Void growth in ductile materials is an important problem from the fundamental and technological viewpoint. Most of the models developed to quantify and understand the void growth process did not take into account two important factors: the anisotropic nature of plastic flow in single crystals and the size effects that appear when plastic flow is confined into very small regions.
Nowadays, dispersion correction applied on layered semiconductors is a topic of interest. Among the known layered semiconductors, SnS2 polytypes are wide gap semiconductors with a van der Waals interaction between their layers, which could form good materials to be used in photovoltaic applications. The present work gives an approach to the SnS2 geometrical and electronic characterization using an empirical dispersion correction added to the Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof functional and subsequent actualization of the electronic charge density using the screened hybrid Heyd–Scuseria–Ernzerhof functional using a density functional code. The obtained interlayer distance and band-gap are in good agreement with experimental values when van der Waals dispersion forces are included.
Canberra, the ?Bush Capital? of Australia, was a project torn between ambition and avoidance. For fear of upsetting Sydney or Melbourne, its location avoided larger territorial aspirations but its crystalline winning scheme was bold, and contained the promise of enlightened irradiation. Postwar Canberra, like so many other cities at the time, let its future be designed by Cold-War traffic engineers, who confidently turned dream into sprawl and highways. Although Canberra s mix of ambition and banality, of symbolic desire and structural normalcy, may be precisely what a good city is all about, it probably contains these in defective proportions. What Canberra needs is just a little more of itself, in different amounts, to a higher pressure from the inside. We can easily imagine the multiplying of the original Griffin plan, adding the city onto itself, organizing the recent sprawl with new nodes and public transport with more urban streets between them. With this reclaimed space for higher density, Canberra can then grow from the inside instead of sprawling away, lowering its expenditure on transport and its carbon and sustainability footprint. The new nodes will be denser and allow for variety and change in its programmatic design. Minor but detailed changes in street and public space design will also allow for easier multi-species (people, animals?) access to urban and natural resources. Video brief of the project: http://vimeo.com/45799435
The stability of an infinitely long compound liquid column is analysed by using a one-dimensional inviscid slice model. Results obtained from this one-dimensional linear analysis are applicable to the study of compound capillary jets, which are used in the ink-jet printing technique. Stability limits and the breaking regimes of such fluid configurations are established, and, whenever possible, theoretical results are compared with experimental ones.
Piezoelectric AlN layer grain orientation, grown by room temperature reactive sputtering, is analyzed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM).Two types of samples are studied: (i) AlN grown on well-polished NCD (nano-crystalline diamond) diamond, (ii) AlN grown on an up-side down NCD layer previously grown on a Si substrate, i.e. diamond surface as smooth as that of Si substrates. The second set of sample show a faster lignment of their AlN grain caxis attributed to it smoother diamond free surface. No grain orientation relationship between diamond substrate grain and the AlN ones is evidenced, which seems to indicate the preponderance role of the surface substrate state.
The availability of suitable laser sources is one of the main challenges in future space missions for accurate measurement of atmospheric CO2. The main objective of the European project BRITESPACE is to demonstrate the feasibility of an all-semiconductor laser source to be used as a space-borne laser transmitter in an Integrated Path Differential Absorption (IPDA) lidar system. We present here the proposed transmitter and system architectures, the initial device design and the results of the simulations performed in order to estimate the source requirements in terms of power, beam quality, and spectral properties to achieve the required measurement accuracy. The laser transmitter is based on two InGaAsP/InP monolithic Master Oscillator Power Amplifiers (MOPAs), providing the ON and OFF wavelengths close to the selected absorption line around 1.57 µm. Each MOPA consists of a frequency stabilized Distributed Feedback (DFB) master oscillator, a modulator section, and a tapered semiconductor amplifier optimized to maximize the optical output power. The design of the space-compliant laser module includes the beam forming optics and the thermoelectric coolers.The proposed system replaces the conventional pulsed source with a modulated continuous wave source using the Random Modulation-Continuous Wave (RM-CW) approach, allowing the designed semiconductor MOPA to be applicable in such applications. The system requirements for obtaining a CO2 retrieval accuracy of 1 ppmv and a spatial resolution of less than 10 meters have been defined. Envelope estimated of the returns indicate that the average power needed is of a few watts and that the main noise source is the ambient noise.
We propose the use of a polarization based interferometer with variable transfer function for the generation of temporally flat top pulses from gain switched single mode semiconductor lasers. The main advantage of the presented technique is its flexibility in terms of input pulse characteristics, as pulse duration, spectral bandwidth and operating wavelength. Theoretical predictions and experimental demonstrations are presented and the proposed technique is applied to two different semiconductor laser sources emitting in the 1550 nm region. Flat top pulses are successfully obtained with input seed pulses with duration ranging from 40 ps to 100 ps.
Integrated master-oscillator power amplifiers driven under steady-state injection conditions are known to show a complex dynamics resulting in a variety of emission regimes. We present experimental results on the emission characteristics of a 1.5 µm distributed feedback tapered master-oscillator power-amplifier in a wide range of steady-state injection conditions, showing different dynamic behaviors. The study combines the optical and radio-frequency spectra recorded under different levels of injected current into the master oscillator and the power amplifier sections. Under low injection current of the master oscillator the correlation between the optical and radio-frequency spectral maps allows to identify operation regimes in which the device emission arises from either the master oscillator mode or from the compound cavity modes allowed by the residual reflectance of the amplifier front facet. The quasi-periodic occurrence of these emission regimes as a function of the amplifier current is interpreted in terms of a thermally tuned competition between the modes of the master oscillator and the compound cavity modes. Under high injection current of the masteroscillator, two different regimes alternate quasi-periodically as a function of the injected current in the power amplifier: a stable regime with a single mode emission at the master oscillator frequency, and an unstable and complex self-pulsating regime showing strong peaks in the radio-frequency spectra as well as multiple frequencies in the optical spectra.
The beam properties of tapered semiconductor optical amplifiers emitting at 1.57 μm are analyzed by means of simulations with a self-consistent steady state electro-optical and thermal simulator. The results indicate that the self-focusing caused by carrier lensing is delayed to higher currents for devices with taper angle slightly higher than the free diffraction angle.
Fully integrated semiconductor master-oscillator power-amplifiers (MOPA) with a tapered power amplifier are attractive sources for applications requiring high brightness. The geometrical design of the tapered amplifier is crucial to achieve the required power and beam quality. In this work we investigate by numerical simulation the role of the geometrical design in the beam quality and in the maximum achievable power. The simulations were performed with a Quasi-3D model which solves the complete steady-state semiconductor and thermal equations combined with a beam propagation method. The results indicate that large devices with wide taper angles produce higher power with better beam quality than smaller area designs, but at expenses of a higher injection current and lower conversion efficiency.
1D and 2D patterning of uncharged micro- and nanoparticles via dielectrophoretic forces on photovoltaic z-cut Fe:LiNbO3 have been investigated for the first time. The technique has been successfully applied with dielectric micro-particles of CaCO3 (diameter d = 1-3 μm) and metal nanoparticles of Al (d = 70 nm). At difference with previous experiments in x- and y-cut, the obtained patterns locally reproduce the light distribution with high fidelity. A simple model is provided to analyse the trapping process. The results show the remarkably good capabilities of this geometry for high quality 2D light-induced dielectrophoretic patterning overcoming the important limitations presented by previous configurations.
High brightness semiconductor lasers are potential transmitters for future space lidar systems. In the framework of the European Project BRITESPACE, we propose an all-semiconductor laser source for an Integrated Path Differential Absorption lidar system for column-averaged measurements of atmospheric CO2 in future satellite missions. The complete system architecture has to be adapted to the particular emission properties of these devices using a Random Modulated Continuous Wave approach. We present the initial experimental results of the InGaAsP/InP monolithic Master Oscillator Power Amplifiers, providing the ON and OFF wavelengths close to the selected absorption line around 1572 nm.
In this paper, we report on the progresses of the BRITESPACE Consortium in order to achieve space-borne LIDAR measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration based on an all semiconductor laser source at 1.57 ?m. The complete design of the proposed RM-CW IPDA LIDAR has been presented and described in detail. Complete descriptions of the laser module and the FSU have been presented. Two bended MOPAs, emitting at the sounding frequency of the on- and off- IPDA channels, have been proposed as the transmitter optical sources with the required high brightness. Experimental results on the bended MOPAs have been presented showing a high spectral purity and promising expectations on the high output power requirements. Finally, the RM-CW approach has been modelled and an estimation of the expected SNR for the entire system is presented. Preliminary results indicate that a CO2 retrieval precision of 1.5 ppm could be achieved with an average output power of 2 W for each channel.
El estudio de la influencia de perturbaciones de distinta naturaleza en configuraciones de puentes líquidos apoyados en dos discos coaxiales en rotación encuentra una importante motivación en el uso de dicha configuración en la fabricación de cristales semiconductores ultra-puros por la denominada técnica de zona flotante, en la que la rotación de los discos se utiliza para alcanzar temperaturas uniformes. El presente estudio muestra los resultados obtenidos mediante la aplicación de un método numérico en el análisis de la estabilidad de puentes líquidos en isorrotación sometidos al efecto de una fuerza axial uniforme (gravedad axial) y una excentricidad entre el eje de giro y el eje de los discos. Se analiza el efecto de la aplicación de estos factores tanto de forma conjunta como por separado. Aunque existen numerosos estudios previos sobre puentes líquidos sometidos a diversos efectos, el análisis del efecto combinado de la rotación con excentricidad y gravedad axial no ha sido realizado con anterioridad. Este estudio permite además entender los resultados del experimento a bordo de la misión TEXUS-23, en el que un puente líquido sujeto entre dos discos circulares y coaxiales es sometido al efecto de una rotación creciente en torno a un eje desplazado respecto al eje de los discos. Aunque en el experimento no se impone una fuerza axial controlada, la desestabilización y rotura del puente se produce de forma notablemente asimétrica, lo que no puede ser explicado con los estudios precedentes y sugiere una posible presencia de una aceleración axial residual. Se ha desarrollado por tanto un método de análisis de imágenes que permite comparar las formas obtenidas en el experimento con las calculadas numéricamente. En este estudio se muestran los detalles del procesado realizado en las imágenes de la misión TEXUS-23, y los resultados de su comparación con el análisis numérico, que permiten determinar el valor de la gravedad axial que mejor reproduce los resultados del experimento. Estos resultados ponen de manifiesto la importancia del conocimiento y la modelización de efectos cuya presencia (intencionada o no) afectan de forma visible a la estabilidad y la morfología de los puentes líquidos. ABSTRACT The study of the influence of various disturbances in configurations consisting of a liquid bridge supported by two co-axial disks in rotation has an important motivation in the use of this configuration in the fabrication of ultrapure semiconductor crystals via the so-called floating zone technique, in which the rotation of the disks is used to achieve a uniform temperature field. The present study shows the results obtained through the application of a numerical method in the analysis of the stability of liquid bridges in isorotation under the effect of a uniform axial force field (axial gravity) and an offset between the rotation axis and the axis of the supporting disks (eccentricity). The analysis studies the effect of both the combined and separate application of these factors. Although there are numerous studies on liquid bridges subject to various effects, the analysis of the combined effect of rotation with eccentricity and axial gravity has not been done before. Furthermore, this study allows us to understand the results from the experiment aboard the TEXUS-23 mission, in which a liquid bridge supported between two circular-shaped, co-axial disks is subject to the effect of an increasing rotation around an axis with an offset with respect to the axis of the disks. Although the experiment conditions do not include a controlled axial force field, the instability and breakage of the bridge occurs with a marked asymmetry, which cannot be explained by previous studies and suggests the possible presence of a residual axial gravity. Therefore, an image analysis method has been developed which allows to compare the shapes obtained in the experiment with those calculated with the numerical method. This study shows the details of the processing performed on the images from the TEXUS-23 mission and the results from their comparison with the numerical analysis, which allow to determine the axial gravity value which best recovers the experimental results. These results highlight the importance of the understanding and modelling of effects which, when present (intentionally or not), noticeably affect the stability and shape of the liquid bridges.
Since its invention in the 1950s, semiconductor solar cell technology has evolved in great leaps and bounds. Solar power is now being considered as a serious leading contender for replacing fossil fuel based power generation. This article reviews the evolution and current state, and potential areas of near future research focus, of leading inorganic materials based solar cells, including bulk crystalline, amorphous thin-films, and nanomaterials based solar cells. Bulk crystalline silicon solar cells continue to dominate the solar power market, and continued efforts at device fabrication improvements, and device topology advancements are discussed. III-V compound semiconductor materials on c-Si for solar power generation are also reviewed. Developments in thin-film based solar cells are reviewed, with a focus on amorphous silicon, copper zinc tin sulfide, cadmium telluride, as well as nanostructured Cadmium telluride. Recent developments in the use of nano-materials for solar power generation, including silicon and gallium arsenide nanowires, are also reviewed.