992 resultados para SIZE DEPENDENCE


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It is essential to accurately estimate the working set size (WSS) of an application for various optimizations such as to partition cache among virtual machines or reduce leakage power dissipated in an over-allocated cache by switching it OFF. However, the state-of-the-art heuristics such as average memory access latency (AMAL) or cache miss ratio (CMR) are poorly correlated to the WSS of an application due to 1) over-sized caches and 2) their dispersed nature. Past studies focus on estimating WSS of an application executing on a uniprocessor platform. Estimating the same for a chip multiprocessor (CMP) with a large dispersed cache is challenging due to the presence of concurrently executing threads/processes. Hence, we propose a scalable, highly accurate method to estimate WSS of an application. We call this method ``tagged WSS (TWSS)'' estimation method. We demonstrate the use of TWSS to switch-OFF the over-allocated cache ways in Static and Dynamic NonUniform Cache Architectures (SNUCA, DNUCA) on a tiled CMP. In our implementation of adaptable way SNUCA and DNUCA caches, decision of altering associativity is taken by each L2 controller. Hence, this approach scales better with the number of cores present on a CMP. It gives overall (geometric mean) 26% and 19% higher energy-delay product savings compared to AMAL and CMR heuristics on SNUCA, respectively.


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Differential mobility analyzers (DMAs) are commonly used to generate monodisperse nanoparticle aerosols. Commercial DMAs operate at quasi-atmospheric pressures and are therefore not designed to be vacuum-tight. In certain particle synthesis methods, the use of a vacuum-compatible DMA is a requirement as a process step for producing high-purity metallic particles. A vacuum-tight radial DMA (RDMA) has been developed and tested at low pressures. Its performance has been evaluated by using a commercial NANO-DMA as the reference. The performance of this low-pressure RDMA (LP-RDMA) in terms of the width of its transfer function is found to be comparable with that of other NANO-DMAs at atmospheric pressure and is almost independent of the pressure down to 30 mbar. It is shown that LP-RDMA can be used for the classification of nanometer-sized particles (5-20 nm) under low pressure condition (30 mbar) and has been successfully applied to nanoparticles produced by ablating FeNi at low pressures.


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Amorphous solids prepared from their melt state exhibit glass transition phenomenon upon heating. Viscosity, specific heat, and thermal expansion coefficient of the amorphous solids show rapid changes at the glass transition temperature (T-g). Generally, application of high pressure increases the T-g and this increase (a positive dT(g)/dP) has been understood adequately with free volume and entropy models which are purely thermodynamic in origin. In this study, the electrical resistivity of semiconducting As2Te3 glass at high pressures as a function of temperature has been measured in a Bridgman anvil apparatus. Electrical resistivity showed a pronounced change at T-g. The T-g estimated from the slope change in the resistivity-temperature plot shows a decreasing trend (negative dT(g)/dP). The dT(g)/dP was found to be -2.36 degrees C/kbar for a linear fit and -2.99 degrees C/kbar for a polynomial fit in the pressure range 1 bar to 9 kbar. Chalcogenide glasses like Se, As2Se3, and As30Se30Te40 show a positive dT(g)/dP which is very well understood in terms of the thermodynamic models. The negative dT(g)/dP (which is generally uncommon in liquids) observed for As2Te3 glass is against the predictions of the thermodynamic models. The Adam-Gibbs model of viscosity suggests a direct relationship between the isothermal pressure derivative of viscosity and the relaxational expansion coefficient. When the sign of the thermal expansion coefficient is negative, dT(g)/dP = Delta k/Delta alpha will be less than zero, which can result in a negative dT(g)/dP. In general, chalcogenides rich in tellurium show a negative thermal expansion coefficient (NTE) in the supercooled and stable liquid states. Hence, the negative dT(g)/dP observed in this study can be understood on the basis of the Adams-Gibbs model. An electronic model proposed by deNeufville and Rockstad finds a linear relation between T-g and the optical band gap (E-g for covalent semiconducting glasses when they are grouped according to their average coordination number. The electrical band gap (Delta E) of As2Te3 glass decreases with pressure. The optical and electrical band gaps are related as Delta E-g = 2 Delta E; thus, a negative dT(g)/dP is expected when As2Te3 glass is subjected to high pressures. In this sense, As2Te3 is a unique glass where its variation of T-g with pressure can be understood by both electronic and thermodynamic models.


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Bulk samples of S40Se60,Sb-x (with x=10, 20, 30 and 40 at. %) were prepared from high purity chemicals by melt quenching technique. The samples compositions were confirmed by using energy dispersive analysis of X-rays. X-ray diffraction studies revealed that all the samples have poly-crystalline phase. The variation in optical properties with compositional has been investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The optical band gap of the thin films is found to be decreased with composition. Increasing Sb content was found to affect the structural and optical properties of bulk samples. The intensity of core level spectra changes with the addition of Sb clearly interprets the optical properties change due to compositional variation. The Raman shift and new peak formation in these samples clearly show the structural modifications due to Sb addition.


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In the present paper, thermo-mechanical response of B2-NiAl nanowire along the < 100 >, < 110 >, and < 111 > orientations has been studied using molecular dynamics simulations. Nanowire with cross-sectional dimensions of similar to 20x20 angstrom(2), similar to 25x25 angstrom(2), and similar to 30x30 angstrom(2) and temperature range of 10 K-900 K has been considered. A Combined effect of size, orientation, and temperature on the stress-strain behavior under uniaxial tensile loading has been presented. It has been observed that < 111 > oriented NiAl nanowire that is energetically most stable gives highest yield stress which further reduces with < 110 > and < 100 > orientations. A remarkable ductile brittle transition (DBT) with an increase in temperature has also been reported for all the orientations considered in the present study. The DBT observed for the nanowire has also been compared with the reported DBT of bulk B2-NiAl obtained from experiments. Alternate technique has also been proposed to increase the toughness of a given material especially at lower temperature regions, i.e. below DBT.


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In this paper, we revisit the combinatorial error model of Mazumdar et al. that models errors in high-density magnetic recording caused by lack of knowledge of grain boundaries in the recording medium. We present new upper bounds on the cardinality/rate of binary block codes that correct errors within this model. All our bounds, except for one, are obtained using combinatorial arguments based on hypergraph fractional coverings. The exception is a bound derived via an information-theoretic argument. Our bounds significantly improve upon existing bounds from the prior literature.


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Digestive ripening, a postsynthetic treatment of colloidal nanoparticles, is a versatile method to produce monodisperse nanoparticles and to prepare various bimetallic nanostructures. The mechanism of this process is largely unknown. Herein, we present a systematic study conducted using Au nanoparticles prepared by a solvated metal atom dispersion method to probe the mechanistic aspects of digestive ripening. In our study, experimental conditions such as concentration of capping agent, reaction time, and temperature, were found to influence the course of the digestive ripening process. Here it is shown that, during digestive ripening under reflux, nanoparticles within an optimum size window are conserved, and surface etching facilitated mass transfer resulted in monodisperse nanoparticles. Overall, digestive ripening can be considered as a kinetically controlled thermodynamic process.


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Using numerical diagonalization we study the crossover among different random matrix ensembles (Poissonian, Gaussian orthogonal ensemble (GOE), Gaussian unitary ensemble (GUE) and Gaussian symplectic ensemble (GSE)) realized in two different microscopic models. The specific diagnostic tool used to study the crossovers is the level spacing distribution. The first model is a one-dimensional lattice model of interacting hard-core bosons (or equivalently spin 1/2 objects) and the other a higher dimensional model of non-interacting particles with disorder and spin-orbit coupling. We find that the perturbation causing the crossover among the different ensembles scales to zero with system size as a power law with an exponent that depends on the ensembles between which the crossover takes place. This exponent is independent of microscopic details of the perturbation. We also find that the crossover from the Poissonian ensemble to the other three is dominated by the Poissonian to GOE crossover which introduces level repulsion while the crossover from GOE to GUE or GOE to GSE associated with symmetry breaking introduces a subdominant contribution. We also conjecture that the exponent is dependent on whether the system contains interactions among the elementary degrees of freedom or not and is independent of the dimensionality of the system.


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Size effect in ferroelectrics has been extensively investigated in the past with the general consensus that the long-range ferroelectric ordering gradually disappears with decreasing crystallite size, eventually leading to the paraelectric state. In this paper, we show that the compositions exhibiting giant tetragonality (c/a similar to 1.18) of the ferroelectric alloy system BiFeO3-PbTiO3 transform from a pure tetragonal phase to a state comprising tetragonal and rhombohedral phases as the average crystallite size is reduced from similar to 10 to similar to 1 mu m. It is argued that the increased surface energy in the smaller sized crystallites creates an equivalent compressive stress that drives the system towards tetragonal-rhombohedral criticality.


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Fine powders comprising nanocrystallites of Ba0.85Ca0.15Zr0.1Ti0.9O3 (BCZT) were synthesized via oxalate precursor method, which facilitated to obtain homogenous and large grain sized ceramics at a lower sintering temperature. The compacted powders were sintered at various temperatures in the range of 1200 degrees C-1500 degrees C for an optimized duration of 10 h. Interestingly the one that was sintered at 1450 degrees C/10 h exhibited well resolved Morphotrophic Phase Boundary. The average grain size associated with this sample was 30 mu m accompanied by higher domain density mostly with 90 degrees twinning. These were believed to have significant contribution towards obtaining large strain of about 0.2% and piezoelectric coefficient as high as 563 pC/N. The maximum force that was generated by BCZT ceramic (having 30 mu m grain size) was found to be 161 MPa, which is much higher than that of known actuator materials such as PZT (40MPa) and NKN-5-LT (7 MPa). (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The influence of absorbed hydrogen on the mechanical behavior of a series of Ni-Nb-Zr amorphous metallic ribbons was investigated through nanoindentation experiments. It was revealed that the influence is significantly dependent on Zr content, that is, hydrogen induced softening in relatively low-Zr alloys, whereas hydrogen induced hardening in high-Zr alloys. The results are discussed in terms of the different roles of mobile and immobile hydrogen in the plastic deformation. (C) 2014 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Cobalt ferrite nanoparticles with average sizes of 14, 9 and 6 nm were synthesised by the chemical co-precipitation technique. Average particle sizes were varied by changing the chitosan surfactant to precursor molar ratio in the reaction mixture. Transmission electron microscopy images revealed a faceted and irregular morphology for the as-synthesised nanoparticles. Magnetic measurements revealed a ferromagnetic nature for the 14 and 9 nm particles and a superparamagnetic nature for the 6 nm particles. An increase in saturation magnetisation with increasing particle size was noted. Relaxivity measurements were carried out to determine T-2 value as a function of particle size using nuclear magnetic resonance measurements. The relaxivity coefficient increased with decrease in particle size and decrease in the saturation magnetisation value. The observed trend in the change of relaxivity value with particle size was attributed to the faceted nature of as-synthesised nanoparticles. Faceted morphology results in the creation of high gradient of magnetic field in the regions adjacent to the facet edges increasing the relaxivity value. The effect of edges in increasing the relaxivity value increases with decrease in the particle size because of an increase in the total number of edges per particle dispersion.


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Since the time of Kirkwood, observed deviations in magnitude of the dielectric constant of aqueous protein solution from that of neat water (similar to 80) and slower decay of polarization have been subjects of enormous interest, controversy, and debate. Most of the common proteins have large permanent dipole moments (often more than 100 D) that can influence structure and dynamics of even distant water molecules, thereby affecting collective polarization fluctuation of the solution, which in turn can significantly alter solution's dielectric constant. Therefore, distance dependence of polarization fluctuation can provide important insight into the nature of biological water. We explore these aspects by studying aqueous solutions of four different proteins of different characteristics and varying sizes, chicken villin headpiece subdomain (HP-36), immunoglobulin binding domain protein G (GB1), hen-egg white lysozyme (LYS), and Myoglobin (MYO). We simulate fairly large systems consisting of single protein molecule and 20000-30000 water molecules (varied according to the protein size), providing a concentration in the range of similar to 2-3 mM. We find that the calculated dielectric constant of the system shows a noticeable increment in all the cases compared to that of neat water. Total dipole moment auto time correlation function of water < dM(W) (0)delta M-W (t) > is found to be sensitive to the nature of the protein. Surprisingly, dipole moment of the protein and total dipole moment of the water molecules are found to be only weakly coupled. Shellwise decomposition of water molecules around protein reveals higher density of first layer compared to the succeeding ones. We also calculate heuristic effective dielectric constant of successive layers and find that the layer adjacent to protein has much lower value (similar to 50). However, progressive layers exhibit successive increment of dielectric constant, finally reaching a value close to that of bulk 4-5 layers away. We also calculate shellwise orientational correlation function and tetrahedral order parameter to understand the local dynamics and structural re-arrangement of water. Theoretical analysis providing simple method for calculation of shellwise local dielectric constant and implication of these findings are elaborately discussed in the present work. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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A 2D multi-particle model is carried out to understand the effect of microstructural variations and loading conditions on the stress evolution in Al-Si alloy under compression. A total of six parameters are varied to create 26 idealized microstructures: particle size, shape, orientation, matrix temper, strain rate, and temperature. The effect of these parameters is investigated to understand the fracture of Si particles and the yielding of Al matrix. The Si particles are modeled as a linear elastic solid and the Al matrix is modeled as an elasto-plastic solid. The results of the study demonstrate that the increase in particle size decreases the yield strength of the alloy. The particles with high aspect ratio and oriented at 0A degrees and 90A degrees to the loading axis show higher stress values. This implies that the particle shape and orientation are dominant factors in controlling particle fracture. The heat treatment of the alloy is found to increase the stress levels of both particles and matrix. Stress calculations also show that higher particle fracture and matrix yielding is expected at higher strain rate deformation. Particle fracture decreases with increase in temperature and the Al matrix plays an important role in controlling the properties of the alloy at higher temperatures. Further, this strain rate and temperature dependence is more pronounced in the heat-treated microstructure. These predictions are consistent with the experimentally observed Si particle fracture in real microstructure.


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The present study combines field and satellite observations to investigate how hydrographical transformations influence phytoplankton size structure in the southern Bay of Bengal during the peak Southwest Monsoon/Summer Monsoon (July-August). The intrusion of the Summer Monsoon Current (SMC) into the Bay of Bengal and associated changes in sea surface chemistry, traceable eastward up to 90 degrees E along 8 degrees N, seems to influence biology of the region significantly. Both in situ and satellite (MODIS) data revealed low surface chlorophyll except in the area influenced by the SMC During the study period, two well-developed cydonic eddies (north) and an anti-cyclonic eddy (south), closely linked to the main eastward flow of the SMC, were sampled. Considering the capping effect of the low-saline surface water that is characteristic of the Bay of Bengal, the impact of the cyclonic eddy, estimated in terms of enhanced nutrients and chlorophyll, was mostly restricted to the subsurface waters (below 20 m depth). Conversely, the anti-cyclonic eddy aided by the SMC was characterized by considerably higher nutrient concentration and chlorophyll in the upper water column (upper 60 m), which was contrary to the general characteristic of such eddies. Albeit smaller phytoplankton predominated the southern Bay of Bengal (60-95% of the total chlorophyll), the contribution of large phytoplankton was double in the regions influenced by the SMC and associated eddies. Multivariate analysis revealed the extent to which SMC-associated eddies spatially influence phytoplankton community structure. The study presents the first direct quantification of the size structure of phytoplankton from the southern Bay of Bengal and demonstrates that the SMC-associated hydrographical ramifications significantly increase the phytoplankton biomass contributed by larger phytoplankton and thereby influence the vertical opal and organic carbon flux in the region. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.