938 resultados para SOURCE-MASS-SPECTROMETRY


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The metabolism of an organism consists of a network of biochemical reactions that transform small molecules, or metabolites, into others in order to produce energy and building blocks for essential macromolecules. The goal of metabolic flux analysis is to uncover the rates, or the fluxes, of those biochemical reactions. In a steady state, the sum of the fluxes that produce an internal metabolite is equal to the sum of the fluxes that consume the same molecule. Thus the steady state imposes linear balance constraints to the fluxes. In general, the balance constraints imposed by the steady state are not sufficient to uncover all the fluxes of a metabolic network. The fluxes through cycles and alternative pathways between the same source and target metabolites remain unknown. More information about the fluxes can be obtained from isotopic labelling experiments, where a cell population is fed with labelled nutrients, such as glucose that contains 13C atoms. Labels are then transferred by biochemical reactions to other metabolites. The relative abundances of different labelling patterns in internal metabolites depend on the fluxes of pathways producing them. Thus, the relative abundances of different labelling patterns contain information about the fluxes that cannot be uncovered from the balance constraints derived from the steady state. The field of research that estimates the fluxes utilizing the measured constraints to the relative abundances of different labelling patterns induced by 13C labelled nutrients is called 13C metabolic flux analysis. There exist two approaches of 13C metabolic flux analysis. In the optimization approach, a non-linear optimization task, where candidate fluxes are iteratively generated until they fit to the measured abundances of different labelling patterns, is constructed. In the direct approach, linear balance constraints given by the steady state are augmented with linear constraints derived from the abundances of different labelling patterns of metabolites. Thus, mathematically involved non-linear optimization methods that can get stuck to the local optima can be avoided. On the other hand, the direct approach may require more measurement data than the optimization approach to obtain the same flux information. Furthermore, the optimization framework can easily be applied regardless of the labelling measurement technology and with all network topologies. In this thesis we present a formal computational framework for direct 13C metabolic flux analysis. The aim of our study is to construct as many linear constraints to the fluxes from the 13C labelling measurements using only computational methods that avoid non-linear techniques and are independent from the type of measurement data, the labelling of external nutrients and the topology of the metabolic network. The presented framework is the first representative of the direct approach for 13C metabolic flux analysis that is free from restricting assumptions made about these parameters.In our framework, measurement data is first propagated from the measured metabolites to other metabolites. The propagation is facilitated by the flow analysis of metabolite fragments in the network. Then new linear constraints to the fluxes are derived from the propagated data by applying the techniques of linear algebra.Based on the results of the fragment flow analysis, we also present an experiment planning method that selects sets of metabolites whose relative abundances of different labelling patterns are most useful for 13C metabolic flux analysis. Furthermore, we give computational tools to process raw 13C labelling data produced by tandem mass spectrometry to a form suitable for 13C metabolic flux analysis.


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Prescribed burnings are conducted in Queensland each year from August until November aiming to decrease the impact of bushfire hazards and maintain the health of vegetation. This study reports chemical characteristics of the ambient aerosol, with a focus on source apportionment of the organic aerosol (OA)fraction, during the prescribed biomass burning (BB) season in Brisbane 2013. All measurements were conducted within the International Laboratory for Air Quality and Health (ILAQH) located in Brisbane’s Central Business District. Chemical composition, degree of ageing and the influence of BB emission on the air quality of central Brisbane were characterized using a compact Time of Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (cToF-AMS). AMS loadings were dominated by OA (64 %), followed by, sulfate (17 %), ammonium (14 %) and nitrates (5 %). Source apportionment was applied on the AMS OA mass spectra via the multilinear engine solver (ME-2) implementation within the recently developed Source Finder (SoFi) interface. Six factors were extracted including hydrocarbon-like OA (HOA), cooking-related OA (COA), biomass burning OA (BBOA), low-volatility oxygenated OA (LV-OOA), semivolatile oxygenated OA (SV-OOA), and nitrogen-enriched OA (NOA). The aerosol fraction that was attributed to BB factor was 9 %, on average over the sampling period. The high proportion of oxygenated OA (72 %), typically representing aged emissions, could possess a fraction of oxygenated species transformed from BB components on their way to the sampling site.


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Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the headspace of bubble chambers containing branches of live coral in filtered reef seawater were analysed using gas chromatography with mass spectrometry (GC-MS). When the coral released mucus it was a source of dimethyl sulfide (DMS) and isoprene; however, these VOCs were not emitted to the chamber headspace from mucus-free coral. This finding, which suggests that coral is an intermittent source of DMS and isoprene, was supported by the observation of occasional large pulses of atmospheric DMS (DMSa) over Heron Island reef on the southern Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Australia, in the austral winter. The highest DMSa pulse (320 ppt) was three orders of magnitude less than the DMS mixing ratio (460 ppb) measured in the headspace of a dynamically purged bubble chamber containing a mucus-coated branch of Acropora aspera indicating that coral reefs can be strong point sources of DMSa. Static headspace GC-MS analysis of coral fragments identified mainly DMS and seven other minor reduced sulfur compounds including dimethyl disulfide, methyl mercaptan, and carbon disulfide, while coral reef seawater was an indicated source of methylene chloride, acetone, and methyl ethyl ketone. The VOCs emitted by coral and reef seawater are capable of producing new atmospheric particles < 15 nm diameter as observed at Heron Island reef. DMS and isoprene are known to play a role in low-level cloud formation, so aerosol precursors such as these could influence regional climate through a sea surface temperature regulation mechanism hypothesized to operate over the GBR.


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Leucogranite magmatism occurred in southern Finland during the later stages of the Paleoproterozoic Svecofennian orogeny. The leucogranites are considered to have formed from pre-existing crustal rocks that have undergone anatexis in the extensional stage of the orogeny, following continental collision and resultant crustal thickening. The leucogranites have been studied in the field using petrographic and mineralogical methods, elemental and isotope geochemistry on whole rocks and minerals, and U-Pb geochronology. On outcrop scale, these granites typically form heterogeneous, layered, sheet-like bodies that migmatize their country rocks. All of the leucogranites are peraluminous and rich in SiO2, but otherwise display significant geochemical variation. Their Nd isotope composition ranges from fairly juvenile to very unradiogenic, and the Hf isotope composition of their zircon shows a varying degree of mixing in the source, the zircon populations becoming more heterogeneous and generally less radiogenic towards the east. The leucogranites have been dated using U-Pb isotopic analyses, utilizing thermal ionization mass spectrometry, secondary ion mass spectrometry, and laser ablation multicollector ICP mass spectrometry on zircon and monazite. The results show that the granites were emplaced between 1.85 Ga and 1.79 Ga, which is a considerably longer period than has traditionally been perceived for these rocks. The rocks tend to become younger towards the east. Single crystal data also display a wide array of inherited zircons, especially in the eastern part of the leucogranite belt. The most common inherited age groups are ~2.8 2.5 Ga, ~2.1 2.1 Ga, and ~1.9 Ga. Magmatic zircon and monazite usually record similar ages for any one sample.Thermobarometric calculations indicate that the leucogranites in the Veikkola area of southcentral Finland were formed from relatively low-temperature melts, and emplaced at 17-25 km depth, i.e. at mid-crustal level. It is likely that these conditions apply to the Svecofennian leucogranites in general. Large differences in the Hf and Nd isotope compositions, emplacement ages, and distributions of inherited zircon ages show that these granites were formed from different types of source rocks, which probably included both sedimentary and igneous rocks.


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The analysis of lipid compositions from biological samples has become increasingly important. Lipids have a role in cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome and diabetes. They also participate in cellular processes such as signalling, inflammatory response, aging and apoptosis. Also, the mechanisms of regulation of cell membrane lipid compositions are poorly understood, partially because a lack of good analytical methods. Mass spectrometry has opened up new possibilities for lipid analysis due to its high resolving power, sensitivity and the possibility to do structural identification by fragment analysis. The introduction of Electrospray ionization (ESI) and the advances in instrumentation revolutionized the analysis of lipid compositions. ESI is a soft ionization method, i.e. it avoids unwanted fragmentation the lipids. Mass spectrometric analysis of lipid compositions is complicated by incomplete separation of the signals, the differences in the instrument response of different lipids and the large amount of data generated by the measurements. These factors necessitate the use of computer software for the analysis of the data. The topic of the thesis is the development of methods for mass spectrometric analysis of lipids. The work includes both computational and experimental aspects of lipid analysis. The first article explores the practical aspects of quantitative mass spectrometric analysis of complex lipid samples and describes how the properties of phospholipids and their concentration affect the response of the mass spectrometer. The second article describes a new algorithm for computing the theoretical mass spectrometric peak distribution, given the elemental isotope composition and the molecular formula of a compound. The third article introduces programs aimed specifically for the analysis of complex lipid samples and discusses different computational methods for separating the overlapping mass spectrometric peaks of closely related lipids. The fourth article applies the methods developed by simultaneously measuring the progress curve of enzymatic hydrolysis for a large number of phospholipids, which are used to determine the substrate specificity of various A-type phospholipases. The data provides evidence that the substrate efflux from bilayer is the key determining factor for the rate of hydrolysis.


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Pseudomonas maltophilia CSV89, a bacterium isolated from soil in our laboratory, grows on 1-naphthoic acid as the sole source of carbon and energy. To elucidate the pathway for degradation of 1-naphthoic acid, the metabolites were isolated from spent medium, purified by TLC, and characterized by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The involvement of various metabolites as intermediates in the pathway was established by demonstrating relevant enzyme activities in cell-free extracts, oxygen uptake and transformation of metabolites by the whole cells. The results obtained from such studies suggest that the degradation of 1-naphthoic acid is initiated by double hydroxylation of the aromatic ring adjacent to the one bearing the carboxyl group, resulting in the formation of 1,2-dihydroxy-8-carboxynaphthalene. The resultant diol was oxidized via 3-formyl salicylate, 2-hydroxyisophthalate, salicylate and catechol to TCA cycle intermediates.


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This paper investigates the loss of high mass ions due to their initial thermal energy in ion trap mass analyzers. It provides an analytical expression for estimating the percentage loss of ions of a given mass at a particular temperature, in a trap operating under a predetermined set of conditions. The expression we developed can be used to study the loss of ions due to its initial thermal energy in traps which have nonlinear fields as well as those which have linear fields. The expression for the percentage of ions lost is shown to be a function of the temperature of the ensemble of ions, ion mass and ion escape velocity. An analytical expression for the escape velocity has also been derived in terms of the trapping field, drive frequency and ion mass. Because the trapping field is determined by trap design parameters and operating conditions, it has been possible to study the influence of these parameters on ion loss. The parameters investigated include ion temperature, magnitude of the initial potential applied to the ring electrode (which determines the low mass cut-off), trap size, dimensions of apertures in the endcap electrodes and RF drive frequency. Our studies demonstrate that ion loss due to initial thermal energy increases with increase in mass and that, in the traps investigated, ion escape occurs in the radial direction. Reduction in the loss of high mass ions is favoured by lower ion temperatures, increasing low mass cut-off, increasing trap size, and higher RF drive frequencies. However, dimensions of the apertures in the endcap electrodes do not influence ion loss in the range of aperture sizes considered. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A simple method to generate time domain tailored waveforms for excitation of ion axial amplitude in Paul trap mass spectrometers is described. The method is based on vector summation of sine waves followed by time domain sampling to obtain the discrete time domain data. A smoothing technique based on the time domain Kaiser window is then applied to the data so as to minimize the frequency domain Gibb's oscillations. The dynamic range of the time domain signal is controlled by phase modulation and time extension of the time domain waveform. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The activities of CaO and Al2O3 in lime-alumina melts were studied by Knudsen cell-mass spectrometry at 2060 K. Emf of solid state cells, with CaF2 as the electrolyte, was measured from 923 to 1223 K to obtain the free energies of formation of the interoxide compounds. The results are critically evaluated in the light of data reported in the literature on phase equilibria, activities in melts, and stabilities of compounds. A coherent set of data is presented, including the previously unknown free energy of formation of CaO.6Al2O3 and the temperature dependence of activities in the liquid phase.


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We report Si-isotopic compositions of 75 sedimentologically and petrographically characterized chert samples with ages ranging from similar to 2600 to 750 Ma using multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. delta Si-30 values of the cherts analyzed in this study show a similar to 7 parts per thousand range, from -4.29 to +2.85. This variability can be explained in part by (1) simple mixing of silica derived from continental (higher delta Si-30) and hydrothermal (lower delta Si-30) sources, (2) multiple mechanisms of silica precipitation and (3) Rayleigh-type fractionations within pore waters of individual basins. We observe similar to 3 parts per thousand variation in peritidal cherts from a single Neoproterozoic sedimentary basin (Spitsbergen). This variation can be explained by Rayleigh-type fractionation during precipitation from silica-saturated porewaters. In some samples, post-dissolution and reprecipitation of silica could have added to this effect. Our data also indicate that peritidal cherts are enriched in the heavier isotopes of Si whereas basinal cherts associated with banded iron formations (BIF) show lower delta Si-30. This difference could partly be due to Si being derived from hydrothermal sources in BIFs. We postulate that the difference in delta Si-30 between non-BIF and BIF cherts is consistent with the contrasting genesis of these deposits. Low delta Si-30 in BIF is consistent with laboratory experiments showing that silica adsorbed onto Fe-hydroxide particles preferentially incorporates lighter Si isotopes. Despite large intrabasinal variation and environmental differences, the data show a clear pattern of secular variation. Low delta Si-30 in Archean cherts is consistent with a dominantly hydrothermal source of silica to the oceans at that time. The monotonically increasing delta Si-30 from 3.8 to 1.5 Ga appears to reflect a general increase in continental versus hydrothermal sources of Si in seawater, as well as the preferential removal of lighter Si isotopes during silica precipitation in iron-associated cherts from silica-saturated seawater. The highest delta Si-30 values are observed in 1.5 Ga peritidal cherts; in part, these enriched values could reflect increasing sequestration of light silica during soil-forming processes, thus, delivering relatively heavy dissolved silica to the oceans from continental sources. The causes behind the reversal in trend towards lower delta Si-30 in cherts younger than 1.5 Ga old are less clear. Cherts deposited 1800-1900 Ma are especially low delta Si-30, a possible indication of transiently strong hydrothermal input at this time. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Mass spectrometric analysis of a banyan endophyte, Bacillus subtilis K1, extract showing broad spectrum antifungal activity revealed a complex mixture of lipopeptides, iturins, surfactins, and fengycins. Fractionation by reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) facilitated a detailed analysis of fengycin microheterogeneity. Matrix assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) and electrospray ionization (ESI) mass spectrometric studies permitted the identification of several new fengycin variants. Four major sites of heterogeneity are identified: (1) N-terminus beta-hydroxy fatty acid moiety, where chain length variation and the presence of unsaturation occur, (2) position 6 (Ala/Val/Ile/Leu), (3) position 10 (Val/Ile) within the macrocyclic ring, and (4) Gln to Glu replacement at position 8, resulting in fengycin variants that differ in mass by 1 Da. Diagnostic fragment ions provide a quick method for localizing the sites of variation in the macrocycle or the linear segment. Subsequent establishment of the sequences is achieved by MS/MS analysis of linear fengycin species produced by hydrolysis of the macrocyclic lactone. Unsaturation in the fatty acid chain and the presence of linear precursors in the B. subtilis K1 extract are also established by mass spectrometry. The anomalous distribution of intensities within isotopic multiplets is a diagnostic for Gln/Glu replacements. High resolution mass spectrometry facilitates the identification of fengycin species differing by 1 Da by localizing the variable position (Gln(8)/Glu(8)) in the fengycin variants.


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RATIONALE The ratio of the measured abundance of 13C18O bonding CO2 to its stochastic abundance, prescribed by the delta 13C and delta 18O values from a carbonate mineral, is sensitive to its growth temperature. Recently, clumped-isotope thermometry, which uses this ratio, has been adopted as a new tool to elucidate paleotemperatures quantitatively. METHODS Clumped isotopes in CO2 were measured with a small-sector isotope ratio mass spectrometer. CO2 samples digested from several kinds of calcium carbonates by phosphoric acid at 25 degrees C were purified using both cryogenic and gas-chromatographic separations, and their isotopic composition (delta 13C, delta 18O, Delta 47, Delta 48 and Delta 49 values) were then determined using a dual-inlet Delta XP mass spectrometer. RESULTS The internal precisions of the single gas Delta 47 measurements were 0.005 and 0.02 parts per thousand (1 SE) for the optimum and the routine analytical conditions, respectively, which are comparable with those obtained using a MAT 253 mass spectrometer. The long-term variations in the Delta 47 values for the in-house working standard and the heated CO2 gases since 2007 were close to the routine, single gas uncertainty while showing seasonal-like periodicities with a decreasing trend. Unlike the MAT 253, the Delta XP did not show any significant relationship between the Delta 47 and delta 47 values. CONCLUSIONS The Delta XP gave results that were approximately as precise as those of the MAT 253 for clumped-isotope analysis. The temporal stability of the Delta XP seemed to be lower, although an advantage of the Delta XP was that no dependency of delta 47 on Delta 47 was found. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The natural product fumagillin exhibits potent antiproliferative and antiangiogenic properties. The semisynthetic analog PPI-2458, (3R,4S,5S,6R)-5-methoxy-4-(2R,3R)-2-methyl-3-(3-methylbut-2-enyl) oxiran-2-yl]-1-oxaspiro2.5]octan-6-yl] N-(2R)-1-amino-3-methyl-1-oxobutan-2-yl]carbamate, demonstrates rapid inactivation of its molecular target, methionine aminopeptidase-2 (MetAP2), and good efficacy in several rodent models of cancer and inflammation with oral dosing despite low apparent oral bioavailability. To probe the basis of its in vivo efficacy, the metabolism of PPI-2458 was studied in detail. Reaction phenotyping identified CYP3A4/5 as the major source of metabolism in humans. Six metabolites were isolated from liver microsomes and characterized by mass spectrometry and nuclear resonance spectroscopy, and their structures were confirmed by chemical synthesis. The synthetic metabolites showed correlated inhibition of MetAP2 enzymatic activity and vascular endothelial cell growth. In an ex vivo experiment, MetAP2 inhibition in white blood cells, thymus, and lymph nodes in rats after single dosing with PPI-2458 and the isolated metabolites was found to correlate with the in vitro activity of the individual species. In a phase 1 clinical study, PPI-2458 was administered to patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma. At 15 mg administered orally every other day, MetAP2 in whole blood was 80% inactivated for up to 48 hours, although the exposure of the parent compound was only similar to 10% that of the summed cytochrome P450 metabolites. Taken together, the data confirm the participation of active metabolites in the in vivo efficacy of PPI-2458. The structures define a metabolic pathway for PPI-2458 that is distinct from that of TNP-470 ((3R, 4S, 5S, 6R)-5-methoxy-4-(2R, 3R)-2-methyl-3-(3-methylbut-2-enyl)oxiran-2-yl]-1-oxaspiro2.5]octan-6 -yl] N-(2-chloroacetyl)carbamate). The high level of MetAP2 inhibition achieved in vivo supports the value of fumagillin-derived therapeutics for angiogenic diseases.