis were affected by the hypermethylation and underexpression of IL27RA and DICER1. Our integrative analysis revealed that aberrant epigenetic regulation is a hallmark of low-risk MDS patients and could have a central role in these diseases.


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TRIB2 is a potent oncogene, elevated in a subset of human acute myeloid leukaemias (AML) with a mixed myeloid/lymphoid phenotype and NOTCH1 mutations. Although rare in AML, activating NOTCH1 mutations occur in 50% of all T cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemias (T-ALL). TRIB2 is a NOTCH1 target gene that functions in the degradation of key proteins and modulation of MAPK signalling pathways, implicated in haematopoietic cell survival and proliferation. This study showed that TRIB2 expression level is highest in the lymphoid compartment of normal haematopoietic cells, specifically in T cells. Analysis of TRIB2 expression across 16 different subtypes of human leukaemia demonstrated that TRIB2 expression was higher in ALL phenotypes versus all other phenotypes including AML, chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL), myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML). A T cell profile was distinguished by high TRIB2 expression in normal and malignant haematopoiesis. High TRIB2 expression was seen in T-ALL with normal karyotype and correlated with NOTCH signalling pathways. High TRIB2 expression correlated with NOTCH1/FBXW7 mutations in a paediatric T-ALL cohort, strongly linking NOTCH1 activation and high TRIB2 expression in paediatric T-ALL. The relationship between TRIB2 and T cell signalling pathways uniquely identifies leukaemia subtypes and will be useful in the advancement of our understanding of T cell and ALL biology.


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At least 10-15% of patients with reflux symptoms have a normal endoscopy and physiological levels of acid reflux on pH monitoring. Such patients with 50% or more of symptoms associated with acid reflux episodes have "a positive symptom index" (SI), and it has been proposed that this defines the "sensitive oesophagus".