838 resultados para SPRAY-PYROLYSIS


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This article addresses the problem of spray vaporization and combustion in axisymmetric opposed-jet configurations involving a stream of hot air counterflowing against a stream of nitrogen carrying a spray of fuel droplets. The Reynolds numbers of the jets are assumed to be large, so that mixing of the two streams is restricted to a thin mixing layer that separates the counterflowing streams. The evolution of the droplets in their feed stream from the injection location is seen to depend fundamentally on the value of the droplet Stokes number, St, defined as the ratio of the droplet acceleration time to the mixing layer strain time close to the stagnation point. Two different regimes of spray vaporization and combustion can be identified depending on the value of St. For values of St below a critical value, equal to 1/4 for dilute sprays with small values of the spray liquid mass loading ratio, the droplets decelerate to approach the gas stagnation plane with a vanishing axial velocity. In this case, the droplets located initially near the axis reach the mixing layer, where they can vaporize due to the heat received from the hot air, producing fuel vapor that can burn with the oxygen in a diffusion flame located on the air side of the mixing layer. The character of the spray combustion is different for values of St of order unity, because the droplets cross the stagnation plane and move into the opposing air stream, reaching distances that are much larger than the mixing layer thickness before they turn around. The vaporization of these crossing droplets, and also the combustion of the fuel vapor generated by them, occur in the hot air stream, without significant effects of molecular diffusion, generating a vaporization-assisted nonpremixed flame that stands on the air side outside the mixing layer. Separate formulations will be given below for these two regimes of combustion, with attention restricted to the near-stagnation-point region, where the solution is self-similar and all variables are only dependent on the distance to the stagnation plane. The resulting formulations display a reduced number of controlling parameters that effectively embody dependences of the structure of the spray flame on spray dilution, droplet inertia, and fuel preferential diffusion. Sample solutions are given for the limiting cases of pure vaporization and of infinitely fast chemistry, with the latter limit formulated in terms of chemistry-free coupling functions that allow for general nonunity Lewis numbers of the fuel vapor.


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Background: Tracheal intubation is extremely distressing, painful, and may influence heart rate and blood pressure. Sedatives, analgesics, and muscle relaxants are not commonly used for intubation in neonates. Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the effects of lidocaine spray as a non-intravenous drug before neonatal intubation on blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen saturation and time of intubation. Patients and Methods: In a randomized, controlled study each neonate was randomly assigned to one of the two study groups by staffs who were not involved in the infant's care. The allocation concealment was kept in an opaque sealed envelope, and the investigators, the patient care team, and the assessors were blinded to the treatment allocation. The selected setting was NICU unit of a teaching hospital in Ilam city, Iran and participants were 60 neonates with indication of tracheal intubation with gestational age >30 weeks. Patients in the treatment group received lidocaine spray and the placebo group received spray of normal saline prior to intubation. Main outcome measurements were the mean rates of blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen saturation, intubation time and lidocaine side effects were measured before and after intubation. Results: Totally 60 newborns including 31 boys and 29 girls were entered into the study (drug group n = 30; placebo group n = 30). Boy/girl ratio in treatment and placebo groups were 1.3 and 0.88, respectively. Mean age ± SD of participants was 34.1 ± 24.8 hours (treatment: 35.3 ± 25.7; placebo: 32.9 ± 24.3; P < 0.0001). Mean weight ± SD of neonates was 2012.5 ± 969 g. Application of lidocaine spray caused a significant reduction of mean intubation time among treatment group compared with placebo group (treatment: 15.03 ± 2.2 seconds; placebo: 18.3 ± 2.3 seconds; P < 0.0001). Mean blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen saturation rate, among neonates in treatment group was reduced after intubation compared with their relevant figures before intubation; however, their differences were not statistically significant except for mean oxygen saturation rate that was reduced significantly in placebo group. No side effects were observed during study. Conclusions: Though the current study revealed some promising results in the application of lidocaine spray during neonatal intubation without any considerable side effects; however, the current investigation could only be considered as a pilot study for further attempts in different locations with higher sample sizes and in different situations.


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Homeowners, landowners, pesticide applicators, and farmers are concerned about pesticide drift. It may injure a homeowner’s garden or flowers or ruin a neighboring farmer’s crop. While no Maryland court has considered the issue of liability from pesticide drift, courts in other states have. These decisions provide some guidance on how a Maryland court might handle the issue. Depending on the facts of the drift case, pesticide applicators and farmers could owe damages for nuisance or trespass case, or for uses inconsistent with the pesticide label.


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Poster presented at the 7th European Academy of Forensic Science Conference. Prague, 6-11 September 2015


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Diammonium hydrogen phosphate (DAP) is commonly used as a flavor ingredient of commercial cigarettes. In addition, among its other uses, it is employed to expand the tobacco volume, to manufacture reconstituted tobacco sheet, and to denicotinize tobacco. However, the use of DAP as a cigarette ingredient is a controversial issue. Some authors have stated that ammonium compounds added to tobacco increase smoke ammonia and “smoke pH”, resulting in more free nicotine available in the smoke. On the other hand, other researchers have reported that the larger ammonium content of a cigarette blend due to the presence of DAP was not reflected in increased smoke ammonia. In this work, the thermal behavior of DAP, tobacco and DAP-tobacco mixtures has been studied by TGA/FTIR. The chemical processes involved in the different pyrolysis steps of DAP have been suggested. Marked changes in the pyrolytic behavior of both, tobacco and DAP have been detected when analyzing the behavior of the mixtures. A displacement of the decomposition steps mainly related to the glycerol and lignin from tobacco toward lower temperatures has been observed, whereas that associated with cellulose is displaced toward higher temperature. Additionally, no peak corresponding to the phosphorous oxides decomposition has been detected in the curves relating to the DAP-tobacco mixtures. All these features are indicative of the strong interactions between DAP and tobacco. The FTIR spectra show no significant qualitative differences between the qualitative overall composition of the gases evolved from the pyrolysis of tobacco in the absence and in the presence of DAP. Nevertheless, depending on the temperature considered, the addition of DAP contributes to a decrease in the generation of hydrocarbons and an increase in the formation of CO, CO2 and oxygenated compounds in terms of amount generated per mass of pyrolysed tobacco.


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Pyrolysis is the thermo-chemical conversion of carbonaceous feedstock in the absence of oxygen to produce bio-fuel (bio-oil, bio-char and syn-gas). Bio-fuel production from municipal green waste (MGW) through the pyrolysis process has attracted considerable attention recently in the renewable energy sector because it can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to energy security. This study analyses properties of MGW feedstock available in Rockhampton city of Central Queensland, Australia, and presents an experimental investigation of producing bio-fuel from that MGW through the pyrolysis process using a short sealed rotary furnace. It was found from the experiment that about 19.97% bio-oil, 40.83% bio-char and 29.77% syn-gas can be produced from the MGW. Then, a four-stage steady state simulation model is developed for pyrolysis process performance simulation using Aspen Plus software. In the first stage, the moisture content of the MGW feed is reduced. In the second stage, the MGW is decomposed according to its elemental constituents. In the third stage, condensate material is separated and, finally, the pyrolysis reactions are modelled using the Gibbs free energy minimisation approach. The MGW's ultimate and proximate analysis data were used in the Aspen Plus simulation as input parameters. The model is validated with experimentally measured data. A good agreement between simulation and experimental results was found. More specifically, the variation of modelling and experimental elemental compositions of the MGW was found to be 7.3% for carbon, 15.82% for hydrogen, 7.04% for nitrogen and 5.56% for sulphur. The validated model is used to optimise the biofuel production from the MGW as a function of operating variables such as temperature, moisture content, particle size and process heat air-fuel ratio. The modelling and optimisation results are presented, analysed and discussed.


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The main objective of this research was to investigate pyrolysis and torrefaction of forest biomass species using a micropyrolysis instrument. It was found that 30-45% of the original sample mass remained as bio-char in the pyrolysis temperature range of 500 - 700˚C for aspen, balsam, and switchgrass. The non-char mass was converted to gaseous and vapor products, of which 10-55% was water and syngas, 2-12% to acetic acid, 2-12% to hydroxypropanone, 1-3% to furaldehyde, and 5-15% to various phenolic compounds. In addition, several general trends in the evolution of gaseous species were indentified when woody feedstocks were pyrolyzed. With increasing temperature it was observed that: (1) the volume of gas produced increased, (2) the volume of CO2 decreased and the volumes of CO and CH4 increased, and (3) the rates of gas evolution increased. In the range of torrefaction temperature (200 - 300˚C), two mechanistic models were developed to predict the rates of CO2 and acetic acid product formation. The models fit the general trend of the experimental data well, but suggestions for future improvement were also noted. Finally, it was observed that using torrefaction as a pre-curser to pyrolysis improves the quality of bio-oil over traditional pyrolysis by reducing the acidity through removal of acetic acid, reducing the O/C ratio by removal of some oxygenated species, and removing a portion of the water.


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Recent advances in the electric & hybrid electric vehicles and rapid developments in the electronic devices have increased the demand for high power and high energy density lithium ion batteries. Graphite (theoretical specific capacity: 372 mAh/g) used in commercial anodes cannot meet these demands. Amorphous SnO2 anodes (theoretical specific capacity: 781 mAh/g) have been proposed as alternative anode materials. But these materials have poor conductivity, undergo a large volume change during charging and discharging, large irreversible capacity loss leading to poor cycle performances. To solve the issues related to SnO2 anodes, we propose to synthesize porous SnO2 composites using electrostatic spray deposition technique. First, porous SnO2/CNT composites were fabricated and the effects of the deposition temperature (200,250, 300 oC) & CNT content (10, 20, 30, 40 wt %) on the electrochemical performance of the anodes were studied. Compared to pure SnO2 and pure CNT, the composite materials as anodes showed better discharge capacity and cyclability. 30 wt% CNT content and 250 oC deposition temperature were found to be the optimal conditions with regard to energy capacity whereas the sample with 20% CNT deposited at 250 oC exhibited good capacity retention. This can be ascribed to the porous nature of the anodes and the improvement in the conductivity by the addition of CNT. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy studies were carried out to study in detail the change in the surface film resistance with cycling. By fitting EIS data to an equivalent circuit model, the values of the circuit components, which represent surface film resistance, were obtained. The higher the CNT content in the composite, lower the change in surface film resistance at certain voltage upon cycling. The surface resistance increased with the depth of discharge and decreased slightly at fully lithiated state. Graphene was also added to improve the performance of pure SnO2 anodes. The composites heated at 280 oC showed better energy capacity and energy density. The specific capacities of as deposited and post heat-treated samples were 534 and 737 mAh/g after 70 cycles. At the 70th cycle, the energy density of the composites at 195 °C and 280 °C were 1240 and 1760 Wh/kg, respectively, which are much higher than the commercially used graphite electrodes (37.2-74.4 Wh/kg). Both SnO2/CNTand SnO2/grapheme based composites with improved energy densities and capacities than pure SnO2 can make a significant impact on the development of new batteries for electric vehicles and portable electronics applications.


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In this study, rice husk and corn stalk have been pyrolyzed in an auger pyrolysis reactor at pyrolysis temperatures of 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, and 600 °C in order to investigate the effect of the pyrolysis temperature on the pyrolysis performance of the reactor and physicochemical properties of pyrolysis products (this paper focuses on char and gas). The results have shown that the pyrolysis temperature significantly affects the mass yields and properties of the pyrolysis products. The mass yields of pyrolysis liquid and char are comparable to those reported for the same feedstocks processed in fluidized bed reactors. With the increase of the pyrolysis temperature, the pyrolysis liquid yield shows a peak at 500 °C, the char yield decreases, and the gas yield increases for both feedstocks. The higher heating value (HHV) and volatile matter content of char increase as the pyrolysis temperature increases from 350 to 600 °C. The gases obtained from the pyrolysis of rice husk and corn stalk mainly contain CO2, CO, CH4, H2, and other light hydrocarbons; the molar fractions of combustible gases increase and therefore their HHVs subsequently increase with the increase of the pyrolysis temperature.


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This study investigates fast pyrolysis bio-oils produced from alkali-metal-impregnated biomass (beech wood). The impregnation aim is to study the catalytic cracking of the pyrolysis vapors as a result of potassium or phosphorus. It is recognized that potassium and phosphorus in biomass can have a major impact on the thermal conversion processes. When biomass is pyrolyzed in the presence of alkali metal cations, catalytic cracking of the pyrolysis liquids occurs in the vapor phase, reducing the organic liquids produced and increasing yields of water, char, and gas, resulting in a bio-oil that has a lower calorific value and an increased chance of phase separation. Beech wood was impregnated with potassium or phosphorus (K impregnation and P impregnation, respectively) in the range of 0.10-2.00 wt %. Analytical pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (Py-GC-MS) was used to examine the pyrolysis products during thermal degradation, and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was used to examine the distribution of char and volatiles. Both potassium and phosphorus are seen to catalyze the pyrolytic decomposition of biomass and modify the yields of products. 3-Furaldehyde and levoglucosenone become more dominant products upon P impregnation, pointing to rearrangement and dehydration routes during the pyrolysis process. Potassium has a significant influence on cellulose and hemicellulose decomposition, not just on the formation of levoglucosan but also other species, such as 2(5H)-furanone or hydroxymethyl-cyclopentene derivatives. Fast pyrolysis processing has also been undertaken using a laboratory-scale continuously fed bubbling fluidized-bed reactor with a nominal capacity of 1 kg h-1 at the reaction temperature of 525 °C. An increase in the viscosity of the bio-oil during the stability assessment tests was observed with an increasing percentage of impregnation for both additives. This is because bio-oil undergoes polymerization while placed in storage as a result of the inorganic content. The majority of inorganics are concentrated in the char, but small amounts are entrained in the pyrolysis vapors and, therefore, end up in the bio-oil.


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A family of silica supported, magnetite nanoparticle catalysts was synthesized and investigated for continuous flow acetic acid ketonization as a model pyrolysis bio-oil upgrading reaction. Physicochemical properties of Fe3O4/SiO2 catalysts were characterized by HRTEM, XAS, XPS, DRIFTS, TGA and porosimetry. Acid site densities were inversely proportional to Fe3O4 particle size, although acid strength and Lewis character were size invariant, and correlated with the specific activity for vapor phase acetic ketonization to acetone. A constant activation energy (~110 kJ.mol-1), turnover frequency (~13 h-1) and selectivity to acetone of 60 % were observed for ketonization across the catalyst series, implicating Fe3O4 as the principal active component of Red Mud waste.


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The objective of the study was to determine optimum inlet and outlet air temperatures of spray process for producing co-microcapsules containing omega-3 rich tuna oil and probiotic bacteria L. casei. These co-microcapsules were produced using whey protein isolate and gum Arabic complex coacervates as shell materials. Improved bacterial viability and oxidative stability of omega-3 oil were used as two main criteria of this study. Three sets of inlet (130°C, 150°C, and 170°C) and outlet (55°C, 65°C, and 75°C) air temperatures were used in nine combinations to produce powdered co-microcapsule. The viability of L. casei, oxidative stability of omega-3 oil, surface oil, oil microencapsulation efficiency, moisture content, surface elemental composition and morphology of the powdered samples were measured. There is no statistical difference in oxidative stability at two lower inlet air temperatures (130°C and 150°C). However, there was a significant decrease in oxidative stability when higher inlet temperature (170°C) was used. The viability of L. casei decreased with the increase in the inlet and outlet air temperatures. There was no difference in the surface elemental compositions and surface morphology of powdered co-microcapsules produced under these nine inlet/outlet temperature combinations. Of the range of conditions tested the co-microcapsules produced at inlet-outlet temperature 130–65°C showed the highest bacterial viability and oxidative stability of omega-3 and having the moisture content of 4.93 ± 0.05% (w/w). This research shows that powdered co-microcapsules of probiotic bacteria and omega-3 fatty acids with high survival of the former and high stability against oxidation can be produced through spray drying.