955 resultados para SEM image analysis


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Background: Tumor infiltrating T-lymphocytes (TILs) have been shown to play an important prognostic role in many carcinomas. The identification of prognostic relevant morphological or molecular factors is a major area of interest in the diagnostic process and for the treatment of highly aggressive esophageal adenocarcinoma. Studies about the impact of TILs in this tumor have not shown completely congruent results yet. We present a comprehensive study about the clinical and pathological impact of TIL in esophageal adenocarcinomas. Methods: A next generation tissue microarray (TMA) of 117 primary resected esophageal adenocarcinomas was analyzed for CD3+, CD8+ and FoxP3+ TIL using immunohistochemistry. The TMA contained three cores of the tumor center and the tumor periphery per each case. Slides were scanned with a high-resolution scanner (ScanScope CS; Aperio) and an image analysis software (Aperio Image Scope) was used to determine the TIL counts. The results were correlated with clinicopathological parameters. Results: CD3+, CD8+ and FoxP3+ TIL counts showed a significant correlation among each other (p<0.001 each, range: 0.27-0.77). TIL counts were categorized as high and low levels, according to the median. Tumors with high FoxP3+ intratumoral lymphocyte counts were more frequently of lower pT category (p<0.001) and without lymph node metastasis (p=0.04). High levels of FoxP3+ lymphocytes in the tumor center and the periphery were also associated with better prognosis (p<0.001 and p=0.041, respectively) in univariate analysis. A similar prognostic impact was seen for high levels of CD3+ and CD8+ TIL in the tumor center, but not in the periphery (p=0.047 and p=0.011, respectively). In multivariate analysis high central FoxP3+TIL levels were an independent prognostic factor (HR=0.4; p=0.023) which was similar to a combination score of CD3+/CD8+/FoxP3+ TIL (HR=0.54; p=0.027) or CD8+/Foxp3+ TIL (HR=0.052; p=0.020) and superior to pT- and pN category (p>0.05 each). Conclusion: This study demonstrates a significant beneficial prognostic impact of high TIL counts in the tumor center of esophageal adenocarcinomas, in particular with regards to the subpopulation of FoxP3+ and CD8+ T-regulatory cells. The determination of intratumoral lymphocytic counts and application of TIL scores can improve prognostic accuracy of pathologic reports of these tumors and may be helpful for better risk stratification of esophageal adenocarcinoma patients.


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Automated tissue characterization is one of the most crucial components of a computer aided diagnosis (CAD) system for interstitial lung diseases (ILDs). Although much research has been conducted in this field, the problem remains challenging. Deep learning techniques have recently achieved impressive results in a variety of computer vision problems, raising expectations that they might be applied in other domains, such as medical image analysis. In this paper, we propose and evaluate a convolutional neural network (CNN), designed for the classification of ILD patterns. The proposed network consists of 5 convolutional layers with 2×2 kernels and LeakyReLU activations, followed by average pooling with size equal to the size of the final feature maps and three dense layers. The last dense layer has 7 outputs, equivalent to the classes considered: healthy, ground glass opacity (GGO), micronodules, consolidation, reticulation, honeycombing and a combination of GGO/reticulation. To train and evaluate the CNN, we used a dataset of 14696 image patches, derived by 120 CT scans from different scanners and hospitals. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first deep CNN designed for the specific problem. A comparative analysis proved the effectiveness of the proposed CNN against previous methods in a challenging dataset. The classification performance (~85.5%) demonstrated the potential of CNNs in analyzing lung patterns. Future work includes, extending the CNN to three-dimensional data provided by CT volume scans and integrating the proposed method into a CAD system that aims to provide differential diagnosis for ILDs as a supportive tool for radiologists.


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Background: Diabetes mellitus is spreading throughout the world and diabetic individuals have been shown to often assess their food intake inaccurately; therefore, it is a matter of urgency to develop automated diet assessment tools. The recent availability of mobile phones with enhanced capabilities, together with the advances in computer vision, have permitted the development of image analysis apps for the automated assessment of meals. GoCARB is a mobile phone-based system designed to support individuals with type 1 diabetes during daily carbohydrate estimation. In a typical scenario, the user places a reference card next to the dish and acquires two images using a mobile phone. A series of computer vision modules detect the plate and automatically segment and recognize the different food items, while their 3D shape is reconstructed. Finally, the carbohydrate content is calculated by combining the volume of each food item with the nutritional information provided by the USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference. Objective: The main objective of this study is to assess the accuracy of the GoCARB prototype when used by individuals with type 1 diabetes and to compare it to their own performance in carbohydrate counting. In addition, the user experience and usability of the system is evaluated by questionnaires. Methods: The study was conducted at the Bern University Hospital, “Inselspital” (Bern, Switzerland) and involved 19 adult volunteers with type 1 diabetes, each participating once. Each study day, a total of six meals of broad diversity were taken from the hospital’s restaurant and presented to the participants. The food items were weighed on a standard balance and the true amount of carbohydrate was calculated from the USDA nutrient database. Participants were asked to count the carbohydrate content of each meal independently and then by using GoCARB. At the end of each session, a questionnaire was completed to assess the user’s experience with GoCARB. Results: The mean absolute error was 27.89 (SD 38.20) grams of carbohydrate for the estimation of participants, whereas the corresponding value for the GoCARB system was 12.28 (SD 9.56) grams of carbohydrate, which was a significantly better performance ( P=.001). In 75.4% (86/114) of the meals, the GoCARB automatic segmentation was successful and 85.1% (291/342) of individual food items were successfully recognized. Most participants found GoCARB easy to use. Conclusions: This study indicates that the system is able to estimate, on average, the carbohydrate content of meals with higher accuracy than individuals with type 1 diabetes can. The participants thought the app was useful and easy to use. GoCARB seems to be a well-accepted supportive mHealth tool for the assessment of served-on-a-plate meals.


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Four different preparation and counting methods for biochemical varves were compared in order to assess counting errors and to standardize these techniques. The properties of two embedding methods, namely the shock-freeze, freeze-dry and the water-acetone-epoxy-exchange method, are discussed. Varve counts were carried out on fresh sediment and on sediment thin-sections, on the latter by manual and by automated counting using image-analysis software. Counting on fresh sediment and using image-analysis generally underestimated the number of varves, especially in sections with inconspicuous varves. A comparison between multiple varve counts carried out by a single analyst and different analysts showed no significant differences in the mean varve counts.


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Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaM kinase) is a multifunctional Ser/Thr protein kinase, that is highly enriched in brain and is involved in regulating many aspects of neuronal function. We observed that forebrain CaM kinase from crude homogenates, cytosolic fractions and purified preparations inactivates and translocates into the particulate fraction following autophosphorylation. Using purified forebrain CaM kinase as well as recombinant $\alpha$ isozyme, we determined that the formation of particulate enzyme was due to enzyme self-association. The conditions of autophosphorylation determine whether enzyme self-association and/or inactivation will occur. Self-association of CaM kinase is sensitive to pH, ATP concentration, and enzyme autophosphorylation. This process is prevented by saturating concentrations of ATP. However, in limiting ATP, pH is the dominant factor, and enzyme self-association occurs at pH values $\rm{<}7.0.$ Site-specific mutants were produced by substituting Ala for Thr286, Thr253, or Thr305,306 to determine whether these sites of autophosphorylation affect enzyme inactivation and self-association. The only mutation that influenced these processes was Ala286, which removed the protective effect afforded by autophosphorylation in saturating ATP. Enzyme inactivation occurs in the presence and absence of self-association and appears predominantly sensitive to nucleotide concentration, because saturating concentrations of $\rm Mg\sp{2+}/ADP$ or $\rm Mg\sp{2+}/ATP$ prevent this process. These data implicate the ATP binding pocket in both inactivation and self-association. We also observed that select peptide substrates and peptide inhibitors modeled after the autoregulatory domain of CaM kinase prevented these processes. The $\alpha$ and $\beta$ isozymes of CaM kinase were characterized independently, and were observed to exhibit differences in both enzyme inactivation and self-association. The $\beta$ isozyme was less sensitive to inactivation, and was never observed to self-associate. Biophysical characterization, and transmission electron microscopy coupled with image analysis indicated both isozymes were multimeric, however, the $\alpha$ and $\beta$ isozymes appeared structurally different. We hypothesize that the $\alpha$ subunit of CaM kinase plays both a structural and enzymatic role, and the $\beta$ subunit plays an enzymatic role. The ramifications for the functional differences observed for inactivation and self-association are discussed based on potential structural differences and autoregulation of the $\alpha$ and $\beta$ isozymes in both calcium-induced physiological and pathological processes. ^


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Mesozooplankton is collected by vertical tows within the Black sea water body mass layer in the NE Aegean, using a WP-2 200 µm net equipped with a large non-filtering cod-end (10 l). Macrozooplankton organisms are removed using a 2000 µm net. A few unsorted animals (approximately 100) are placed inside several glass beaker of 250 ml filled with GF/F or 0.2 µm Nucleopore filtered seawater and with a 100 µm net placed 1 cm above the beaker bottom. Beakers are then placed in an incubator at natural light and maintaining the in situ temperature. After 1 hour pellets are separated from animals and placed in separated flasks and preserved with formalin. Pellets are counted and measured using an inverted microscope. Animals are scanned and counted using an image analysis system. Carbon- Specific faecal pellet production is calculated from a) faecal pellet production, b) individual carbon: Animals are scanned and their body area is measured using an image analysis system. Body volume is then calculated as an ellipsoid using the major and minor axis of an ellipse of same area as the body. Individual carbon is calculated from a carbon- total body volume of organisms (relationship obtained for the Mediterranean Sea by Alcaraz et al. (2003) divided by the total number of individuals scanned and c) faecal pellet carbon: Faecal pellet length and width is measured using an inverted microscope. Faecal pellet volume is calculated from length and width assuming cylindrical shape. Conversion of faecal pellet volume to carbon is done using values obtained in the Mediterranean from: a) faecal pellet density 1,29 g cm**3 (or pg µm**3) from Komar et al. (1981); b) faecal pellet DW/WW=0,23 from Elder and Fowler (1977) and c) faecal pellet C%DW=25,5 Marty et al. (1994).


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Se aplicó un nuevo método para la evaluación objetiva del color en aceitunas de mesa, basado en el análisis de la intensidad de reflexión de cada uno de los colores primarios que componen la luz blanca (rojo, verde y azul), según las longitudes de onda del Sistema RGB. Se trabajó con programas informáticos para el análisis de imágenes digitales color tipo BMP de 24 bits. Este trabajo proporciona mayor información sobre el pardeamiento de las aceitunas naturales en salmuera, lo que sería muy útil para incrementar la efectividad del proceso. El método propuesto es rápido y no destructivo, prometiendo ser muy práctico ya que permite que una misma muestra pueda ser evaluada en el tiempo. Se investigaron los cambios de color en aceitunas elaboradas naturalmente, con diferentes grados de madurez (pintas, rojas y negras) y a diferentes valores de pH (3,6 - 4,0 - 4,5), expuestas al aire durante períodos crecientes de tiempo. Se cuantificó el grado de oscurecimiento a través de Índices de Intensidad de Reflexión. La evolución del índice de reflexión en función del tiempo generó una curva polinomial de 4° grado que reveló el comportamiento sigmoidal del fenómeno de pardeamiento enzimático, con la máxima correlación a las 8 horas de aireación. Esta función permitiría predecir el fenómeno de pardeamiento en las aceitunas negras y representa una medición objetiva del grado relativo de pardeamiento. La evolución del color rojo (λ = 700,0 nm) exhibió la mayor correlación con el proceso de pardeamiento. Las aceitunas rojas naturales a pH 4,5 presentaron óptimo pardeamiento. El espectro de reflexión para el color azul (λ = 435,8 nm) se sugiere como medida de la actividad de la enzima PPO (polifenoloxidasa).


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Se desarrolló un nuevo método para la valoración objetiva del color en las aceitunas, mediante el análisis de la intensidad de la reflexión de los colores primarios (rojo, verde y azul) que componen la luz blanca. Se trabajó con programas informáticos para el análisis de imágenes digitales color tipo BMP de 24 bits. Este método es rápido, objetivo, no destructivo y puede ser muy útil cuando se requiere una técnica eficiente para determinar el grado de madurez de las aceitunas o de otros alimentos.


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Mass estimates for Late Miocene and Pliocene (8.6-3.25 Ma) Discoaster species and Sphenolithus are determined using samples of the equatorial Atlantic (Ceara Rise: ODP Site 927). Based on morphometric measurements, 3D computer models were created for 11 Discoaster species and their volumes calculated. From these, shape factors (ks) were derived to allow calculation of mass for different-sized discoasters and Sphenolithus abies. The mass estimates were then used to calculate the contribution of nannofossils to the total nannofossil carbonate. The discoaster contribution ranges from 10% to 40%, with a decreasing trend through the investigated interval. However, our estimates of total nannofossil carbonate from size-corrected abundance data are consistently 30-50% lower than estimates from grain-size measurement; this suggests that data based on mass estimates need to be interpreted with caution.


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The samples were concentrated down to 50 cm**3 by slow decantation after storage for 20 days in a cool and dark place. The species identification was done under light microscope OLIMPUS-BS41 connected to a video-interactive image analysis system at magnification of the ocular 10X and objective - 40X. A Sedgwick-Rafter camera (1ml) was used for counting. 400 specimen were counted for each sample, while rare and large species were checked in the whole sample (Manual of phytoplankton, 2005). Species identification was mainly after Carmelo T. (1997) and Fukuyo, Y. (2000). Total phytoplankton abundance was calculated as sum of taxon-specific abundances. Total phytoplankton biomass was calculated as sum of taxon-specific biomasses. The cell biovolume was determined based on morpho-metric measurement of phytoplankton units and the corresponding geometric shapes as described in detail in (Edier, 1979).


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We identified ikaite crystals (CaCO3 · 6H2O) and examined their shape and size distribution in first-year Arctic pack ice, overlying snow and slush layers during the spring melt onset north of Svalbard. Additional measurements of total alkalinity (TA) were made for melted snow and sea-ice samples. Ikaite crystals were mainly found in the bottom of the snowpack, in slush and the surface layers of the sea ice where the temperature was generally lower and salinity higher than in the ice below. Image analysis showed that ikaite crystals were characterized by a roughly elliptical shape and a maximum caliper diameter of 201.0±115.9 µm (n = 918). Since the ice-melting season had already started, ikaite crystals may already have begun to dissolve, which might explain the lack of a relationship between ikaite crystal size and sea-ice parameters (temperature, salinity, and thickness of snow and ice). Comparisons of salinity and TA profiles for melted ice samples suggest that the precipitation/dissolution of ikaite crystals occurred at the top of the sea ice and the bottom of the snowpack during ice formation/melting processes.


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This study quantitatively addresses the significance of porosity within radiolarian tests in the décollement zone at the toe of the northern Barbados accretionary prism. Quantification was accomplished using scanning electron microscope images of core samples taken from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 671 and 672, representing the décollement and proto-décollement, respectively. The décollement is localized to a radiolarian claystone, and its depth correlates with a low-density anomaly that has been attributed to high porosity at all relevant ODP drilling sites in the area (Moore, Klaus, et al., 1998, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.171A.1998; Shipley, Ogawa, Blum, et al., 1995, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.153.1995; Mascle, Moore, et al., 1988, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.110.1988). Porosity in the décollement zone is presumably lost between Sites 672 and 671 because of shear enhanced consolidation (Moore et al., 1998, doi:10.1130/0091-7613(1998)026<0811:CPDIAE>2.3.CO;2).