896 resultados para SF-36 HEALTH SURVEY


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OBJETIVO: Estimar la prevalencia y la extensión de la caries radicular en la población adulta y anciana de Brasil. MÉTODOS: A partir de los datos de la Investigación Nacional de Salud Bucal (SBBrasil 2010) se examinaron 9.564 adultos y 7.509 ancianos en domicilios de las 26 capitales y en el Distrito Federal y de 150 municipios del interior de cada macro región. Se implementaron criterios de diagnóstico establecidos por la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Para estudio de la prevalencia y de extensión se utilizó el índice de caries radicular y el índice de raíces cariadas y obturadas. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia de caries radicular fue de 16,7% en los adultos y 13,6% en los ancianos; el índice de raíces cariadas y obturadas fue de 0,42 y 0,32 respectivamente, siendo la mayor parte compuesta por caries no tratadas. Se observaron diferencias en la experiencia de caries radicular entre capitales y macro regiones, con valores mayores en capitales del Norte y Noreste. El índice de caries radicular en los adultos varió de 1,4% en Aracaju (SE) a 15,1% en Salvador (BA) y en los ancianos de 3,5% en Porto Velho (RO) a 29,9% en Palmas (TO). Se verificó incremento de caries radicular con la edad y mayor expresividad de la enfermedad en hombres de ambos grupos etarios. CONCLUSIONES: Se identificó una gran variación de la prevalencia y extensión de la caries radicular entre y dentro de las regiones de Brasil, tanto en adultos como en ancianos, y la mayor parte de la caries radicular se encuentra no tratada. Se recomienda la incorporación de este agravio al sistema de vigilancia en salud bucal, debido a su tendencia creciente.


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OBJECTIVE: To describe the distribution of malocclusion and its associated factors in Brazilian adolescents. METHODS: Data from 7,328 subjects aged 12 years and 5,445 adolescents aged 15-19 years were analyzed. The adolescents took part in the Brazilian Oral Health Survey (SBBrasil 2010). The outcome was severe malocclusion according to the dental aesthetic index. The independent variables were sex, skin color, monthly household income, possessions, number of individuals in the household, untreated dental caries, missing teeth and dental appointments or lack thereof, frequency, and reason. Logistical regression analysis was carried out, considering the complex sampling cluster design, based on a hierarchical model. RESULTS: The prevalence of severe malocclusion was 6.5% and 9.1% in the 12-year-olds and the 15-19-year-olds, respectively. After adjustment, those with lighter- skinned black or black skin were 1.59 (95%CI 1.08;2.34) times more likely to present the outcome compared with those with white skin. The loss of one or more first molars increased 2.66 (95%CI 1.26;5.63) the chance to present severe malocclusion by the age of 12. Adolescents aged 15-19 whose household income was below R$ 1,500.00 (OR 2.69 [95%CI 1.62; 4.47]) and those who had seen a dentist for treatment (OR 2.59 [95%CI 2.55;4.34]) had the greatest chance of having severe malocclusion compared with those with higher incomes and those who visited the dentist for prevention.


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National surveys are important tools for public health surveillance and thus key elements in monitoring health conditions and system performance. In the field of oral health, such surveys began with the oral health survey in 1986 and later in 1996 and with the SBBrasil Project in 2003. The 2010 edition of SBBrasil is the principal oral health surveillance strategy for the production of primary data. In order to contribute to this discussion, this article proposes: (a) to present and discuss the Brazilian experience with nationwide oral health surveys and (b) to discuss the use of data in health surveillance models. One can conclude that oral health surveys in Brazil have great possibilities as a tool for health services and academia. Such surveys have shown evident potential for verifying trends in the oral health profile, as well as for producing valid indicators for use in health services.


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Indicators and analyses that used the database from SB Brazil 2003 (the most recent nationwide oral health survey) have been criticized as unreliable due to sampling problems. The current study countered that this critique was based solely on statistical concepts, unsupported by empirical evidence. The critique's essentially epistemic approach leads to peremptory reductionism that denies other forms of knowledge and fails to recognize the multidisciplinary nature of epidemiology. The current study retrieves information on the implementation of the oral health survey and its impact on knowledge output in the field. The article draws an analogy between science and art, demonstrating the multifaceted images obtained by both. Thus, recognition of validity requires a full grasp of the field and appropriate use of value criteria. The current article concludes that use of the SB Brazil 2003 database is a reliable and relevant application of epidemiology to oral health.


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Indicators and analyses that used the database from SB Brazil 2003 (the most recent nationwide oral health survey) have been criticized as unreliable due to sampling problems. The current study countered that this critique was based solely on statistical concepts, unsupported by empirical evidence. The critique's essentially epistemic approach leads to peremptory reductionism that denies other forms of knowledge and fails to recognize the multidisciplinary nature of epidemiology. The current study retrieves information on the implementation of the oral health survey and its impact on knowledge output in the field. The article draws an analogy between science and art, demonstrating the multifaceted images obtained by both. Thus, recognition of validity requires a full grasp of the field and appropriate use of value criteria. The current article concludes that use of the SB Brazil 2003 database is a reliable and relevant application of epidemiology to oral health.


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Indonesia consistently records higher levels of maternal mortality than other countries in Southeast Asia with its same level of socioeconomic development. I use a quasi-experimental, difference-in-differences approach to understand whether the role of information on the risk of death in childbirth can change women’s reproductive behaviors. In the first two chapters, I use the Maternal Mortality Module from the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) in Indonesia to examine fertility and reproductive behavior responses to a sister’s death in childbirth. Fertility desires remain relatively unchanged but women take up behaviors in subsequent births that avert the risk of maternal death. In the last chapter, I combine population-representative data from the DHS with a village-level census (PODES) on service availability to understand how a village-level intervention to improve obstetric service use using a birth preparedness and complications readiness (BPCR) approach may improve obstetric service use. In this study, I find that the Desa Siaga intervention in Indonesia improved knowledge of the danger signs of complications among women but not among men relative to villages that did not get the program while controlling for endogenous program placement. More women got antenatal care due to the program but use of a skilled birth attendant and postpartum care did not change as a result of the intervention. Both genders report discussing a blood donor in preparation for delivery.


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In hoeverre zijn bepaalde omstandigheden van invloed op iemands welbevinden? En hoe belangrijk is iemands kijk op het leven (tijdsperspectief) daarbij? In dit onderzoek is onderzocht of er een relatie is tussen gezondheidsklachten en negatief affect. Daarnaast is gekeken of er een relatie is tussen een fatalistische kijk en negatief affect. Ook is onderzocht of fatalisme de relatie tussen gezondheidsklachten en negatief affect versterkt. De onderzoeksgroep bestaat uit personen van 40 jaar of ouder, zonder biologische en/of adoptiekinderen. Reden hiervoor is dat in de nabije toekomst een kwart van de ouderen kinderloos zal zijn, maar dat er nog weinig onderzoek is gedaan naar deze groep. Voor deze survey is gebruik gemaakt van 3 gevalideerde, in het Nederlands vertaalde vragenlijsten: de Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS), de MOS Short-form General Health Survey (MOS-20) en de Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI). Deze vragenlijsten zijn, aangevuld met enkele andere vragen, als een samengestelde enquête op internet gezet en deze is door 136 personen, die voldeden aan de criteria, volledig ingevuld. Er zijn significant positieve relaties gevonden tussen gezondheidsklachten en negatief affect en ook tussen fatalisme en negatief affect. Beide relaties zijn reeds eerder in de literatuur gevonden en worden nu bevestigd voor deze specifieke groep van kinderloze ouderen. Er is geen interactie-effect gevonden tussen gezondheidsklachten en fatalisme in hun relatie tot negatief affect. Bij mensen met gezondheidsklachten en/of een fatalistische instelling kunnen gerichte therapieën en steun wellicht leiden tot minder negatief affect.


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NARVAI, Paulo Capel et al. Validade científi ca de conhecimento epidemiológico gerado com base no estudo Saúde Bucal Brasil 2003. Caderno de saúde pública, Rio de Janeiro, v. 26, n. 4, p. 647-670, abr. 2010.


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This information release, produced by the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety’s Information and Analysis Directorate, provides information on smoking cessation services. Data are included on the monitoring of smoking cessation services in Northern Ireland during the period 1st April 2014 to 31st March 2015. This report also provides an analysis of data collected in 2014/15 in respect of clients who set a quit date during 2013/14 (52 week follow-up). Information contained within this report was downloaded from a web based recording system. Figures here are correct as of 1st September 2015. The Ten Year Tobacco Control Strategy for Northern Ireland aims to see fewer people starting to smoke, more smokers quitting and protecting people from tobacco smoke. It is aimed at the entire population of Northern Ireland as smoking and its harmful effects cut across all barriers of class, race and gender. There is a strong relationship between smoking and inequalities, with more people dying of smoking-related illnesses in disadvantaged areas of Northern Ireland than in its more affluent areas. In order to ensure that more focused action is directed to where it is needed the most, three priority groups have been identified. They are: · Children and young people; · Disadvantaged people who smoke; and · Pregnant women, and their partners, who smoke. The Public Health Agency (PHA) is responsible for implementing the strategy and the development of cessation services is a key element of the overall aim to tackle smoking. The 2013/14 Health Survey Northern Ireland reported that 22% of adults currently smoke (23% of males and 21% of females). In addition, in 2013, the Young Persons’ Behaviour and Attitude Survey (YPBAS) found that 6% of pupils aged between and 11 and 16 smoked (7% of males and 5% of females).      


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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NARVAI, Paulo Capel et al. Validade científi ca de conhecimento epidemiológico gerado com base no estudo Saúde Bucal Brasil 2003. Caderno de saúde pública, Rio de Janeiro, v. 26, n. 4, p. 647-670, abr. 2010.


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OBJETIVE to create a reduced version of the QASCI, which is structurally equivalent to the long one and meets the criteria of reliability and validity. METHOD Through secondary data from previous studies, the participants were divided into two samples, one for the development of reduced version and the second for study of the factorial validity. Participants responded to QASCI, the SF 36, the ADHS and demographic questions. RESULTS A reduced version of 14 items showed adequate psychometric properties of validity and internal consistency, adapted to a heptadimensional structure that assesses positive and negative aspects of care. CONCLUSION Confirmatory factor analysis revealed a good fit with the advocated theoretical model.


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Objetivo: Avaliar a relação entre experiência de cárie, qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde bucal (QVRSB) e fatores socioeconômicos em escolares de rede municipal. Métodos: Este estudo, de corte transversal, realizado em um município paulista a partir de um levantamento de saúde bucal do ano de 2012, incluiu 142 escolares com 12 anos completos para avaliação da QVRSB por meio do Child Perceptions Questionnaire (CPQ11-14) e de fatores socioeconômicos (escolaridade dos pais, renda, número de cômodos e número de pessoas que habitam o domicílio). A experiência de cárie foi avaliada e expressa pelo índice CPOD e ceo-d (número de dentes cariados, perdidos e obturados na dentição permanente e decídua, respectivamente). A análise consistiu de estatística descritiva, uso dos testes Qui-quadrado, Mann-Whitney e correlação de Spearman. Resultados: Do total, 58,5% (n=83) dos escolares apresentaram experiência de cárie (CPOD+ceo-d≥1), os quais também apresentaram maiores escores na percepção global em saúde bucal (2,6±0,9 x 2,1±0,8), na escala total (33,0±22,6 x 21,9±14,5) e nos domínios bem-estar emocional (11,4±8,6 x 6,6±5,8) e bem-estar social (7,7±8,2 x 4,4±4,9) quando comparados àqueles sem experiência de cárie. Observouse também correlação positiva significativa entre o número de pessoas que habitavam o domicílio e o índice CPOD/ceo-d (r=0,2670; p=0,003). Conclusão: A experiência de cárie relacionou-se com uma percepção negativa da saúde bucal, principalmente nos aspectos emocional e social, e com o número de pessoas que habitavam o domicílio.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no Instiuto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção do grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica


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Introdução: O enfermeiro especialista em reabilitação é o profissional com competências e conhecimentos para, após o diagnóstico, implementar e monitorizar os resultados dos programas de redução do risco das perturbações musculosqueléticas relacionadas com o trabalho (PME), junto dos trabalhadores de cuidados pessoais em residências de apoio ao idoso, avaliando e introduzindo no processo de prestação de cuidados os necessários ajustamentos, promovendo assim, práticas mais seguras e eficazes. Assim, o presente estudo centrou-se em identificar os determinantes das PME nestes trabalhadores e suas repercussões na saúde. Métodos: Estudo de natureza quantitativa, de tipologia transversal e descritivocorrelacional, com recurso a uma amostra não probabilística por conveniência, constituída por 120 indivíduos, na sua maioria do género feminino (95,8%) e com uma média de idades de 43,21 anos (Dp=10,812 anos). Como instrumento de colheita de dados utilizou-se o inquérito de saúde e trabalho (INSAT), aferido para este domínio de investigação. Resultados: Estes cuidadores formais manifestam défices de saúde com principal relevância para os relacionados com a mobilidade física e dor, quer pela existência de constrangimentos de natureza física e biomecânica, organizacional e psicossocial, bem como de natureza individual. Os problemas de saúde identificados por estes trabalhadores, resultantes das condições e características do trabalho foram: dores de costas (90,8%), dores musculares e articulares (82,5%), varizes (64,2%), dores de cabeça (49,2%) e ansiedade ou irritabilidade (47,5%). Ser do género feminino, ter idade entre os 49-58 anos, ser viúvo ou divorciado, ter doenças crónicas, tomar medicação e efetuar horário diurno, revelaram-se como determinantes percursores das PME assim como, a nível laboral, as características e os constrangimentos organizacionais e relacionais relacionados com o esforço físico, a intensidade e tempo de trabalho, as exigências emocionais, a insuficiência de autonomia e a má qualidade das relações sociais. Conclusão: Estes resultados apontam para a necessidade de desenvolvimento de estratégias preventivas das PME neste grupo profissional, onde é fundamental a intervenção do enfermeiro de reabilitação na implementação de programas de promoção da saúde, gestão do stresse e riscos psicossociais e formação profissional. Palavras-chave: Doenças musculosqueléticas; Enfermagem de Reabilitação; Saúde Ocupacional.